Implementieren Sie es vollständig. Di-in-js

Hallo alle zusammen! Heute werde ich versuchen, mit Dependency Injection in reinem JavaScript zu experimentieren . Wer nicht weiß, was für ein Spiel es ist und wie man es kocht, lade Sie ein, sich vertraut zu machen. Nun, diejenigen, die Bescheid wissen, werden Gelegenheit haben, einen wichtigen und nützlichen Kommentar zu schreiben. Also fuhren wir ...


DI ist ein Architekturmuster, das die Verbundenheit der Systementitäten - Komponenten, Module, Klassen - verringern soll . Je weniger verbunden (nicht zu verwechseln mit Verbundenheit ), desto einfacher ist es , genau diese Entitäten zu ändern, neue hinzuzufügen und sie zu testen. Im Allgemeinen ist ein Plus ein Plus, aber mal sehen, ob dies wirklich so ist.

Ohne DI:

   class Engine {...};
   class ElectroEngine {...};
   class Transmission {...};
   class Chassis {...};
   class TestChassis {...};

   class Car {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new Engine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new Chassis();

    class ElectroCar {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new ElectroEngine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new Chassis();

   class TestCar {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new Engine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new TestChassis ();

    const car = new Car();
    const electroCar = new ElectroCar();
    const testCar = new TestCar();

Mit DI:

    class Engine{...};
    class ElectroEngine {...};
    class TestEngine {...};

    class Transmission {...};
    class TestTransmission {...};

    class Chassis {...};
    class SportChassis {...};
    class TestChassis {...};

     class Car {
        constructor(engine, transmission, chassis) {
            this.engine = engine;
            this.transmission = transmission;
            this.chassis = chassis;

    const petrolCar = new Car(new Engine(), new Transmission(), new Chassis());
    const sportCar = new Car(new Engine(), new Transmission(), new SportChassis());
    const electroCar = new Car(new ElectroEngine(), new Transmission(), new Chassis());
    const testCar = new Car(new TestEngine(), new TestTransmission(), new TestChassis());

Im ersten Beispiel ohne DI ist unsere Auto- Klasse an bestimmte Klassen gebunden. Um beispielsweise ElectroCar zu erstellen, müssen Sie eine separate ElectroCar- Klasse erstellen . In dieser Ausführungsform gibt es eine "harte" Implementierungsabhängigkeit, d.h. Abhängigkeit von der Instanz einer bestimmten Klasse.

DI, Car. . ! — . , "" — .

DI . "" — , , . , ? , . :

class Engine{
   constructor(candles, pistons, oil) {….}

class Chassis{
    constructor(doors, hood, trunk) {….}

const petrolCar = new Car(
    new Engine(new Candles(), new Pistons(), new Oil() ), 
    new Transmission(…..), 
    new Chassis(new Doors, new Hood(), new Trunk())

. , . , , .

Inversion of Control

"" DI- — Inversion of Control (IoC). , — , . DI, IoC , . - , . :

class Engine{...};
class Transmission{...};
class Chassis{…}

class Car {
        constructor(engine: Engine, transmission: Transmission, chassis: Chassis) {}

const car = new Car();

car.engine instanceof Engine; //*true*

— new Car(). — , a .


JS. , DI . "".

, , , , . . .

constructor(engine = Engine, transmission = Transmission, chassis = Chassis)


constructor(engine: Engine, transmission: Transmission, chassis: Chassis)

, . IoC «» , . , ?
, Reflection. , — .

, JS:

function reflectionMetaInfo(a) { console.log(a); } ;       // reflectionMetaInfo;
reflectionMetaInfo.length   ;   //1
reflectionMetaInfo.toString();  //function reflectionMeta(a) { console.log(a);}
arguments;                      //Arguments [%value%/]

, toString(). . , , . () , . , .

const constructorSignature =  classFunc
                                 .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                                 .replace(/.*(constructor\((?:\w+=\w+?,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                                 .map(item => item.split('='));

constructorSignature // [ [dep1Name, dep1Value], [dep2Name, dep2Value] …. ]

, , . , , . . IoC — .


