Way from Middle to Senior

The discussion of each report at each of our conferences begins with a simple question: “What benefit will the audience get from this presentation?” What will they learn, where they will save time, where is the money, what will they do differently the next day?

What is the purpose of the reports and master classes of the professional festival Russian Internet Technologies ? I will answer you with a question to the question - what is the difference between a middle-level specialist and a senior?

I venture to highlight three aspects

First, of course, this is the deepest knowledge of the subject . Knowledge of the details of the operation of those software and hardware systems that he controls. What happens inside a server or browser when one or another program block is executed. How one or another interpreter or compiler processes the program code. What happens inside the database. How indexes are used and how they work. Why is this or that architectural solution chosen?
The ability to dig deep into one of the major differences of the seigneur.
Secondly, this is the broadest horizons . What is happening around in areas adjacent to me. If the señor is a server programmer, then he understands and distinguishes between JS frameworks. If he is a front-end, he understands in design systems and distinguishes a good API request to a server from a bad one. The senior works on part of the project, but has an idea about the whole project and the tasks that his colleagues are facing.

And thirdly, this is the ability to communicate, listen and hear others . Yes, those same soft skills, because they come to the senior for advice, he is a knowledge carrier in the company and knows how to explain and teach. And also to make a code review that will not stop the desire to develop among the jones entrusted to him :) And here is the ability to turn a complex problem into a set of clear and specific tasks.

Most of the reports of RIT ++ are aimed at ensuring that you can get an idea of ​​the entire industry in two days . What happens in related areas, such as, for example, a site search . What are the current trends in the database market , where is evolution leading to front-end frameworks , and what are the trends in knowledge management .

How to live without cookies , how touch-interfaces work , what happens with the Internet in quarantine , quarantine and cyber threats , how lidars are arranged and used in unmanned vehicles and what are the useful state machines. And many other topics that will make it clear what the neighbors have.

A separate block includes reports on the interaction of different specialists with each other: how bigdata is tested or how to test layout ; how to work when the backend doesn't keep up with the frontend .

Communication and soft skills

In the second part of the RIT ++ reports and master classes, we will dive into the topics of communication, employee training and soft skills:

Digging deeper!

And, finally, the third block of the program is ten days of master classes for a deep immersion in the topic . Every day, three master classes for two hours (many with homework, group work, the ability to solve their specific issues). Master classes will go one after another - if you wish, you can participate in all of them.

In total, the program will have about 30 master classes, here are some of them:

These three blocks make up the program of the professional festival Russian Internet Technologies. For those who make the Internet!

Of course, in one conference you can’t grow from a middle to a senior, but the traveler will overpower the road.
Study abstracts and buy tickets . New product - new prices: an online festival is four times cheaper than offline.

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