Top 8 JavaScript Data Structures

Does this sound familiar: "I started to do web development after taking courses"?

Perhaps you want to improve your knowledge of the basics of computer science in terms of data structures and algorithms. Today we’ll talk about some of the most common data structures using the JS example.

1. Stack (calls) (Stack)

The stack follows the LIFO principle (Last In First Out - Last In, First Out). If you stacked the books on top of each other and wanted to take the lowest book, then first take the top one, then the next one, etc. The "Back" button in the browser allows you to go (return) to the previous page.

The stack has the following methods:

  • push: add new item
  • pop: remove top element, return it
  • peek: return top element
  • length: return the number of elements on the stack

An array in JS has stack attributes, but we will build it from scratch using function Stack ():

function Stack() {
    this.count = 0 = {}

    this.push = function(value) {[this.count] = value

    this.pop = function() {
        if (this.count === 0) return undefined
        let result =[this.count]
        return result

    this.peek = function() {
        return[this.count - 1]

    this.size = function() {
        return this.count

2. Queue (Queue)

A queue resembles a stack. The difference is that the queue follows the FIFO principle (First In First Out - first in, first out). When you stand in line, the first in it will always be the first.

The queue has the following methods:

  • enqueue: enter the queue, add an item to the end
  • dequeue: leave the queue, delete the first element and return it
  • front: get the first element
  • isEmpty: check if the queue is empty
  • size: get the number of items in the queue

An array in JS has some queue attributes, so we can use it for demonstration:

function Queue() {
    let collection = []

    this.print = function() {

    this.enqueue = function(element) {

    this.dequeue = function() {
        return collection.shift()

    this.front = function() {
        return collection[0]

    this.isEmpty = function() {
        return collection.length === 0

    this.size = function() {
        return collection.length

The order of priority (priority)

The queue has an advanced version. Assign each item a priority and the items will be sorted accordingly:

function PriorityQueue() {
    this.enqueue = function(element) {
        if (this.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            let added = false
            for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
                if (element[1] < collection[i][1]) {
                    collection.splice(i, 0, element)
                    added = true
            if (!added) {


let pQ = new PriorityQueue()
pQ.enqueue([gannicus, 3])
pQ.enqueue([spartacus, 1])
pQ.enqueue([crixus, 2])
pQ.enqueue([oenomaus, 4])


    [spartacus, 1],
    [crixus, 2],
    [gannicus, 3],
    [oenomaus, 4]

3. A linked list (linked list of nodes and links or pointers) (Linked List)

Literally, a linked list is a chained data structure, where each node consists of two parts: node data and a pointer to the next node. The linked list and conditional array are linear data structures with serialized storage. The differences are as follows:

Memory allocationStatic, occurs sequentially at compile timeDynamic, occurs asynchronously during startup (run)
Getting itemsIndex Search, High SpeedSearch all queue nodes, speed is less high
Add / Remove ItemsDue to sequential and static memory allocation, the speed is lowerDue to the dynamic memory allocation, the speed is higher
StructureOne or more directionsUnidirectional, bidirectional, or cyclic

A singly linked list has the following methods:

  • size: return the number of nodes
  • head: return the first element (head - head)
  • add: add an element to the end (tail - tail)
  • remove: remove multiple nodes
  • indexOf: return node index
  • elementAt: return node by index
  • addAt: insert a node in a specific place (by index)
  • removeAt: remove a specific node (by index)

function Node(element) {
    this.element = element
    // = null

function LinkedList() {
    let length = 0
    let head = null
    this.size = function() {
        return length

    this.head = function() {
        return head

    this.add = function(element) {
        let node = new Node(element)
        if (head === null) {
            head = node
        } else {
            let currentNode = head
            while ( {
                currentNode =
   = node

    this.remove = function(element) {
        let currentNode = head
        let previousNode
        if (currentNode.element !== element) {
            head =
        } else {
            while (currentNode.element !== element) {
                previousNode = currentNode
                currentNode =

    this.isEmpty = function() {
        return length === 0

    this.indexOf = function(element) {
        let currentNode = head
        let index = -1
        while (currentNode) {
            if (currentNode.element === element) {
                return index
            currentNode =
        return -1

    this.elementAt = function(index) {
        let currentNode = head
        let count = 0
        while (count < index) {
            currentNode =
        return currentNode.element

    this.addAt = function(index, element) {
        let node = new Node(element)
        let currentNode = head
        let previousNode
        let currentIndex = 0
        if (index > length) return false
        if (index === 0) {
   = currentNode
            head = node
        } else {
            while (currentIndex < index) {
                previousNode = currentNode
                currentNode =
   = currentNode
   = node

    this.removeAt = function(index) {
        let currentNode = head
        let previousNode
        let currentIndex = 0
        if (index < 0 || index >= length) return null
        if (index === 0) {
            head =
        } else {
            while (currentIndex < index) {
                previousNode = currentNode
                currentNode =
        return currentNode.element

4. Collection (of values) (Set)

A collection (many) is one of the basic concepts of mathematics: a set of well-defined and isolated objects. ES6 introduced a collection that bears some resemblance to an array. However, the collection does not allow the inclusion of duplicate elements and does not contain indexes.

