Pavimentação de dominós

Um dos primeiros problemas realmente interessantes em matemática que encontrei foi formulado da seguinte forma: "duas células de canto opostas foram cortadas de um tabuleiro de xadrez; o restante pode ser cortado em" dominó "- figuras de duas células com um lado em comum?" . Ele tem uma formulação muito simples, ao contrário do grande teorema de Fermat, tem uma solução simples, elegante, mas não óbvia (se você conhece a solução para o problema, tente aplicá-la à figura à direita).

Neste artigo, falarei sobre vários algoritmos que podem cobrir uma figura celular arbitrária em um plano com dominós, se possível, encontrar situações em que isso é impossível e considerar o número de possíveis inclinações de dominó.

Nota bene! O material deste artigo é uma versão truncada deste caderno de anotações , todas as imagens e animações que você vê no artigo são geradas pelo código deste laptop (embora não haja animações na visualização do github). A propósito, imagens do cabeçalho também são geradas usando python / matplotlib

Código auxiliar para renderização, será útil
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
colors = dict(mcolors.BASE_COLORS, **mcolors.CSS4_COLORS)

# Sort colors by hue, saturation, value and name.
by_hsv = sorted((tuple(mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(mcolors.to_rgba(color)[:3])), name)
                for name, color in colors.items())
names = [name for hsv, name in by_hsv if name not in {'black', 'k', 'w', 'white', 'crimson', 'royalblue', 'limegreen', 'yellow', 'orange'}]
import random
names = ['crimson', 'royalblue', 'limegreen', 'yellow', 'orange', *names]

def fill_cell(i, j, color, ax):
    ax.fill([i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i], [j, j + 1, j + 1, j, j], color=color)

def draw_filling(filling):
    if filling is not None:
        n = len(filling)
        m = len(filling[0])
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(m * 0.75, n * 0.75))

        ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

        for name, spine in ax.spines.items():

        for i, row in enumerate(filling):
            i = n - i - 1
            for j, cell in enumerate(row):
                fill_cell(j, i, names[cell], ax)

        for i in range(n + 1):
            ax.plot([0, m], [i, i], color='black')
        for i in range(m + 1):
            ax.plot([i, i], [0, n], color='black')
        return fig
        return None

Antes de prosseguir, resolvendo o problema original

, :

  • 30 32
  • ,

Programação dinâmica por perfil

, , .

, - , . , ,


"" Cnk,



" n×m?" . , , , .

: (k1)×m, kj, , k+1j, . — m: i- , , 2m( — , — ).

[0,2m)( m).

n×mk=n, j=0.

g(k,j,m,p), g(k,m,m,p)=g(k+1,0,m,p)g(k,j,m,p)g(k,j1,m,), jj+1— : ,


. , , , — . , , .

( , ). ( — , — ), , -

tiling = [

def count_tilings(tiling):
    n = len(tiling)
    m = len(tiling[0])
    if ((n + 1) * m * 2 ** m) <= 10000000:
        dp = [[[(0 if k != 0 or j != 0 or mask != 0 else 1) for mask in range(2 ** m)] for j in range(m)] for k in range(n + 1)]
    for k in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            for mask in range(2 ** m):
                if k < n - 1 and tiling[k][j] == '.' and tiling[k + 1][j] == '.' and (mask &  (1 << j)) == 0:
                    dp[k + ((j + 1) // m)][(j + 1) % m][mask + (1 << j)] += dp[k][j][mask]
                if j < m - 1 and tiling[k][j] == '.' and tiling[k][j + 1] == '.' and (mask & (3 << j)) == 0:
                    dp[k + ((j + 1) // m)][(j + 1) % m][mask + (2 << j)] += dp[k][j][mask]
                if ((1 << j) &  mask) != 0 or tiling[k][j] != '.':
                    dp[k + ((j + 1) // m)][(j + 1) % m][(mask | (1 << j)) - (1 << j)] += dp[k][j][mask]
    return dp

dp = count_tilings(tiling)


, . , n×2— .

tiling_fib = [
dp = count_tilings(tiling_fib)
for i in range(8):
    print(dp[i][0][0], end=' ')

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21

, ,

tiling_no_corners_opposite = [
dp = count_tilings(tiling_no_corners_opposite)


. , ?

def cover_if_possible(tiling, dp=None):
    if dp is None:
        dp = count_tilings(tiling)
    n = len(dp) - 1
    m = len(dp[0])
    if dp[n][0][0] == 0:
        return None

    result = [[-1 if tiling[i][j] == '#' else 0 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
    num = 0

    k = n
    j = 0
    mask = 0

    while k > 0 or j > 0:
        #print(k, j, mask)
        prev_j = j - 1
        prev_k = k
        if prev_j == -1:
            prev_j += m
            prev_k -= 1

