Golang后端伺服器范本-第2部分(REST API)



  • 通过命令行和配置文件配置HTTP服务器
  • 配置TLS HTTP服务器设置
  • 路由器设置以及HTTP和教授处理程序的注册
  • 设置HTTP流量日志记录,HTTP错误日志记录
  • HTTP基本和MS AD身份验证,JSON Web令牌
  • 启动服务器,等待返回错误通道
  • 使用上下文正确停止服务器和相关服务
  • 自定义错误处理和自定义日志记录
  • 带有版本,构建日期和提交的代码汇编

模板的第二部分专门介绍REST API的原型。



  • 在PostgreSQL的直接读取模式下-最高16,000 [get / sec],并发1024,中位数60 [ms]。每个Get从两个表中请求数据,这些表的总大小为360,000,000行。JSON大小为1800个字节。
  • 100 000 — 120 000 [get/sec], oncurrency 1024, 2 [ms]. Transfer rate 200-250 [MB/sec]
  • PostgreSQL — 10 000 [insert/sec].

    • ,
    • Marshal / Unmarshal JSON
  1. SQLXX
    • SQL
  2. DB
  3. JSON
    • Marshal / Unmarshal JSON
    • Unmarshal JSON
    • JSON
  4. HTTP
    • GET, POST, PUT



  1. Model :
    • Marshal / Unmarshal JSON
    • -
  2. SQLXX :
    • SQL
  3. DB :
    • , SQL
  4. JSON JSON :
    • Marshal / Unmarshal JSON
    • JSON
  5. HTTP HTTP :
    • HTTP
    • HTTP
    • (basic, MS AD, ...)
    • token
    • (body)
    • (header)
    • HSTS Strict-Transport-Security
    • Content-Type (response)
    • HTTP
    • (header)
    • defer recovery panic

REST API : FaaS, , gRPC.

2 Model

2.1. ,


, "Department" "Employee". .
, JOSN .

// Dept represent object "Department"
type Dept struct {
    Deptno int         `db:"deptno" json:"deptNumber" validate:"required"`
    Dname  string      `db:"dname" json:"deptName" validate:"required"`
    Loc    null.String `db:"loc" json:"deptLocation,nullempty"`
    Emps   []*Emp      `json:"emps,omitempty"`

// Emp represent object "Employee"
type Emp struct {
    Empno    int         `db:"empno" json:"empNo" validate:"required"`
    Ename    null.String `db:"ename" json:"empName,nullempty"`
    Job      null.String `db:"job" json:"job,nullempty"`
    Mgr      null.Int    `db:"mgr" json:"mgr,omitempty"`
    Hiredate null.String `db:"hiredate" json:"hiredate,nullempty"`
    Sal      null.Int    `db:"sal" json:"sal,nullempty" validate:"gte=0"`
    Comm     null.Int    `db:"comm" json:"comm,nullempty" validate:"gte=0"`
    Deptno   null.Int    `db:"deptno" json:"deptNumber,nullempty"`

( ).
, , - (, ). "" .
REST API , : Get, Create, Update.
context.Context — " ".
, , , , , . sync.Pool.

// DeptService represent basic interface for Dept
type DeptService interface {
    GetDept(ctx context.Context, out *Dept) (bool, error)
    GetDeptsPK(ctx context.Context, out *DeptPKs) error
    CreateDept(ctx context.Context, in *Dept, out *Dept) error
    UpdateDept(ctx context.Context, in *Dept, out *Dept)  (bool, error)

// EmpService represent basic interface for Emp
type EmpService interface {
    GetEmp(ctx context.Context, out *Emp) (bool, error)
    GetEmpsByDept(ctx context.Context, in *Dept, out *EmpSlice) error
    CreateEmp(ctx context.Context, in *Emp, out *Emp) error
    UpdateEmp(ctx context.Context, in *Emp, out *Emp)  (bool, error)



// Request represent a type for request
type Request struct {
    QObject               string //  
    QueueName             string //    
    QueueOptions          int32  // MQOO_OUTPUT, MQOO_BROWSE, MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF  
    QueueWaitInterval     int    //      seconds
    MsgIdHex              string //    Hex 
    CorrelIdHex           string //     Hex 
    MesFormat             string // MQFMT_NONE, MQFMT_STRING
    MesSyncpoint          int32  // MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT, MQPMO_SYNCPOINT
    MesOptions            int32  //
    BrowseOptions         int32  // MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST, MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT, ...
    Bufsize               int    //  
    Buf                   []byte `json:"-"` //   

