

最初,任务是通过缓慢的连接(约5-10kb / s滞后)简化访问站点。主要有两个方面:1)删去所有不必要的内容(主要是广告),2)缓存所有可以缓存的内容,而不会对所访问的网站的功能造成很大的损害,即使这些网站本身不允许在http标头中甚至是在缓存时也是如此。它们显然会在静态文件的网址之后添加一个带有随机数的问号,从而产生干扰。

警告:下面描述的实现是针对Linux的,它似乎可以在其他* nix上运行,但是甚至没有考虑在Windows上进行编译(尽管有机会进行调整)。

草稿:nginx + php-fpm

我不想花所有的时间,因此决定快速配置nginx + php-fpm捆绑包,该捆绑包中的第一个解析传入连接(包括https)并将它们全部重定向,而无需分析主机和URL,并将其重定向到同一php脚本。还有一个小的C程序,将http-proxy协议转换为常规的HTTP(s)流量。也就是说,它将请求GET http://host/path HTTP/1.x转换为GET /path HTTP/1.x(主机名仍在Host标头中),并将所有https CONNECT代理到本地nginx。后来发现,http://host没有必要从http请求中删除,nginx以与通常相同的方式接受它们。

然后,PHP脚本收集回分解成不同变量的请求,并通过fsockopen()连接到目标服务器(内置SSL支持),发送收集的http请求,获取响应,然后使用标头()发送给浏览器。回声。该脚本不是从头开始编写的,这要归功于某个velen Lachance的https://github.com/eslachance/php-transparent-proxy(但是,引用的目的稍有不同,因此根本无法复制它)。


-, URL , POST- , Content-Type — php- , $_POST[] , , ( ). php 5.4 enable_post_data_reading — off, 'php://input'. $_POST $_FILES, , , .

-, nginx , " " firefox . , . , . ( ), , .

. , host host/path ( php- ). , ( — ). , . GET 200, — . — , , ( , ) content-type . : http-, content-type . , , , , , .

, , , .

( - , — ).

3-4 - — nginx php C.

( ), -, . https, - ( ), SSL - php .

OpenSSL. , , . , -, ( ), - ( ), - API OpenSSL ( ), API, ( ) ssl- ( , , ).


, - API TLS, , , (, , , , ), ASN1. , API , RFC . .


, , SSL/TLS, , , . : , , , . .

, (accept) , SSL/TLS, ( SSL/TLS-, ), , . http- https-, , .

, : , , .

ssl-server-wrapper ssl-client-wrapper. , — , , SSL- , .

$ host ya.ru                        -  ip-
ya.ru has address
$ ./ssl-client-wrapper
T/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt    -      RootCA
C87.250.250.242:443/ya.ru              -       SNI

( , ):

DEBUG: cert[-1] subject = /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=ITO/L=Moscow/ST=Russian Federation/CN=*.yandex.az
DEBUG: cert[-1] issuer = /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=Yandex Certification Authority/CN=Yandex CA
DEBUG: cert[0] subject = /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=ITO/L=Moscow/ST=Russian Federation/CN=*.yandex.az
DEBUG: cert[0] issuer = /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=Yandex Certification Authority/CN=Yandex CA
DEBUG: cert[1] subject = /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=Yandex Certification Authority/CN=Yandex CA
DEBUG: cert[1] issuer = /C=PL/O=Unizeto Technologies S.A./OU=Certum Certification Authority/CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
DEBUG: cert[2] subject = /C=PL/O=Unizeto Technologies S.A./OU=Certum Certification Authority/CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
DEBUG: cert[2] issuer = /C=PL/O=Unizeto Sp. z o.o./CN=Certum CA


DEBUG: cert[-1] issued by cert[1]
DEBUG: cert[1] issued by cert[2]
DEBUG: cert[2]=cert[*0] was not issued by something from trusted-cert-store - chain incomplete, trying to recover
DEBUG: cache miss at ./cert-pin/cache/9nqv0qm41tlxyel95bbods0famxjagbx.0
DEBUG: downloading AIA issuer cert: http://repository.certum.pl/ca.cer
DEBUG: cert[*0] issued by cert[*1]
DEBUG: cert[*1] is self-signed, chain ended

, "Certum CA" Root CA, , (cert[2]) http://repository.certum.pl/ca.cer ; (cert[*1]), . , Root CA "Certum Trusted Network CA", .


DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.az' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.tm' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.com.ua' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.de' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.jobs' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.net' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.xn--d1acpjx3f.xn--p1ai' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.com.ge' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.fr' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.fr' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.kz' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.aero' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.jobs' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.ee' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.com' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.tm' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.ru' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.ru' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.lv' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard '*.yandex.lt' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.az' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.net' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'yandex.lt' against needed name 'ya.ru'
DEBUG: check wildcard 'ya.ru' against needed name 'ya.ru'


DEBUG: protocol = TLSv1.2
DEBUG: verify_result = 0
DEBUG: server_cert subject: /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=ITO/L=Moscow/ST=Russian Federation/CN=*.yandex.az
DEBUG: server_cert issuer: /C=RU/O=Yandex LLC/OU=Yandex Certification Authority/CN=Yandex CA
OK: connection to established

, http-

GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: ya.ru
Connection: close

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Accept-CH: Viewport-Width, DPR, Device-Memory, RTT, Downlink, ECT
Accept-CH-Lifetime: 31536000

, .

nginx , . , \r\n \n , , , Content-Length, . Chunked encoding — , http-, .

, , — , php, . ( , , ..), php- , , "" ( C PHP), " -" . ( ) "" "" include ( ).

, 2 . — - ( ), , .

  1. SSL/TLS-, ssl-telnet. - ( -), . , . OpenSSL ( , - ). .

    • : ( ), ( ), (, , — ). ( , ). , , .
    • , , trusted root CA .

  2. , , ssh port forwarding ( helpers/remote.c proxy.c "--proxy". . SSL/TLS , "" . , .

  3. : , , , , raw- ( real-time ).

  4. /etc/hosts : - , , .

  5. , , , . ( , ), . " , — ", . , , , " - ".

    • — , , . - ( offline.flag , ). , , , ( POST- ), , , — .

  6. , . , handle/inc.rewrite.c

  7. dashboard ( ) .
    ./dashboard --basedir=/path/to/proxy/base --highlight --loop

  8. . , , , , , . , - — , " ".

(-) - OpenSSL
(+-) #define
(+-) IPv6
(-) Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*' — .
(-) ,
(-) ( raw ) — , localhost- , , - ( ) 10


C-, zlib ( gzip http-), openssl ( ssl-). Debian zlib1g-dev libssl-dev. () .

, ( ) (, Makefile, make) build-all.sh.

: fproxy/build2.sh, fproxy/config.h ( /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ). (helpers/) #define (config.h ), .

, , () . , ( ), — , ( #define-). build-all.sh .


. prepare-dir.sh — fproxy-target/ ( ).

cache_real/, — 2 , .
saved_real/-, 2-. .
cert-pin/certs/( , / , ).
cert-pin/queue/, .
cert-pin/cache/, ( , ).
hist/( , ).
internal/AIA .
dyn-cert-serial( — '0' ).
mincache.date0, .
offline.flag0, "-" — saved_real/ , , — .
rules_*.txt, .

— ( fproxy-target/, prepare-dir.sh).

-. , , , . " " , root , 0640 0750. world-readable , , - , , MITM.

dashboard BASE/log/dashboard . ( ) , - .

— , , .

: .

, , "-", . , .

— (, , , ) , , .

, - .

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