How to change the work of an administrator in a restaurant for a good job in IT

This story is not about how to earn two million rubles in a year, pass your odnushka in a residential area and go to live a life suite on Krabi. This story is about how to get away from what you don't like, despite failures, closed doors, insecurity, constant fatigue and an empty refrigerator.

Itā€™s also a very long story.

In 2015, I graduated from a middle university with a linguistic diploma. I didnā€™t really want to work, I didnā€™t know who I wanted to be, but I really wanted to buy good things for myself, so I had to look for work. Motivation, of course, is so-so, but as it is.

I started going for interviews, but I didnā€™t succeed. And then my mother suggested I get a job in her restaurant (small, family and Italian) as an administrator. The arguments convinced me: I can handle the job, I will have a good income and in parallel I will be able to look for work. I scratched the back of my head, drank up my compote and said my decisive ā€œCome on!ā€.

This is an important indent: restaurant business is a complex business that requires dedication and involvement. People are building dizzying careers, but I am past all this by a crocodile. I was an ordinary administrator, without goals and prospects in this matter.

I went to work, and she was a complete hell. She took a lot more than she gave. In the view of many, the restaurant administrator is a man in beautiful clothes who impressively drinks cappuccino and tells the waiters how the napkins should lie. In reality, itā€™s not at all like that. Of course, I had an idea about this, but all even the worst assumptions were not such a nightmare.

How I worked at the most unloved job in my life

For the first two months everything was fine: the cooks in the kitchen did not cheat on me, I giggled with the waitresses, behaved like a shy sheep, tried to do my job and received the first money. It was a warm autumn and everything was, in principle, good.

In parallel, I found a second job as a trainee in a local architectural magazine with a salary of 5 tr At first I liked it, but after a month, I realized that I was tired, the work as an intern turned out to be difficult, I didnā€™t like it there and I thought that I didnā€™t care, I would find something better. This was most likely a mistake. If I stayed to work in the magazine, I could learn something new and better realize myself at that time. But I wanted to drink wine with my girlfriend, watch movies and do not care about anything. Well, ok. She herself chose this path.

I continued to look for a more interesting job than the admin in the restaurant, but I did not succeed. They didn't even call me for interviews. December was already in the yard, and I decided that I would winter in a restaurant, and there I would already be thinking about a career. OK.

And then the fun began. As it turned out, the staff behaved cute just because Iā€™m my momā€™s daughter. But when they heard that I was harmless and that I could be sent, they started sending me. Just like this: "You went right there!" It should be understood that I interacted with people who have been working as waiters and cooks for many years, they are tough and grasping. I was destroyed every day. Of course, then I got bruised, stopped making friends with everyone, and became a strict admin and tried to somehow discipline my shift, but it was difficult for me.

By the way, I was not the best administrator. I called myself the administrator from hell. I didnā€™t like the whims of the guests, I didnā€™t shed many nuances, I did not know how to extinguish conflicts and did not leave a bad mood at home. I did my work and tried to do it as best as possible, but it was not good for me.

Moreover, the work of the administrator is quite dirty. Besides the fact that you are responsible for the cash desk, you are trying to control discipline, are disposing of petty affairs and so on, you are also responsible for ensuring that it is clean. Sometimes people did not have time to do their work, and they had to do it themselves: wash the floor, wipe the surfaces, sometimes take out the trash and so on on the list. My things smelled like a canteen and this smell could not be washed off, even my bra smelled and washing did not always help. And I was all 12 hours shift on my feet.

And I also had to make sure that people did not break. Work in the catering, the thing is complicated and sometimes it was necessary to let the washing machine cry, to listen to the problems of the waitressā€™s personal life, not to pay attention to the cookā€™s rude answer and so on. In general, this work requires physical, mental and moral returns. And the saddest thing is that everyone seems to be doing nothing.

I felt like a failure, I wanted to realize myself, do something more interesting than wipe the glasses and keep the cash register. In general, the time has come when I realized that I needed to run away.

How did i run away

It took me a year to completely get away from this job: then I not only wanted to run away, but to find something that I would like to do. And I began to search.

At that time, I worked in Restica for about 7 months, and when I was interviewed by a fairly large company for an internship, I was happy. This was the position of assistant Bayer in a very good place. For Peter especially. It was not a brand, but a luxury clothes purchaser who sells them in an expensive store on Nevsky Prospekt. The work was related to contacting brands, helping with the organization of business trips, and other things that the assistant does. Sn was 25 tr, which is much lower than what I received in the restaurant, but I did not care, I really wanted to work there.

After 3 days, they told me "You're done, but no." Pa pa pa foot.

Because I did not have work experience in the office, I was completely green (I had to work in a magazine, these skills would be useful to me!) And unsure. But shtozh, I wiped my nose and continued to search further and worked in Restica.

Failure followed failure. I ran interviews (many of them were even crypto, but if I start to tell everything in detail, you will age while reading), but nothing worked. Of course, after a month and a half I found an interesting job, but temporary. I got an administrator at the World Cup in hockey and it was super. It was a lot of fun, active, there was a cool team and despite the fact that I had to work every other day with a schedule from 8 AM to 11 PM, I flew to this work. But all good things come to an end. And after 1.5 months I was back in the restaurant.

