Tentang terjemahan "awal" dan "awal" tanpa mulai, mulai dan pertama

Jika seseorang mulai di suatu tempat dalam teks yang diterjemahkan , maka saya segera memiliki tiga opsi panggilan saat muncul: mulai / mulai , mulai / mulai , pertama / pertama .

Menilai dari apa yang saya lihat dalam terjemahan yang dikirim kepada saya untuk verifikasi, kemiskinan berbicara ini tidak hanya diamati pada saya. Tapi saya tidak melihat ini dengan penerjemah Amerika kami - di sini sinonimnya juga indah untuk Anda, atau segalanya dimulai tanpa permulaan / permulaan .

Saya pikir sudah waktunya untuk mengisi kesenjangan pengetahuan ini, dan berbagi temuan yang paling menarik.

Saya tidak mendorong opsi yang paling eksotis (mis. Menyalakan) , seperti ada banyak yang dapat dipilih tanpa mereka (tetapi jika di masa depan eksotis juga menarik, tulis di komentar) .




Melalui serangkaian tindakan

Saya menerima semua proposal tanpa argumen atau alasan dan mulai bertindak.
Saya menerima saran mereka tanpa berdebat atau membela dan menindaklanjutinya .

So we put all this data onto the screen and stared hard at it together.

(), , …
When building a “machine,” design precedes people because…

, , , .
Once a programmer realizes that programming principles transcend the syntax of any specific language, the doors swing open to knowledge that truly makes a difference in quality and productivity.

+ before

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… make sure you hire managers before you hire their reports.

(evolutionary prototyping) .
An evolutionary prototyping approach helps you explore a system's requirements before you send your forces in to build it.

, , .
Record exactly what has happened before you do anything.

+ then

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Consider each element separately and then all of them together as a whole.

The client process then waits for a reply message.


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Most people initially find this process very uncomfortable.

...it is initially very difficult for most people to deal with uncomfortable realities.

It was a very positive initial evaluation.


: «»?
Let’s try again to answer our original question: How should we define “game”?

«» tele, «», visio – «». , .
The word television comes from Greek ‘tele’, which means ‘far’, and Latin ‘visio’, sight. It was originally conceived as a device that allows us to see from afar.

, .
Originally, the designers had intended to make it as much like real baseball as possible with the added bonus that you could swing your controller like a bat.


, XXI .
Most humans never enjoyed greater peace or prosperity than they did under the aegis of the liberal order of the early twenty-first century.

1990-,… « »…
By the early 1990s,… politicians alike hailed ‘the End of History’…

At the time of writing – early 2018 – automation has disrupted many industries but it has not resulted in massive unemployment.

embark on

(- )

...you could embark on a successful career baker.

He also persuaded the college authorities that they ought to embark on construction…

Russia and the USA have recently embarked on a new nuclear arms race…

1979 , ..., , Cats…
In 1979, when Lloyd Webber severed his links with both Tim Rice and ..., to embark on his first solo venture, Cats,...


Sometimes, I open a seminar by asking…

, , .
The advertisement opens with a little girl picking and counting the petals of a daisy.


C++ , .
You'll talk about rotating in a crop of C++ instead of barley, of letting the land rest for a year to increase the supply of nitrogen in the hard disk.

, ;…
However, if the interfaces are too restrictive people will work around them...


, .
From now on, you are going to live and work only with people you like and enjoy.

Test thoroughly at all levels, from unit tests…

, .
In addition, from infancy onward, you have had a complex series of experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today.

, .
Imperfect, real-world projects, however, often skip requirements and design to jump into construction.

[.. - ] [ ] .
In object-oriented design, it gives rise to the concepts of encapsulation and modularity and it is associated with the concept of abstraction.

, , Google, Facebook, Baidu Tencent.
The race to obtain the data is already on, headed by data-giants such as Google, Facebook, Baidu and Tencent.

, , , ?
So the game designer makes decisions about what the game should be, writes them down, and moves on?

- , , .
Before you set off on the great adventure of life, you have to decide where you want to end up.

- .
This is where Darwinian selection comes in.

This terrifying experiment has already been set in motion.

, , , , - …
This is why, if we want to understand the workings of computers, we prefer a preliminary explanation in terms of about half a dozen major subcomponents…

, , , , , .
He had no idea how tired he had become. But as he slept eight to nine hours each night, he had more and more energy.

The revolutions in information technology and biotechnology are still in their infancy

[] .
… one’s… career paths are not planned at the outset.


end up +… ing

, .
As you can see, every subsystem ends up communicating directly with every other subsystem.

, ,
Almost every group that agrees on the big things ends up fighting about less important things...

… when I conceived this book…

, .
entering a time when the typical way of operating would be suspended.

As project size increases, team size and organization become greater influences on productivity

2006 Apple iPhone.
In 2006, Apple announced the release of their new iPhone.

… if we hadn’t launched the War on Terror…

, « , ».
This kind of scheme is currently being pioneered in Scandinavia, where governments follow the motto ‘protect workers, not jobs’.

, « », .
Good designers can succeed even when management is bad, secretly “managing from below” to get the job done.

… , , .
… a number of democratic countries, ranging from the USA to my home country of Israel.

« ».
Practice reinvention.


. 3-3, , .
Consider the examples shown in Table 3-3 of projects that don't focus on prerequisites.

LookupVacationBenefit() , .
Suddenly LookupVacationBenefit() looks less friendly, unwilling to associate with the new module.

… , , - .
… programmers ignore significant global optimizations because they're too busy with micro-optimizations

… and it would have only encouraged other employees to hide their mistakes…

- , .
If you’re in doubt about someone’s believability, find out.

Here’s the interesting part.

, .


  1. (Steve McConnell — Code Complete)
  2. (Jess Shell — Art of Game Design)
  3. (Martin Kleppmann — Designing Data-Intensive Applications)
  4. (Yuval Noah Harari — 21 lessons for the 21 century; Brian Tracey — Time Management)
  5. Bartov Eugene (Ray Dalio - Prinsip)

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