






考虑字符串“ aabacdab”。它具有8个字符,并且在编码固定长度时,将需要64位存储它。注意,字符“ a”,“ b”,“ c”“ d”的频率分别为4、2、1、1。让我们试着想象“aabacdab”用更少的比特,使用的事实,“一”是不是更常见的“B”“B”是不是更常见的“C”“d”。首先,我们使用等于0的一位“ a”进行编码“ b”分配两位的编码11,并使用100和011这三位对“ c”进行编码“ D”



因此,我们使用上述代码字符串“ aabacdab”编码00110100011011(0 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 100 | 011 | 0 | 11)但是,主要问题将是解码。当我们尝试对00110100011011行进行解码时,我们会得到一个模棱两可的结果,因为它可以表示为:

0|011|0|100|011|0|11    adacdab
0|0|11|0|100|0|11|011   aabacabd
0|011|0|100|0|11|0|11   adacabab 



让我们回顾一下上面的例子。这次我们将分配字符“ a”,“ b”,“ c”“ d” 满足前缀规则的代码。


使用此编码,字符串“ aabacdab”将被编码为00100100011010(0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 100 | 011 | 0 | 10)在这里00100100011010,我们可以唯一地解码并返回到原始行“ aabacdab”



该方法基于二叉树的创建。在其中,节点可以是有限的或内部的。最初,所有节点都被视为树叶(叶子),代表符号本身及其权重(即出现的频率)。内部节点包含字符的权重,并引用两个后代节点。根据一般约定,位“ 0”代表左分支的跟随,而位“ 1”代表分支。在完整的树中,有N个叶子和N-1个内部节点。建议在构建霍夫曼树时,将未使用的字符丢弃以获取最佳长度的代码。


  1. 为每个字符创建一个叶节点,并将它们添加到优先级队列。
  2. 排队一张以上时,请执行以下操作:
    • 从队列中删除优先级最高(频率最低)的两个节点;
    • 创建一个新的内部节点,其中这两个节点将成为继承人,并且出现的频率将等于这两个节点的频率之和。
    • 将新节点添加到优先级队列。
  3. 唯一剩余的节点将是根,这将完成树的构建。

想象一下,我们有一些仅由字符“ a”,“ b”,“ c”,“ d”“ e”组成的文本,其出现频率分别为15、7、6、6和5。下面的插图反映了该算法的步骤。



下面,您将找到C ++和Java中霍夫曼压缩算法的实现:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;

// A Tree node
struct Node
	char ch;
	int freq;
	Node *left, *right;

// Function to allocate a new tree node
Node* getNode(char ch, int freq, Node* left, Node* right)
	Node* node = new Node();

	node->ch = ch;
	node->freq = freq;
	node->left = left;
	node->right = right;

	return node;

// Comparison object to be used to order the heap
struct comp
	bool operator()(Node* l, Node* r)
		// highest priority item has lowest frequency
		return l->freq > r->freq;

// traverse the Huffman Tree and store Huffman Codes
// in a map.
void encode(Node* root, string str,
			unordered_map<char, string> &huffmanCode)
	if (root == nullptr)

	// found a leaf node
	if (!root->left && !root->right) {
		huffmanCode[root->ch] = str;

	encode(root->left, str + "0", huffmanCode);
	encode(root->right, str + "1", huffmanCode);

// traverse the Huffman Tree and decode the encoded string
void decode(Node* root, int &index, string str)
	if (root == nullptr) {

	// found a leaf node
	if (!root->left && !root->right)
		cout << root->ch;


	if (str[index] =='0')
		decode(root->left, index, str);
		decode(root->right, index, str);

// Builds Huffman Tree and decode given input text
void buildHuffmanTree(string text)
	// count frequency of appearance of each character
	// and store it in a map
	unordered_map<char, int> freq;
	for (char ch: text) {

	// Create a priority queue to store live nodes of
	// Huffman tree;
	priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, comp> pq;

	// Create a leaf node for each character and add it
	// to the priority queue.
	for (auto pair: freq) {
		pq.push(getNode(pair.first, pair.second, nullptr, nullptr));

	// do till there is more than one node in the queue
	while (pq.size() != 1)
		// Remove the two nodes of highest priority
		// (lowest frequency) from the queue
		Node *left = pq.top(); pq.pop();
		Node *right = pq.top();	pq.pop();

		// Create a new internal node with these two nodes
		// as children and with frequency equal to the sum
		// of the two nodes' frequencies. Add the new node
		// to the priority queue.
		int sum = left->freq + right->freq;
		pq.push(getNode('\0', sum, left, right));

