Implemente-o completamente. Di-in-js

Olá a todos! Hoje vou tentar experimentar a injeção de dependência em JavaScript puro . Quem não sabe que tipo de jogo é e como prepará-lo, convido você a se familiarizar. Bem, aqueles que têm conhecimento terão uma ocasião para escrever um comentário importante e útil. Então, nós dirigimos ...

Injeção de dependência

O DI é um padrão arquitetural projetado para reduzir a conexão das entidades do sistema - componentes, módulos, classes. Quanto menos conectado (não confundir com conexão ), mais fácil é alterar essas mesmas entidades, adicionar novas e testá-las. Em geral, um plus é um plus, mas vamos ver se é realmente assim.

Sem DI:

   class Engine {...};
   class ElectroEngine {...};
   class Transmission {...};
   class Chassis {...};
   class TestChassis {...};

   class Car {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new Engine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new Chassis();

    class ElectroCar {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new ElectroEngine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new Chassis();

   class TestCar {
        constructor() {
            this.engine = new Engine();
            this.transmission = new Transmission();
            this.chassis = new TestChassis ();

    const car = new Car();
    const electroCar = new ElectroCar();
    const testCar = new TestCar();

Com DI:

    class Engine{...};
    class ElectroEngine {...};
    class TestEngine {...};

    class Transmission {...};
    class TestTransmission {...};

    class Chassis {...};
    class SportChassis {...};
    class TestChassis {...};

     class Car {
        constructor(engine, transmission, chassis) {
            this.engine = engine;
            this.transmission = transmission;
            this.chassis = chassis;

    const petrolCar = new Car(new Engine(), new Transmission(), new Chassis());
    const sportCar = new Car(new Engine(), new Transmission(), new SportChassis());
    const electroCar = new Car(new ElectroEngine(), new Transmission(), new Chassis());
    const testCar = new Car(new TestEngine(), new TestTransmission(), new TestChassis());

No primeiro exemplo sem DI, nossa classe Car está vinculada a classes específicas e, portanto, para criar, por exemplo, electroCar , você precisa criar uma classe ElectroCar separada . Nesta modalidade, há uma dependência de implementação "difícil", isto é, Dependência da instância de uma classe específica.

DI, Car. . ! — . , "" — .

DI . "" — , , . , ? , . :

class Engine{
   constructor(candles, pistons, oil) {….}

class Chassis{
    constructor(doors, hood, trunk) {….}

const petrolCar = new Car(
    new Engine(new Candles(), new Pistons(), new Oil() ), 
    new Transmission(…..), 
    new Chassis(new Doors, new Hood(), new Trunk())

. , . , , .

Inversion of Control

"" DI- — Inversion of Control (IoC). , — , . DI, IoC , . - , . :

class Engine{...};
class Transmission{...};
class Chassis{…}

class Car {
        constructor(engine: Engine, transmission: Transmission, chassis: Chassis) {}

const car = new Car();

car.engine instanceof Engine; //*true*

— new Car(). — , a .


JS. , DI . "".

, , , , . . .

constructor(engine = Engine, transmission = Transmission, chassis = Chassis)


constructor(engine: Engine, transmission: Transmission, chassis: Chassis)

, . IoC «» , . , ?
, Reflection. , — .

, JS:

function reflectionMetaInfo(a) { console.log(a); } ;       // reflectionMetaInfo;
reflectionMetaInfo.length   ;   //1
reflectionMetaInfo.toString();  //function reflectionMeta(a) { console.log(a);}
arguments;                      //Arguments [%value%/]

, toString(). . , , . () , . , .

const constructorSignature =  classFunc
                                 .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                                 .replace(/.*(constructor\((?:\w+=\w+?,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                                 .map(item => item.split('='));

constructorSignature // [ [dep1Name, dep1Value], [dep2Name, dep2Value] …. ]

, , . , , . . IoC — .


function Injectable(classFunc, options) {
        depsRegistry = Injectable.depsRegistry || (Injectable.depsRegistry = {}),
        className =,
        factories = options && options.factories;

    if (factories) {
        Object.keys(factories).forEach(factoryName => {
           depsRegistry[factoryName] = factories[factoryName];

    const depDescriptions = classFunc.toString()
                                .replace(/\s/g, '')
                                .replace(/"|'/g, '')
                                .map(item => item.split('='));

    const injectableClassFunc = function(...args) {

            const instance = new classFunc(...args);

            depDescriptions.forEach(depDescription => {
                    depFieldName = depDescription[0],
                    depDesc = depDescription[1];

                if (instance[depFieldName]) return;

