

  • 记录传入的HTTP请求
  • 验证HTTP方法
  • 身份验证(基本,MS AD等)
  • 令牌验证(如有必要)
  • 读取传入请求的正文
  • 读取传入请求的标头
  • 实际处理请求并生成响应
  • 安装HSTS Strict-Transport-Security
  • 设置外发响应的内容类型
  • 记录传出HTTP响应
  • 记录传出响应的标题
  • 记录传出响应正文
  • 错误处理和记录
  • 推迟恢复过程以在可能出现紧急情况后进行恢复





backend Golang

, , — , - .


UML HTTP EchoHandler.

, , :

  • defer . UML — RecoverWrap.func1, .
  • . HTTP handler. UML Process — .
  • HTTP handler. UML EchoHandler.func1 — .



HTTP EchoHandler, "" .

, EchoHandler, ( RecoverWrap), EchoHandler.

router.HandleFunc("/echo", service.RecoverWrap(http.HandlerFunc(service.EchoHandler))).Methods("GET")

RecoverWrap .
defer func() EchoHandler.

func (s *Service) RecoverWrap(handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        defer func() {
            var myerr error
            r := recover()
            if r != nil {
                msg := "HTTP Handler recover from panic"
                switch t := r.(type) {
                case string:
                    myerr = myerror.New("8888", msg, t)
                case error:
                    myerr = myerror.WithCause("8888", msg, t)
                    myerr = myerror.New("8888", msg)
                //      HTTP
                s.processError(myerr, w, http.StatusInternalServerError, 0)

        if handlerFunc != nil {
            handlerFunc(w, r)

, EchoHandler. , HTTP Process .

func (s *Service) EchoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //    HTTP  
    _ = s.Process("POST", w, r, func(requestBuf []byte, reqID uint64) ([]byte, Header, int, error) {
        header := Header{} //  

        for key := range r.Header {
            header[key] = r.Header.Get(key)
        //      ,     
        return requestBuf, header, http.StatusOK, nil

HTTP Process. :

  • method string — HTTP HTTP
  • w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request —
  • fn func(requestBuf []字节,reqID uint64)([]字节,Header,int,错误)-处理函数本身,它接收传入的请求缓冲区和唯一的HTTP请求号(用于记录目的),返回准备好的传出响应缓冲区,传出响应的标头,HTTP状态和错误。

func (s *Service) Process(method string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, fn func(requestBuf []byte, reqID uint64) ([]byte, Header, int, error)) error {
    var myerr error

    //    HTTP 
    reqID := GetNextRequestID()

    //   HTTP 
    if s.logger != nil {
        _ = s.logger.LogHTTPInRequest(s.tx, r, reqID) //   HTTP ,   ,    
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Logging HTTP in request: reqID", reqID)

    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Check allowed HTTP method: reqID, request.Method, method", reqID, r.Method, method)
    if r.Method != method {
        myerr = myerror.New("8000", "HTTP method is not allowed: reqID, request.Method, method", reqID, r.Method, method)
        return myerr

    //       JWT ,       
    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Check authentication method: reqID, AuthType", reqID, s.cfg.AuthType)
    if (s.cfg.AuthType == "INTERNAL" || s.cfg.AuthType == "MSAD") && !s.cfg.UseJWT {
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("JWT is of. Need Authentication: reqID", reqID)

        //    HTTP Basic Authentication
        username, password, ok := r.BasicAuth()
        if !ok {
            myerr := myerror.New("8004", "Header 'Authorization' is not set")
            return myerr
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Get Authorization header: username", username)

        if myerr = s.checkAuthentication(username, password); myerr != nil {
            return myerr

    //   JWT -  
    if s.cfg.UseJWT {
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("JWT is on. Check JSON web token: reqID", reqID)

        //  token  requests cookies
        cookie, err := r.Cookie("token")
        if err != nil {
            myerr := myerror.WithCause("8005", "JWT token does not present in Cookie. You have to authorize first.", err)
            return myerr

        //  JWT  token
        if myerr = myjwt.CheckJWTFromCookie(cookie, s.cfg.JwtKey); myerr != nil {
            return myerr

    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Reading request body: reqID", reqID)
    requestBuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
    if err != nil {
        myerr = myerror.WithCause("8001", "Failed to read HTTP body: reqID", err, reqID)
        return myerr
    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Read request body: reqID, len(body)", reqID, len(requestBuf))

    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Calling external function handler: reqID, function", reqID, fn)
    responseBuf, header, status, myerr := fn(requestBuf, reqID)
    if myerr != nil {
        return myerr

    // use HSTS Strict-Transport-Security
    if s.cfg.UseHSTS {
        w.Header().Add("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains")

    if s.logger != nil {
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Logging HTTP out response: reqID", reqID)
        _ = s.logger.LogHTTPOutResponse(s.tx, header, responseBuf, status, reqID) //   HTTP ,   ,    

    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Set HTTP response headers: reqID", reqID)
    if header != nil {
        for key, h := range header {
            w.Header().Set(key, h)

    //  HTTP  
    mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Set HTTP response status: reqID, Status", reqID, http.StatusText(status))

    if responseBuf != nil && len(responseBuf) > 0 {
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Writing HTTP response body: reqID, len(body)", reqID, len(responseBuf))
        respWrittenLen, err := w.Write(responseBuf)
        if err != nil {
            myerr = myerror.WithCause("8002", "Failed to write HTTP repsonse: reqID", err)
            return myerr
        mylog.PrintfDebugMsg("Written HTTP response: reqID, len(body)", reqID, respWrittenLen)

    return nil

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