

Patroni是一个Python应用程序,用于基于流复制创建高度可访问的 PostgreSQL集群。红帽,IBM Compose,Zalando等许多公司都使用它。借助它的帮助,您可以将系统从主节点和从节点(主节点-副本)转换为高度可访问的群集,并支持自动控制(切换)和紧急(故障切换)切换。 Patroni可以轻松地向现有集群添加新副本,在集群的所有节点上同时支持动态PostgreSQL配置更改以及许多其他功能,例如同步复制,切换节点时的自定义操作,REST API,运行自定义命令以创建副本而不是pg_basebackup的功能,交互与Kubernetes等


  • 范围:Patroni成功解决了哪些HA任务
  • 建筑评论
  • 创建一个测试集群
  • 公用事业
  • Patroni托管集群的PostgreSQL配置更改
  • API监控
  • 客户转换方法
  • 附加功能:手动切换,计划的重启,暂停模式
  • 同步复制设置
  • 可扩展性和多功能性
  • 常见错误及其诊断


( ) ! , tutorial Patroni. . – . Zalando . Patroni. , . , , , , failover Patroni. - , , , .

#     -      git, vagrant  virtual box.
# Vagrant     https://www.vagrantup.com        . Virtualbox: https://www.vagrantup.com
#   Vagrant  Virtualbox  :
$ git clone https://github.com/alexeyklyukin/patroni-training
$ cd patroni-training
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo -iu postgres
$ cd patroni
$ ls
postgres0.yml postgres1.yml postgres2.yml 

vagrant’. , , ( , ), vagrant GitHub, , vagrantfile. vagrant up vagrant ssh. , etcd, Postgres Patroni. , .

, . , , , , . . , , , Patroni.

Patroni , postgres-. , failover. Zalando . Patroni , postgres-. .

( ) . , , . failover. , , . , .

Patroni, , , .

, Patroni. , . , Patroni , .

, , Patroni , .

Patroni , . , failover, callback .

, -.

Patroni. , failover . , Patroni. .

, Patroni. , Patroni , , , point in time recovery .

, , Patroni GitHub. , .

. Patroni failover.

( ) ! Patroni, High Availability, , Postgres .

- - . - , . , , Postgres. , , DRDB LVM.

, , , Corosync, PaceMaker. . . PaceMaker , . , , . - - . , , , , .

, – . , Postgres 10- . trigger-based , , .

. , , , , . - , , , . - , , . . () .

, 2009- Postgres 9.0, . . , , High Availability .

, multi-master’ , . . BDR bucardo. , . BDR, bucardo . . - . . , . , . , . High Availability .

? . , standby , - .

, major versions.

: , primary. standby , . - , . , , standby .

. . - . . . , . , , standby - , , . ?

. split-brain .

. standby - .

, , ? -, . . , , . failover. , , . , , , , ? . . .

. , standby . , , , standby. , , . standby . split-brained.

. , , .

. , primary , . – . ? , , , , .

(: )

, . , , STONITH. - – « ».

Quorum . - , . .

Watchdog. , , , . , - Patroni, Watchdog . , Postgres .

, «Compose». Compose IBM. . , Postgres daemon`a, instance Postgres. - , lock, . lock' , .

Bot . , Postgres , , .

, . , . etcd . 30 . , ttl. , .

- , . , .

, , etcd. .

? , . - , . . WAL . , , , wal_position 100, . . . etcd.

etcd? , . . . , , , , .

, C , , B .

, C , promote Postgres. B , A, , C.

etcd. , , -, Patroni distributed consistency store, , Etcd, Consul, Zookeeper. Kybernetes API.

Etcd RAFT. , .

, etcd leader election, , , , .

Patroni . Patroni Python. Zalando, . , . . Cybertec. , Postages. Patroni .

( ) , Patroni . , , , High Availability .

. , . , vagrant. . vagrant ssh , sudo -iu postgres Patroni.

High Availability Patroni .

Patroni – . vagrant’ etcd. , instance etcd. production , , , instance etcd, etcd , . , . , , etcd production. , High Availability , Patroni .

