JVM de pepino - não apenas BDD

Olá a todos! Existem muitos artigos sobre o Pepino no Habré e na Internet, mas quero inserir meus cinco centavos.

Muitos usam o Pepino, e eu mesmo acho uma biblioteca maravilhosa. Minha opinião pessoal é que é útil que todo desenvolvedor Java esteja familiarizado com esta biblioteca, juntamente com a estrutura JUnit.

Se o seu conhecimento sobre Pepino é igual a zero, existem excelentes artigos sobre Habré com os quais é melhor começar a conhecer esta ferramenta

. , , , Cucumber .

Cucumber BDD Cucumber. , Cucumber , BDD. . Cucumber .

: matching engine

, , - open source ( matching engine), , Cucumber.

An order matching system – , / -.

Github . , JUnit.


, ( / ).

- 100 , , , .


Cucumber Maven. 5.4.2.




JUnit :

try (final ExchangeTestContainer container = new ExchangeTestContainer()) {

- JUnit matching engine. Cucumber , .

import io.cucumber.java.After;
import io.cucumber.java.Before;

public class OrderStepdefs {

   private final ExchangeTestContainer container;

   private List<MatcherTradeEvent> matcherEvents;
   private Map<Long, ApiPlaceOrder> orders = new HashMap<>();

   public OrderStepdefs(ExchangeTestContainer container) {
       this.container = container;

   public void before() throws Exception{

   public void after(){
       if(container != null){

Cucumber (, , feature , ) , . dependency injection, , , . .

- , . - , . , .


// ### 1. first user places limit orders
final ApiPlaceOrder order101 = ApiPlaceOrder.builder().uid(UID_1).id(101).price(1600)

log.debug("PLACE 101: {}", order101);
container.submitCommandSync(order101, cmd -> {
   assertThat(cmd.resultCode, is(CommandResultCode.SUCCESS));
   assertThat(cmd.orderId, is(101L));
   assertThat(cmd.uid, is(UID_1));
   assertThat(cmd.price, is(1600L));
   assertThat(cmd.size, is(7L));
   assertThat(cmd.action, is(ASK));
   assertThat(cmd.orderType, is(GTC));
   assertThat(cmd.symbol, is(symbolSpec.symbolId));

, matching engine, , , match .

. , , , .

final int reserve102 = symbolSpec.type == SymbolType.CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_PAIR ? 1561 : 0;

final ApiPlaceOrder order102 = ApiPlaceOrder.builder().uid(UID_1).id(102).price(1550)

log.debug("PLACE 102: {}", order102);

container.submitCommandSync(order102, cmd -> {
   assertThat(cmd.resultCode, is(CommandResultCode.SUCCESS));

, .

final L2MarketDataHelper l2helper = new L2MarketDataHelper()
    .addAsk(1600, 7).addBid(1550, 4);

assertEquals(l2helper.build(), container.requestCurrentOrderBook(symbolSpec.symbolId));

, Cucumber

Scenario Outline: basic full cycle test

When A client 1440001 places an ASK order 101 at 1600@7 (type: GTC, symbol: <symbol>)
And A client 1440001 places an BID order 102 at 1550@4 (type: GTC, symbol: <symbol>, reservePrice: 1561)
Then An "<symbol>" order book is:
  |  bid | price  | ask  |
  |      | 1600  |  7    |
  |  4   | 1550  |       |
And No trade events

, JUnit , Cucumber Scenario Outline.

, <symbol>, , .

| symbol        |
| EUR_USD   |
| ETH_XBT      |


@When(value = "A client {long} places an {word} order {long} at {long}@{long} \\(type: {word}, symbol: {symbol})")
public void aClientPlacesAnOrderAtTypeGTCSymbolEUR_USD(long clientId, String side, long orderId, long price, long size, String orderType, CoreSymbolSpecification symbol) throws InterruptedException {
   aClientPassAnOrder(clientId, side, orderId, price, size, orderType, symbol, 0);

@When(value = "A client {long} places an {word} order {long} at {long}@{long} \\(type: {word}, symbol: {symbol}, reservePrice: {long})")
public void aClientPlacesAnOrderAtTypeGTCSymbolEUR_USD(long clientId, String side, long orderId, long price, long size, String orderType, CoreSymbolSpecification symbol, long reservePrice) throws InterruptedException {
   aClientPassAnOrder(clientId, side, orderId, price, size, orderType, symbol, reservePrice);

private void aClientPassAnOrder(long clientId, String side, long orderId, long price, long size, String orderType, CoreSymbolSpecification symbol, long reservePrice) throws InterruptedException {