And she continued to search. At the beginning of August I found a job.

How I worked on the most nervous job in my life

Work in Restika was not a flower, but in the studio I came across such a toxic level that I did not even dream of. But let's take it in order.

Koroch, my name is on the social network in the design studio. Speaking rudely, this is an atelier for women of rich men of St. Petersburg. Then, for some reason, I wanted fashion to become my professional (although I myself have never been a fashion), and I immediately grabbed onto this work.

But it is understandable: working in a beautiful office, around flaps of clothes, not raw salmon, and the work itself was very interesting. My task was to control the entire process from creating a sketch to issuing clothes to a client.

The whole irony is that I was also very actively sent to this work, also in the literal sense. Rzhaka watch to the end.

To the question ā€œWhat is this sketch?ā€ (created even before I arrived and lying on the table), they said to me ā€œyes a simple sketchā€. And then it turned out that this was an urgent order. And they sneezed me for it in full.

They didnā€™t answer questions, they yelled at me, they told me that ā€œIā€™m stuck a pair of scissors in my neckā€ because the fabric didnā€™t have time to come, they called me the worst words when I clarified important points. I was constantly told how badly I work, but for some reason they gave more and more responsible assignments.

There are a lot of stories and I donā€™t have time to tell you all about this either. But I have a channel tg where I throw off my stories and talk about how to find a job. The channel is new, there are now three people, but there will be more content and there I will tell you everything in colors and details.

So, after I did an almost impossible task in the week, worked on the weekend, I came to work on Monday, earlier than necessary. And she gave the info to the main craftswoman from another craftswoman. To which I received "B ** go to *** and never write to me again." Then I realized that itā€™s not worth it.

By the way, I worked there for almost two months and earned the first and only panic attack in my life. In general, I just quit a job that I really liked and that I was very afraid of losing. At that moment, I realized that my mental stability is much more expensive. Needless to say, they paid me less than promised and with a long delay.

What happened next

Then I returned to Restik. Admins were needed there almost always and I was glad. I no longer took this work so emotionally, I just did it, knowing that this was not about me. And she continued to look for work.

Then I realized that I would never come close to any fashion, and that I had to find something more serious. Something that will give me minimal experience and will be a good line in the resume. Since I have good English and have a thirst for travel (it will be ridiculous now), I realized that you can work in the visa center.

I just threw the resume to a company that is accepting documents for an American visa (not the consulate, but near it) and a week later they called me. After one interview, they called me. Brilliant prospects were waiting for me: for a salary of 25 tr I was asked to sit in a green synthetic dress in box number 10, check how people filled out their profiles, tell them three times that they needed other papers, send them evil home, and so on. And of course, there was no career opportunity. Well, maybe only if you get to the American consulate after three years (what is the irony that then all the consulates were closed).

But I understood that I had to sit here. At least six months to forever untie the restaurant flair and at least say something at an interview for my dream job. And I sat like that for 6 months.

The work was from 9 to 18.00 and it was very important for my boss that we should be at our tables at exactly 9. And I'm so disorganized that I sat down either at 9.03, or at 9.07. I was told that I have three strikes - if three times I will be in place after 9, then I will be fired. Well, on a wonderful April morning, a week before my vacation, I still finished off the third strike. Oh, I was upset then of course.

In parallel with this work, sometimes, on Saturdays, I went to work in the restik. Because I donā€™t have enough money. And when I lost that job, the beautiful restaurant doors were open again for me.

How I found my favorite job

I returned to Restik, it was cold May 2017 in the yard, but I clearly understood that this was the finish line on the path to my success. There were few changes in the restaurant, then I just moved from my parents and at the same time I found a part-time job in the showroom, so that I just have enough for at least something. Then my income was somewhere around 17 tr. Well, a couple more tears in the amount of 2-3 tr

Despite the little money, sometimes I had a schedule like this - 2 days in restik, 2 days in the show room, rest day and all over again. I remember when I went through a test day in the showroom, I stood on the street after a shift, smoked and thought that I was a complete failure. I was 24, the job sucks, there is no sale, and thereā€™s no money either. I was too old and tired for this shit.

But I didnā€™t give up!

Then it occurred to me that I had to go to IT. They say there is more money, the offices are pleasant and people are doing interesting things. She began to search and even went through several stages in a rather large building (we will definitely return to this word and to this place). But did not pass.

After a little howl to the moon, having received several more refusals, I thought that we should tie up with the show room and look for a side job more interesting. Type of translations and thatā€™s all. Not to say that I had not tried before, it was just that nobody needed me.

So here. This rosin lasted about three months. One morning I responded to the post of a friend that he was looking for people to work part time with knowledge of English. He called me for an interview. For the best job interview of my life. I had a slight hangover (well, but before that there was a wedding of friends, I could not miss it), we drank coffee, chatted about life and in the end I was taken to the team.