Postgres, Patroni. yml-. yml-? GitHub, Patroni – open source , GitHub yml-. , , . . . git clone https://github.com/zalando/patroni.git, , Python . .

C 26:33 dem.

. Postgres. Patroni. . patroni postgres0.yml. Patroni. , Patroni.

Patroni , . -, initdb. Initdb . initdb. , . , , lock, . . , . : «lock owner: postgresql0; I om postgresql0», . . , , .

. patroni postgres1.yml. ? etcd-. , . . etcd , . , initdb , pg_basebackup. Postgres, . .

. Postgres. Postgres . . , WAL-. , .

? , , Patroni . , Patroni . Postgres , . , - , wal-, . , wal-, . . .

Postgres , . . . , Postgres wal- . , .

, , , wal- . . , . Patroni . , , .

? , , Patroni . Patroni , . .

. , . Patroni, Postgres. «postgres1», postgres1 – . , Patroni - . . . , lock postgresql0, potstresql1, . . – , – , lock, . promote, , lock. Patroni . , , . . , , , Patroni , .

? . ? python-etcd. . . patroni-training, vagrant. pip install python-etcd. etcd Patroni. , Patroni, . Patroni etcd .

? , Patronictl. Patronictl Patroni. .

? . Patroni «patronictl», . . . , , . . «list».

? . , «postgresql0» «postgresql1», , . , . , . , . Postgres, . . Postgres . (Lag) – , . , , . , Patroni Patronictl . , , .

, , failover. Patroni.

? , Patroni failover. . switchover, failover. Switchover – , - . , failover ( – ) – , - . , Patroni .

failover. ? Patroni . Patroni . «kill Patroni», «kill Patroni», Postgres. ctrl+Z, . . Patroni background , .

. . «ctrl+Z» . .

? . ? Patroni . etcd . . – 30 . «ttl». . . Patroni. 8 , 10 , . , , , failover. , 30 .

? . ? warning . Patroni «request failed», . . GET request. ? Patroni , lock’a etcd . . lock , Patroni . : « – ?». , Patroni wal’, . . .

, . . : « ?». , Patroni . , , promotion, . . . : promoted self to leader by acquiring session lock.

: Patroni ?

: , . .

, , . promotion.

: etcd Patroni?

: , . Etcd – , , , . – . etcd , . . , Patroni . , . , Postgres, etcd. - , etcd.

etcd, Patroni, Postgres, .

etcd , – , . etcd Postgres, etcd - . etcd , .

: etcd, network partition, . . ?

: network partition. etcd , . , , . , , . , , . .

, , promotion. . , , lock, postgres1 .

. , postgres0 , Patroni? Patroni, Postgres . Postgres .

, , , - . Postgres , split-brain, . . .

. , promotion . , , Patroni.

- . , split-brain. , Patroni split-brain.

? . , «split-brain». Postgres. . .

. . Patroni, . – . Patroni, , . , .

, – , . ? demoting Postgres , . . . Postgres – immediate shutdown . Postgres immediate shutdown. shutdown, . . , . . , demoting, . . promotion, lock’. Postgres.

crash recovery, immediate shutdown – . pg_rewind. Pg_rewind , . crash recovery mode single user. , single user . pg_rewind, Patroni , , promotion.

. . crash recovery. , wal-. wal- . , split-brain, – , , create table split-brain. pg_rewind.

pg_rewind? Postgres, , . , , promotion.

. «running pg_rewind from postgresql1». Pg_rewind , split-brain, . , rewind, – done. , . , – postgresql1, – postgresql0. . . , , , split-brain (split-brain , Patroni, Patroni, split-brain ), . . . Patroni , . , pg_rewind .

Patronictl. , , postgreslq1. postgresql0, postgresql1. , , postgresql0 , , . . failover , Patroni .

: , ?

: . . . , , . . split-brain, . Patroni – split-brains, .

. . . . - . , . Patroni. . , .

? etcd. , . etcdctl. , etcd. Consul, ZooKeeper Kubernetes. .

Etcd – -. - . - . , , , . . postgresql0 porsgresql1. initialize, , , , . . . , - , . initialize , .

, . . , members/postgresql1. json, .

