




# Python Libraries
%matplotlib inline
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
from keras.datasets import cifar10
from keras import backend as K

# Custom Networks
from networks.lenet import LeNet
from networks.pure_cnn import PureCnn
from networks.network_in_network import NetworkInNetwork
from networks.resnet import ResNet
from networks.densenet import DenseNet
from networks.wide_resnet import WideResNet
from networks.capsnet import CapsNet

# Helper functions
from differential_evolution import differential_evolution
import helper



(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data()

class_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']


image_id = 99 # Image index in the test set


def perturb_image(xs, img):
    # If this function is passed just one perturbation vector,
    # pack it in a list to keep the computation the same
    if xs.ndim < 2:
        xs = np.array([xs])
    # Copy the image n == len(xs) times so that we can 
    # create n new perturbed images
    tile = [len(xs)] + [1]*(xs.ndim+1)
    imgs = np.tile(img, tile)
    # Make sure to floor the members of xs as int types
    xs = xs.astype(int)
    for x,img in zip(xs, imgs):
        # Split x into an array of 5-tuples (perturbation pixels)
        # i.e., [[x,y,r,g,b], ...]
        pixels = np.split(x, len(x) // 5)
        for pixel in pixels:
            # At each pixel's x,y position, assign its rgb value
            x_pos, y_pos, *rgb = pixel
            img[x_pos, y_pos] = rgb
    return imgs

一探究竟 ?!将我们坐标为(16,16)的马匹的一个像素更改为黄色。

image_id = 99 # Image index in the test set
pixel = np.array([16, 16, 255, 255, 0]) # pixel = x,y,r,g,b
image_perturbed = perturb_image(pixel, x_test[image_id])[0]



lenet = LeNet()
resnet = ResNet()

models = [lenet, resnet]


network_stats, correct_imgs = helper.evaluate_models(models, x_test, y_test)

correct_imgs = pd.DataFrame(correct_imgs, columns=['name', 'img', 'label', 'confidence', 'pred'])

network_stats = pd.DataFrame(network_stats, columns=['name', 'accuracy', 'param_count'])

Evaluating lenet
Evaluating resnet


	name        accuracy    param_count
0      lenet        0.748       62006
1      resnet       0.9231      470218





回想一下,对于我们的实验,我们使用CIFAR-10数据集,其中包含大小为32 x 32像素的真实世界图像,分为10类。这意味着我们具有从0到31的整数离散值和从0到255的颜色强度,并且该函数不会很平滑,而是参差不齐,如下所示:



def predict_classes(xs, img, target_class, model, minimize=True):
    # Perturb the image with the given pixel(s) x and get the prediction of the model
    imgs_perturbed = perturb_image(xs, img)
    predictions = model.predict(imgs_perturbed)[:,target_class]
    # This function should always be minimized, so return its complement if needed
    return predictions if minimize else 1 - predictions

image_id = 384
pixel = np.array([16, 13,  25, 48, 156])
model = resnet

true_class = y_test[image_id, 0]
prior_confidence = model.predict_one(x_test[image_id])[true_class]
confidence = predict_classes(pixel, x_test[image_id], true_class, model)[0]

print('Confidence in true class', class_names[true_class], 'is', confidence)
print('Prior confidence was', prior_confidence)
helper.plot_image(perturb_image(pixel, x_test[image_id])[0])

Confidence in true class bird is 0.00018887444
Prior confidence was 0.70661753


def attack_success(x, img, target_class, model, targeted_attack=False, verbose=False):
    # Perturb the image with the given pixel(s) and get the prediction of the model
    attack_image = perturb_image(x, img)
    confidence = model.predict(attack_image)[0]
    predicted_class = np.argmax(confidence)
    # If the prediction is what we want (misclassification or 
    # targeted classification), return True
    if verbose:
        print('Confidence:', confidence[target_class])
    if ((targeted_attack and predicted_class == target_class) or
        (not targeted_attack and predicted_class != target_class)):
        return True
    # NOTE: return None otherwise (not False), due to how Scipy handles its callback function


image_id = 541
pixel = np.array([17, 18, 185, 36, 215])
model = resnet

true_class = y_test[image_id, 0]
prior_confidence = model.predict_one(x_test[image_id])[true_class]
success = attack_success(pixel, x_test[image_id], true_class, model, verbose=True)

print('Prior confidence', prior_confidence)
print('Attack success:', success == True)
helper.plot_image(perturb_image(pixel, x_test[image_id])[0])
Confidence: 0.07460087
Prior confidence 0.50054216
Attack success: True