        #   ,       i, j, mask
        #     ,         
        for prev_mask in range(2 ** m):
            if prev_k < n - 1 and tiling[prev_k][prev_j] == '.' and tiling[prev_k + 1][prev_j] == '.' and \
                (prev_mask & (1 << prev_j)) == 0 and (prev_mask + (1 << prev_j)) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] != 0:
                mask = prev_mask
                result[prev_k][prev_j] = num
                result[prev_k + 1][prev_j] = num
                #print(f'Vertical at ({prev_k}, {prev_j}) ({prev_k + 1}, {prev_j})')
                num += 1
            elif prev_j < m - 1 and tiling[prev_k][prev_j] == '.' and tiling[prev_k][prev_j + 1] == '.' and (prev_mask & (3 << prev_j)) == 0 and \
                prev_mask + (2 << prev_j) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] != 0:
                mask = prev_mask
                result[prev_k][prev_j] = num
                result[prev_k][prev_j + 1] = num
                #print(f'Horisontal at ({prev_k}, {prev_j}) ({prev_k}, {prev_j + 1})')
                num += 1
            elif (((1 << prev_j) & prev_mask) != 0 or tiling[prev_k][prev_j] != '.') and \
                (prev_mask | (1 << prev_j)) - (1 << prev_j) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] != 0:
                mask = prev_mask

        j = prev_j
        k = prev_k

    return result

filling = cover_if_possible(tiling)


tiling_random = [
filling_random = cover_if_possible(tiling_random)

def maxmimum_cover(tiling):
    n = len(tiling)
    m = len(tiling[0])
    if ((n + 1) * m * 2 ** m) <= 10000000:
        dp = [[[(n * m if k != 0 or j != 0 or mask != 0 else 0) for mask in range(2 ** m)] for j in range(m)] for k in range(n + 1)]
    for k in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            for mask in range(2 ** m):
                next_k, next_j = k + ((j + 1) // m), (j + 1) % m
                if k < n - 1 and tiling[k][j] == '.' and tiling[k + 1][j] == '.' and (mask &  (1 << j)) == 0:
                    dp[next_k][next_j][mask + (1 << j)] = min(dp[next_k][next_j][mask + (1 << j)], dp[k][j][mask])
                if j < m - 1 and tiling[k][j] == '.' and tiling[k][j + 1] == '.' and (mask & (3 << j)) == 0:
                    dp[next_k][next_j][mask + (2 << j)] = min(dp[next_k][next_j][mask + (2 << j)], dp[k][j][mask])
                if ((1 << j) &  mask) != 0 or tiling[k][j] != '.':
                    dp[next_k][next_j][(mask | (1 << j)) - (1 << j)] = \
                        min(dp[next_k][next_j][(mask | (1 << j)) - (1 << j)], dp[k][j][mask])
                #   ,    
                    dp[next_k][next_j][(mask | (1 << j)) - (1 << j)] = \
                        min(dp[next_k][next_j][(mask | (1 << j)) - (1 << j)], dp[k][j][mask] + 1)
    return dp

def cover_maximum_possible(tiling, dp=None):
    if dp is None:
        dp = maxmimum_cover(tiling)
    n = len(dp) - 1
    m = len(dp[0])

    result = [[-1 if tiling[i][j] == '#' else -2 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
    num = 0

    k = n
    j = 0
    mask = 0

    while k > 0 or j > 0:
        #print(k, j, mask)
        prev_j = j - 1
        prev_k = k
        if prev_j == -1:
            prev_j += m
            prev_k -= 1

        #   ,       i, j, mask
        #     ,         
        for prev_mask in range(2 ** m):
            #    ,        0,  
            # ,       
            if prev_k < n - 1 and tiling[prev_k][prev_j] == '.' and tiling[prev_k + 1][prev_j] == '.' and \
                    (prev_mask & (1 << prev_j)) == 0 and (prev_mask + (1 << prev_j)) == mask and \
                    dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] == dp[k][j][mask]:
                mask = prev_mask
                result[prev_k][prev_j] = num
                result[prev_k + 1][prev_j] = num
                num += 1
            elif prev_j < m - 1 and tiling[prev_k][prev_j] == '.' and tiling[prev_k][prev_j + 1] == '.' and (prev_mask & (3 << prev_j)) == 0 and \
                    prev_mask + (2 << prev_j) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] == dp[k][j][mask]:
                mask = prev_mask
                result[prev_k][prev_j] = num
                result[prev_k][prev_j + 1] = num
                num += 1
            elif (((1 << prev_j) & prev_mask) != 0 or tiling[prev_k][prev_j] != '.') and \
                    (prev_mask | (1 << prev_j)) - (1 << prev_j) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] == dp[k][j][mask]:
                mask = prev_mask
            elif ((1 << prev_j) & prev_mask) == 0 and tiling[prev_k][prev_j] == '.' and \
                    (prev_mask | (1 << prev_j)) - (1 << prev_j) == mask and dp[prev_k][prev_j][prev_mask] + 1 == dp[k][j][mask]:
                mask = prev_mask

        j = prev_j
        k = prev_k

    return result

filling = cover_maximum_possible(tiling_custom)

! , . , . n×m×2m, , O(nm2m), O(nm2min(n,m)), n<m. O(nm2m), , O(nm), .