, url, Postgres. api_url, . . url, Patroni, promotion, Patroni – . . Patroni , . . xlog’ wal’ , . . wal-. timeline.

. history. , timeline history, , promotion , , . . , promotion. . . , failover.

, . , Postgres.

? . . , , postgresql.conf autosystem , , . , , - , . , shared_buffers max_connections . .

? , , maintenance_work_mem work_mem, Postgres , .

Patronictl. . – edit-config. . .

? «maintenance_work_mem» work_mem. Postgres, parameters. . – 128 MB.

. Patroni , , , ? , .

, . . , SIGHUP. , Postgres . SIGHUP maintenance_work_memory , 128 MB.

. SIGHUP 128 MB.

. . . , Patroni reloading . . . . Patroni .

Patronictl . .

. maintenance_work_mem , .

, , , . edit-config. maintenance_work_memory «max_connections». ? , postgres-. , max_connections, , .

Max_connection , .

max_connection – 101. , . . Max_connection , 101. , . , . - ? , .

? , Postgres. Patroni . , , , , . : « production ?». Patroni .

, ? Patroni. REST API. Patroni REST API, , , etcd.

. ? , – . . , , ? , «pending_restart» «true». . . pending_restart – . . «true». , , , , , .

, . , . , . . ?

Patronictl list , . Patronictl , . ?

Patronictl, . . Patroni «patronictl restart». , , . . , , . . postgresql1 postgresql2. production , failover, .


, . ? , . , . . . , .

– max_connections . «show max_connections». – 101. . 101. (: , max_connections 100) . . max_connections. Patroni . .

, . max_connections , max_connections . max_connections , , , . Patroni . Patroni .

. . , , max_connections , . Patroni , Postgres max_connections.

. . Batman – . , . - .

Patroni , , - .

Patroni. . . Postgres, Patroni , yml. : « , promotion?».

ttl, . . etcd . ttl .

, Patroni. Patroni , , - , , , . , , failover.

, . . , , «loop_wait». . . , .

, loop_wait , ttl? Patroni . , , , . promotion - . . . . , .

, ttl , loop_wait. , Patroni etcd, «demoting», etcd , , . retry_timeout.

, : ttl , loop_wait + 2 retry_timeout. , loop_wait, retry_timeout ttl.

? . . . loop_wait , ttl . loop_wait 10 , ttl 5. , Patroni . , .

«patronictl edit-config» ttl 5 , loop_wait 10 . , .

. , watchdog’, Patroni, , . watchdog, , . ? , .

Postgres . «acquired session lock as a leader». ? Patroni , , Patroni . , . . , . , , . . . .

, . , . . . . , REST API , , . , promotion. .

etcd . , . , «following a different leader», . . . etcd , , . . . . . . , . , .

, , , . . , , . . . , . , , . . , ttl , loop_wait + retry_timeout *2.

: , , ttl. ttl, , , . . loop_wait . , .

, , retry_timeout . , . retry_timeout - etcd, Patroni demoting . -, , , , ttl 60 , , switches . 30 . -, .

Patroni. , . Patroni. bootstrap . bootstrap ttl loop_wait, retry_timeout, . , Postgres.

bootstrap ? etcd, bootstrap etcd. . , ttl, loop_wait. . , , etcd .

, PostgreSQL «use_pg_rewind», , pg_rewind. Patroni, Postgres. Postgres. , . . . . , .

, , bootstrap Patroni, . Patronictl, . . etcd. Patronictl .

. . , , etcd , bootstrap, , . .

? Postgres? .

– patroni.yaml. bootstrap. , , PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL , , . . . Patroni - . . , , , 16 B , MB, 4 B shared buffers, 1 B. shared buffers. . . – Patroni . bootstrap, .

. etcd. etcd config. .

etcdctl ls / service/batman/config

. , etcd . Patroni.yaml, . . - . production, , , - .

- Postgres. alter system -.

. , etcd . , bootstrap, . , retry_timeout, Postgres. etcd - postgresql parameters. , , Patroni , Patroni, .

patronictl , . , json, patronictl yml, – . json – .

etcd. patroni.yaml, , etcd . . . work_mem etcd 16 MB, patroni.yaml 12 MB. Patroni.yaml . ? Patroni postgres’ , 12 MB. Alter System, , . . patroni.yaml etcd.

