

您可以说:“您对此还了解什么?您是一名开发人员!” 这是真的。但是现在我们的团队中没有专门的支持工程师,因此每个开发人员和质量检查人员(只有五个人)轮流值班。我们称之为支持义务。这就是我要说的。

SdosRemedios的Palace Guard已获得CC BY-ND 2.0的许可

因此,每隔五周对我来说就有些不同了。我像往常一样去厨房做自己拿铁 . , , Zendesk. ZD, (, ) — . , , . Twitter StackOverflow, .


. , . . : , .

Still new to Go and Goland but love both so far

As usual, thanks for awesome product! ^_^

I'm a big fan of every JetBrains IDE and GoLand is currently my most-used one outside of work. I love it, thanks very much.

— , , . - , . . , . , . , , , , CRUD .


-. - , - .

I keep using the free version but the complete one is a bit expensive for me.

call hierarchy is bullshit in go, because everything is being sent through channels, so you have to understand who send what :)

Hard coding — let alone extending — the support for an abusive monopoly is never ok. … Sounds like it's time to find a new IDE. :(

, . , , . , Go , Java. .. Go , .

. . . , , . , yaml- JSON-. . , , . . WebStorm . , ;) Zendesk.

ZD, . GoLand , . , .

#goland Gophers Slack . Go-. , , . , . .


StackOverflow , , .

. . , . , , . support duty : , , - . GoLand . , . . , , .

. . Java, , Go, . , . IDE , : . . . !

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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