The standard collection has the following methods:

  • values: return all items in the collection
  • size: return the number of elements
  • has: check if an item is in the collection
  • add: add item
  • remove: remove an item
  • union: return the intersection area of ​​two collections
  • difference: return the differences between the two collections
  • subset: check if one collection is a subset of another

//   Set  JS
function MySet() {
    let collection = []
    this.has = function(element) {
        return (collection.indexOf(element) !== -1)

    this.values = function() {
        return collection

    this.size = function() {
        return collection.length

    this.add = function(element) {
        if (!this.has(element)) {
            return true
        return false

    this.remove = function(element) {
        if (this.has(element)) {
            index = collection.indexOf(element)
            collection.splice(index, 1)
            return true
        return false

    this.union = function(otherSet) {
        let unionSet = new MySet()
        let firstSet = this.values()
        let secondSet = otherSet.values()
        firstSet.forEach(i => unionSet.add(i))
        secondSet.forEach(i => unionSet.add(i))

    this.intersection = function(otherSet) {
        let intersectionSet = new MySet()
        let firstSet = this.values()
        firstSet.forEach(function(e) {
            if (otherSet.has(e)) {
        return intersectionSet

    this.difference = function(otherSet) {
        let differenceSet = new MySet()
        let firstSet = this.values()
        firstSet.forEach(function(e) {
            if (!otherSet.has(e)) {
        return differenceSet

    this.subset = function(otherSet) {
        lat firstSet = this.values()
        return firstSet.every(value => otherSet.has(value))

5. Hash Table (Hash Table)

A hash table is a data structure that is built on a key-value basis. Due to the high speed of searching for values ​​by key, it is used in such structures as Map, Dictionary and Object. As shown in the figure, the hash table has a hash function that converts keys to a list of numbers that are used as the names (values) of keys. The key value search time can reach O (1). Identical keys must return the same value - this is the essence of the hash function.

A hash table has the following methods:

  • add: add a key / value pair
  • remove: remove a pair
  • lookup: find value by key

function hash(string, max) {
    let hash = 0
    for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
        hash += string.charCodeAt(i)
    return hash % max

function HashTable() {
    let storage = []
    const storageLimit = 4

    this.add = function(key, value) {
        let index = hash(key, storageLimit)
        if (storage[index] === undefined) {
            storage[index] = [
                [key, value]
        } else {
            let inserted = false
            for (let i = 0; i < storage[index].len; i++) {
                if (storage[index][i][0] === key) {
                    storage[index][i][1] = value
                    inserted = true
            if (inserted === false) {
                storage[index].push([key, value])

    this.remove = function(key) {
        let index = hash(key, storageLimit)
        if (storage[index].length === 1 && storage[index][0][0] === key) {
            delete storage[index]
        } else {
            for (let i = 0; i < storage[index]; i++) {
                if (storage[index][i][0] === key) {
                    delete storage[index][i]

    this.lookup = function(key) {
        let index = hash(key, storageLimit)
        if (storage[index] === undefined) {
            return undefined
        } else {
            for (let i = 0; i < storage[index].length; i++) {
                if (storage[index][i][0] === key) {
                    return storage[index][i][1]

6. Tree

A tree structure is a multilayer (multi-level) structure. It is also a nonlinear structure, unlike an array, stack, and queue. This structure is very effective in terms of adding and searching for elements. Here are some concepts of tree structure:

  • root: root element, has no parent
  • parent node: a direct node of the top layer (level), there can be only one
  • child node: direct node (s) of the lower level, there may be several
  • siblings: children of one parent node
  • leaf: knot without "children"
  • Edge: branch or link (link) between nodes
  • Path: path (set of links) from the start node to the target element
  • Height of Tree: the number of links of the longest path from a specific element to a node that does not have children
  • Depth of Node: The number of links from the root node to a specific element.
  • Degree of Node: Number of Descendants

Here is an example of a binary search tree (BST). Each node has only two descendants, the left (child) node is smaller than the current (parent) node, the right one is larger: The

methods of this tree are as follows:

  • add: add node
  • findMin: get minimum node
  • findMax: get maximum node
  • find: find a specific node
  • isPresent: check for a specific node
  • remove: remove the node

class Node {
    constructor(data, left = null, right = null) { = data
        this.left = left
        this.right = right

class BST {
    constructor() {
        this.root = null

    add(data) {
        const node = this.root
        if (node === null) {
            this.root = new Node(data)
        } else {
            const searchTree = function(node) {
                if (data < {
                    if (node.left === null) {
                        node.left = new Node(data)
                    } else if (node.left !== null) {
                        return searchTree(node.left)
                } else if (data > {
                    if (node.right === null) {
                        node.right = new Node(data)
                    } else if (node.right !== null) {
                        return searchTree(node.right)
                } else {
                    return null
            return searchTree(node)

    findMin() {
        let current = this.root
        while (current.left !== null) {
            current = current.left

    findMax() {
        let current = this.root
        while (current.right !== null) {
            current = current.right

    find(data) {
        let current = this.root
        while ( !== data) {
            if (data < {
                current = current.left
            } else {
                current = current.right
            if (current === null) {
                return null
        return current

    isPresent(data) {
        let current = this.root
        while (current) {
            if (data === {
                return true
            data < ? current = current.left : current = current.right
        return false

    remove(data) {
        const removeNode = function(node, data) {
            if (node === null) return null
            if (data === {
                if (node.left === null && node.right === null) return null
                if (node.left === null) return node.right
                if (node.right === null) return node.left
                let tempNode = node.right
                while (tempNode.left !== null) {
                    tempNode = tempNode.left
                node.right = removeNode(node.right,
                return node
            } else if (data < {
                node.left = removeNode(node.right, data)
                return node
            } else {
                node.right = removeNode(node.right, data)
                return node
        this.root = removeNode(this.root, data)


const bst = new BST()



7. Loaded (prefix) tree (Trie, read as “try”)

The prefix tree is a type of search tree. The data in it is stored sequentially (step by step) - each tree node represents one step. The prefix tree is used in dictionaries, since it significantly speeds up the search.

Each tree node is a letter of the alphabet, following a branch leads to the formation of a word. It also contains a “boolean indicator” to determine that the current node is the last letter.

The prefix tree has the following methods:

  • add: add a word to the dictionary
  • isWord: check for a word
  • print: return all words

function Node() {
    this.keys = new Map()
    this.end = false
    this.setEnd = function() {
        this.end = true
    this.isEnd = function() {
        return this.end

function Trie() {
    this.root = new Node()
    this.add = function(input, node = this.root) {
        if (input.length === 0) {
        } else if (!node.keys.has(input[0])) {
            node.keys.set(input[0], new Node())
            return this.add(input.substr(1), node.key.get(input[0]))
        } else {
            return this.add(input.substr(1), node.keys.get(input[0]))

    this.isWord = function(word) {
        let node = this.root
        while (word.length > 1) {
            if (node.keys.has(word[0])) {
                return false
            } else {
                node = node.keys.get(word[0])
                word = word.substr(1)
        return (node.keys.has(word) && node.keys.get(word).isEnd()) ? true : false

    this.print = function() {
        let words = new Array()
        let search = function(node = this.root, string) {
            if (node.keys.size !== 0) {
                for (let letter of node.keys.keys()) {
                    search(node.keys.get(letter), string.concat(letter))
                if (node.isEnd()) {
            } else {
                string.length > 0 ? words.push(string) : undefined
        search(this.root, new String())
        return words.length > 0 ? words : null

8. The graph (graph) (Graph)

A graph, also known as a Network, is a collection of interconnected nodes. There are two kinds of graphs - oriented and non-oriented, depending on whether the links have a direction. Graphs are used everywhere, for example, to calculate the best route in navigation applications or to create a list of recommendations on social networks.

Graphs can be presented in the form of a list or matrix.


In this case, all the parent nodes are located on the left, and their children are on the right.

The matrix

In this case, the nodes are distributed in rows and columns, the intersection of the row and column shows the relationship between the nodes: 0 means that the nodes are not connected, 1 - the nodes are connected.

The graph is searched by two methods - breadth-first search (Breath-First-Search, BFS) and depth-deep search (Depth-First-Search, DFS).

Consider BFS:

function bfs(graph, root) {
    let nodesLen = {}
    for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
        nodesLen[i] = Infinity
    nodesLen[root] = 0
    let queue = [root]
    let current
    while (queue.length !== 0) {
        current = queue.shift()

        let curConnected = graph[current]
        let neighborIdx = []
        let idx = curConnected.indexOf(1)
        while (idx !== -1) {
            idx = curConnected.indexOf(1, idx + 1)
        for (let i = 0; i < neighborIdx.length; i++) {
            if (nodesLen[neighborIdx[i]] === Infinity) {
                nodesLen[neighborIdx[i]] = nodesLen[current] + 1
    return nodesLen


let graph = [
    [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
console.log(bfs(graph, 1))


    0: 2,
    1: 0,
    2: 1,
    3: 3,
    4: Infinity

That’s all for me. I hope you find something useful for yourself. Happy coding!

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