. . , , postgresql.conf, Patroni , . postgresql.conf. , . . , . Patroni.

include ‘postgresql.base.conf’. .

base . Patroni – , base , - , . . , Git, , .

Patroni? postgresql.conf postgresql.base.conf. , postgres . postgresql.conf, , etcd . postgresql.base.conf.

? alter system. , base.conf . alter system - , , , . , , Patronictl edit-config , maintenance_woke_mem shared_buffers. .

, . . . config. patroni.yaml. patroni.yaml , , config, , . alter system, . - alter system, , , max_connections, Patroni pending_restart.

alter system max_connections .

, . . Shares_buffers.

, . . . , . max_connections, max_locks_per_transaction, wal_level. Wal_revel wal . , . wal’ .

Patroni . , logical.

Patroni? Postgres . . Patroni. Patronictl edit-config . , , , , .

Patroni REST API, . , .

Patroni endpoints REST API. – , GET requests. , options , .

? 200 K, , . PostgreSQL recovery .

200 OK , , read-only , Postgres . . . Postgres , -, 503.

, . , endpoint /master 503.

Patroni. , . . . json-, xlog’, Postgres - . , . , Patroni 200.

endpoint /config. , , Patronicrl. .

Patroni /switchover /failover. Switchover, , . . . , , - , - , , , - . , , .

Patroni REST API Postgres. /restart endpoint.

Patroni . . . , pg_rewind . . , wal’ , , -. – /reinitialize, . . Postgres, - base_backup.

endpoints Patronictl .

Patroni endpoint ? json-. database_system_identifier. , , . , , . batman. , Postgres .

. , .

server_version Postgres. – 10.0. , Postgres .

. , – , , timeline – 2.

xlog -, , xlog’ , .

timestamp – null. replayed_timestamp – null? , . , , , timestamp .

replayed_timestamp - , received 300 . ? ? , , . , received_timestamp , replayed_timestamp. , , , .

endpoints Postgres, Patroni.

endpoints , , - .

HAProxy . HAProxy , , – ? 200, 503. , . HAProxy , , . .

? , - IP -, IP. DNS, IP - .

Patroni - . shell script. Patroni . , Postgres, , on _start, Postgres , on_stop. on_reload, on_restart – .

On_role_change – . , , . . . Patroni pg_ctl promote. Patroni , on_role_change. , , IP , .

? , . IP . HAProxy – . HAProxy , . . confd. , etcd, ZooKeeper . https://github.com/zalando/patroni/blob/master/extras/confd/conf.d/haproxy.toml

, , etcd - . . . , confd . , reload, . . HAProxy.

, template HAProxy. max_connections, - . , .

? «on-marked-down shutdown-sessions». ? , 200, 503 , HAProxy . , , . , Postgres - . . HAProxy . , HAProxy health checks .

? confd, config PgBouncer. , PgBouncer . , , failover , . PgBouncer .

Postgres 10- connection string. read-write libpq . , , . read only -.

callbacks. , -.

callbacks , service_ip ( ip), .

promotion , service_ip. . . , , .

, -, callback , -, , . . . , on_role_change. scope – .

callbacks? . , -. callback , , , callback, . , , -, , IP - , . issue, .

? , - - , ?

tags. Patroni . . etcd, . .

, , nofailover true. false.

noloadbalance. read only, noloadbalance HAProxy , , 503, , true.

. clonefrom. , basebackup. , pg_basebackup , . - , , , . , , , . - clonefrom, Patroni basebackup . , - .

. , - -. . , , . nosync.

Patroni . , - . ? -. - . - , , . . . – . , .

Replicatefrom , . ? Patroni replication-. replication- - , , . . . , , - , , , .

replication-? , wal-, , Postgres - .

, Patroni etcd.

. postges2.yml . , postgres1. , postgres1 replication- postgres2 .

switchover failover? failover ?

Switchover – . . . .

Failover – , .

failover . , ? , . etcd xlog’. . , -, . 10 MB, , . , lag , 10 MB , . , , . manual failover. - , , . . , .

