Como iniciar o teste Ansible, refatorar um projeto por um ano e nĂŁo voar fora das bobinas

Esta é a transcrição do desempenho em DevOps-40 2020-03-18 :

A partir do segundo commit, qualquer código se torna herdado, porque as idéias iniciais começam a divergir da dura realidade. Isso não é bom nem ruim, é um dado com o qual é difícil discutir e é necessårio se dar bem. Parte desse processo é refatoração. Refatorando a infraestrutura como código. Deixe a história começar como refatorar Ansible em um ano e não voar fora das bobinas.

A Origem Legada

Dia 1: Paciente Zero

Era uma vez um projeto condicional. Ele tinha uma equipe de desenvolvimento de desenvolvimento e engenheiros de operaçÔes. Eles resolveram o mesmo problema: como implantar o servidor e executar o aplicativo. O problema era que cada equipe resolveu esse problema do seu jeito. O projeto decidiu usar o Ansible para sincronizar o conhecimento entre as equipes de Dev e Ops.

Dia No. 89: O nascimento do legado

, , legacy. ?

  • , — .
  • .
  • Ansible / Python / Bash / Terraform! !
  • Full Stack Overflow Developer stackoverflow, , .

, , , , , , , , .

- hosts: localhost
    - shell: echo -n Z >> a.txt && cat a.txt
      register: output
      delay: 1
      retries: 5
      until: not output.stdout.find("ZZZ")

№ 109:

IaC / / , . , .


№ 139: ?


  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?

, . .. ( , 200 000 ), .

№ 149:

e . . , . - , confluence, " ?" " ?" . : / . , , - .

, . , , : , , .


Ansible , , .

№ -997: SDS provision

Ansible SDS (Software Defined Storage).
, , 60-90 , . e2e , .. , . . .

№ -701: Ansible test kitchen

Ansible , test kitchen / kitchen-ci inspec. Ruby ( : YML ansible?) 40 10 . .

, - . 13 2 , 70 , 2 . XP (extreme programming) .. 70 .

№ -601: Ansible molecule

testkitchen, docker . , 20-25 7 .

17 45 28 2 jenkins slave.

№ 167: Ansible

, . , . , .

, , , jira, google docs . , , . , - , , .


  • Eat.
  • Sleep.
  • Code.
  • IaC test.
  • Repeat


, .

№ 181: Green Build Master

Green Build Master. , jenkins. , :

  • .
  • - , .

№ 193: unit

— , . , .

№ 211: unit integration

unit , . .. , , .

jenkins , / , .

Jenkins + Docker + Ansible = Tests

  1. Checkout repo and generate build stages.
  2. Run lint playbook stages in parallel.
  3. Run lint role stages in parallel.
  4. Run syntax check role stages in parallel.
  5. Run test role stages in parallel.
    1. Lint role.
    2. Check dependency on other roles.
    3. Check syntax.
    4. Create docker instance
    5. Run molecule/default/playbook.yml.
    6. Check idempotency.
  6. Run integration tests
  7. Finish

№ 271: Bus Factor

- . e. code review . , , , .. .

. , , . jenkins + bitbucket + jira.

, -, , :

- get_url:
    url: "{{ actk_certs }}/{{ item.1 }}"
    dest: "{{ actk_src_tmp }}/"
    username: "{{ actk_mvn_user }}"
    password: "{{ actk_mvn_pass }}"
    - "{{ actk_cert_list }}"
    - "{{ actk_certs }}"
  delegate_to: localhost

- copy:
    src: "{{ actk_src_tmp }}/{{ item.1 }}"
    dest: "{{ actk_dst_tmp }}"
    - "{{ actk_cert_list }}"
    - "{{ actk_certs }}"

, .

    url: "{{ actk_certs }}/{{ actk_item }}"
    dest: "{{ actk_src_tmp }}/{{ actk_item }}"
    username: "{{ actk_mvn_user }}"
    password: "{{ actk_mvn_pass }}"
    loop_var: actk_item
  with_items: "{{ actk_cert_list }}"
  delegate_to: localhost

- copy:
    src: "{{ actk_src_tmp }}/{{ actk_item }}"
    dest: "{{ actk_dst_tmp }}"
    loop_var: actk_item
  with_items: "{{ actk_cert_list }}"

№ 311:

, . " , ". docker, . testinfra ansible verifier - .