// Response represent a type for response
type Response struct {
    QObject      string //  
    QueueName    string //    
    MsgId        []byte //    byte 
    MsgIdHex     string //    Hex 
    CorrelId     []byte //     byte 
    CorrelIdHex  string //     Hex 
    PutDate      string //     
    PutTime      string //     
    DataLen      int    //  
    ErrCode      string //  
    ErrMes       string //   
    ErrTrace     string //    
    CauseErrCode string //    - 
    CauseErrMes  string //    - 
    Buf          []byte //   


// QueueService represent basic service for queue
type QueueService interface {
    OpenQueue(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    CloseQueue(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    BrowseMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    BrowseFirstMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    BrowseNextMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    BrowseUnderMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    GetMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    DeleteUnderMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    PutMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    RegisterCallback(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error
    DeregisterCallback(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error


, :

  1. — , . , "" > 0, "" not null.
  2. — , " " >= " "
  3. () — , " " >= " "
  4. — , (PK, UK), .
  5. — , (FK), .
  6. — , .

1, 2 3 . 4, 5, 6 , , .

, , , .

  • .
  • " API". , DML . , API. , Oracle , API.
  • (View API), , .
  • Instead of Trigger DML API.

, — DML . ( Oracle ). API, .

, 1, 2 3 JSON .

3 1, 2 3 gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.
4 (PK, UK).
5 6 .


REST API (JSON->Model->DB) (). , , JSON . API, (GC). ( GC).

GC — sync.Pool. . — sync.Pool.
, — sync.Pool, , , , .

sync.Pool :


// deptsPool represent depts pooling
var deptsPool = sync.Pool{
    New: func() interface{} { return new(Dept) },

// GetDept allocates a new struct or grabs a cached one
func GetDept() *Dept {
    p := deptsPool.Get().(*Dept)
    return p

// PutDept return struct to cache
func PutDept(p *Dept, isCascad bool) {
    if p != nil {
        PutEmpSlice(p.Emps, isCascad)
        p.Emps = nil

// Reset reset all fields in structure - use for sync.Pool
func (p *Dept) Reset() {
    p.Deptno = 0
    p.Dname = ""
    p.Loc.String = ""
    p.Loc.Valid = false
    if p.Emps != nil {
    p.Emps = nil

//EmpSlice represent slice of Emps
type EmpSlice []*Emp

// PutEmpSlice return struct to cache
func PutEmpSlice(p EmpSlice) {
    if p != nil {
        for i := range p {
            p[i] = nil //      
        p = p[:0] //   

, , 1000000 Get , 500 . .
, sync.Pool CPU, sync.Pool .
dept emp , .

2.4. Marshal / Unmarshal JSON

encoding/json .

. .


, , / JSON .

type Dept struct {
    Deptno int         `db:"deptno" json:"deptNumber" validate:"required"`
    Dname  string      `db:"dname" json:"deptName" validate:"required"`
    Loc    null.String `db:"loc" json:"deptLocation,nullempty"`
    Emps   []*Emp      `json:"emps,omitempty"`

, easyjson NULL , gopkg.in/guregu/null.v4. , NULL , , "Loc null.String" "Loc sql.NullString".


easyjson model.go

Marshal / Unmarshal , JSON.



  • , , Listen/notify PostgreSQL (jackc/pgx/stdlib lib/pq)

, .
, , SQL .

httpserver/sqlxx jmoiron/sqlx.

// DB is a wrapper around sqlx.DB
type DB struct {

    cfg     *Config
    sqlStms SQLStms // SQL 

// Tx is an sqlx wrapper around sqlx.Tx
type Tx struct {

, , jmoiron/sqlx, , jackc/pgx.


jmoiron/sqlx , : Beginx, Rollback, Commit, Select, Get, Exec.
INFO trace. , , , , .

