

感谢您的校对和翻译帮助。 赫罗洛特FunkillAndreevlex


: JSON , , . , , , TypeDD, , , :

, .


, : TypeDD, , , . , . , , , .

, , , " ?". :

enum Void {}

fn foo(x: i32) -> Void

? , — , .. Void — , , Void. , , :

fn head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> T

. ? , - , , :

fn head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> T {
    match xs.as_slice() {
        [x, ..] => *x

error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `&[]` not covered
 --> src/lib.rs:2:11
2 |     match xs.as_slice() {
  |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern `&[]` not covered

, , , . , , [], . , .. , , , ! , , , ( , . .).

- . , . , " " - , . head, , .

, head , .. : , . , : . , , , , : , , . Rust Option:

fn head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> Option<T>

, headNone, , T:

fn head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> Option<T> {
    match xs.as_slice() {
        [x, ..] => Some(*x),
        [] => None,

, ? , — … .

Option, , , head. . head None, , . , :

fn get_configuration_directories() -> Result<Vec<String>, &'static str> {
    let config_dirs_string = std::env::var("CONFIG_DIRS").map_err(|_| "cannot read env")?;
    let list: Vec<_> = config_dirs_string.split(',').map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
    if list.is_empty() {
        return Err("CONFIG_DIRS cannot be empty");

fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
    let config_dirs = get_configuration_directories()?;
    match head(config_dirs) {
        Some(cacheDir) => initialize_cache(cacheDir),
        None => panic!("should never happen; already checked config_dirs is non-empty")

get_configuration_directories , . head main, , Option<&str> None, , , ! :

  1. -, . , , ?

  2. -, . , , , , , .

  3. , , . , get_configuration_directories , , , ? , main, "" , .

. None , get_configuration_directories .
, , .

, head , . , - : , , head , , , . ?

() head .

fn head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> T

, . , , : ( — Vec<T>). , head .

, , .
, NonEmptyVec . :

struct NonEmptyVec<T>(T, Vec<T>);

, NonEmptyVecT (, ) Vec<T>. , Vec<T> [], . , head :

fn head<T>(xs: NonEmptyVec<T>) -> T {

, , , , . :

fn get_configuration_directories() -> Result<NonEmptyVec<String>, &'static str> {
    let config_dirs_string = std::env::var("CONFIG_DIRS").map_err(|_| "cannot read env")?;
    let list: Vec<_> = config_dirs_string.split(',').map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
    match non_empty(list) {
        Some(x) => Ok(x),
        None => Err("CONFIG_DIRS cannot be empty")

fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
    let config_dirs = get_configuration_directories()?;

, main ! , get_configuration_directories. NonEmptyVec Vec non_empty, :

fn non_empty<T>(list: Vec<T>) -> Option<NonEmptyVec<T>>

, Option , None : . , NonEmptyVec, ( !) , . , NonEmptyVec Vec<T> , .

head , :

  • , .

  • , get_configuration_directories , . , main , !

, head , non_empty:

fn old_head<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> Option<T> {

, : head . , .

? , — , , . , : , , . :

fn validate_non_empty<T>(xs: Vec<T>) -> Result<(), UserError> {
    if !xs.is_empty() {
    } else {
        Err(UserError::new("list cannot be empty"))

fn parse_non_empty<T>(mut xs: Vec<T>) -> Result<NonEmptyVec<T>, UserError> {
    if !xs.is_empty() {
        let head = xs.remove(0);
        Ok(NonEmptyVec(head, xs))
    } else {
        Err(UserError::new("list cannot be empty"))

: , , . : validate_non_empty (), , , parse_non_empty NonEmptyVec<T>, , . , parse_non_empty , validate_non_empty .

: validate_non_empty , parse_non_empty , . , parse_non_empty , , ", ". parse_non_empty. - , ? , , , , parse_non_empty , .

: ? , , , . , — — , - . , , , parse_non_empty : , .

: , , , ! Rust , :

: . - -, , . , , , , , .

, , : , . : - , . , NonEmpty : , .

, , , . , ? , , , ?

, . Ad-hoc , - . 2016 The Seven Turrets of Babel: A Taxonomy of LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them :

— , , , ; , ( - ), "" .

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, — , , . , , , , "" . , , .

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, . ", , !", , , . "" "", "".

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, , , , , - . — , , :

fn check_no_duplicate_keys<K: Eq, V>(xs: &[(K,V)]) { ... }

"" — : . - , , , . , , , HashMap. , HashMap , , .

, , , , , . - , HashMap . , , , . check_no_duplicate_keys:

fn check_no_duplicate_keys<K: Eq, V>(xs: &[(K,V)]) -> HashMap<K,V> { ... }

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  2. , . , . , , , .

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  • , . bool , ( , , . .). , — , , ,

  • Result<(), Error> . , - , , .

  • . , , , , , , . — -.

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  • , " " . , , , , , . (newtype) , - .

, . , error "impossible" - — , , . , , .

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, , : Type Safety Back and Forth. , . Ghosts of Departed Proofs, , , .

, , , . , — , . , TypeDD, , , , . , , . , — .

, — , .

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