	// root stores pointer to root of Huffman Tree
	Node* root = pq.top();

	// traverse the Huffman Tree and store Huffman Codes
	// in a map. Also prints them
	unordered_map<char, string> huffmanCode;
	encode(root, "", huffmanCode);

	cout << "Huffman Codes are :\n" << '\n';
	for (auto pair: huffmanCode) {
		cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second << '\n';

	cout << "\nOriginal string was :\n" << text << '\n';

	// print encoded string
	string str = "";
	for (char ch: text) {
		str += huffmanCode[ch];

	cout << "\nEncoded string is :\n" << str << '\n';

	// traverse the Huffman Tree again and this time
	// decode the encoded string
	int index = -1;
	cout << "\nDecoded string is: \n";
	while (index < (int)str.size() - 2) {
		decode(root, index, str);

// Huffman coding algorithm
int main()
	string text = "Huffman coding is a data compression algorithm.";


	return 0;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;

// A Tree node
class Node
	char ch;
	int freq;
	Node left = null, right = null;

	Node(char ch, int freq)
		this.ch = ch;
		this.freq = freq;

	public Node(char ch, int freq, Node left, Node right) {
		this.ch = ch;
		this.freq = freq;
		this.left = left;
		this.right = right;

class Huffman
	// traverse the Huffman Tree and store Huffman Codes
	// in a map.
	public static void encode(Node root, String str,
							  Map<Character, String> huffmanCode)
		if (root == null)

		// found a leaf node
		if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
			huffmanCode.put(root.ch, str);

		encode(root.left, str + "0", huffmanCode);
		encode(root.right, str + "1", huffmanCode);

	// traverse the Huffman Tree and decode the encoded string
	public static int decode(Node root, int index, StringBuilder sb)
		if (root == null)
			return index;

		// found a leaf node
		if (root.left == null && root.right == null)
			return index;


		if (sb.charAt(index) == '0')
			index = decode(root.left, index, sb);
			index = decode(root.right, index, sb);

		return index;

	// Builds Huffman Tree and huffmanCode and decode given input text
	public static void buildHuffmanTree(String text)
		// count frequency of appearance of each character
		// and store it in a map
		Map<Character, Integer> freq = new HashMap<>();
		for (int i = 0 ; i < text.length(); i++) {
			if (!freq.containsKey(text.charAt(i))) {
				freq.put(text.charAt(i), 0);
			freq.put(text.charAt(i), freq.get(text.charAt(i)) + 1);

		// Create a priority queue to store live nodes of Huffman tree
		// Notice that highest priority item has lowest frequency
		PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(
										(l, r) -> l.freq - r.freq);

		// Create a leaf node for each character and add it
		// to the priority queue.
		for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry : freq.entrySet()) {
			pq.add(new Node(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));

		// do till there is more than one node in the queue
		while (pq.size() != 1)
			// Remove the two nodes of highest priority
			// (lowest frequency) from the queue
			Node left = pq.poll();
			Node right = pq.poll();

			// Create a new internal node with these two nodes as children 
			// and with frequency equal to the sum of the two nodes
			// frequencies. Add the new node to the priority queue.
			int sum = left.freq + right.freq;
			pq.add(new Node('\0', sum, left, right));

		// root stores pointer to root of Huffman Tree
		Node root = pq.peek();

		// traverse the Huffman tree and store the Huffman codes in a map
		Map<Character, String> huffmanCode = new HashMap<>();
		encode(root, "", huffmanCode);

		// print the Huffman codes
		System.out.println("Huffman Codes are :\n");
		for (Map.Entry<Character, String> entry : huffmanCode.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());

		System.out.println("\nOriginal string was :\n" + text);

		// print encoded string
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		for (int i = 0 ; i < text.length(); i++) {

		System.out.println("\nEncoded string is :\n" + sb);

		// traverse the Huffman Tree again and this time
		// decode the encoded string
		int index = -1;
		System.out.println("\nDecoded string is: \n");
		while (index < sb.length() - 2) {
			index = decode(root, index, sb);

	public static void main(String[] args)
		String text = "Huffman coding is a data compression algorithm.";


注意:输入字符串使用内存为47 * 8 = 376位,而编码字符串仅占用194位,即 数据压缩约48%。在上面的C ++程序中,我们使用字符串类存储编码的字符串以使程序可读。

由于优先级队列的有效数据结构需要插入O(log(N))时间,并且在具有N个叶子的完整二叉树中2N-1个节点,而Huffman树是一个完整的二叉树,因此该算法适用于O(Nlog(N ))时间,其中N是字符数。




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