func Commit(reqID uint64, tx *Tx) (myerr error) {
    defer func() {
        r := recover()
        if r != nil {
            msg := "PostgreSQL recover from panic: commit transaction: reqID"
            switch t := r.(type) {
            case string:
                myerr = myerror.New("4008", msg, reqID, t).PrintfInfo()
            case error:
                myerr = myerror.WithCause("4006", msg, t, reqID).PrintfInfo()
                myerr = myerror.New("4006", msg, reqID).PrintfInfo()

    if tx == nil {
        return myerror.New("4004", "Transaction is not defined: reqID", reqID).PrintfInfo()

    if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
        return myerror.WithCause("4008", "Error commit the transaction: reqID", err, reqID).PrintfInfo()
    return nil

interface{}, , , , .

func Select(reqID uint64, tx *Tx, sqlStm *SQLStm, dest interface{}, args ...interface{}) (myerr error) {
    if dest != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(dest).IsNil() {
        // ...
    return myerror.New("4400", "Incorrect call - nil dest interface{} pointer: reqID", reqID).PrintfInfo()

reflect.ValueOf(in).IsNil() , .


. .

// Config   
type Config struct {
    ConnectString   string //    
    Host            string // host 
    Port            string //   
    Dbname          string //  
    SslMode         string //  SSL
    User            string //     
    Pass            string //  
    ConnMaxLifetime int    //     
    MaxOpenConns    int    //    
    MaxIdleConns    int    //    
    DriverName      string //   "postgres" | "pgx" | "godror"

3.3. SQL

SQLXX SQL interface{}.
, SQL .

SQLXX SQL . SQL , , ( SQL ).

// SQLStm represent SQL text and sqlx.Stmt
type SQLStm struct {
    Text      string     //  SQL 
    Stmt      *sqlx.Stmt //  SQL 
    IsPrepare bool       // ,     SQL 

// SQLStms represent SQLStm map
type SQLStms map[string]*SQLStm

4. DB

DB :

4.1. , SQL

, (-) :

  • (PK) — API. GUID, , BTree .
  • (UK), , " ". UK .
  • (FK) PK. (FK), FK API . FK.

dept emp, , — .

SQL : "GetDept", "GetDeptUK", "DeptExists" .. , SQL.

, SQL :

  • PK, , "GetDept"
  • UK, , "GetDeptUK"
  • PK UK, , "DeptExists"

, View API. SQL REST API . .

service.SQLStms = map[string]*sql.SQLStm{
    "GetDept":         &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept WHERE deptno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetDeptUK":       &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept WHERE deptno = $1", nil, true},
    "DeptExists":      &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT 1 FROM dept WHERE deptno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetDepts":        &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept", nil, true},
    "GetDeptsPK":      &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT deptno FROM dept", nil, true},
    "CreateDept":      &sql.SQLStm{"INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) VALUES (:deptno, :dname, :loc)", nil, false},
    "UpdateDept":      &sql.SQLStm{"UPDATE dept SET dname = :dname, loc = :loc WHERE deptno = :deptno", nil, false},
    "EmpExists":       &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT 1 FROM emp WHERE empno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetEmp":          &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE empno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetEmpUK":        &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE empno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetEmpsByDept":   &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE deptno = $1", nil, true},
    "GetEmpsPKByDept": &sql.SQLStm{"SELECT empno FROM emp WHERE deptno = $1", nil, true},
    "CreateEmp":       &sql.SQLStm{"INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno) VALUES (:empno, :ename, :job, :mgr, :hiredate, :sal, :comm, :deptno)", nil, false},
    "UpdateEmp":       &sql.SQLStm{"UPDATE emp SET empno = :empno, ename = :ename, job = :job, mgr = :mgr, hiredate = :hiredate, sal = :sal, comm = :comm, deptno = :deptno WHERE empno = :empno", nil, false},

, SQL "".



  • .
  • .

4.2.1 Get

Get . , .

func (s *Service) getDept(ctx context.Context, tx *mysql.Tx, out *model.Dept) (exists bool, myerr error) {

    if exists, myerr = s.db.Get(reqID, tx, "GetDept", out, out.Deptno); myerr != nil {
        return false, myerr

    if exists {
        outEmps := model.GetEmpSlice() //   pool    
        if myerr = s.getEmpsByDept(ctx, tx, out, &outEmps); myerr != nil {
            return false, myerr
        out.Emps = outEmps //     

    return exists, nil

Get .

func (s *Service) GetDept(ctx context.Context, out *model.Dept) (exists bool, myerr error) {
    return s.getDept(ctx, nil, out)

4.2.2 Create

Create :

  • newDept, model.GetDept(). , .
  • . UK ( Dept ).
    • Get(reqID, tx, "DeptExists", &foo, in.Deptno), — UK. args ...interface{}, .
    • , — . .
  • PK
    • . , SQL / 1 . , .
    • API, , / PK, , Get(reqID, tx, "GetDeptUK", newDept, in.Deptno) UK.

