Kegembiraan dan kesedihan karena kemenangan atas C: kami membuat permen dari prototipe wc di Haskell

Halo Habr.

Jadi, terakhir kali kami membuktikan secara empiris bahwa Anda dapat dengan mudah menulis semacam mainan di Haskell, yang secara signifikan lebih cepat daripada implementasi GNU Coreutils wc. Jelas bahwa ini bukan perbandingan yang sepenuhnya jujur: program kami tidak dapat melakukan apa pun selain menghitung byte, string, dan kata-kata, sementara wc yang sebenarnya jauh lebih kuat: ia memiliki beberapa statistik lagi, mendukung opsi, dapat membaca dari stdin ... Singkatnya, kami benar-benar ternyata hanya mainan.

Hari ini kita akan memperbaikinya. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk memungkinkan pengguna memilih statistik spesifik untuk perhitungan, sambil tidak menghitung apa yang tidak diperlukan pengguna. Dan yang paling penting - kami akan berusaha untuk modularitas, menyoroti setiap statistik dalam unit yang terpisah.

Memang, jika kita melihat versi C - baik, secara pribadi, saya tidak akan menyebutnya sampel kode yang dapat dibaca dan didukung, karena semuanya terjadi di sana dalam satu fungsi besar di 370 baris. Kami akan mencoba menghindari ini.

Fungsi utama versi C tidak pas pada layar 4k dalam orientasi potret dengan font ke-4.

Selain modularisasi ini, kami, antara lain:

  • mari kita ungkapkan ide bahwa beberapa statistik seperti menghitung jumlah byte dapat bekerja lebih efisien pada seluruh input, sementara yang lain harus melihat pada setiap byte;
  • kami menerapkan lebih banyak statistik, menikmati kesempatan untuk berbicara tentang masing-masing secara individual (apa yang disebut alasan lokal);
  • kami akan menulis beberapa tes, menikmati alasan lokal sekali lagi;
  • kami akan mencoba beberapa teknik mengetik yang hampir tergantung, telah berhasil diterima dengan benar, tetapi kode pengereman yang mempesona;
  • Template Haskell;
  • () () .

, :

{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Data.WordCount where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS

data State = State
  { bs :: Int
  , ws :: Int
  , ls :: Int
  , wasSpace :: Int

wc :: BS.ByteString -> (Int, Int, Int)
wc s = (bs, ws + 1 - wasSpace, ls)
    State { .. } = BS.foldl' go (State 0 0 0 1) s

    go State { .. } c = State (bs + 1) (ws + addWord) (ls + addLine) isSp
        isSp | c == 32 || c - 9 <= 4 = 1
             | otherwise = 0
        addLine | c == 10 = 1
                | otherwise = 0
        addWord = (1 - wasSpace) * isSp
{-# INLINE wc #-}

, , . ?

, . , BS.foldl'!

foldl, ยซ, ยป. , ! , , ByteString. , : ( , length ), count ( count 10). , , !

, , . :

{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}

import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

data WordState = WordState { ws :: Int, wasSpace :: Int }

wordsCount :: L.Fold BS.ByteString Int
wordsCount = L.Fold (BS.foldl' go) (WordState 0 1) (\WordState { .. } -> ws + 1 - wasSpace)
    go WordState { .. } c = WordState (ws + addWord) isSp
        isSp | c == 32 || c - 9 <= 4 = 1
             | otherwise = 0
        addWord = (1 - wasSpace) * isSp

, :

import qualified Control.Foldl.ByteString as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

main :: IO ()
main = do
  [path] <- getArgs
  contents <- unsafeMMapFile path
  let res = BL.fold ((,,) <$> BL.length <*> BL.count 10 <*> wordsCount) (BSL.fromStrict contents) :: (Int, Int, Int)
  print res

! ?

, ( 1.8- , tmpfs- IO, ), 2.5 . , , , ( wc, ), IDE, .

, 2.5 . , .

, ?

  let res = BL.fold ((,) <$> BL.length <*> wordsCount) contents :: (Int, Int)
  print res

1.55 . . ?

  let res = BL.fold (BL.count 10) contents :: Int
  print res

1.05 .

. . ! , ( '\n') , .

. , , foldl.

foldl . . foldl ByteString', ByteString', . โ€” 256 , L1-, L2 L1 ( L1 ).

, , 16-32 , L1, .

, , , , : BL.fold ((,) <$> wordsCount <*> wordsCount) contents ( , ) BL.fold wordsCount contents. .

, , ยซ ยป, , .


, , . - . ?

- ยซยป ( , ) f1, f2, f3, f1 f3. , , ,

  -- options โ€”   ,   
  options <- parseCliOptions

  -- theFold โ€”  
  let theFold = foldl' f (zip options [f1, f2, f3]) emptyFold
    f acc (True, stat) = acc `compose` stat
    f acc (False, _) = acc

, , .

, โ€” . , , , .