   ApiPlaceOrder.ApiPlaceOrderBuilder builder = ApiPlaceOrder.builder().uid(clientId)
      .id(orderId)   .price(price).size(size).action(OrderAction.valueOf(side))

   if(reservePrice > 0){

   final ApiPlaceOrder order = builder.build();

   orders.put(orderId, order);

   log.debug("PLACE : {}", order);

   container.submitCommandSync(order, cmd -> {
       assertThat(cmd.resultCode, is(CommandResultCode.SUCCESS));
       assertThat(cmd.orderId, is(orderId));
       assertThat(cmd.uid, is(clientId));
       assertThat(cmd.price, is(price));
       assertThat(cmd.size, is(size));
       assertThat(cmd.action, is(OrderAction.valueOf(side)));
       assertThat(cmd.orderType, is(OrderType.valueOf(orderType)));
       assertThat(cmd.symbol, is(symbol.symbolId));

       OrderStepdefs.this.matcherEvents = cmd.extractEvents();

, matcher events, JUnit, .

@And("No trade events")
public void noTradeEvents() {
   assertEquals(0, matcherEvents.size());

, , ( , ) Cucumber dependency injection.


Cucumber - . .

(, :-), ) — .

container . , OrderStepdefs. Cucumber - . Cucumber ExchangeTestContainer, OrderStepdefs OrderBookStepdefs ExchangeTestContainer.

public class OrderBookStepdefs {

   private final ExchangeTestContainer container;

   public OrderBookStepdefs(ExchangeTestContainer container) {
       this.container = container;

   @Then("An {symbol} order book is:")
   public void an_order_book_is(CoreSymbolSpecification symbol, List<List<String>> dataTable) {

       //skip a header if it presents
       if(dataTable.get(0).get(0) != null && dataTable.get(0).get(0).trim().equals("bid")){
           dataTable = dataTable.subList(1, dataTable.size());

       //format | bid | price | ask |
       final L2MarketDataHelper l2helper = new L2MarketDataHelper();
       for(List<String> row : dataTable){
           int price = Integer.parseInt(row.get(1));

           String bid = row.get(0);
           if(bid != null && bid.length() > 0){
               l2helper.addBid(price, Integer.parseInt(bid));
           } else {
               l2helper.addAsk(price, Integer.parseInt(row.get(2)));
       assertEquals(l2helper.build(), container.requestCurrentOrderBook(symbol.symbolId));

Cucumber :

Feature: An exchange accepts bid\ask orders, manage and publish order book and match cross orders

 Scenario Outline: basic full cycle test

   When A client 1440001 places an ASK order 101 at 1600@7 (type: GTC, symbol: <symbol>)
   And A client 1440001 places an BID order 102 at 1550@4 (type: GTC, symbol: <symbol>, reservePrice: 1561)
   Then An "<symbol>" order book is:
     | bid | price  | ask |
     |     | 1600   |  7  |
     |  4  | 1550   |     |
   And No trade events

   When A client 1440002 places an BID order 201 at 1700@2 (type: IOC, symbol: <symbol>, reservePrice: 1800)
   Then The order 101 is partially matched. LastPx: 1600, LastQty: 2
   And An "<symbol>" order book is:
     |     |  1600   |  5  |
     |  4  |  1550   |     |

   When A client 1440002 places an BID order 202 at 1583@4 (type: GTC, symbol: <symbol>, reservePrice: 1583)
   Then An "<symbol>" order book is:
     |     |  1600   |  5  |
     |  4  |  1583   |     |
     |  4  |  1550   |     |
   And No trade events

   When A client 1440001 moves a price to 1580 of the order 101
   Then The order 202 is fully matched. LastPx: 1583, LastQty: 4
   And An "<symbol>" order book is:
     |     |  1580  |  1  |
     |  4  |  1550  |     |

   | symbol     |
   | EUR_USD    |
   | ETH_XBT    |

- — , {symbol}. github exchange-core Pull Request, .

, ucumber , JUnit. , QA .

Cucumber JUnit. .

Java , , .

Cucumber , - API, .

API, REST API. glue- REST API. Cucumber .

Cucumber — IDE, JetBrains Idea. .

, Idea , :

  • Ctrl + B — Java
  • , regexp. Idea ,
  • — , . , .

- , Cucumber , , , , - . .

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