- . , — , , . , — . , , — , — , — . , , , . , . , , .

def check_valid(i, j, n, m, tiling):
    return 0 <= i and i < n and 0 <= j and j < m and tiling[i][j] != '#'

def find_augmenting_path(x, y, n, m, visited, matched, tiling):
    if not check_valid(x, y, n, m, tiling):
        return False
    if (x, y) in visited:
        return False
    visited.add((x, y))

    for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
        if not check_valid(x + dx, y + dy, n, m, tiling):
        if (x + dx, y + dy) not in matched or find_augmenting_path(*matched[(x + dx , y + dy)], n, m, visited, matched, tiling):
            matched[(x + dx, y + dy)] = (x, y)
            return True
    return False

def convert_match(matched, tiling, n, m):
    result = [[-1 if tiling[i][j] == '#' else -2 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
    num = 0
    for x, y in matched:
        _x, _y = matched[(x, y)]
        result[x][y] = num
        result[_x][_y] = num
        num += 1
    return result

def match_with_flow(tiling):
    result_slices = []
    n = len(tiling)
    m = len(tiling[0])

    matched = dict()
    rows = list(range(n))
    columns = list(range(m))
    result_slices.append(convert_match(matched, tiling, n, m))

    for i in rows:
        for j in columns:
            if (i + j) % 2 == 1:
            visited = set()
            if find_augmenting_path(i, j, n, m, visited, matched, tiling):
                result_slices.append(convert_match(matched, tiling, n, m))

    return result_slices

sequencial_match = match_with_flow(tiling_custom)

( ) " ". , , , . , , , , , .

UPD. - . , :

, .

! 5 .

. , . , . : , , , . . 4 , . 5 , , ( 5 , )

Pintura de dominó em 5 cores
def color_5(filling):
    result = [[i for i in row] for row in filling]
    domino_tiles = [[] for i in range(max(map(max, filling)) + 1)]
    domino_neighbours = [set() for i in range(max(map(max, filling)) + 1)]
    degree = [0 for i in range(max(map(max, filling)) + 1)]

    n = len(filling)
    m = len(filling[0])

    for i, row in enumerate(filling):
        for j, num in enumerate(row):
            if num >= 0:
                domino_tiles[num].append((i, j))

    for i, tiles in enumerate(domino_tiles):
        for x, y in tiles:
            for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]:
                a, b = x + dx, y + dy
                if 0 <= a and a < n and 0 <= b and b < m and filling[a][b] >= 0 and filling[a][b] != i \
                        and filling[a][b] not in domino_neighbours[i]:
                    degree[i] += 1

    #       ,      5  
    # .     ,   ,     
    #           ,     
    active_degrees = [set() for i in range(max(degree) + 1)]
    for i, deg in enumerate(degree):

    reversed_order = []

    for step in range(len(domino_tiles)):
        min_degree = min([i for i, dominoes in enumerate(active_degrees) if len(dominoes) > 0])
        domino = active_degrees[min_degree].pop()

        for other in domino_neighbours[domino]:
            if other in active_degrees[degree[other]]:
                degree[other] -= 1

    #             ,
    #     5 ,      ,
    #    .     
    colors = [-1 for domino in domino_tiles]
    slices = [draw_filling(result)]
    for domino in reversed(reversed_order):
        used_colors = [colors[other] for other in domino_neighbours[domino] if colors[other] != -1]

        domino_color = len(used_colors)
        for i, color in enumerate(sorted(set(used_colors))):
            if i != color:
                domino_color = i

        if domino_color < 5:
            colors[domino] = domino_color
            for x, y in domino_tiles[domino]:
                result[x][y] = domino_color


        #      ,           
        c = 0
        other = [other for other in domino_neighbours[domino] if colors[other] == c]
        visited = set([other])
        q = Queue()
        domino_was_reached = False
        while not q.empty():
            cur = q.get()
            for other in domino_neighbours[cur]:
                if other == domino:
                    domino_was_reached = True
                if color[other] == c or color[other] == c + 1 and other not in visited:

        if not domino_was_reached:
            for other in visited:
                color[other] = color[other] ^ 1
                for x, y in domino_tiles[other]:
                    result[x][y] = color[other]
            color[domino] = c
            for x, y in domino_tiles[domino]:
                result[x][y] = c


        #     2  3.
        c = 2
        other = [other for other in domino_neighbours[domino] if colors[other] == c]
        visited = set([other])
        q = Queue()
        domino_was_reached = False
        while not q.empty():
            cur = q.get()
            for other in domino_neighbours[cur]:
                if other == domino:
                    domino_was_reached = True
                if color[other] == c or color[other] == c + 1 and other not in visited:
        for other in visited:
            color[other] = color[other] ^ 1
            for x, y in domino_tiles[other]:
                result[x][y] = color[other]
        color[domino] = c
        for x, y in domino_tiles[domino]:
            result[x][y] = c

    return result, slices      

Se você usar esse código, observe que cada etapa é desenhada lá - isso foi necessário para a animação, o que diminui bastante o algoritmo. Se você precisar apenas da pintura final, remova todo o código que usa a variável de fatias.

Bem, finalmente, tente um dos exemplos anteriores

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