function Injectable(classFunc, options) {
        depsRegistry = Injectable.depsRegistry || (Injectable.depsRegistry = {}),
        className =,
        factories = options && options.factories;

    if (factories) {
        Object.keys(factories).forEach(factoryName => {
           depsRegistry[factoryName] = factories[factoryName];

    const depDescriptions = classFunc.toString()
                                .replace(/\s/g, '')
                                .replace(/"|'/g, '')
                                .map(item => item.split('='));

    const injectableClassFunc = function(...args) {

            const instance = new classFunc(...args);

            depDescriptions.forEach(depDescription => {
                    depFieldName = depDescription[0],
                    depDesc = depDescription[1];

                if (instance[depFieldName]) return;

                try {
                    instance[depFieldName] = new depsRegistry[depDesc]();
                } catch (err) {
                    instance[depFieldName] = depDesc;

            return instance;

    return depsRegistry[] = injectableClassFunc;

class CustomComponent {
    constructor(name = "Custom Component") { = name;
    sayName() {

const Button = Injectable(
    class Button extends CustomComponent {
        constructor(name = 'Button') {

const Popup = Injectable(
    class Popup extends CustomComponent {
            confirmButton = 'confirmButtonFactory',
            closeButton = Button,
            name = 'NoticePopup'
        ) {
        factories: {
            confirmButtonFactory: function() { return new Button('Confirm Button') }

const Panel = Injectable(
    class Panel extends CustomComponent {
            closeButton = 'closeButtonFactory',
            popup = Popup,
            name = 'Head Panel'
        ) {
        factories: {
            closeButtonFactory: function() { return new Button('Close Button') }

const customPanel = new Panel();

, , . , . — Injectable, IoC. :

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ;
  5. ;

, try-catch .


  1. . . , , , - .
  2. . , , . - option.factories, .



function inject(context, ...deps) {
        depsRegistry = inject.depsRegistry || (inject.depsRegistry = {}),
        className =;

    let depsNames = depsRegistry[className]; 

    if (!depsNames) {
            = depsRegistry[className] 
            = context.constructor
                .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                .replace(/.*(inject\((?:\w+,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                .replace(/inject\((.*)\)/, '$1')


    deps.forEach((dep, index) => {
        const depName = depsNames[index];
        try {
            context[depName] = new dep();
        } catch (err) {
            context[depName] = dep;

    return context;

class Component {

    constructor(name = 'Component') {

        inject(this, name);

    showName() {

class Button extends Component {

    constructor(name = 'Component') {
        inject(this, name);

    disable() {
        alert(`button ${} is disabled`);

    enable() {
        alert(`button ${} is enabled`);

class PopupComponent extends Component {

    show() {
        alert(`show ${} popup`);

    hide() {
         alert(`hide ${} popup`);

class TopPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = Button,
        name = 'Top Popup'
    ) {
        inject(this, popupButton, name); = 'TopPopup Button';

class BottomPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = function() { return new Button('BottomPopup Button') },
        name = 'Bottom Popup'
    ) {
        inject(this, popupButton, name);

class Panel extends Component {
        name = 'Panel',
        popup1 = TopPopup,
        popup2 = BottomPopup,
        buttonClose = function() { return new Button('Close Button') }
    ) {
        inject(this, name, popup1, popup2, buttonClose);

const panel = new Panel('Panel 1');

. . . , inject, .

inject :

  1. (this)
  2. context.constructor.
  3. .
  4. , — inject.depsRegistry
  5. context

— . — Inject , . , .


class Injectable {
    constructor(...dependensies) {

            depsRegistry = Injectable.depsRegistry || (Injectable.depsRegistry = {}),
            className =;

       let depNames = depsRegistry[className];

       if (!depNames) {
           depNames = this.constructor
                            .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                            .replace(/.*(super\((?:\w+,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                            .replace(/super\((.*)\)/, '$1')

       dependensies.forEach((dependense, index) => {
          const depName = depNames[index];
          try {
            this[depName] = new dependense();
          } catch (err) {
            this[depName] = dependense;

class Component extends Injectable {
    showName() {

class Button extends Component {
    constructor(name = 'button') {

    disable() {
        alert(`button ${} is disabled`);

    enable() {
        alert(`button ${} is enabled`);

class PopupComponent extends Component {
    show() {
        alert(`show ${} popup`);

    hide() {
         alert(`hide ${} popup`);

class TopPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = Button,
        name = 'Top Popup'
    ) {
        super(popupButton, name); = 'TopPopup Button';

class BottomPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = function() { return new Button('BottomPopup Button') },
        name = 'Bottom Popup'
    ) {
        super(popupButton, name);

class Panel extends Component {
        name = 'Panel',
        popup1 = TopPopup,
        popup2 = BottomPopup,
        buttonClose = function() { return new Button('Close Button') }
    ) {
        super(name, popup1, popup2, buttonClose);

const panel = new Panel('Panel 1');

Injectable. super , .


Meiner Meinung nach ist die letzte - die dritte Option am besten für DI & IoC-Definitionen geeignet, sodass der Implementierungsmechanismus dem Client-Code am meisten verborgen bleibt.
Nun, das ist alles. Ich hoffe es war interessant und informativ. Tschüss zusammen!

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