Ansible剧本是一个代码:我们进行检查,测试和持续集成。伊凡·波诺马列夫(Ivan Ponomarev)

我建议您熟悉Ivan Ponomarev对报告的解读,“ Ansible剧本是一种代码:我们进行检查,测试和持续集成。”

随着代码库的增长,Ansible会遇到一些常见的问题:维护代码的复杂性,错误以及对更改的恐惧。熟悉的问题有一个熟悉的解决方案:自动化测试和CI。在报告中,Ivan将展示如何使用工具来解决Ansible代码的“易碎性”问题,执行静态分析,测试Ansible脚本以及配置CI系统以在Ansible Galaxy中发布角色。

. , . , , - .

. . . . — «», - , . , , — DigitalOcean. : Terraform + Ansible. Terraform, Ansible .

Ansible , best practices. - — , , , , . .

, . best practices, . , -, - .

, . :

  1. .
    • , .
    • . : , ? ?
  2. , , .
  3. . playbook, , .

CI. ? , unit-tests , Java Python. configuration is code. ?

, , , , .

— well-formedness: . , . YAMLLint, Ansible-lint Syntax check playbook. .


  • YAML. YAML , . , .
  • .
  • UNIX-style.
  • , YAML, , .

, Ansible, , . , Windows, Windows-style , . YAMLLint .

YAMLLint. : , - , -. YAMLLint YAML- , Ansible playbooks , - , .

Ansible-lint — , good practices.


  • command module, — shell module? . Ansible-lint .
  • command module, , Ansible. Ansible-lint , Ansible.
  • idempotence () command shell. idempotence - . , Ansible, best practices .
  • , , Python - , , .

. «». - , . , CI-. .


— Syntax check, Ansible. . «», , — CI, . Syntax check Syntax check, , . - , .

CI-. Jenkins, . pipeline. , . , Ansible-.

, , . -, , . ?

. Jeff Geerling — , Ansible-. , «Ansible for DevOps». , Travis , .

, docker-. .

Molecule. , - . . Ansible-.

OpenSource-, .

Python environment. ansible, molecule , Docker, — docker-py.

, . Ansible , . , . instances (, ), . , .

, playbook. Playbook — , , instances.


-, . molecule, . , readme-, , Ansible-. Molecule Default. , Default , .

molecule , . Default-. , . , Molecule, . .

, : molecule test. , Molecule . , . . , .

--debug, , docker-py. , docker-py . --debug : .

Test matrix. , Molecule . , . , syntax, converge, idempotence, instances, .

, , — , , Molecule , instances, ? — molecule.yml. Platforms instances, . , . Ansible converge , Ansible .

docker, image. , image . , systemd. - , systemd, , , docker , . , , systemd.

docker .

-, instances , , Ansible.

-, . .

Vagrant, .

Molecule, . docker — , .

: , . , .

requirements.yml, best practices Ansible. : . , dependency, .

, : YAMLLint, Ansible-lint, Syntax check.

converge instances playbook.yml. , . , - . converge playbook.yml. , - , .

- : converge , , , , — destroy=never ( « instances») docker, interactive- , .

converge. , , instances , . Molecule . , diff Ansible, Jeff Geerling : , . , , . , .

--diff. , , , , failed idempotence.

Molecule — . , , . , , . Molecule .


  • Testinfra (Python, default).
  • Serverspec (Ruby).
  • Goss (written in Go, tests in YAML).

, - , Serverspec, Molecule.

, Testinfra, Python, Molecule Ansible, .

Testinfra Molecule. .

, , ? , , - , ? shell, - , .

. , host, host «run» return code stdout stderr .

assert, , , rc=0. - , assert , : , .

molecule test, — Ansible- instances. instances, destroy=never molecule verify. instances.

, . 2000 JUnit, Unit-, : «keep the bar green to keep your code clean». everything is code, .

? , . curl — - , curl.

Testinfra . , . Host.process , host. - , - , , : , root , - .

. , .

. , - , , - , . -, exists , , contains , - , , OK.

- TDD, , , Ansible, Ansible.

Ansible- , Java Python, .

, , - — Testinfra, — Ansible assert. , — Ansible-. Jython — Python JVM. , jython version, , - .