  1. docker.
  2. , .
  3. - .
  4. .
  5. .

Pipeline jenkins

  1. Generate build stages.
  2. Lint all in parallel.
  3. Run test role stages in parallel.
  4. Finish.

Lessons learned

Avoid global variables

Ansible , workaround private_role_vars, .

. role_a role_b

# cat role_a/defaults/main.yml
msg: a

# cat role_a/tasks/main.yml
- debug:
    msg: role_a={{ msg }}

# cat role_b/defaults/main.yml
msg: b

# cat role_b/tasks/main.yml
- set_fact:
    msg: b
- debug:
    msg: role_b={{ msg }}

- hosts: localhost
    msg: hello
    - role: role_a
    - role: role_b
    - debug:
        msg: play={{msg}}

, , . Ansible , - , .

BAD: .

# cat roles/some_role/tasks/main.yml
  var: java_home

GOOD: defaults .

# cat roles/some_role/defaults/main.yml
 "{{ java_home | default('/path') }}"

# cat roles/some_role/tasks/main.yml
  var: r__java_home

Prefix role variables

BAD: .

# cat roles/some_role/defaults/main.yml
db_port: 5432

GOOD: , inventory .

# cat roles/some_role/defaults/main.yml
some_role__db_port: 5432

Use loop control variable

BAD: item, / -

- hosts: localhost
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item }}"
        - item1
        - item2

GOOD: loop_var.

- hosts: localhost
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item_name }}"
        - item1
        - item2
        loop_var: item_name

Check input variables

, , ,


- name: "Verify that required string variables are defined"
    that: ahs_var is defined and ahs_var | length > 0 and ahs_var != None
    fail_msg: "{{ ahs_var }} needs to be set for the role to work "
    success_msg: "Required variables {{ ahs_var }} is defined"
    loop_var: ahs_var
    - ahs_item1
    - ahs_item2
    - ahs_item3

Avoid hashes dictionaries, use flat structure

hash/dictionary , , hash/dictionary, .

BAD: hash/dictionary.

  name: admin
  group: admin


user_name: admin
user_group: "{{ user_name }}"

Create idempotent playbooks & roles

, .. configuration drift -. molecule, .

Avoid using command shell modules

shell , , Ansible.

Test your roles via molecule

Molecule , .

Molecule Multiple instances

molecule.yml platforms .

      name: docker
      - name: postgresql-instance
        hostname: postgresql-instance
        pre_build_image: true
        override_command: false
        network_mode: host
      - name: app-instance
        hostname: app-instance
        pre_build_image: true
        network_mode: host

, converge.yml :

- name: Converge all
  hosts: all
    ansible_user: root
    - role: some_role

- name: Converge db
  hosts: db-instance
    - role: some_db_role

- name: Converge app
  hosts: app-instance
    - role: some_app_role

Ansible verifier

molecule ansible , , 3 . testinfra/inspec, , :

- name: Verify
  hosts: all
    - name: copy config
        src: expected_standalone.conf
        dest: /root/wildfly/bin/standalone.conf
        mode: "0644"
        owner: root
        group: root
      register: config_copy_result

    - name: Certify that standalone.conf changed
        that: not config_copy_result.changed

, smoke test:

  - name: Verify
    hosts: solr
      - command: /blah/solr/bin/solr start -s /solr_home -p 8983 -force
      - uri:
          method: GET
          status_code: 200
        register: uri_result
        until: uri_result is not failed
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      - name: Post documents to solr
        command: /blah/solr/bin/post -c master /exampledocs/books.csv

Put complex logic into modules & plugins

Ansible , , , shell , . , , .

Summarize Tips & Tricks

  1. Avoid global variables.
  2. Prefix role variables.
  3. Use loop control variable.
  4. Check input variables.
  5. Avoid hashes dictionaries, use flat structure.
  6. Create idempotent playbooks & roles.
  7. Avoid using command shell modules.
  8. Test your roles via molecule.
  9. Put complex logic into modules & plugins.

, IaC. , .

UPD1 2020.05.01 20:30 — callback_whitelist = profile_tasks . ansible. mitogen
UPD2 2020.05.03 16:34 — English version

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