


嘿。我叫Alexander Vorobei,我是Tinkoff测试自动化领域的领先专家。在本文中,我将尝试简要地告诉您我们如何开始微型前端的自动化,遇到的问题以及获得的结果。


  1. 有关测试主题和工具选择的故事。
  2. 自动化:方法,问题及其解决方案。



— . .

— , , — . ( ) , . — .

, , , :

  • . F5 — . , .
  • , , .
  • . — , — , — .
  • .

20 ( , ). : , , , . , , Form Builder, . Form Builder

. , — . — , . , , , . .

, . , , , UI.

. — .

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

QA- . , , , - .

, , Storybook.



  • Stories — . — Story.
  • , , .
  • Knobs — props, live- , .
  • — , , .


  • , (, , -, , ) , .
  • , , , .
  • . .


  • , — Puppeteer, WebdriverIO ( wdio). Wdio Firefox, Safari IE 11.
  • Allure Report.
  • .

CodeceptJS. , , — Puppeteer, WebDriverIO, Appium Playwright, — .


Scenario('   ,   ', async (I) => {
  await I.amOnStory(stories('url'))

  await I.fillField(' ', '01.01.1990')
  await I.fillField('   ', '1111111111')
  await I.fillField('   ', '01.01.2008')
  await I.fillField('   ', '2008')

  await I.clearFieldBySymbols(' ', 1)
  await I.appendFieldManual(' ', '9')

  await I.seeFieldErrorMessage('   ')
  await I.seeFieldErrorMessage('   ')

, . Allure-, , , .


  • Cypress. , , Cypress , ( ).
  • Wdio. -, , Wdio . -, — , . «» .
  • Puppeteer. , . , Wdio, Puppeteer.


, CI/CD Gitlab, -, Gitlab, .

, , , -.

, , .

? , . , , , . , , . , .

, , -. , , -, , .

— . — !


  • . — .
  • Form Builder` ( , ).
  • . .
  • .


, , , .

, , — .

- , : , , -, . , , (), , , .

, LFS. , , , - ( ) , , . , .

Storybook, . Storybook:

  • Master Storybook — Storybook , . .
  • Merge Request Storybook — Storybook .
    Master Storybook , . git .

, , , , API — window.__STORYBOOK_CLIENT_API.getStorybook(). API , . , . nodejs API .


const html = fs.readFileSync(`${normalizedPath}/iframe.html`, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const htmlDom = new JSDOM(html);
const scripts = htmlDom.window.document.querySelectorAll('script');
scripts.forEach((script) => {
  if (script.src && script.src.endsWith('bundle.js')) {
    require(path.resolve(normalizedPath, script.src));
window.__STORYBOOK_CLIENT_API__.getStorybook().forEach((story) => {...})

— js-, require js- node, node API .

, .

, CodeceptJS, :

. :

  • .
  • .
  • ().
  • .
  • .

. .
— .


42 3 . , !

, 2 14 . , .

API , — window.__STORYBOOK_CLIENT_API__._storyStore.setSelection(). , id, — .

, — , 3 , 554 :


  • . — .
  • .
  • !

Form Builder`

, 20+ . - Form Builder , Form Builder . Form Builder.


  • git- ;
  • yarn.

, git clone. yarn link form-builder From Builder, . Happy-path .

Form Builder, , .

From Builder jobs 30 , 50 . , , .

, , , — (Puppeteer Wdio). , karma.


Puppeteer Wdio CDP (Chrome DevTools Protocol) WebDriver Protocol . Puppeteer type, API. : "Sends a keydown, keypress/input, and keyup event for each character in the text". Puppeteer DevTools . , - .

( karma) :

  • index.html (, webpack ).
  • , localhost.
  • localhost, , .
  • Web API.

Form Builder karma, 70 3 366 50 .




  • DOM (Web API), , Puppeteer Wdio.
  • (). , .
  • . ? .
  • — .
  • . dispatch- .

, .

, , — .

- , , . , 1000 , -, , - . .

, lerna, , , , . , .


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  • -, .
  • - .
  • , -, - , 100% .
    — , unit-.


  • — .
  • — .


  • .
  • .
  • - — .
  • .
  • , Puppeteer Playwright.
  • core .

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