Bagaimana menerjemahkan "partisipasi" / "peserta" tanpa bagian / berpartisipasi

Ada satu kata lagi, yang menurutnya mayoritas penerjemah (saya termasuk di antara mereka) masuk ke kepala saya hanya satu set pilihan yang bertugas:
peserta / partisipasi > ambil bagian / berpartisipasi / peserta .

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It takes two to tango.

That’s because the consensus view is baked into the price.

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Once the connection has been established, the gatekeeper is no longer in the loop, although the gateway is, of course.

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If it’s [rate] too slow, attention can lag and the meeting won’t be productive.

Montag stayed upstairs most nights when this went on.

My dad … fought in the prior two wars.

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… everyone has time to fully crystallize and communicate their thoughts without worrying they will be misunderstood or drowned out by a louder voice.

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Restate what has been decided on and agreed to…


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….get involved in programs that seek to end violence toward other human beings

Kerberos, () , .
Kerberos involves three servers in addition to Alice (a client workstation).

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…what happens if multiple machines are involved in storage and retrieval of data?

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Atomic single-object operations don’t help, as multiple objects are involved.

80- … .
As the field of telecommunications completes the transition started in the 1980s from being entirely national to being entirely global … more and more organizations will want to become involved in setting them.

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… the transport user must be involved in deciding when to disconnect—the problem cannot be cleanly solved by the transport entities themselves.

Action, active

Academic experts also are active in many of the WGs.

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Congestion is experienced in the network, but relieving congestion requires action on behalf of the senders that are using the network.

Snowball and Napoleon were by far the most active in the debates.


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Build a project on your own time, … or contribute to an open source project.

He finished all his work on time, and he contributed more in discussions.

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I’d like to thank the people who contributed review comments on significant portions of the book.


The HC usually does not include any of your interviewers.

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Including management in inspections is not usually a good idea.

Feel free to include others …


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The problem with that idea is that companies with no interest in using the spectrum can enter the lottery.

For example, people enter a video conference …


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The … issue … asked the people who helped create the Internet in the previous millennium to speculate on where it is going in the next one.

Page fetching is done by the browser, without any help from the user.


It is not difficult to determine if scholars are attempting to engage in social change…

…to enable the students to engage in games.


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Furthermore, commercial organizations wanted to join but …


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I brought Bob, Greg, and a young analyst named Bob Elliott to a lunch meeting with Geithner.

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… the meetings were a chance to … assess …quality … by bringing in a bunch of tough, independent thinkers ….


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… he wanted some ownership of the statue—he wanted to be a creative partner.

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The main test of a great partnership is not whether the partners ever disagree—people in all healthy relationships disagree—…


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As you can see, a two-person project has only one path of communication.

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A five-person project has 10 paths.


Idea meritocracies carefully weigh the merits of its members’ opinions.

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The moderator chooses someone other than the author to para-phrase the design or read the code.

… Wall Street Week…, .
… I was the featured guest on Wall $treet Week…, the must-watch show for anyone in the markets.

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everyone has the opportunity to hear what everyone else is thinking…

It is possible to have subcommittees who have access to sensitive information …

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A recent management study that looked at the work of 150 scholars …

People (on/outside)

… weighs people’s opinions in proportion to their merits.

The number of communication paths increases proportionate to the square of the number of people on the team.

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…you’ll still need to assign one person to … act as the point of contact for people outside the project.

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It is not uncommon for many different people on a project to feel that their contribution was the most important part of the game

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People’s emotions tend to heat up when there is disagreement.


In multinational projects…

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If a project is conducted in multiple English-speaking countries, standardize on one version of English.

Already we have multiperson real-time simulation games


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…as long as you and your team are consistent, it won’t make much difference.

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Set a standard that requires everyone on your team to compile code using the same compiler settings.


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Myers studied a group of programmers with a … 11 years of professional experience.

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group that agrees on the big things ends up fighting about less important things …


Boeing ,
Boeing found it was difficult to motivate project personnel to apply walk-through techniques consistently…

More intelligent load shedding requires cooperation from the senders.

Technical leaders might attend.

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If there are going to be programming standards, programmers need to buy into them

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Here’s a comment from a project I worked on.

He … rarely chipped in during email discussions…

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Playtesters … know (or think) you helped make the game.

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Allow us to partake in game actions and employ game strategies that are impossible with just one person.

The group is more important than the individual


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In trading you have to be defensive and aggressive at the same time.

I’m still writing them, along with others …

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In addition to providing clients with these observations and advice, I began to manage their exposures by buying and selling on their behalf.

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… “learning” that occurs without thinking at all…

Want a part

I want no part of his dealings.

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This sounds like some kind of plot to control peoples’ lives, and I want no part of this deception.

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As far as you can tell, the candidate didn’t really do much.

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Less experienced, less believable people may not be necessary to decide an issue…

In human-only chess tournaments…

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Note that this mechanism requires the resource itself to take an active role in checking tokens…

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