    • , FK newEmp.Deptno = null.Int{sql.NullInt64{int64(newDept.Deptno), true}} createEmp(ctx, tx, newEmp, nil).
    • , .
  • — PK
    • — JSON .
    • HTTP .
    • , nil out.

func (s *Service) createDept(ctx context.Context, tx *mysql.Tx, in *model.Dept, out *model.Dept) (myerr error) {

    newDept := model.GetDept()         //   pool      
    defer model.PutDept(newDept, true) //    pool

    { // ,        UK
        var foo int
        exists, myerr := s.db.Get(reqID, tx, "DeptExists", &foo, in.Deptno)
        if myerr != nil {
            return myerr
        if exists {
            return myerror.New("4004", "Error create - row already exists: reqID, Deptno", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    } // ,        UK

    { //       PK
        rows, myerr := s.db.Exec(reqID, tx, "CreateDept", in)
        if myerr != nil {
            return myerr
        if rows != 1 {
            return myerror.New("4004", "Error create: reqID, Deptno, rows", reqID, in.Deptno, rows).PrintfInfo()

        //    -     ,   
        //    UK,    PK    
        exists, myerr := s.db.Get(reqID, tx, "GetDeptUK", newDept, in.Deptno)
        if myerr != nil {
            return myerr
        if !exists {
            return myerror.New("4004", "Row does not exists after creating: reqID, Deptno", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    } //       PK

    { //       
        if in.Emps != nil {
            for _, newEmp := range in.Emps {
                //   PK     
                newEmp.Deptno = null.Int{sql.NullInt64{int64(newDept.Deptno), true}}

                if myerr = s.createEmp(ctx, tx, newEmp, nil); myerr != nil {
                    return myerr
    } //       

    if out != nil {
        out.Deptno = newDept.Deptno //    PK
        exists, myerr := s.getDept(ctx, tx, out)
        if myerr != nil {
            return myerr
        //     API
        if !exists {
            return myerror.New("4004", "Row does not exists after updating: reqID, PK", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    return nil

Create :

  • rollback commit

func (s *Service) CreateDept(ctx context.Context, in *model.Dept, out *model.Dept) (myerr error) {
    var tx *mysql.Tx
    reqID := myctx.FromContextRequestID(ctx) // RequestID   context

    if tx, myerr = s.db.Beginx(reqID); myerr != nil {
        return myerr

    if myerr = s.createDept(ctx, tx, in, out); myerr != nil {
        _ = s.db.Rollback(reqID, tx)
        return myerr

    return s.db.Commit(reqID, tx)

4.2.3 Update

Update :

  • oldDept newDept, .
  • PK.
    • — . .

    • , . , .
    • UK, UK.

    • . , SQL 1 .
    • API, , / , , P Get(reqID, tx, "GetDept", newDept, in.Deptno).

    • , FK updateEmp(ctx, tx, inEmp, nil).
    • ,
  • — PK

func (s *Service) updateDept(ctx context.Context, tx *mysql.Tx, in *model.Dept, out *model.Dept) (exists bool, myerr error) {

    oldDept := model.GetDept()         //   pool      
    defer model.PutDept(oldDept, true) //    pool

    newDept := model.GetDept()         //   pool      
    defer model.PutDept(newDept, true) //    pool

    { //         
        oldDept.Deptno = in.Deptno //    PK
        if exists, myerr = s.getDept(ctx, tx, oldDept); myerr != nil {
            return false, myerr
        if !exists {
            mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Row does not exists: reqID, PK", reqID, in.Deptno)
            return false, nil
    } //         

    { //   /        
        //   UK
        //  Dept PK  UK  -     
        if oldDept.Deptno != in.Deptno {
            var foo int
            exists, myerr := s.db.Get(reqID, tx, "DeptExists", &foo, in.Deptno)
            if myerr != nil {
                return false, myerr
            if exists {
                return false, myerror.New("4004", "Error update - row with UK already exists: reqID, Deptno", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    } //   /        

