DIT Moscow when checking the pass receives permission to send advertising for the next 10 years

One of the things that users never do is read through to the end of the license agreement. In the meantime, it’s worth reading them, even if, in the context of a particular service, their content would seem obvious.

Such “obvious” services include, for example, the service of checking the digital pass https://i.moscow/covid . If earlier he allowed only an organization to be verified by TIN, recently DIT of Moscow began massively canceling passes to citizens for allegedly providing incorrect information about the place of work - and sending them to confirm the place of work to the specified service.

When you click on “If you have blocked a digital pass, click on the link”, the service asks you to enter the passport number first, and then the company TIN, followed by an unremarkable checkmark:

The vast majority of people to put down it without reading the accompanying document - and a very good reason.

In short, all citizens who get to this service subscribe to the transfer of absolutely all the data that the service is able to collect about them from the IP address to the passport number and the name of the employer to any third parties for almost any purpose, including sending advertising for a period of 10 years.

The link opens a PDF file (a copy just in case), which says - our selection:

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Honestly speaking, it’s hard to comment on this seriously - either the structures of the Moscow Government decided to instantly lose the remnants of conscience and earn a little extra money , or, as usual, the text was a young humanoid creature, just starting its path in the profession and bringing into it everything that the creature managed to find in google, just in case.

Recall that when the DIT of Moscow posted the first version of the Social Monitoring application on Google Play on March 31 ( according to some information redone from the garbage truck driver’s control application), it also needed permissions when installingabout everything that the application, in principle, can reach on a smartphone, and the data was transmitted using an unencrypted protocol for processing by an Estonian company with servers in Germany.

Nevertheless, there is a significant difference between the check marks in the application and the consent formally signed by the user under the current legislation - which, it seems, is not understood in the structures of the Moscow Government.

Lawyers have yet to give a legal assessment of what is happening, but we strongly advise - if you, in principle, at least once used the services i.moscow or nedoma.mos.ru, on the first day after the cancellation of the access regime in Moscow (or if you are more do not plan to use passes, tomorrow)walk to the nearest post office and send it certified mail, withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data the following organizations .

Unless, of course, you want your passport details and your place of work tomorrow with your permission to be at the disposal of the credit departments of a couple of banks that will immediately start calling you with great offers.

Sample letter The

application must be sent by registered letter with delivery confirmation to the following addresses:

A. Fursin, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow
125009, Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4
bld . 2 dpir@mos.ru

Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow E. Lysenko
123112, Moscow, 1-Krasnogvardeisky proezd, 21,
bld . 1 dit@mos.ru To the

General Director of the State Public Institution of Moscow “Information City” Dzengan A.N.
123112, Moscow, 1-Krasnogvardeisky proezd, 21, bldg. 1

Acting Director General of the Moscow Innovation Cluster Foundation A. Valetov
22 Voznesenky per., Moscow, 125009,
support@i.moscow We

strongly recommend that you also scan or photograph the signed paper letter and send it to the indicated email addresses with the note that the original was sent by registered mail (you can attach the track number).

Also, the scan should be sent viaReception of the Government of Moscow to the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development, with the same note.

After receiving your letter, the relevant structures have 30 days to delete your personal data.

PS The editors sincerely thank Alex Petrov for vigilance .

PPS They received their first comments - so far only “ from their own ” (in addition to the fact that the source text itself was written by Oleg Artamonov , also a member of the videoconferencing party of the Direct Democracy Party, with whom the AnalogBytes conference is inextricably friendly), but there are already reasons for reflection:

Boris Chigidin, Candidate of Law, Head of the Legal Service of the Direct Democracy Party:

, , . - . , .

I believe that further occupying this position will be much more difficult for Roskomnadzor if it starts to receive massive (at least a few thousand speech) complaints from citizens, drawn up in arbitrary form, about the relevant actions of the Moscow City DIT. If Roskomnadzor, in these conditions, continues to withdraw from participation in resolving the problem, the Moscow prosecutor’s office should become the next addressee of complaints - already about the inaction of Roskomnadzor itself.

Dmitry Lysakovsky , member of the VKS of the Direct Democracy Party, senior partner of the United Legal Partnership:

i.moscow «», . «» , , « « ».

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From the moment when someone who was not very smart wrote a text of consent to the processing of personal data of the i.moscow site, the phrase “your absence of paranoia does not mean that you are not being followed” has played for the Muscovites with new colors. For some reason I’m sure that the same phrase is in other licensing agreements of DIT products in Moscow.

Timofei Shevyakov , head of the press service of the Direct Democracy Party:

Requirements for the provision of such an amount of personal data clearly violate the provisions of paragraphs. 4 and 5 of Article 5 of 152-FZ, which read: “4. Only personal data that meets the purposes of their processing are subject to processing. 5. The content and volume of the processed personal data must comply with the stated processing goals. The processed personal data should not be redundant in relation to the declared purposes of their processing. ”

, , , . — . , , , — , , , .

We hope that other comments on the subject matter will also follow, and that the media will not limit themselves to reprints and links, but will also receive comments from lawyers and human rights activists and publish them - although we understand that it is difficult to do this on Sunday evening.

Upd. The lawyers slept and considered what had happened, the Moscow Government also gave its answer (if you read a number of telegram channels yesterday that published “Reply DIT Moscow” - it was a fake, DIT Moscow did not give any comments, especially on Sunday evening).

What is characteristic, Mr. Fursin (this is not DIT, this is the DIR, which indirectly owns the i.moscow site) directly acknowledged in the answer - yes, the advertisement will be sent out. True, social. With information about the coronavirus.

Since a lot has already been written here, plus the question goes into pure jurisprudence in half with politics, we won’t drag the analysis of Fursin’s statement to Habr, you can read it here: " The Moscow government confirmed the distribution of advertisements to those who checked their passes ."

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