. , , Molecule, Molecule , . ? Ansible-lint. Ansible-lint , Molecule .

assert Ansible.

, . , , , , , , .

. - production - , , Ansible playbooks .

, -. , , , Testinfra, . , Ansible- .

. . — Galaxy. GitHub, OpenSource, GitHub , , GitHub- CI . , Master, . - , - Master, .

? Molecule CI-. Jenkins, «». Jenkins Multibranch, checkout MyRole, , Ansible , : MyRole, . : symlink , .

Molecule .

, Jenkins. - - , , . , . , , , molecule test.

, , OpenSource, , — Travis. . services docker, , Ansible Molecule docker-py. , — , , , .

— molecule test, , , GitHub-.

, webhook, Ansible Galaxy , : build passing build failing.

Galaxy . , GitHub, Ansible Galaxy. , Travis webhook. CI , , , — . Travis.

, ? — - , - , copy-paste-modify .

. , , Galaxy, . , Molecule, , .

, , linting. — YAMLLint, Ansible-lint Syntax Check. , .

: - ? , Ansible Galaxy Molecule, , Molecule . , , , , . , , YAML well format, .

- ? ? , Molecule — . , , Molecule .

, , , , .

, , .

— Heisenbug. , .

- . , ?

  • . , , - , , , URL, URL.
  • , .
  • . , , , , Ansible .
  • . , , , instances - , , failsafe. , , instances?

: , framework, pytest. , , . , .

, ? , pytest, , — , , — . asserts : , . . : Python, values- , .

, , ? . , , , ‘port$’. «var_values», , -, Ansible playbooks, var_values , «port», , , , , .

var_values? Python . YAML-. , YAML Ansible, , .

, , , , , .

? . port_var_values, , , .

, : «keep the bar green to keep the configuration clean». , .

: , . , . , . , . , . , , .

— , «» . -, - , .

: «password», «pass», «pwd». -, , placeholder, -, - , Vault. , .

. pull request. . : k=’myskq_root_password’, v=’12345’. , password «12345», , GitHub . , pull request .


— Ansible.

  • -, : YAMLLint + Ansible-lint + Syntax check — . - Ansible-, - , , , , . , . Ansible-lint , , best practices .
  • Molecule.
  • . playbook failed fast. , , - , .
  • .

  • - — Molecule. : pip install molecule, molecule init, molecule test.
  • ? converge idempotence.
  • converge idempotence? .

, : , , . — ? , Git, , pipeline, quality gates, .

, , — GitHub + Travis + Galaxy. OpenSource. , OpenSource. Jenkins Multibranch .

, , , .

: ! . : , , , ? , Ansible? Ansible , Python, Testinfra, Molecule. , Python, , .

: ? , Java. pull request — : . , — - , . , - , , , . . playbooks . , . - , ? . , - , . - shell, shell - . , .

: Ansible Windows? Ansible playbook Windows. ? , ?

: , Ansible - Windows Testinfra. Windows, Ansible cygwin . Linux- , . , . .

: , . — . , ? . changed_when, ?

: , -, - , , ?

: , , , . , .

: , asserts, . . . command shell, , . , , . — , — , . , . Ansible . , , , . .

: . , Ansible gathering facts study, , …

: .

: , , JUnit , — , , gathering tasks, , , ?

: . , . -, -. -, ? , -. , , , , , - . - . , : , , ? .

: , , GitHub , . , version. , .

: . . Molecule , .

: . , ? , - , - , , , .

: . , service is running. , «»?

: , — , . , , …

: , , , -, - . , «200» , - . . selenium- . , Ansible : « ». , , «200» , , , pipeline.

: production Ansible Galaxy ? .

: , . , nginx, PostgreSQL. . Oracle Java Ansible Galaxy. . . , , . , Ansible build pipeline. Molecule, Travis . , , Jeff Geerling.

: playbook Ansible Galaxy?

: , , . . , , , . , 150000 , , 150 . 150000 , , , - production.

: Jinja. , Jinja , hosts. ?

: , Molecule , Molecule , . inventory. Molecule , , . - … Molecule? Molecule - , playbook.yml. playbook.yml, , , playbook. - Jinja, — . , . Molecule .

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