โ€” . , , , :

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies, FunctionalDependencies, PolyKinds, DataKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

- ? :

  • ,
  • -, ,
  • -,
  • .


class Statistic s res st | res -> s, st -> s
                         , s -> res, s -> st
  initState :: st
  extractState :: st -> res
  step :: st -> Word8 -> st

s ( DataKinds), , , . , - :

  initState :: proxy1 s -> proxy2 res -> st
  extractState :: proxy s -> st -> res
  step :: proxy1 s -> proxy2 res -> st -> Word8 -> st

, , , .

, , , , .

, - . , , , . , , . , O(n)O(1). , (, , ) ยซยป ( SIMD-, ). , . , , .

, , , ? GADT! - , GADT , . :

data StatCompTyOf = Chunked | ByteOnly

data StatComputation st compTy where
  ChunkedComputation :: (st -> Word8 -> st)
                     -> (st -> BS.ByteString -> st)
                     -> StatComputation st 'Chunked
  ByteOnlyComputation :: (st -> Word8 -> st)
                      -> StatComputation st 'ByteOnly

( ) BS โ€” , .

Statistic, comp step computation:

class Statistic s res st comp | res -> s, st -> s
                              , s -> res, s -> st, s -> comp
  initState :: st
  extractState :: st -> res
  computation :: StatComputation st comp

. s, res, st, .

, , . , SIMD- , 16-32 . .

? :

  • ,
  • (UTF-8)-,
  • ,
  • ,
  • .


data Statistics = Bytes | Chars | Words | MaxLL | Lines deriving (Eq, Ord)

, wc .

โ€” Statistic. , โ€” , :

newtype Tagged a = Tagged Word64 deriving (Eq, Show, Num)

a , Tagged 'Bytes Tagged 'Chars.

: :

instance Statistic 'Bytes (Tagged 'Bytes) (Tagged 'Bytes) 'Chunked where
  initState = 0
  extractState = id
  computation = ChunkedComputation (\st _ -> st + 1) (\st str -> st + fromIntegral (BS.length str))

, , :

  1. , Bytes , Tagged 'Bytes , . , .
  2. ( , ) 0.
  3. , , โ€” .
  4. computation , 'Chunked . , .


, , ,


, , :

instance Statistic 'Lines (Tagged 'Lines) (Tagged 'Lines) 'Chunked where
  initState = 0
  extractState = id
  computation = ChunkedComputation (\st c -> st + if c == 10 then 1 else 0) (\st str -> st + fromIntegral (BS.count 10 str))

? :

data WordsState = WordsState { ws :: Word64, wasSpace :: Word64 }

instance Statistic 'Words (Tagged 'Words) WordsState 'ByteOnly where
  initState = WordsState 0 1
  extractState WordsState { .. } = Tagged (ws + 1 - wasSpace)
  computation = ByteOnlyComputation step
      step WordsState { .. } c = WordsState (ws + (1 - wasSpace) * isSp) isSp
          isSp | c == 32 || c - 9 <= 4 = 1
               | otherwise = 0

, .

, , . โ€” UTF-8- ?


instance Statistic 'Chars (Tagged 'Chars) (Tagged 'Chars) 'ByteOnly where
  initState = 0
  extractState = id
  computation = ByteOnlyComputation $ \cnt c ->
        cnt + 1 - fromIntegral (   ((c .&. 0b10000000) `shiftR` 7)
                               .&. (1 - ((c .&. 0b01000000) `shiftR` 6))

UTF-8: , 10xxxxxx. , UTF-8 , .

? (, , , ASCII):

instance Statistic 'MaxLL (Tagged 'MaxLL) MaxLLState 'ByteOnly where
  initState = MaxLLState 0 0
  extractState MaxLLState { .. } = Tagged $ max maxLen curLen
  computation = ByteOnlyComputation step
      step MaxLLState { .. } 9 = MaxLLState maxLen $ curLen + 8 - (curLen `rem` 8)
      step MaxLLState { .. } 8 = MaxLLState maxLen $ max 0 (curLen - 1)
      step MaxLLState { .. } c | c == 10
                              || c == 12
                              || c == 13 = MaxLLState (max maxLen curLen) 0
                               | c < 32 = MaxLLState maxLen curLen
      step MaxLLState { .. } _ = MaxLLState maxLen (curLen + 1)

, backspace, wc!

, . : .

a โ€” , b โ€” , โ€” , . :

infixr 5 :::
data a ::: b = a ::: b deriving (Show)

(,), , , , , .

, .

-, ? , , . :

type family CombineCompTy a b where
  CombineCompTy 'Chunked 'Chunked = 'Chunked
  CombineCompTy _ _ = 'ByteOnly

Statistic ? - :

instance (Statistic sa resa sta compa, Statistic sb resb stb compb)
       => Statistic (sa '::: sb) (resa ::: resb) (sta ::: stb) (CombineCompTy compa compb) where
  initState = initState ::: initState
  extractState (a ::: b) = extractState a ::: extractState b
  computation =
    case (computation :: StatComputation sta compa, computation :: StatComputation stb compb) of
         (ByteOnlyComputation a, ChunkedComputation b _)
            -> ByteOnlyComputation $ combine a b
         (ChunkedComputation a _, ByteOnlyComputation b)
            -> ByteOnlyComputation $ combine a b
         (ByteOnlyComputation a, ByteOnlyComputation b) 
            -> ByteOnlyComputation $ combine a b
         (ChunkedComputation stepA chunkA, ChunkedComputation stepB chunkB)
            -> ChunkedComputation (combine stepA stepB) (combine chunkA chunkB)
      combine fa fb = \(a ::: b) w -> fa a w ::: fb b w

, sa โ€” resa, sta compa, sb/resb/stb/compb, sa ::: sb โ€” , โ€” resa ::: resb, โ€” sta ::: stb, โ€” CombineCompTy compa compb.