And then it all happened. It was an IT startup, or rather, a blockchain startup that was just about to launch an ICO. It was 2017, even before the cue ball skyrocketed. With a cozy office in the very center of St. Petersburg, with a young team, with a good staff, interesting tasks and so on. Then for me it was a dream that came true.

And it was just an amazing time. I fluttered to and from work. I found good friends there, began to realize myself, went on business trips every few months, and met very interesting people. I had the opportunity to do something that I would never have done in my life: I was at a big conference in Barcelona, ā€‹ā€‹went to Tel Aviv for talks, made a presentation in Moscow and Tallinn, organized an event in Helsinki and just got high in the office in St. Petersburg .

Now it all sounds like a wonderful dream. It lasted a little over a year. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. We failed the ICO.

We did not succeed and we made a lot of mistakes. But I really appreciate this experience and really love this time. Needless to say, I was blissed out, especially in contrast to my previous experience. I worked there as a community manager and I had the opportunity to do everything myself. I myself organized my work, I myself was responsible and myself enjoyed the result.

Of course, everything was blown away and next summer it was not so magical. Ultimately, it all ended up very ugly and very dramatic for me. They just told me one day that they could no longer allow me. Without warning in advance. Refusing to pay what I earned (just sn for 2 weeks and vacation pay). In short, we quarreled. And honestly, I just recently released this situation.

And then there was work in a big corporation

A month later, after going through many stages of the interview, I arranged a VERY large building (the same one that I hadnā€™t got a year earlier). They were engaged in crypto and blockchain, I got a community manager, but on more interesting conditions for me. And at the beginning, everything was fine. We had a small team, we worked on a small project and did what we thought was necessary (in terms of a working strategy, marketing, etc.).

It was media about blockchain toys and for obvious reasons it didnā€™t shoot. But they took me to another project. Then they decided to cover him too. Then another one, which also closed. I felt like a black widow, but the fact is that in this building this was the case with many projects and almost all employees jumped from one project to another.

For a year I changed 5 or 6 projects. And there was a rather toxic environment. And a rather toxic head of corporation. Fortunately, I never came across him. He called everyone around idiots, brought people to tears and fired one day. Everyone was afraid of him. And he had many of his representatives: people who led a group of projects and broadcast what this person usually told them.

At some point, after a bunch of bruises in this office, I found my quiet haven. Despite the fact that it was one of the largest projects in the corporation, I managed to completely distance myself from all the squabbles and calmly work in my fun team. I also took corporate product manager courses. But, as always, all good ends.

They decided to close the project (yes, your mother!). The head of the corps requested a list of our team. I was not at that meeting, they did not call me. But they told me this: ā€œHe looked at our list, asked about everyone, you were the last on the list. He didnā€™t ask anything about you, he just asked who you were and told you to go very far. Yes, that's what he said. ā€

But, oddly enough, they did not fire me. Even a chat room was created called ā€œSalvation is my First Name Last Nameā€. Where the people I worked with talked about why I shouldnā€™t be fired.

During these few days of my salvation, there were many conversations in smoking rooms and tea rooms with a variety of people: someone just supported me, someone said that this was all unfair, someone who had such an opportunity, collected from all my leaders reviews for me to leave me at work (I couldnā€™t do it myself) and someone that he himself took the initiative to ā€œshootā€ me, I quote. I was not in this chat and I do not know what was happening there, but in the end I was taken on a team by a person with whom I worked very little.

I was told that I have a week to give a result of work, otherwise I can leave. And then I thought that it was my time to send someone away. I said, okay, but I opened the resume.

As a result, on the day when they told me that I can stay in the corporation, they made an offer for me in the company where I work now. Offer is 3 times cooler than what I had at that time. And it was not a corpse! And I calmly said that finita is a comedy, litter.

What i have today

Today I am a supply manager at one educational site. This is something like a community manager, but I also do grocery things: I can figure out how to rebuild my personal account, or, for example, take part in creating onboarding.

My work is not perfect and I am unlikely to stay on it until the end of my days. But I have already learned a lot, I have adequate leadership and quite a lot of freedom.

I have a good salary, but I donā€™t live a Fancy Life. But today I feel much more confident and calmer. I have come a pretty long way, have gained tremendous experience and, of course, this is only the very beginning.

But now, Iā€™ve become more assertive, a little tough and just do not let some things happen to me. And I donā€™t work in Restica, and that's great!

The moral here is not that I quickly achieved success and now I live and do not bother. Rather, in spite of all the difficulties: as obstacles from the outside (in the form of inadequate bosses), as well as from the inside (features of a difficult nature), you can come to what you want.

And if now, just like I once did, eat McFlury and light it with a cigarette (you get a bottle of wine, just cried in the shower or what you still reassure yourself), you feel like a full day and disappointment, then know that this will not happen is always. Problems will not go anywhere, but you are able to do so to get away from what you want to leave now.

If you were told no today, you will most likely be told no tomorrow. But after a week, it may be possible that they will say yes. Grab it, take your own and, if possible, send some people away, this is sometimes useful.

I wish you and yourself great luck!

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