    { //  
        rows, myerr := s.db.Exec(reqID, tx, "UpdateDept", in)
        if myerr != nil {
            return false, myerr
        if rows != 1 {
            return false, myerror.New("4004", "Error update: reqID, Deptno, rows", reqID, in.Deptno, rows).PrintfInfo()

        //   -     PK
        exists, myerr := s.db.Get(reqID, tx, "GetDept", newDept, in.Deptno)
        if myerr != nil {
            return false, myerr
        if !exists {
            return false, myerror.New("4004", "Row does not exists after creating: reqID, PK", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    } //  

    { //       
        if in.Emps != nil {
            for _, inEmp := range in.Emps {
                //   PK     
                inEmp.Deptno = null.Int{sql.NullInt64{int64(in.Deptno), true}}

                if exists, myerr = s.updateEmp(ctx, tx, inEmp, nil); myerr != nil {
                    return false, myerr
                //        -   
                if !exists {
                    if myerr = s.createEmp(ctx, tx, inEmp, nil); myerr != nil {
                        return false, myerr
    } //       

    if out != nil {
        out.Deptno = in.Deptno //    PK
        if exists, myerr = s.getDept(ctx, tx, out); myerr != nil {
            return false, myerr
        //     API
        if !exists {
            return false, myerror.New("4004", "Row does not exists after updating: reqID, PK", reqID, in.Deptno).PrintfInfo()
    return true, nil

Update :

  • rollback commit
  • , exists = false

func (s *Service) UpdateDept(ctx context.Context, in *model.Dept, out *model.Dept) (exists bool, myerr error) {
    var tx *mysql.Tx
    reqID := myctx.FromContextRequestID(ctx) // RequestID   context

    if tx, myerr = s.db.Beginx(reqID); myerr != nil {
        return false, myerr

    if exists, myerr = s.updateDept(ctx, tx, in, out); myerr != nil {
        _ = s.db.Rollback(reqID, tx)
        return false, myerr

    //            ,  
    if !exists {
        _ = s.db.Rollback(reqID, tx)
        return false, nil

    if myerr = s.db.Commit(reqID, tx); myerr != nil {
        return false, myerr
    return exists, nil


, .

. , backend , . / , .

3 dgraph-io/ristretto. PostgreSQL listen/notify.



  • Marshal / Unmarshal JSON
  • JSON

JSON . - ( ).

JSON HTTP. , . []byte, JSON.

5.1. Marshal JSON

encode JSON github.com/mailru/easyjson .

, encode JSON Dept:

  • HTTP JSON buf []byte
  • , w.Buffer.BuildBytes(buf) ,
  • HTTP

func deptMarshal(reqID uint64, v *model.Dept, buf []byte) (outBuf []byte, myerr error) {
    w := jwriter.Writer{} //  EasyJSON Writer
    v.MarshalEasyJSON(&w) //  JSON    EasyJSON Writer

    if w.Error != nil {
        return nil, myerror.WithCause("6001", "Error Marshal: reqID", w.Error, reqID).PrintfInfo(1)

    //     EasyJSON Writer   
    return w.Buffer.BuildBytes(buf), nil

5.2. Unmarshal JSON

Decode JSON :

if err := vIn.UnmarshalJSON(inBuf); err != nil {
    return 0, nil, myerror.WithCause("6001", "Error Unmarshal: reqID, buf", err, reqID, string(inBuf)).PrintfInfo()

. mailru/easyjson decode , . make new, "" .

  • out.Emps = make([]*Emp, 0, 8) out.Emps = []*Emp(GetEmpSlice())
  • v1 = new(Emp) v1 = GetEmp()


5.3.1. Get

Get :

  • : id — PK, , buf — JSON
  • : outBuf JSON ( buf)
  • JSON . vOut := model.GetDept() ( Dept — , Emp — ) defer model.PutDept(vOut, true). .

func (s *Service) GetDept(ctx context.Context, id int, buf []byte) (outBuf []byte, myerr error) {

    vOut := model.GetDept()         //   pool  
    defer model.PutDept(vOut, true) //   pool     

    vOut.Deptno = id                // PK     

    exists, myerr := s.deptService.GetDept(ctx, vOut)
    if myerr != nil {
        return nil, myerr

    //  json
    if exists {
        return deptMarshal(reqID, vOut, buf)

    return nil, nil //    - ,    

5.3.2. Create

Create :

