Bagaimana cara menggunakan lembar js dan google untuk menjadi tetangga klub golf Bill Gates

Baru-baru ini, artikel-artikel mulai bermunculan di pusat yang dimulai dengan cerita-cerita tentang waktu senggang tentang isolasi diri dan, sebagai akibatnya, troli-troli dari sebuah roti telah muncul. Mungkin administrasi harus mempertimbangkan untuk menambah hub baru - Self - isolation ..

Jadi saya mendapat waktu luang, yang saya curahkan untuk menganalisis transaksi saya di Tinkoff Investments. Ada 2 jenis orang: beberapa membangun array multidimensi dengan indah di kepala mereka, melalui mereka untuk siklus di Notebook IPython, sementara yang lain suka "merasakan" angka-angka, meletakkannya di rak-rak di Excel. Saya menghubungkan diri saya dengan kategori kedua, jadi saya dengan hati-hati memasukkan semua penawaran saya ke Google Sheets.

Di bawah potongan, saya akan memberi tahu Anda bagaimana saya mengotomatisasi rutin saya menggunakan Google Apps Script dan Tinkoff Investments API.

Sebelum kita sampai pada intinya, daftar istilah yang saya gunakan dalam artikel:

  • TI - Investasi Tinkoff
  • Instrumen adalah keamanan apa pun, seperti saham, obligasi, atau ETF.
  • Ticker — ID . , , .
  • Figi — Financial Instrument Global Identifier ( ). API- figi.
  • — .

. - , — . : , . /, .

- , . . OvkHabr. , API, .

Google Apps Script

, , Google Sheets, Tools -> Script editor, JavaScript.


OpenAPI, swagger-ui

http- , . .

http .

  1. , figi
  2. ,
  3. ,

, :

class TinkoffClient
class TinkoffClient {
  constructor(token) {
    this.token = token
    this.baseUrl = ''

  _makeApiCall(methodUrl) {
    const url = this.baseUrl + methodUrl
    Logger.log(`[API Call] ${url}`)
    const params = {'escaping': false, 'headers': {'accept': 'application/json', "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.token}`}}
    const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params)
    if (response.getResponseCode() == 200)
      return JSON.parse(response.getContentText())

  getInstrumentByTicker(ticker) {
    const url = `market/search/by-ticker?ticker=${ticker}`
    const data = this._makeApiCall(url)
    return data.payload.instruments[0]

  getOrderbookByFigi(figi) {
    const url = `market/orderbook?depth=1&figi=${figi}`
    const data = this._makeApiCall(url)
    return data.payload

  getOperations(from, to, figi) {
    // Arguments `from` && `to` should be in ISO 8601 format
    const url = `operations?from=${from}&to=${to}&figi=${figi}`
    const data = this._makeApiCall(url)
    return data.payload.operations

const tinkoffClient = new TinkoffClient(OPENAPI_TOKEN)

- , . , yandex YNDX.

Custom Functions

Google Sheets , AVERAGE, SUM, VLOOKUP. , , . , , — .gs . , , , . , , , , .

getPriceByTicker, . (=getPriceByTicker("YNDX")).

figi , , :

function _getFigiByTicker(ticker) {
  const {figi} = tinkoffClient.getInstrumentByTicker(ticker)
  return figi

function getPriceByTicker(ticker) {
  const figi = _getFigiByTicker(ticker)
  const {lastPrice} = tinkoffClient.getOrderbookByFigi(figi)
  return lastPrice

! , , .

, , . , GAS :

  • ,
    function onEdit(e) {
      const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
  • , , getPriceByTicker
    =getPriceByTicker("YNDX", Z1)

Cache Service

, 2 API-. , , figi . , Apps Script Cache Service. key-value , :

const CACHE = CacheService.getScriptCache()

function _getFigiByTicker(ticker) {
  const cached = CACHE.get(ticker)
  if (cached != null) 
    return cached
  const {figi} = tinkoffClient.getInstrumentByTicker(ticker)
  CACHE.put(ticker, figi)
  return figi

. getTrades, API, .