                try {
                    instance[depFieldName] = new depsRegistry[depDesc]();
                } catch (err) {
                    instance[depFieldName] = depDesc;

            return instance;

    return depsRegistry[] = injectableClassFunc;

class CustomComponent {
    constructor(name = "Custom Component") { = name;
    sayName() {

const Button = Injectable(
    class Button extends CustomComponent {
        constructor(name = 'Button') {

const Popup = Injectable(
    class Popup extends CustomComponent {
            confirmButton = 'confirmButtonFactory',
            closeButton = Button,
            name = 'NoticePopup'
        ) {
        factories: {
            confirmButtonFactory: function() { return new Button('Confirm Button') }

const Panel = Injectable(
    class Panel extends CustomComponent {
            closeButton = 'closeButtonFactory',
            popup = Popup,
            name = 'Head Panel'
        ) {
        factories: {
            closeButtonFactory: function() { return new Button('Close Button') }

const customPanel = new Panel();

, , . , . — Injectable, IoC. :

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ;
  5. ;

, try-catch .


  1. . . , , , - .
  2. . , , . - option.factories, .



function inject(context, ...deps) {
        depsRegistry = inject.depsRegistry || (inject.depsRegistry = {}),
        className =;

    let depsNames = depsRegistry[className]; 

    if (!depsNames) {
            = depsRegistry[className] 
            = context.constructor
                .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                .replace(/.*(inject\((?:\w+,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                .replace(/inject\((.*)\)/, '$1')


    deps.forEach((dep, index) => {
        const depName = depsNames[index];
        try {
            context[depName] = new dep();
        } catch (err) {
            context[depName] = dep;

    return context;

class Component {

    constructor(name = 'Component') {

        inject(this, name);

    showName() {

class Button extends Component {

    constructor(name = 'Component') {
        inject(this, name);

    disable() {
        alert(`button ${} is disabled`);

    enable() {
        alert(`button ${} is enabled`);

class PopupComponent extends Component {

    show() {
        alert(`show ${} popup`);

    hide() {
         alert(`hide ${} popup`);

class TopPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = Button,
        name = 'Top Popup'
    ) {
        inject(this, popupButton, name); = 'TopPopup Button';

class BottomPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = function() { return new Button('BottomPopup Button') },
        name = 'Bottom Popup'
    ) {
        inject(this, popupButton, name);

class Panel extends Component {
        name = 'Panel',
        popup1 = TopPopup,
        popup2 = BottomPopup,
        buttonClose = function() { return new Button('Close Button') }
    ) {
        inject(this, name, popup1, popup2, buttonClose);

const panel = new Panel('Panel 1');

. . . , inject, .

inject :

  1. (this)
  2. context.constructor.
  3. .
  4. , — inject.depsRegistry
  5. context

— . — Inject , . , .


class Injectable {
    constructor(...dependensies) {

            depsRegistry = Injectable.depsRegistry || (Injectable.depsRegistry = {}),
            className =;

       let depNames = depsRegistry[className];

       if (!depNames) {
           depNames = this.constructor
                            .replace(/\s|['"]/g, '')
                            .replace(/.*(super\((?:\w+,?)+\)).*/g, '$1')
                            .replace(/super\((.*)\)/, '$1')

       dependensies.forEach((dependense, index) => {
          const depName = depNames[index];
          try {
            this[depName] = new dependense();
          } catch (err) {
            this[depName] = dependense;

class Component extends Injectable {
    showName() {

class Button extends Component {
    constructor(name = 'button') {

    disable() {
        alert(`button ${} is disabled`);

    enable() {
        alert(`button ${} is enabled`);

class PopupComponent extends Component {
    show() {
        alert(`show ${} popup`);

    hide() {
         alert(`hide ${} popup`);

class TopPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = Button,
        name = 'Top Popup'
    ) {
        super(popupButton, name); = 'TopPopup Button';

class BottomPopup extends PopupComponent {
        popupButton = function() { return new Button('BottomPopup Button') },
        name = 'Bottom Popup'
    ) {
        super(popupButton, name);

class Panel extends Component {
        name = 'Panel',
        popup1 = TopPopup,
        popup2 = BottomPopup,
        buttonClose = function() { return new Button('Close Button') }
    ) {
        super(name, popup1, popup2, buttonClose);

const panel = new Panel('Panel 1');

Injectable. super , .


Na minha opinião, a última - a 3ª opção é mais adequada para as definições de DI e IoC, para que o mecanismo de implementação fique mais oculto no código do cliente.
Bom, isso é tudo. Espero que tenha sido interessante e informativo. Tchau todo mundo!

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