Bagaimana kita menghasilkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi?

25 perusahaan, 9 negara, 6 mata uang fungsional ... Sistem dan prosedur pelaporan dapat dengan mudah dibuat rumit dan mahal. Tetapi kami menemukan solusi sederhana dari sudut pandang teknis yang sangat disukai pengguna kami, dan khususnya spesialis dalam menyiapkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi sesuai dengan standar internasional (selanjutnya disebut IFRS) dan pelaporan manajemen.

Sangat sering, "pemodal" dan "teknisi" tidak saling memahami. Akibatnya, muncul solusi yang rumit, mahal, dan tidak nyaman. Pada artikel ini, kami akan mencoba menjelaskan hal-hal dasar, kurangnya pemahaman yang sering mencegah penciptaan solusi yang efektif, menggunakan contoh proses pelaporan di perusahaan kami. Kami juga akan menceritakan tentang pengalaman sukses kami dalam menciptakan sistem pelaporan - apa yang ingin kami lakukan, apa yang terjadi, apa yang tidak kami sukai dari hasilnya, dan kami akan mengubahnya.

Kami memperingatkan Anda segera - tidak akan ada tentang Blockchain, atau tentang Big Data, atau tentang Inteligensi Buatan dan teknologi modis lainnya. Kami tidak menggunakan hal ini untuk satu alasan sederhana - kami tidak membutuhkannya untuk tugas ini.

Apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk mendapatkan "output"

, . , .

, Google:


Fiscal year is January-December. All values USD Millions.20182017201620152014
Sales Growth23.36%23.73%21.94%11.79%-
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) incl. D&A59,54945,58335,13828,16425,691
COGS excluding D&A50,51438,66828,99423,10120,712
Depreciation & Amortization Expense9,0356,9156,1445,0634,979
Amortization of Intangibles8718128779311,456
COGS Growth30.64%29.73%24.76%9.63%-
Gross Income77,40965,44154,59545,42640,139
Gross Income Growth18.29%19.87%20.18%13.17%-


Fiscal year is January-December. All values USD Millions.20182017201620152014
Cash & Short Term Investments109,14101,87186,33373,06664,395
Cash Only16,70110,71512,91816,54918,347
Short-Term Investments92,43991,15673,41556,51746,048
Cash & Short Term Investments Growth7.14%18.00%18.16%13.47%-
Cash & ST Investments / Total Assets46.88%51.63%51.54%49.55%49.85%
Total Accounts Receivable21,19318,70514,23213,90910,849
Accounts Receivables, Net20,83818,33614,13711,5569,383
Accounts Receivables, Gross21,56719,0114,60411,8529,608
Bad Debt/Doubtful Accounts-729-674-467-296-225 
Other Receivables355369952,3531,466
Accounts Receivable Growth13.30%31.43%2.32%28.21%-
Accounts Receivable Turnover6.465.946.315.2906.07
Finished Goods1,107----
Other Current Assets4,2362,9834,5752,6483,412
Miscellaneous Current Assets4,2362,9834,5752,6483,412
Total Current Assets135,676124,308105,40890,11478,656

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, . , , (, ..) — , « » («cooking the books» / «window dressing»).

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ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV ( — NAV), . ERP NAV.

NAV , . .

( ), NAV Excel, Pivot Table. — .

, — Power Pivot, Excel.

, , . .

M — LucaNet Microsoft Analysis Services ( Microsoft SQL Server).

Analysis Services (NAV Microsoft SQL Server), . — LucaNet . , Analysis Services — , ( , LucaNet), .  

Analysis Services — Tabular Multidimensional. Multidimensional, . 

, OLAP , Excel. Pivot Table, .

, Reporting Services — Microsoft SQL Server.

NAV (W1) .

( , , ..) Master Data Management, .

( ) , ( ).

— (). — , . — , , .. , , . 

NAV , , . , .

, — , , . , , .

— — . , .

(, ) , NAV , , , , .

( ).


, , «IFRS».

, , — «IFRS».

, — . «» .

( — ERP , — ) . EUR ( ) — . EUR — — EUR.

« » . , NAV. 

«» .

. — EUR. , EUR, EUR.

NAV ( ). , — USD, USD, — EUR, EUR.

NAV . , , , — EUR , .

( ).

( , ..) EUR.


(, ..), , ( , ..) NAV.

NAV ( ) .

NAV , , DWH (Data WareHouse — ). , .


Excel .

Tableau ( ), . Excel .

«» , . — .

, :

  • . , - .
  • , — , , . «» — . 

, NAV . NAV . , . . ( ).

. ( NAV) . 10 — 15 .

, :


Tabel MS NAV dalam database

Kunci akuntansi keuangan adalah tabel Entri G_L.

, : [CRONUS International Ltd_$G_L Entry], «CRONUS International Ltd» — . — . . NAV . «G_L Entry».