Switchover , . . Patroni. , switchover , . , , Patroni , – - . .. Postgres, Patroni , – . , switchover . , .


. . switchover. . , .

. , . , , .

switchover. , : patronictl switchover batman. batman. , Patronictl , etcd.

postgres1. – enter, . . . . . , . , , . . Postgres.

Switchover . , switchover, .

. . . . , , . , , , Postgres. - 4 – switchover, , Patroni. AWS. , , , .

, 150 – . Patroni .

«», , . Patronictl . – ? postgresql0 postresql1. : «?». , . , .

patronictl list batman. . . . «switchover», «Successfully failed over to "postgresql0"», . . postgresql0. , postgresql0 – . . . . , real only. .

, stopped running. .

Patroni. ? . lock’. . , , .

, . promote . . , , - , , switchover . . . , . switchover, switchover, . switchover , .

, , , . , , . . manual failover: demoting myself.

. Patroni API Patronictl . switchover High Availability, . . Patroni , demoting, , . . . . switchover, , , . 4 Patroni , , - , , .

, demoting. , . – pg_rewind. pg_rewind clean shutdown.

? . . , switchover. . , switchover, Patroni . , , Patroni switchover. Patronictl , switchover, - . . , , switchover.

Postgres. ? pg_ctl –d data directory restart.

. – , promote. , , , Postgres.

Postgres – , , Postgres.

. . , , «restart». restart’ . . restart’ , , .

scheduled restart. , Postgres , , , , . , scheduled failover. , , restart - . Patroni restart. patronictl list, , .

, Patroni . , Patronictl failover, . . restart , , . , restart . restart , , restart, . , restart , , Patroni, , . lock , restart.

- Postgres pg_ctrl, Patroni . .

GitLab , GitLab ?

, . , , .

, . . Pg_basebackup - - . - . - . , game over. , , - – , , .

Patroni «reinit», , . . . «reinit», , . Patroni , . , . . , Postgres, Postgres , , , . running.

, «patronictl reinit cluster» ? Reinit . Reinit , Postgres , switchover - , . .

. ? Patroni, postgres-. failover. , - .

. , Patroni failover, - postgres-, , - . , – , Patroni . , .

. Patronictl . . . . , . , , etcd . loop_wait.

failover. , , . . - promote.

– etcd, etcd -. , .

– , - etcd.

. . etcd. read-only , , etcd . , , .

, Patroni, Patroni Postgres, , Patroni promote multi-. Patroni .

, Patroni, postgres- .

Postgres Patroni , Patroni . . , - Postgres, , . Postgres, - , . Postgres . Patroni .

, , etcd, etcd, , .

, . . . , , basebackup .

failover. . . , , , Patroni , . . . switchover , , .

. «pause». b, , . , , . - . wait , . , «list» , « », , .

Patroni , , , .

. , Patroni , .

promote , . . . . , «pg_ctl posgresql1 promote».

? Patroni . . . , multi-, . split-brain. split-brain . Patroni . promote.

? Patroni , , lock’ . . . etcd , , etcd , . , , lock’.

lock’, REST API , , 503. lock’ 200. 503? , , REST API . REST API , 503. , , , , 503. , , .

, split-brain , lock’, ? immediate shutdown, . . Patroni , , . immediate shutdown. Postgres . , Patroni pg_rewind , , , .

pg_rewind. standby, secondary. . . . Patroni split-brain, .

. . Patroni . true false.

. ? Patroni , , . «synchronous standby name». Postgres. synchronous standby name, . . .

Patroni failover , . , , , , Patroni failover - , .

? , . - , , - . Patroni? Patroni . . .

, , - nosync, , , Patroni .

. . , . . . , , , .

, , , , . Patroni . synchronous_mode_strict, . . .

, . , , , .

. , Postgres , . – . . . , . , .

«synchronous commit», , . . setting synchronous_commit to local, . . . , . , , . .

, ? , . GitHub, . , . , , Quorum , 10-.

, . . . . . – . synchronous_mode: true. false . – .