, , . , ISO 8601, API.
Figi _getFigiByTicker, .

function getTrades(ticker, from, to) {
  const figi = _getFigiByTicker(ticker)
  if (!from) {
    from = TRADING_START_AT.toISOString()
  if (!to) {
    const now = new Date()
    to = new Date(now + MILLIS_PER_DAY)
    to = to.toISOString()
  const operations = tinkoffClient.getOperations(from, to, figi)

, Operation :

"operation": {
    "id": "string",
    "status": "Done",
    "trades": [{
        "tradeId": "string",
        "date": "2019-08-19T18:38:33.131642+03:00",
        "price": 0,
        "quantity": 0
    "commission": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": 0
    "currency": "RUB",
    "payment": 0,
    "price": 0,
    "quantity": 0,
    "figi": "string",
    "instrumentType": "Stock",
    "isMarginCall": true,
    "date": "2019-08-19T18:38:33.131642+03:00",
    "operationType": "Buy"

- . , : 100 YNDX 2500₽, 40 2500₽, 60 2499₽. , OvkHabr, — trades.

, , , .



function _calculateTrades(trades) {
  let totalSum = 0
  let totalQuantity = 0
  for (let j in trades) {
    const {quantity, price} = trades[j]
    totalQuantity += quantity
    totalSum += quantity * price
  const weigthedPrice = totalSum / totalQuantity
  return [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice]

, custom , . , .

, . , , . , " " ( ) . , ( )

const values = [
  ["ID", "Date", "Operation", "Ticker", "Quantity", "Price", "Currency", "SUM", "Commission"], 
for (let i=operations.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
  const {operationType, status, trades, id, date, currency, commission} = operations[i]
  if (operationType == "BrokerCommission" || status == "Decline") 
  let [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] = _calculateTrades(trades) // calculate weighted values
  if (operationType == "Buy") {  // inverse values in a way, that it will be easier to work with
    totalQuantity = -totalQuantity
    totalSum = -totalSum
    id, isoToDate(date), operationType, ticker, totalQuantity, weigthedPrice, currency, totalSum, commission.value

values. :

function isoToDate(dateStr){
  // How to format date string so that google scripts recognizes it?
  const str = dateStr.replace(/-/,'/').replace(/-/,'/').replace(/T/,' ').replace(/\+/,' \+').replace(/Z/,' +00')
  return new Date(str)

function _calculateTrades(trades) {
  let totalSum = 0
  let totalQuantity = 0
  for (let j in trades) {
    const {quantity, price} = trades[j]
    totalQuantity += quantity
    totalSum += quantity * price
  const weigthedPrice = totalSum / totalQuantity
  return [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice]

function getTrades(ticker, from, to) {
  const figi = _getFigiByTicker(ticker)
  if (!from) {
    from = TRADING_START_AT.toISOString()
  if (!to) {
    const now = new Date()
    to = new Date(now + MILLIS_PER_DAY)
    to = to.toISOString()
  const operations = tinkoffClient.getOperations(from, to, figi)

  const values = [
    ["ID", "Date", "Operation", "Ticker", "Quantity", "Price", "Currency", "SUM", "Commission"], 
  for (let i=operations.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
    const {operationType, status, trades, id, date, currency, commission} = operations[i]
    if (operationType == "BrokerCommission" || status == "Decline") 
    let [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] = _calculateTrades(trades) // calculate weighted values
    if (operationType == "Buy") {  // inverse values in a way, that it will be easier to work with
      totalQuantity = -totalQuantity
      totalSum = -totalSum
      id, isoToDate(date), operationType, ticker, totalQuantity, weigthedPrice, currency, totalSum, commission.value
  return values


API , , Google Apps Script, Google Sheets . , )

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Bagi pembaca yang ingin memulai investasi, tetapi tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana - saya dapat menyarankan kursus gratis dari Tinkoff Magazine - pendek, informatif, dan mudah dipahami.

Dan ketika Anda membuka akun pialang di TI, menggunakan tautan saya, Anda akan menerima nilai saham hingga 20.000 rubel sebagai hadiah.

Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.

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