Cleanup attribute

Quote from the GCC documentation [1]:

The cleanup attribute is used to run a function when a variable goes out of scope. This attribute can only be applied to auto variables, and cannot be used with parameters or with static variables. The function must take one parameter, a pointer to a type compatible with the variable. The return value of the function, if any, is ignored.

If the -fexceptions option is enabled, then the cleanup_function function is launched when the stack is unwound, while the exception is being processed. Note that the cleanup attribute does not catch exceptions; it only performs an action. If the cleanup_function does not return normally, the behavior is undefined.

The cleanup attribute is supported by the gcc and clang compilers.

In this article I will describe various options for the practical use of the cleanup attribute and consider the internal structure of the library, which uses cleanup to implement the std :: unique_ptr and std :: shared_ptr analogs in C.

Let's try cleanup for memory deallocation:


static void free_int(int **ptr) 
    printf("cleanup done\n");

int main()
    __attribute__((cleanup(free_int))) int *ptr_one = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    // do something here
    return 0;

We start, the program prints "cleanup done". Everything works, cheers.

But one drawback immediately becomes apparent: we cannot simply write


because the function called by the cleanup attribute must take a pointer to the freed variable as an argument, and we have a pointer to the allocated memory area, that is, we definitely need a function that takes a double pointer. To do this, we need an additional wrapper function:

static void free_int(int **ptr) 

In addition, we cannot use a universal function to free any variables, because they will require different types of arguments. Therefore, we rewrite the function as follows:

static void _free(void *p) {
    free(*(void**) p);
    printf("cleanup done\n");  

Now she can accept any pointers.

Here is another useful macro (from the systemd code base ):

#define DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(type, func)                 \
        static inline void func##p(type *p) {                   \
                if (*p)                                         \
                        func(*p);                               \
        }                                                       \
        struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__

which can later be used like this:

#define _cleanup_pclose_ __attribute__((cleanup(pclosep)))

But that's not all. There is a library that implements analogues of the unique_ptr and shared_ptr pluses using this attribute:

Example of use (taken from [2]):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <csptr/smart_ptr.h>
#include <csptr/array.h>

void print_int(void *ptr, void *meta) {
    (void) meta;
    // ptr points to the current element
    // meta points to the array metadata (global to the array), if any.
    printf("%d\n", *(int*) ptr);

int main(void) {
    // Destructors for array types are run on every element of the
    // array before destruction.
    smart int *ints = unique_ptr(int[5], {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, print_int);
    // ints == {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

    // Smart arrays are length-aware
    for (size_t i = 0; i < array_length(ints); ++i) {
        ints[i] = i + 1;
    // ints == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    return 0;

Everything works wonderfully!

And let's see what's inside this magic. Let's start with unique_ptr (and shared_ptr at the same time):

# define shared_ptr(Type, ...) smart_ptr(SHARED, Type, __VA_ARGS__)
# define unique_ptr(Type, ...) smart_ptr(UNIQUE, Type, __VA_ARGS__)

Let's go ahead and see how deep the rabbit hole is:

# define smart_arr(Kind, Type, Length, ...)                                 \
    ({                                                                      \
        struct s_tmp {                                                      \
            CSPTR_SENTINEL_DEC                                              \
            __typeof__(__typeof__(Type)[Length]) value;                     \
            f_destructor dtor;                                              \
            struct {                                                        \
                const void *ptr;                                            \
                size_t size;                                                \
            } meta;                                                         \
        } args = {                                                          \
            CSPTR_SENTINEL                                                  \
            __VA_ARGS__                                                     \
        };                                                                  \
        void *var = smalloc(sizeof (Type), Length, Kind, ARGS_);            \
        if (var != NULL)                                                    \
            memcpy(var, &args.value, sizeof (Type));                        \
        var;                                                                \

So far, clarity has not increased, before us is a jumble of macros in the best traditions of this language. But we are not used to retreat. Unravel the tangle:

define CSPTR_SENTINEL        .sentinel_ = 0,
define CSPTR_SENTINEL_DEC int sentinel_;
typedef void (*f_destructor)(void *, void *);

Perform the substitution:

# define smart_arr(Kind, Type, Length, ...)                                 \
    ({                                                                      \
        struct s_tmp {                                                      \
            int sentinel_;                                                  \
            __typeof__(__typeof__(Type)[Length]) value;                     \
            void (*)(void *, void *) dtor;                                  \
            struct {                                                        \
                const void *ptr;                                            \
                size_t size;                                                \
            } meta;                                                         \
        } args = {                                                          \
            .sentinel_ = 0,                                                 \
            __VA_ARGS__                                                     \
        };                                                                  \
        void *var = smalloc(sizeof (Type), Length, Kind, ARGS_);            \
        if (var != NULL)                                                    \
            memcpy(var, &args.value, sizeof (Type));                        \
        var;                                                                \

and try to understand what is happening here. We have a certain structure, consisting of the sentinel_ variable, a certain array (Type) [Length], a pointer to a destructor function, which is passed in the additional (...) part of the macro arguments, and a meta structure, which is also filled with additional arguments. Next is a call

smalloc(sizeof (Type), Length, Kind, ARGS_);

What is smalloc? We find some more template magic (I have already done some substitutions here):

enum pointer_kind {
    ARRAY = 1 << 8
typedef struct {
    size_t size;
    size_t nmemb;
    enum pointer_kind kind;
    f_destructor dtor;
    struct {
        const void *data;
        size_t size;
    } meta;
} s_smalloc_args;
__attribute__ ((malloc)) void *smalloc(s_smalloc_args *args);
#  define smalloc(...) \
    smalloc(&(s_smalloc_args) { CSPTR_SENTINEL __VA_ARGS__ })

Well, that’s why we love C. There is also documentation in the library (holy people, I recommend everyone to take an example from them):

The smalloc () function calls the allocator (malloc (3) by default), the returned pointer is a “smart” pointer. <...> If size is 0, NULL is returned. If nmemb is 0, then smalloc will return a smart pointer to a memory block of at least size bytes, and a smart scalar pointer, if nmemb is not equal to 0, a pointer to a memory block of size at least size * nmemb is returned, and the pointer is of type array.

«The smalloc() function calls an allocator (malloc (3) by default), such that the returned pointer is a smart pointer. <...> If size is 0, then smalloc() returns NULL. If nmemb is 0, then smalloc shall return a smart pointer to a memory block of at least size bytes, and the smart pointer is a scalar. Otherwise, it shall return a memory block to at least size * nmemb bytes, and the smart pointer is an array.»

Here is the source of smalloc:

__attribute__ ((malloc)) void *smalloc(s_smalloc_args *args) {
    return (args->nmemb == 0 ? smalloc_impl : smalloc_array)(args);

Let's look at the code smalloc_impl, allocating objects of scalar types. To reduce the volume, I deleted the code associated with shared pointers and made inline and macro substitution:

static void *smalloc_impl(s_smalloc_args *args) {
    if (!args->size)
        return NULL;

    // align the sizes to the size of a word
    size_t aligned_metasize = align(args->meta.size);
    size_t size = align(args->size);

    size_t head_size = sizeof (s_meta);
    s_meta_shared *ptr = malloc(head_size + size + aligned_metasize + sizeof (size_t));

    if (ptr == NULL)
        return NULL;

    char *shifted = (char *) ptr + head_size;
    if (args->meta.size && args->
        memcpy(shifted, args->, args->meta.size);

    size_t *sz = (size_t *) (shifted + aligned_metasize);
    *sz = head_size + aligned_metasize;

    *(s_meta*) ptr = (s_meta) {
        .kind = args->kind,
        .dtor = args->dtor,
        .ptr = sz + 1

    return sz + 1;

Here we see that the memory for the variable is allocated, plus a certain header of type s_meta plus a metadata area of ​​size args-> meta.size aligned with the size of the word, plus one more word (sizeof (size_t)). The function returns a pointer to the memory area of ​​the variable: ptr + head_size + aligned_metasize + 1.

Let us allocate a variable of type int, initialized with value 42:

smart void *ptr = unique_ptr(int, 42);

Here smart is a macro:

# define smart __attribute__ ((cleanup(sfree_stack)))

When the pointer leaves the scope, sfree_stack is called:

CSPTR_INLINE void sfree_stack(void *ptr) {
    union {
        void **real_ptr;
        void *ptr;
    } conv;
    conv.ptr = ptr;
    *conv.real_ptr = NULL;

Sfree function (abbreviated):

void sfree(void *ptr) {
    s_meta *meta = get_meta(ptr);
    dealloc_entry(meta, ptr);

The dealloc_entry function, basically, calls a custom destructor if we specified it in the unique_ptr arguments, and the pointer to it is stored in metadata. If not, just free (meta) is executed.

List of sources:

[1] Common Variable Attributes .
[2] A good and idiomatic way to use GCC and clang __attribute __ ((cleanup)) and pointer declarations .
[3] Using the __cleanup__ variable attribute in GCC .

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