  • inBuf — JSON
  • id — PK

func (s *Service) CreateDept(ctx context.Context, inBuf []byte, buf []byte) (id int, outBuf []byte, myerr error) {

    vIn := model.GetDept()         //   pool  
    defer model.PutDept(vIn, true) //   pool 

    vOut := model.GetDept()         //   pool  
    defer model.PutDept(vOut, true) //   pool 

    //  JSON  
    if err := vIn.UnmarshalJSON(inBuf); err != nil {
        return 0, nil, myerror.WithCause("6001", "Error Unmarshal: reqID, buf", err, reqID, string(inBuf)).PrintfInfo()

    if myerr = s.deptService.CreateDept(ctx, vIn, vOut); myerr != nil {
        return 0, nil, myerr

    //  json
    if outBuf, myerr = deptMarshal(reqID, vOut, buf); myerr != nil {
        return 0, nil, myerr

    return vOut.Deptno, outBuf, myerr

5.3.3. Update


  • id — PK .
  • outBuf NO_DATA_FOUND

func (s *Service) UpdateDept(ctx context.Context, id int, inBuf []byte, buf []byte) (outBuf []byte, myerr error) {

    vIn := model.GetDept()         //   pool  
    defer model.PutDept(vIn, true) //   pool 

    vOut := model.GetDept()         //   pool  
    defer model.PutDept(vOut, true) //   pool 

    //  JSON  
    if err := vIn.UnmarshalJSON(inBuf); err != nil {
        return nil, myerror.WithCause("6001", "Error Unmarshal: reqID, buf", err, reqID, string(inBuf)).PrintfInfo()

    //  ID 
    if id != vIn.Deptno {
        return nil, myerror.New("6001", "Resource ID does not corespond to JSON: resource.id, json.Deptno", id, vIn.Deptno).PrintfInfo()

    exists, myerr := s.deptService.UpdateDept(ctx, vIn, vOut)
    if myerr != nil {
        return nil, myerr

    //  json
    if exists {
        return deptMarshal(reqID, vOut, buf)

    return nil, nil //    - ,    

5.4. JSON


  • encode JSON
  • .

3 JSON go.etcd.io/bbolt. PostgreSQL listen/notify.



  • HTTP
  • HTTP
  • (basic, MS AD, ...)
  • token ( )
  • (body)
  • (header)
  • HSTS Strict-Transport-Security
  • Content-Type (response)
  • HTTP
  • (header)
  • defer recovery panic

. HTTP HTTP Golang.

, , :

  • defer . UML — RecoverWrap.func1, .
  • process. HTTP handler. UML process — .
  • HTTP handler. UML EchoHandler.func1 — .

. process, REST API.

( ).



JSON, []byte http.ResponseWriter . GC. GC .

  • JSON http.ResponseWriter
  • JSON http.ResponseWriter


, sync.Pool:


UseBufPool = true           //    
BufPooledSize = 512         //   ,       
BufPooledMaxSize = 32768    //      

process .

var buf []byte
if s.cfg.UseBufPool && s.bytesPool != nil {
    buf = s.bytesPool.GetBuf()

, , encode JSON .
, JSON .
[]byte .

if responseBuf != nil && s.cfg.UseBufPool && s.bytesPool != nil {
    //          pool
    if cap(responseBuf) >= s.cfg.BufPooledSize && cap(responseBuf) <= s.cfg.BufPooledMaxSize {
        defer s.bytesPool.PutBuf(responseBuf)

, . Pointer() []byte.

if reflect.ValueOf(buf).Pointer() != reflect.ValueOf(responseBuf).Pointer() {
    // ...

6.2. GET

process, :

  • URL ID — PK
  • JSON jsonService.GetDept(ctx, id, buf), buf .
  • . , header["RequestID"]

func (s *Service) GetDeptHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //   process,   
    _ = s.process("GET", w, r, func(ctx context.Context, requestBuf []byte, buf []byte) ([]byte, Header, int, error) {
        reqID := myctx.FromContextRequestID(ctx) // RequestID   context

        //  PK  URL     
        vars := mux.Vars(r)
        idStr := vars["id"]
        id, err := strconv.Atoi(idStr)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest, myerror.WithCause("8001", "Failed to process parameter 'id' invalid number: reqID, id", err, reqID, idStr).PrintfInfo()