  • [Entry No_] [int] — ,
  • [G_L Account No_] [nvarchar](20) — — ,
  • [Posting Date] [datetime] — ,
  • [Document Type] [int] — (, , ..),
  • [Document No_] [nvarchar](20) — ,
  • [Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Transaction No_] [int] — , , ( , ),
  • [Debit Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Credit Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Additional-Currency Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Add_-Currency Debit Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Add_-Currency Credit Amount] [decimal](38, 20) — ,
  • [Dimension Set ID] [int] — .

«G_L Entry» ( NAV, ):

  • [Amount] = [Debit Amount] — [Credit Amount]
  • [Amount] , [Transaction No_] [Posting Date], ( « »).
  • [Transaction No_] [Posting Date] [Entry No_] ( , ).
  • [Additional-Currency Amount], [Add_-Currency Debit Amount] [Add_-Currency Credit Amount].

«G_L Account». , ( ) .   «G_L Entry» [GL Account No]. «G_L Account» :

  • [No_] [nvarchar](20) — , «G_L Entry» [G_L Account No_],
  • [Name] [nvarchar](50) — ,
  • [Exchange Rate Adjustment] [int] — , ,
  • [Account Subcategory Entry No_] [int] — .

«G_L Account Category» .  

  • [Entry No_] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) — ,
  • [Parent Entry No_] [int] — ,
  • [Presentation Order] [nvarchar](100) — () ,
  • [Indentation] [int] — ,
  • [Description] [nvarchar](80)- ,
  • [Account Category] [int] — (Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Cost of Goods Sold, Expense),
  • [Income_Balance] [int] — , / .

«», «G_L Entry».

«Dimension Set Entry», «» :

  • [Dimension Set ID] [int] — , «G_L Entry»,
  • [Dimension Code] [nvarchar](20) — ,
  • [Dimension Value Code] [nvarchar](20) — .

«Dimension Value», ( ):

  • [Dimension Code] [nvarchar](20) — ,
  • [Code] [nvarchar](20) — , «Dimension Set Entry» [Dimension Value Code]
  • [Name] [nvarchar](50) — .

«Dimension Set Entry» «Dimension Value» — [Dimension Code]   [Dimension Value Code] ([Code]).

. «G_L Entry». 

— , . , , .

, ?

1 ():

, 136,958, «INCOME STATEMENT» ( ) «2018» «Sales/Revenue». , :

  1. «G_L Account Category» , [Description] «Sales/Revenue». 
  2. «G_L Account» , [Account Subcategory Entry No_] [Entry No_] «G_L Account Category», 1.
  3. «G_L Entry» (), [G_L Account No_] [No_] «G_L Account», 2.
  4. 3 , [Posting Date] 2018 , [Posting Date] ‘2018.01.01’ [Posting Date] ‘2018.12.31’.
  5. 4 [Amount], — .

2 ():

16,701, «BALANCE SHEET» ( ) «2018» «Cash Only», : 

  1. «G_L Account Category» , [Description] «Cash Only». 
  2. «G_L Account» , [Account Subcategory Entry No_] [Entry No_] «G_L Account Category», 1.
  3. «G_L Entry» (), [G_L Account No_] [No_] «G_L Account», 2.
  4. 3 , [Posting Date] 2018 , . [Posting Date] ‘2018.12.31’.
  5. 4 [Amount], — .

3 ():

136,958, «INCOME STATEMENT» «2018» «Sales/Revenue», (), :

  1. «G_L Account Category» , [Description] «Sales/Revenue». 
  2. «G_L Account» , [Account Subcategory Entry No_] [Entry No_] «G_L Account Category», 1.
  3. «G_L Entry» (), [G_L Account No_] [No_] «G_L Account», 2.
  4. 3 , [Posting Date] 2018 , [Posting Date] ‘2018.01.01’ [Posting Date] ‘2018.12.31’.
  5. 4 [Dimension Set ID] «Dimension Set Entry»,   [Dimension Code] ‘COUNTRY’ ( — ). «G_L Entry» ( [Dimension Set ID]) «» — NAV. , «» «G_L Entry» .
  6. 5 [Dimension Code] [Dimension Value Code] «Dimension Value» [Name] ( ). «» G_L Entry» ( ) — , ‘NA’ (not allocated / not applicable).
  7. 4   «G_L Entry» , 6, [Amount], — ( ‘NA’)  .

, . Excel OLAP .

. Excel, .

, — , . , , , , .

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  • , , “” ( ). , , .
  • () , ( , , , ..).
  • “” () , .
  • . — (). Excel .
  • Kami tidak mengumpulkan data saat mengunggah ke sistem pelaporan. Setiap transaksi keuangan (dengan pengidentifikasi unik) disajikan dalam sistem pelaporan sebagai entri terpisah.

Sergey Ustinov
Daria Fadeeva, FCCA

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