def attack(img_id, model, target=None, pixel_count=1, 
           maxiter=75, popsize=400, verbose=False):
    # Change the target class based on whether this is a targeted attack or not
    targeted_attack = target is not None
    target_class = target if targeted_attack else y_test[img_id, 0]
    # Define bounds for a flat vector of x,y,r,g,b values
    # For more pixels, repeat this layout
    bounds = [(0,32), (0,32), (0,256), (0,256), (0,256)] * pixel_count
    # Population multiplier, in terms of the size of the perturbation vector x
    popmul = max(1, popsize // len(bounds))
    # Format the predict/callback functions for the differential evolution algorithm
    def predict_fn(xs):
        return predict_classes(xs, x_test[img_id], target_class, 
                               model, target is None)
    def callback_fn(x, convergence):
        return attack_success(x, x_test[img_id], target_class, 
                              model, targeted_attack, verbose)
    # Call Scipy's Implementation of Differential Evolution
    attack_result = differential_evolution(
        predict_fn, bounds, maxiter=maxiter, popsize=popmul,
        recombination=1, atol=-1, callback=callback_fn, polish=False)

    # Calculate some useful statistics to return from this function
    attack_image = perturb_image(attack_result.x, x_test[img_id])[0]
    prior_probs = model.predict_one(x_test[img_id])
    predicted_probs = model.predict_one(attack_image)
    predicted_class = np.argmax(predicted_probs)
    actual_class = y_test[img_id, 0]
    success = predicted_class != actual_class
    cdiff = prior_probs[actual_class] - predicted_probs[actual_class]

    # Show the best attempt at a solution (successful or not)
    helper.plot_image(attack_image, actual_class, class_names, predicted_class)

    return [model.name, pixel_count, img_id, actual_class, predicted_class, success, cdiff, prior_probs, predicted_probs, attack_result.x]



image_id = 102
pixels = 1 # Number of pixels to attack
model = resnet

_ = attack(image_id, model, pixel_count=pixels, verbose=True)

Confidence: 0.9938618
Confidence: 0.77454716
Confidence: 0.77454716
Confidence: 0.77454716
Confidence: 0.77454716
Confidence: 0.77454716
Confidence: 0.53226393
Confidence: 0.53226393
Confidence: 0.53226393
Confidence: 0.53226393
Confidence: 0.4211318



image_id = 108
target_class = 1 # Integer in range 0-9
pixels = 3
model = lenet

print('Attacking with target', class_names[target_class])
_ = attack(image_id, model, target_class, pixel_count=pixels, verbose=True)
Attacking with target automobile
Confidence: 0.044409167
Confidence: 0.044409167
Confidence: 0.044409167
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.054611664
Confidence: 0.081972085
Confidence: 0.081972085
Confidence: 0.081972085
Confidence: 0.081972085
Confidence: 0.1537778
Confidence: 0.1537778
Confidence: 0.1537778
Confidence: 0.22246778
Confidence: 0.23916133
Confidence: 0.25238588
Confidence: 0.25238588
Confidence: 0.25238588
Confidence: 0.44560355
Confidence: 0.44560355
Confidence: 0.44560355
Confidence: 0.5711696


def attack_all(models, samples=500, pixels=(1,3,5), targeted=False, 
               maxiter=75, popsize=400, verbose=False):
    results = []
    for model in models:
        model_results = []
        valid_imgs = correct_imgs[correct_imgs.name == model.name].img
        img_samples = np.random.choice(valid_imgs, samples, replace=False)
        for pixel_count in pixels:
            for i, img_id in enumerate(img_samples):
                print('\n', model.name, '- image', img_id, '-', i+1, '/', len(img_samples))
                targets = [None] if not targeted else range(10)
                for target in targets:
                    if targeted:
                        print('Attacking with target', class_names[target])
                        if target == y_test[img, 0]:
                    result = attack(img_id, model, target, pixel_count, 
                                    maxiter=maxiter, popsize=popsize, 
        results += model_results
        helper.checkpoint(results, targeted)
    return results

untargeted = attack_all(models, samples=100, targeted=False)

targeted = attack_all(models, samples=10, targeted=False)



untargeted, targeted = helper.load_results()

columns = ['model', 'pixels', 'image', 'true', 'predicted', 'success', 'cdiff', 'prior_probs', 'predicted_probs', 'perturbation']

untargeted_results = pd.DataFrame(untargeted, columns=columns)
targeted_results = pd.DataFrame(targeted, columns=columns)


helper.attack_stats(targeted_results, models, network_stats)
	model	accuracy   pixels	attack_success_rate
0	resnet	0.9231	    1	        0.144444
1	resnet	0.9231	    3	        0.211111
2	resnet	0.9231	    5	        0.222222

helper.attack_stats(untargeted_results, models, network_stats)
	model	accuracy   pixels	attack_success_rate
0	resnet	0.9231	   1	        0.34
1	resnet	0.9231	   3	        0.79
2	resnet	0.9231	   5	        0.79





本文由Alexander AndronicAdrey Cherny-Tkach作为Data4实习的一部分编写

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