Data division. year 2013. Retrospective

In 2013, the IBS , which then seemed to be creating the Data Division , asked me to make such a brain dump (solely on the basis of experience with corporate oil and gas customers) regarding the problematic area of ​​Big Data, and indeed Data. So I came across him after 7 years and it seemed funny. Some things are obvious. Some were not quite true, but ... 7 years have passed.

He wrote in English and thought about translating it into Russian. Suddenly something is relevant now? (I’ll translate the bulletins, and leave the tablets in English from laziness. Green is good, red is dangerous, blue is a dream).

I’ll formalize the minimal comments from “today” in an Italian language so that it is clear and distinct.

So DATA! Us data ...

The Data Division is the Blood Division, because the data can be compared, for example, with blood running through the veins and arteries of an organism’s business. However, although the blood is the same - the organisms are different and therefore the production is very difficult, but it also represents an opportunity for development.

There are people to whom the data rush right into the eyes - this is Us .
And there are people who, alas, do not see the data at point blank range. This, again, alas, our customers !

So, business postulates ...

  1. We sell to business , and not IT (may all IT specialists forgive me at once) for we are solving global problems, and there’s more money.
  2. .
  3. «» , « » – . , , : “, , , , !»
  4. « » SaaS « » «» , 123 : project management, helpdesk, accounting, CRM, payroll, time reporting, marketing, … you name it, . Youcalc Successfactors ( ) !
  5. , “crunch” . ( ), . , , .
  6. ! , , Cruncher’ . , .
  7. opensource «» « ».
  8. … , Hadoop – , Lucene – , !
  9. , – .
  10. ( ) — , .
  11. UI . .
  12. , , «» . .
  13. – ( ) , .

  1. , . «».
  2. , BI , , ( ) – . .
  3. , – . : (flatter) – .
  4. , ( ) , , . (). – . , .
  5. . 22 . – . . , N — : «, , …»
  6. Excel, . ( ) !
  7. «» — . , , , , , … :) , …
  8. «» — , - . REST , , , .
  9. – , , , , - . — , — ! – 50% , , 50% , .
  10. SILO-. , – . ( , , AWS S3, 6 , ).
  11. . RDF key-value – ! 2000 15 , .
  12. , URL . URL URI .
  13. Text mining NLP . . .
  14. , , .. – .
  15. .
  16. , , , . .
  17. , – «» . . . - , — . … «»!
  18. «» . / , , .

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