Quartet 9: Allegro | TypeScript

When the library for data validation quartetwas created, the following landmarks were set:

In this article, I would like to consider focusing quarteton TypeScript.


We work on our projects using TypeScript. Therefore, when I created this library, I wanted the person who knows TypeScript to not learn quartet as something completely new to him, but to recognize in this library what he already knows.

User-Defined Type Guards

Consider an example. We request data about the user with the API. We assume that they are of the following type:

interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  gender: "male" | "female";
  age: number;
  phoneBook: {
    [name: string]: string;

What I want to get from the validation function:

const probablyUser: unkown = { ... }

if (checkUser(probablyUser)) {
    // probablyUser has type User
} else {
    // probablyUser has type unkown
    throw new Error('Probably User has not type User')

To achieve this goal, User-Defined Type Guards are used .

That is, the function declaration should look like this:

function checkUser(probablyUser: any): probablyUser is User {
  // ...

Let's use quartetto create such a function:

import { v } from "quartet";

const checkUser = v({
  id: v.string,
  name: v.string,
  gender: ["male", "female"],
  age: v.number
  phoneBook: {
    [v.rest]: v.string,

Having written such code, we get a function that is not TypeGuard:

chechUser: (value: any) => boolean;

To make it TypeGuard it is necessary to declaratively indicate which type will be validated by this function. This is done like this:

const checkUser = v<User>({
  // ...


chechUser: (value: any) => value is User

There are two points regarding this item:


The very fact that the developer can indicate which type is validated by the circuit can alert, because it is quite possible to write like this:

const checkNumber = v<number>({ name: v.string });
// checkNumber: (value: any) => value is number

{ name: string }, , number.

. ( ) , — "" .

, .

, v. :

const v: <T>(schema: Schema) => (value: any) => value is T;


, TypeGuard .


const v: <T = any>(schema: Schema) => (value: any) => value is T;

, — never:

const checkNumber = v(v.number);
const value: any = "123";

if (!checkNumber(value)) {
  // value has type never

, , .

, T any , T === any, .

- :

const v: <T = any>(
  schema: Schema
) => IfAny<T, (value: any) => boolean, (value: any) => value is T>;

type IfAny<T,A,B> = // ...

— , :

T — any


type IfAny<T, A, B> = true extends T
  ? "1" extends T
    ? 1 extends T
      ? {} extends T
        ? (() => void) extends T
          ? null extends T
            ? A
            : B
          : B
        : B
      : B
    : B
  : B;

, , : boolean | number | string | object | function | null any.


, , TypeScript'a .

@hapi/joi ajv, User.

Text Compare .


const checkUser = v({
  id: v.string,
  name: v.string,
  gender: ["male", "female"],
  age: v.number
  phoneBook: {
    [v.rest]: v.string,


- : 24


const schema = j.object({
  id: j.string().required(),
  name: j.string().required(),
  gender: j
    .valid("male", "female")
  age: j.number().required(),
  phoneBook: j.object().pattern(/.*/, j.string())


, , 118 .


const checkUser = a.compile({
  type: "object",
  required: ["id", "name", "gender", "age", "phoneBook"],
  properties: {
    id: { type: "string" },
    name: { type: "string" },
    gender: { type: "string", enum: ["male", "female"] },
    phoneBook: {
      type: "object",
      additionalProperties: {
        type: "string"


, 146 .



TypeScript. , , , .

TypeGuard — , .

TypeScript . — .

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