





本文的作者使用沉重的预训练语言模型(以下简称LM)和几个简单的分类器,提供了一种简单的(因此即插即用)优雅的方法来生成条件,从而从视图分布中进行采样p(x|a) ∝ p(a|x)p(x)应当注意的是,原始LM并未进行任何修改。作者提出了两种形式的分类器,在本文中称为属性模型:用于主题控制的BoW和用于音调控制的线性分类器。作者对他们的主要贡献进行了相当详细的分析,将其方法的思想和方法与其他文章进行了比较。最重要的一点是方法的易用性,也许在这里,只看一下这



Uber weighted decoding: , . , , . , . , , , .

Uber : , LM, . , , , ( , ) . ( perturb_past — , .

? log-likelihood: p(x) a attribute model p(a|x). , backward pass .

log-likelihood? , :

, , LM. , fluency LM.

, :

forward pass LM, p(a|x) — attribute model. backward pass, , attribute model, , . , .

, : “” k k forward backward pass’, n. LM forward pass. , : ( num of iterations=3 gen length=5, ).

, ( colab , ) , , , “the kitten” “military” :

  • The kitten is a creature with no real personality, it is just a pet. You can use it as a combat item.
  • The kitten that is now being called the "suspected killer" of a woman in a San Diego apartment complex was shot by another person who then shot him, according to authorities.

combat, shot, killer — , military. LM :

  • The kitten that escaped a cage has been rescued from a cat sanctuary in Texas.
  • The cat, named "Lucky," was found wandering in the back yard of the Humane Society at the time of the incident on Friday.

attribute models

, BoW discriminator. :

p_t+1 — LM, w_i — i- .
Discriminator model , BoW, , , , . , .

, LM, LM weighted decoding CTRL (conditional LM). fluency , , perplexity . PPLM :


  • B — baseline, GPT-2 LM;
  • BR — , B, r , log-likelihood ;
  • BC — , ;
  • BCR — , BC, r , log-likelihood ;
  • CTRLKeskar et al, 2019;
  • GPT2-FT-RL — GPT2, fine-tuned RL ;
  • WD — weighted decoding, p(a|x);

— , LM, . , , - :)

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