, . , lock. . , . , , , . Patroni , «synchronous_standby_names». Postgres, , postgresql1. Postgres , postgresql1 standby.

. patronictl list. , . synchronous standby. , .

endpoint, 200 , . . , endpoint 200. ? , . . . . select . , select , .

endpoint, - , , . endpoint , , .

async endpoint, 200 , . async . , , 503, .

. synchronous_mode: false. . , . list, , . async endpoint, 200. sync endpoint, 503. . . , .

, Patroni.

: « , standby?». , , . : synchronous_mode, synchronous_mode_strict. Strict , . , , . , . . , . , , , Patroni .

Patroni . , , - , . ?

, , basebackup, https://github.com/wal-e/wal-e ( wal-g). , , - , wal-e.

, . , Patroni - , Patroni , - . create_replica_method. .

, Patroni , . wal_e. wal_e . , , . , yml, .

? . , , no_master. , , .

? - , . . . Patroni. Patroni , .

, . wal- basebackup, pg_dump.

. – . . . . . wale_restore. , Patroni . wale_restrore. , , . - , . connstring, . ? , , , WAL . , basebackup. . ., , .

no_master. Envdir — , wal_e. , retries. .

, , 0, , . , Patroni . , . .

, , Patroni initdb.

, - . production - . .

custom bootstrap. , custom replica, create method, . . - . . . command. – s3.

point in time recovery. . . , - . - . , . , , s3 - , recovery target timeline.

, s3, Patroni recovery.conf . , , , timeline promote , recovery target timeline, promote , . . target timeline, . . - .

, , Patroni Postgres. Postgres wal’ - , s3 . - promote. Patroni post_bootstrap script. ? - , - . , , .

initdb . . . - initdb. , trust , localhost.

, instance Patroni . . . bootstrap . , . - bootstrap , Patroni initialize . , .

, post_bootstrap . , pg_stat_statements extension temlate1. ? - pg_stat_statements. . extension , superuser, superuser’. .

Patroni. . -, , , . . , scope . batman.

Namespace – , etcd . – , . Patroni, -. , namespace .

- REST API Patroni . Patroni etcd, bootstrap, Postgres, watchdog tags.

restapi , API . SSL authentication.

DCS , etcd, Consul, . , , . , , , - . .

ZooKeeper , , . ZooKeeper . Exhibitor , , , .

Bootstrap . , , Bootstrap , .

bootstrap_method .

. listen_address connect_address. Listen_address – Postgres . Connect_address – , etcd , . .

– authentication. , Patroni superuser . , .

- Postgres .

callback replica_method .

, . , . safety_margin. : «, 5 , , ». . . , -.

tags .

yml-. environment. .

environment variables. Patroni configuration. , environment variables . , - config , .

troubleshooting – , .

, . , .

. . etcd, etcd - , , etcd, . , , etcd . .

. Debian. postgres, pg_ctl path. Patroni. Patroni . subprocess. call, . . . , pg_ctl. , , , Postgres.

. , bindir. , . path , Postgres.

, Patroni . , , . ( 10 ) , , . .

initdb Patronictl.yml. . , «data-checksums», checksums, , . initdb , --data-checksums. --data-checksums: true, - data-checksums. Patroni, , . - data-checksums: true, , , data-checksums . initdb , Patroni , .

. Yaml – , . . . yaml, yaml. yaml , . . yaml , Python, . , yaml , .

, ? , . , . .

, - , yaml , production.

. Debian Ubuntu Postgres, initdb . , -, .

, , initdb, ? , initdb, . postgres- , , , initdb .

Patroni , Patroni « ». , , , . . . , , . , , reinit .

. Debian, -, - .


Patroni. GitHub. open source . issue. issue. , .

Patroni. : https://patroni.readthedocs.io. . - , . . , Patroni . . , Kubernetes, , .

docker-, Postgres Patroni . Spilo. GitHub open source, Zalando , Postgres. .


( , )

: patroni kubernetes?

: Kubernetes Patroni Spilo. postgres-. open source .

: OpenShift?

: . , , Red Hat . OpenShift, OpenShift , , Red Hat. , .

: , standby. Patroni standby, ?

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: Haproxy?

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