World after 2020 (essay)

We live in unique, unparalleled events. Time was divided into “before” and “after”. Everything that was before 2020 will be perceived by descendants as a sort of belle époque, an era of general prosperity that is unlikely to happen again. The faster humanity comes to this understanding, the easier this transformation will go.

The death of big cities The

big city is no longer a safe and comfortable place to live. The appearance and infrastructure of cities is changing. New houses are being built taking into account the epidemiological requirements: low storeys, separate entrances, lack of a common hood, common spaces. Areas of old high-rise buildings become the residence of outcasts and marginals.

The death of traditional education

Schools, which in the old system carry the function of a “left-luggage office" for children, are being transformed into boarding schools. The format of daily trips to school is dying.
Training is carried out remotely, the choice of educational institutions and languages ​​of instruction is huge.

The death of a traditional office

Traditional offices either transform into google-offices with the possibility of living, or disappear. Office work is carried out remotely, the choice of vacancies ceases to be tied to the place of residence of the employee. Digital signature technology is widely used. Global practices and standards for electronic document management that are not tied to jurisdiction are emerging.

Change of financial structure

The transition of company management to digital signature naturally leads to the use of cryptocurrency instruments, such as payment channels, including for the payment of wages to employees. This leads to an increase in the role of Bitcoin as a unit of account, with the gradual loss of such a role by existing fiat currencies. Illiterate actions of governments to “save the economy”, inflation and instability exacerbate this process. With the weakening of faith in fiat money, there are many realizations of the concept of private money - digital obligations issued by corporations. A technological breakthrough in jurisdictions that recognize the established order, lag in others.

The death of traditional religions

Traditional religions are unable to ensure the safety of their followers. Religious buildings are not suitable for a pandemic. Branches from traditional religions are more flexible, but for the most part they also imply collegiality and crowding of the flock, and the Internet is often perceived by clerics as a breeding ground for dissent. Nevertheless, not only ashrams are closed, but also taverns, both spiritual gurus and prostitutes are subject to a sudden loss of income. Humanity needs a new worldview.

New ethics

Social distancing (social distancing) - a term picked up by the media from Trump’s light hand, for some reason is interpreted as maintaining a safe distance (in transport, etc.), but in fact it carries a deeper connotation. People begin to clearly divide into two sub-societies - some have the ability to isolate themselves and work remotely, while others are forced to interact with an uncertain circle of people. These two strata, like the Colombian estrato uno and estrato seis, do not physically intersect in the new type of society.

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