(Spring) State dalam Shell (Spring): bukan produksi tunggal

Hei, bagaimana dengan shell interaktif lengkapi-otomatis, bantuan, dan lainnya? Dan tanpa masalah, dan bahkan di JVM?

Tukang pos menjadi sakit kepala di tempat kerja bagi saya. Meskipun dalam kata-kata kita semua adalah TDD dan melalui lampu merah Timun kita melihat apa yang sebenarnya rusak, tetapi dalam praktiknya saya harus mengirim permintaan REST di antarmuka Postman lebih sering. Pada awal pekerjaan, perlu untuk mendapatkan token otentikasi (permintaan untuk pembuatan dan permintaan untuk validasi, para pengguna berbeda), dan kemudian unduh dari bookmark, edit parameter dan mulai permintaan lainnya. Klik-klik-klik. Dalam urutan yang berbeda. Saya sudah menulis skrip dengan CURL, dan saya membuat permintaan di IDEA - itu tidak nyaman. Seorang motivator ideal untuk beralih ke tes otomatis, ini hanya permintaan untuk memahami apa yang terjadi pada momen unik dalam kombinasi kondisi layanan, versinya, mainframe di belakangnya, cuaca di rumah, dan tentu saja tidak termasuk dalam pengujian regresi. Klik-klik-klik mulai memakan terlalu banyak waktu dan menambah jarak tempuh mouse.

Spring Shell, shell , Spring. , . , — . — shell, . , — Spring State Machine. , — , — , , Kotlin, Akka "" . State Machine , .

Spring Initializr Gradle Kotlin. .

curl 'https://start.spring.io/starter.zip?type=gradle-project&language=kotlin&bootVersion=2.2.6.RELEASE&baseDir=shell-state&groupId=me.votez.spring&artifactId=shell-state&name=shell-state&description=Demo%20project%20for%20Spring%20State%20Machine%20and%20Shell&packageName=me.votez.spring.shellstate&packaging=jar&javaVersion=1.8' --compressed --output shellstate.zip && unzip shellstate.zip

Spring Shell gradle


(shell). , ShellComponent ( ) , ShellMethod , . , ShellOption. , Bean Validation. , Enum ( , help).

— . — , , actuator .…
( runBlocking — )

package me.votez.spring.shellstate

import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellComponent
import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellMethod
import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellOption
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellMethodAvailability
import java.util.*
import kotlin.random.Random

class ServerCommands {
    private var token: String? = null

    @ShellMethod("Authenticate and obtain token")
    fun login(
           @ShellOption name:String, 
           @ShellOption password:String, 
           @ShellOption(defaultValue = "admin") scope: String) = runBlocking {
            token = UUID.randomUUID().toString()

    @ShellMethod("List projects regstered on server")
    fun list(
        @ShellOption(defaultValue = "PROJECT", help = "Possible values are PROJECT and USER") type:EntityType) = when(type) {
        EntityType.PROJECT -> listOf("Roga i Kopita", "Svetliy Put", "NIICHAVO")
        EntityType.USER -> listOf( "Ivanov", "Petrov", "Sidorov")

enum class EntityType {

. IntelliJ IDEA, Spring Shell JLine, Linux, MacOS Windows, IDE — .

$ bash ./gradlew build
$ java -jar build/libs/shell-state-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 

help, . clear, exit, quit, script, stacktrace.

2020-05-03 12:49:35.442  INFO 23211 --- [           main] m.v.s.s.ShellStateApplicationKt          : Started ShellStateApplicationKt in 1.036 seconds (JVM running for 0.936)

Built-In Commands
        clear: Clear the shell screen.
        exit, quit: Exit the shell.
        help: Display help about available commands.
        script: Read and execute commands from a file.
        stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.

Server Commands
        list: List projects registered on server
        login: Authenticate and obtain token

shell:>help list

        list - List projects registered on server

        list [[--type] entity-type]  

        --type  entity-type
                Possible values are PROJECT and USER
                [Optional, default = PROJECT]

. login list L, . l TAB , o TAB, login. . , > login root 123456 , — Connected. list .

list , list . :

    fun listAvailable() = if (token != null) Availability.available()  else Availability.unavailable("cannot run without auth token")

shell, , . help , .

2020-05-02 13:30:12.593  INFO 4443 --- [           main] m.v.s.s.ShellStateApplicationKt          : Started ShellStateApplicationKt in 1.525 seconds (JVM running for 1.252)
Command 'list' exists but is not currently available because cannot run without auth token
Details of the error have been omitted. You can use the stacktrace command to print the full stacktrace.

Built-In Commands
        clear: Clear the shell screen.
        exit, quit: Exit the shell.
        help: Display help about available commands.
        script: Read and execute commands from a file.
        stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.

Server Commands
      * list: List projects regstered on server
        login: Authenticate and obtain token

Commands marked with (*) are currently unavailable.
Type `help <command>` to learn more.

shell:>help list

        list - List projects registered on server

        list [[--type] entity-type]  

        --type  entity-type
                Possible values are PROJECT and USER
                [Optional, default = PROJECT]

        This command is currently not available because cannot run without auth token.

, . , , , . command prompt, . , application.properties — , Spring Framework ( ). prompt , .

PrompProvider, , JLine.

class ServerCommands : PromptProvider

    lateinit var env: String //   application.properties

    override fun getPrompt(): AttributedString =
                            if (token == null) AttributedStyle.YELLOW else AttributedStyle.GREEN))

, . .

, , (soap, protobuf ) — , - . , .

Spring State Machine

, . . , , , . , … , .

Spring State Machine.

, (), -. — The Evolution of Trust. , () . xml — , - .

, . , "" . Spring State Machine , , .

, . , . — Spring SM , . " ", - , - , , — .

, , . - — , .


, .

, "" . . ( ) , Thread Pool, shell, SSM - — .

command prompt " ", .

, . Quick Start.

, — . — command prompt. , , — , token. null-safe lateinit.

override fun configure(transitions: StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<State, Event>) {
                .action { context -> context.extendedState.variables["token"] = context.messageHeaders["token"] }.and()

enum class State {    INIT, CONNECTING, READY }

— , — . Spring. , , . .

. login:

    lateinit var stateMachine: StateMachine<State, Event>

   //    null
    lateinit var token: String

    @ShellMethod("Authenticate and obtain token")
    fun login(
            @ShellOption name: String,
            @ShellOption password: String,
            @ShellOption(defaultValue = "admin") scope: String) =
            runBlocking {
                        MessageBuilder.createMessage(Event.LOGIN, MessageHeaders(mapOf("login" to name))))
                token = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
                        MessageBuilder.createMessage(Event.CONNECTED, MessageHeaders(mapOf("token" to token))))

command prompt:

    private val colors = mapOf(State.READY to AttributedStyle.DEFAULT.foreground(AttributedStyle.GREEN))
            .withDefault { AttributedStyle.DEFAULT.foreground(AttributedStyle.YELLOW) }

    override fun getPrompt(): AttributedString =
            AttributedString("${env}:>", colors.getValue(stateMachine.state.id))


    fun listAvailable() =
            if (stateMachine.state.id == State.READY) Availability.available()
            else Availability.unavailable("requires authentication performed first")

Spring State Machine — (guards), , , , , .

Spring Shell adalah solusi yang sangat baik untuk utilitas khusus untuk pengembangan proyek, ketika ada kebutuhan untuk otomatisasi parsial tugas-tugas non-sepele.

Spring State Machine adalah salah satu dari banyak proyek komunitas yang patut mendapat perhatian lebih dan merupakan teknologi terkini, meskipun memiliki banyak prasangka.

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