Podcast: AR at the stadium, real-world process modeling and multidisciplinary game dev

This is a podcast of ITMO Research. In the second issue, Andrey Karsakov , Ph.D., senior researcher at the National Center for Cognitive Development, associate professor of the faculty of digital transformations, is with us.

Since 2012, Andrey has been working in the scientific group Visualization and Computer Graphics. He is engaged in large-scale applied projects at the state and international level. We are talking about his experience in participating in AR-support of mass events, data visualization, modeling of real-world processes and multidisciplinary game dev.

Timecodes for the main topics:

  • 00:41 - AR-solution for the European Games in Minsk;
  • 10:42 - the complexity of the project from the point of view of UX;
  • 20:17 - a little about the architecture and approach to synchronization;
  • 32:35 - adaptation of this solution to work at WorldSkills in Kazan;
  • 40:00 - scientific data visualization and modeling of processes in other projects;
  • 48:52 - about the game development and master's program " Technology for the development of computer games ."

Podcast cooks and leads dmitrykabanov.

Notes and additional reading:

PS In the first issue of a scientific career in the field of machine learning, Andrei Filchenkov , Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Programming and the head of the machine learning group at the International Computer Technologies Laboratory at ITMO University, spoke with us .

PPS In addition to announcements of releases with notes and additional sources on the topic, we plan to prepare full text transcripts . If you find this interview format interesting, please support us by rating or recalling on Apple podcasts and other platforms.

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