        //  JSON ,     
        responseBuf, err := s.jsonService.GetDept(ctx, id, buf)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusInternalServerError, err

        if responseBuf == nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusNotFound, nil

        header := Header{}
        header["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        header["Errcode"] = "0"
        header["RequestID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqID)

        return responseBuf, header, http.StatusOK, nil

6.3. POST


  • ID — PK

func (s *Service) CreateDeptHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //   process,   
    _ = s.process("POST", w, r, func(ctx context.Context, requestBuf []byte, buf []byte) ([]byte, Header, int, error) {
        reqID := myctx.FromContextRequestID(ctx) // RequestID   context

        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("START: reqID", reqID)

        //  JSON 
        id, responseBuf, err := s.jsonService.CreateDept(ctx, requestBuf, buf)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusInternalServerError, err

        header := Header{}
        header["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        header["Errcode"] = "0"
        header["Id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", id)
        header["RequestID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqID)

        return responseBuf, header, http.StatusOK, nil

6.4. PUT


func (s *Service) UpdateDeptHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //   process,   
    _ = s.process("PUT", w, r, func(ctx context.Context, requestBuf []byte, buf []byte) ([]byte, Header, int, error) {
        reqID := myctx.FromContextRequestID(ctx) // RequestID   context

        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("START: reqID", reqID)

        vars := mux.Vars(r)
        idStr := vars["id"]
        id, err := strconv.Atoi(idStr)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest, myerror.WithCause("8001", "Failed to process parameter 'id' invalid number: reqID, id", err, reqID, idStr).PrintfInfo()

        //  JSON 
        responseBuf, err := s.jsonService.UpdateDept(ctx, id, requestBuf, buf)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusInternalServerError, err

        if responseBuf == nil {
            return nil, nil, http.StatusNotFound, nil

        header := Header{}
        header["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        header["Errcode"] = "0"
        header["RequestID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqID)

        return responseBuf, header, http.StatusOK, nil


, httpserver/httpservice Handlers.

// Handler represent HTTP handler
type Handler struct {
    Path        string
    HundlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
    Method      string

// Handlers represent HTTP handlers map
type Handlers map[string]Handler

httpservice.New. , service.recoverWrap().

service.Handlers = map[string]Handler{
    "EchoHandler":         Handler{"/echo", service.recoverWrap(service.EchoHandler), "POST"},
    "SinginHandler":       Handler{"/signin", service.recoverWrap(service.SinginHandler), "POST"},
    "JWTRefreshHandler":   Handler{"/refresh", service.recoverWrap(service.JWTRefreshHandler), "POST"},
    "HTTPLogHandler":      Handler{"/httplog", service.recoverWrap(service.HTTPLogHandler), "POST"},
    "HTTPErrorLogHandler": Handler{"/httperrlog", service.recoverWrap(service.HTTPErrorLogHandler), "POST"},
    "LogLevelHandler":     Handler{"/loglevel", service.recoverWrap(service.LogLevelHandler), "POST"},

    // JSON 
    "CreateDeptHandler": Handler{"/depts", service.recoverWrap(service.CreateDeptHandler), "POST"},
    "GetDeptHandler":    Handler{"/depts/{id:[0-9]+}", service.recoverWrap(service.GetDeptHandler), "GET"},
    "UpdateDeptHandler": Handler{"/depts/{id:[0-9]+}", service.recoverWrap(service.UpdateDeptHandler), "PUT"},



Oracle 3- :

  • VM.DenseIO2.8 — 8 Core Intel (16 virtual core), 120 Memory (GB), Oracle Linux 7.7
  • NVMe — 6.4 TB NVMe SSD Storage (1 drives) min 250k IOPS (4k block)
  • — 8.2 Network Bandwidth (Gbps)
  • — PostgreSQL 12. .
  • ApacheBench:
    • concurrency level 4 16384
    • 10 000 1 000 000 .
    • 2 8 ApacheBench ( ApacheBench 1 )


7.2. GET

  • JSON — 1800 . Dept 10 Emp.
  • Dept — 33 000 000, Emp — 330 000 000 .


  • GET PostgreSQL
  • GET JSON BBolt ( 74 )
  • GET ( map)


Requests per second Concurrency.








这就是以100,000 [#/秒]的速度加载后端服务器并在BBolt(并发128)中缓存数据的样子。NVMe驱动器上的平均I / O延迟为0.02 [ms](500,000 IOPS)。


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