Bagaimana cara menanamkan ColorPicker di JavaScript Gantt untuk mengubah warna tugas

Hai, nama saya Zhenya, dan saya hanyalah salah satu penghuni alam semesta JavaScript yang ingin berbagi dengan Anda pengalaman menarik dalam pengembangan tampilan depan, yaitu cara menyesuaikan bagan Gantt.

, . , :

. .

, . โ€” . , , JavaScript .

, . :

  • , ,

JavaScript DHTMLX Gantt. , , โ€” .

โ€” :

  • GPL v2 ;
  • 700$ 3000$ .

โ€” .

, GPL GPLv2 , (TLDRlegal). , โ€” / front-end/ , . , , . - , .

DHTMLX JavaScript . , , .


DHTMLX Gantt :

, . DHTMLX Gantt, โ€” color picker, . .

HTML5 JavaScript, .

. JS CSS , , ( ):

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script src="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.js"></script>
   <link href="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="gantt_here" style='width:100vw; height:100vh;'></div>
      window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => {

HTML js , , , . 1 ( ) 2 ( ). , , ( ):

    data: [
        id: 1, text: "  ", start_date: "01-05-2020", duration: 18, open: true
        id: 2, text: "  ", start_date: "02-05-2020", duration: 4, parent: 1
        id: 3, text: "  ", start_date: "07-05-2020", duration: 5, parent: 1
    links: [
      {id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: "1"},
      {id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: "0"}


Inline Editors

: , , .

, editor:

gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "add", width: 44}

type, , map_to, , . , , :

const textEditor = {type: "text", map_to: "text"};
const dateEditor = {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2020, 0, 1), 
    max: new Date(2021, 0, 1)};
const durationEditor = {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100};


, .

, : (select) (color picker). , -colorpicker.

, HTML5 input color, .

. :

gantt.config.editor_types.custom_editor = {
  show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
    // called when input is displayed, put html markup of the editor into placeholder

    // and initialize your editor if needed:
        placeholder.innerHTML `<div><input type='text' name='${}'></div>`;

  hide: () => {
    // called when input is hidden 
    // destroy any complex editors or detach event listeners from here

  set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // set input value

  get_value: (id, column, node) => {
    // return input value

  is_changed: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // called before save/close. Return true if new value differs from the original one
    // returning true will trigger saving changes, returning false will skip saving 

  is_valid: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // validate, changes will be discarded if the method returns false
    return true/false;

  save: (id, column, node) => {
     // only for inputs with map_to:auto. complex save behavior goes here

  focus: (node) => {                                                 

, :

  1. show, color:

    gantt.config.editor_types.color = {
      show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
        placeholder.innerHTML = `<div><input type='color' name='${}'></div>`;

  2. hide , , , :

    hide: () => {},

  3. โ€” set_value get_value:

    set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      input.value = value   
    get_value: (id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return input.value;

    , task. , , .

  4. is_changed. , , :

    is_changed: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return input.value !== value;

    , , true, . true , false .

  5. is_valid , false, , :

    is_valid: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return !!input.value;

  6. save , , , .

  7. focus :

    focus: node => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");


. type , ( type: โ€œcolorโ€).

  const textEditor = {type: "text", map_to: "text"};
  const dateEditor = {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2020, 0, 1), 
      max: new Date(2021, 0, 1)};
  const durationEditor = {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100};
  const colorEditor = {type: "color", map_to: "color"};
  gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "color", align: "center", editor: colorEditor},
      {name: "add", width: 44}

color, . , , โ€” , color:"#FF0000":

    id: 2, text: "  ", start_date: "02-05-2020", duration: 4, parent: 1, color:"#FF0000"

, , โ€œcolorโ€ . :

gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "color", align: "center", label:"Color", editor: colorEditor, template:
       (task) => {
          return `<div class='task-color-cell' style='background:${task.color}'></div>`
      {name: "add", width: 44}

, div . css , :

    border:1px solid #cecece;


Color Picker

DHTMLX Gantt , , jquery Spectrum.


<!DOCTYPE html>
     <script src=""></script>   
     <link rel="stylesheet"href="">
     <script src=""></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
     <script src="script.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <div id="gantt_here"></div>

. let editor, . , , input .
show. , .

: editor.spectrum("show") show, . , show placeholder- . -, color picker , placeholder .

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  let editor;
  gantt.config.editor_types.color = {
    show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
          placeholder.innerHTML = `<div><input type='color' name='${}'></div>`;

          editor = $(placeholder).find("input").spectrum({
            change:() => {
          setTimeout(() => {

Selanjutnya, saya mendefinisikan metode "sembunyikan" - destruktor akan dipanggil ketika editor ditutup:

hide: () => {
      editor = null;

Metode yang tersisa tidak terlalu berbeda dari implementasi asli. Anda hanya perlu mengubah cara Anda mendapatkan nilai dari kontrol:

 set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
    editor.spectrum("set", value);
  get_value: (id, column, node) => {
    return editor.spectrum("get").toHexString();
  is_changed: function (value, id, column, node) {
    const newValue = this.get_value(id, column, node);
    return newValue !== value;
  is_valid: function (value, id, column, node) {
    const newValue = this.get_value(id, column, node);
    return !!newValue;
  focus:(node) => {

Setelah itu, semuanya akan berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan!

Dan ini adalah tautan ke contoh saya dengan Color Picker bawaan .

Saya harap artikel ini membantu Anda dalam menyesuaikan warna tugas di bagan Gantt.

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