Seminários semanais da IBM - abril de 2020


Amigos! A IBM continua hospedando webinars. Nesta postagem, você pode se familiarizar com as datas e os tópicos dos próximos relatórios!

Programação para esta semana

  • 20/04/2014 10:00 IBM Cloud Pak for Applications: vá para microsserviços com DevOps e kits de ferramentas de modernização. [ENG]
    Learn how to develop innovative cloud-native apps using the tools and runtimes of your choice. Modernize traditional applications to run integrated with those new apps. IBM Cloud Pak for Applications offers a complete, end-to-end environment to speed up development of apps built for Kubernetes and access cloud services to enhance innovation, reduce costs and simplify operations – all that while meeting the technology standards and policies of your choice.
  • 21.04 15:00 .[RUS]
    , .
    IBM Cloud Pak for MultiCloud Management.
  • 22.04 10:00 Container Orchestration — Overview of Container Technologies Used in IBM Solutions.[ENG]
    Hit the ground running with IBM Cloud by deploying highly available apps in Docker containers that run in OpenShift and Kubernetes clusters. Containers are a standard way to package apps and all their dependencies so you can seamlessly move the apps between environments. Unlike virtual machines, containers do not include an operating system — only the app code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings are packaged within containers. Thus containers are more lightweight, portable, and efficient than virtual machines.
  • 23.04 11:00 DataOps Watson Studio AutoAI Watson Machine Learning IBM Cloud.[ENG]
    DataOps, AutoAI Watson Machine Learning.
  • 23.04 15:00 Web- 20 .[RUS]
    IBM Rule Designer 20 . IBM ODM on Cloud .
  • 24.04 10:00 Watson Discovery: . [ENG]
    IBM Watson Discovery. IBM Watson Discovery — , . , Watson Discovery Data Science.
    * !

Os anúncios semanais dos seminários serão publicados no canal de telegrama “ Clouds for Developers ” e na página .

Programa mais detalhado, registro e gravações de seminários on-line anteriores podem ser encontrados aqui .

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