How much C ++ code needs to be written to parse the Authorization HTTP header using easy_parser from RESTinio?

We continue to develop the free and open RESTinio HTTP server embedded in C ++ applications . C ++ templates are actively used in the implementation of RESTinio, which we regularly discuss here ( recent example ).

One of the points of application for C ++ template magic was easy_parser, a small implementation of a downward recursive parser based on PEG . Easy_parser was added to RESTinio last year in order to simplify work with HTTP headers.

We already talked a bit about easy_parser in a previous article . And today I want to show how easy_parser is used in the development of RESTinio. By parsing the contents of the Authorization HTTP header. Let's try, so to speak, to look into the guts of RESTinio.

Grammar Authorization

The Authorization header structure is defined in RFC7235 as follows:

authorization-field = "Authorization" ":" OWS credentials

credentials = auth-scheme [ 1*SP ( token68 / [ #auth-param ] ) ]

auth-scheme = token

auth-param = token BWS "=" BWS ( token / quoted-string )

token68 = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" ) *"="

Those. the value of the Authorization header must include the required name of the authentication scheme and optional parameters for this scheme.

, token68 ( , base64), "=".

Authorization easy_parser?


easy_parser , , .

, , :

struct authorization_value_t
   enum class value_form_t { token, quoted_string };

   struct param_value_t
      std::string value;
      value_form_t form;

   struct param_t
      std::string name;
      param_value_t value;

   using param_container_t = std::vector< param_t >;

   struct token68_t
      std::string value;

   using auth_param_t = variant_t< token68_t, param_container_t >;

   std::string auth_scheme;
   auth_param_t auth_param;

authorization_value_t : auth_scheme auth_params. auth_paramstoken68_t, , param_t.



, , . ( ) , , :

auto make_parser()
   ... //   ,    ,  .

   return produce< authorization_value_t >(
         token_p() >> to_lower() >> &authorization_value_t::auth_scheme,
            repeat( 1, N, space() ),
            produce< auth_param_t >(
                  alternatives( token68_seq, params_seq )
            ) >> &authorization_value_t::auth_param

make_parser -, authorization_value_t. produce, . produce , C++ DSL.


  • token ( RFC7230). token- auth_scheme authorization_value_t;
  • , , , maybe;
  • ;
  • token68, . , auth_param authorization_value_t auth_param_t.

- . , , easy_parser DSL.

, - , , token68_seq params_seq . , ;)


token68_seq — , make_parser :

auto token68_seq = sequence(
      token68_p() >> as_result(),
      not_clause( any_symbol_p() >> skip() ) );

, token68_seq — . token68 , , .

, , token68 . PEG, not-predicate. Not-pedicate , , . , not-predicate, .

, RFC7617 , token68, . , token68 . , .

token68_seq , token68_p . :

struct is_token68_char_predicate_t
   : protected hfp_impl::is_alphanum_predicate_t
   using base_type_t = hfp_impl::is_alphanum_predicate_t;

   bool operator()( const char actual ) const noexcept
      return base_type_t::operator()(actual)
            || '-' == actual
            || '.' == actual
            || '_' == actual
            || '~' == actual
            || '+' == actual
            || '/' == actual

inline auto token68_symbol_p()
   return restinio::easy_parser::impl::symbol_producer_template_t<
         is_token68_char_predicate_t >{};

inline auto token68_p()
   return produce< token68_t >(
         produce< std::string >(
            repeat( 1, N, token68_symbol_p() >> to_container() ),
            repeat( 0, N, symbol_p('=') >> to_container() )
         ) >> &token68_t::value

, token68_p. is_token68_char_predicate_t token68_symbol_p — . , easy_parser , - , : digit_p, space_p, hexdigit_p, alpha_symbol_p, alphanum_symbol_p .. , , token68, . is_token68_char_predicate_t token68_symbol_p .

token68_p token68 -- : token68, =. .


, params_seq. , , make_parser, :

auto make_parser()
   auto token_to_v = []( std::string v ) -> param_value_t {
      return { std::move(v), value_form_t::token };
   auto qstring_to_v = []( std::string v ) -> param_value_t {
      return { std::move(v), value_form_t::quoted_string };

   auto token68_seq = sequence(
         token68_p() >> as_result(),
         not_clause( any_symbol_p() >> skip() ) );

   //    name=value   .
   auto params_seq = maybe_empty_comma_separated_list_p< param_container_t >(
         produce< param_t >(
            token_p() >> to_lower() >> &param_t::name,
            produce< param_value_t >(
                  token_p() >> convert( token_to_v ) >> as_result(),
                  quoted_string_p() >> convert( qstring_to_v )
                        >> as_result()
            ) >> &param_t::value
      ) >> as_result();

   return produce< authorization_value_t >(
         token_p() >> to_lower() >> &authorization_value_t::auth_scheme,
            repeat( 1, N, space() ),
            produce< auth_param_t >(
                  alternatives( token68_seq, params_seq )
            ) >> &authorization_value_t::auth_param

, lambda- token_to_v qstring_to_v. , std::string param_value_t, : token quoted-string.

- , name=value std::string, param_value_t, std::string .


auto params_seq = maybe_empty_comma_separated_list_p< param_container_t >(
   ) >> as_result();

params_seq , param_container_t. , .

maybe_empty_comma_separated_list_p easy_parser- , RFC HTTP #auth-param, # :

[ ( "," / auth-param )  *( OWS "," [ OWS auth-param ] ) ]

params_seq , . auth-param. , -, :

produce< param_t >(
   token_p() >> to_lower() >> &param_t::name,
   produce< param_value_t >(
         token_p() >> convert( token_to_v ) >> as_result(),
         quoted_string_p() >> convert( qstring_to_v )
               >> as_result()
   ) >> &param_t::value

, param_t, :

  • token, param_t::name;
  • ( ows OWS (.. optional whitespace) RFC7230);
  • =;
  • ;
  • (.. param_value_t), : token, quoted-string. token, , token_to_v ( ) . quoted-string, , qstring_to_v;
  • param_value_t param_t::value.

, , .

" ?" .

, , , , RESTinio , . , , RESTinio.

, . , RESTinio, , , C++ . , .

easy_parser RESTinio , RESTinio HTTP-.

, - , - . ( , ), - .

, - ( bison, coco/r, ragel .) . RESTinio header-only ( libhttp-parser). - header-only . , : , - RESTinio, , - ( , RESTinio)? ragel coco/r? , .

, C++ DSL. , RESTinio - Boost- - PEGTL , .. . , (Boost.Spirit PEGTL) , . , show stopper-. easy_parser.

C HTTP- RESTinio easy_parser-. .


, easy_parser, . . , a) RFC, b) , , , c) d) . , , - 4-6 , easy_parser- — 15-20 .

, easy_parser- RESTinio , - RESTinio .


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