( , ) :::--- ( , ) :::--- . sa sb โ€” , , () , โ€” , () .

, โ€ฆ . . , comp , :

instance (Statistic sa resa sta compa,
          Statistic sb resb stb compb,
          comp ~ CombineCompTy compa compb)
       => Statistic (sa '::: sb) (resa ::: resb) (sta ::: stb) comp where


. :

  1. .
  2. , - .

, โ€” , !

, CombineCompTy ( ). , , ( ), .

- , , , , , case .

? , StatComputation st comp, , , comp ~ CombineCompTy compa compb. , compa compb. CombineCompTy, , Chunked compa, compb, .

compa compb? . , computation, GADT. , StatComputation. ChunkedComputation, comp Chunked. ByteOnlyComputation, ByteOnly.

, CombineCompTy _-, , compa, compb.

, : Words '::: Words , . โŠค , , , .

, . ?

, Statistic, ByteString, . GADT, computation. ChunkedComputation, . ByteOnlyComputation, BS.foldl'. :

wc :: forall s res st comp. Statistic s res st comp => BS.ByteString -> res
wc s = extractState $! runCompute computation
    runCompute :: StatComputation st comp -> st
    runCompute (ByteOnlyComputation step) = BS.foldl' step initState s
    runCompute (ChunkedComputation _ chunker) = chunker initState s

, (s, st, comp) res. , , runCompute, . st comp wc, ( ) forall ScopedTypeVariables.


let result = wc someBS :: Tagged 'Words ::: Tagged 'Lines

TypeApplications s :

let result = wc @('Words '::: 'Lines) someBS

, , , , .

, ?

, wc @'Words, . โ€” 1.51 , , , . , .

? wc @('Words '::: 'Words)!

. , , , โ€” , โ€ฆ : 1.34 . wc @('Words '::: 'Words '::: 'Words)? 1.30 . , 'Words .

โ€” . #haskell โ€” . .

. GHC Core โ€” , . , , , - . , โ€ฆ -. , , , .

, , . , ? wc @('Bytes '::: 'Words '::: 'Lines)! โ€” 1.53 . 1.45 , , , , .

, , . , .

โ€” ! , .

, , , words, 127. , , .

QuickCheck-, ASCII, UTF-8-:

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T

import Data.WordCount

wrapUnicode :: UnicodeString -> (BS.ByteString, T.Text)
wrapUnicode ustr = (T.encodeUtf8 txt, txt)
    txt = T.pack $ getUnicodeString ustr

replaceNonAsciiSpaces :: Char -> Char
replaceNonAsciiSpaces ch | ch >= chr 127 && isSpace ch = '_'
                         | otherwise = ch

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ parallel $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10000) $ modifyMaxSize (const 1000) $ do
  describe "ASCII support" $ do
    it "Counts bytes correctly" $ property $
      \(getASCIIString -> str) -> wc @'Bytes (BS.pack str) `shouldBe` genericLength str
    it "Counts chars correctly" $ property $
      \(getASCIIString -> str) -> wc @'Chars (BS.pack str) `shouldBe` genericLength str
    it "Counts words correctly" $ property $
      \(getASCIIString -> str) -> wc @'Words (BS.pack str) `shouldBe` genericLength (words str)
    it "Counts lines correctly" $ property $
      \(getASCIIString -> str) -> wc @'Lines (BS.pack str) `shouldBe` genericLength (filter (== '\n') str)
  describe "UTF8 support" $ do
    it "Counts bytes correctly" $ property $
      \(wrapUnicode -> (bs, _))   -> wc @'Bytes bs `shouldBe` fromIntegral (BS.length bs)
    it "Counts chars correctly" $ property $
      \(wrapUnicode -> (bs, txt)) -> wc @'Chars bs `shouldBe` fromIntegral (T.length txt)
    it "Counts words correctly" $ property $
      \(wrapUnicode -> (bs, txt)) -> wc @'Words bs `shouldBe` genericLength (T.words $ replaceNonAsciiSpaces txt)
    it "Counts lines correctly" $ property $
      \(wrapUnicode -> (bs, txt)) -> wc @'Lines bs `shouldBe` fromIntegral (T.count "\n" txt)



  • , , . , - UTF-8- .
  • , โ€ฆ .
  • : 10 ( ) 3-5 ( ).

, - C GNU Coreutils.

optparse-applicative. , , :

data Options = Options
  { countBytes :: Bool
  , countChars :: Bool
  , countLines :: Bool
  , countMaxLineLength :: Bool
  , countWords :: Bool
  , files :: [FilePath]

options :: Parser Options
options = Options
  <$> switch (long "bytes" <> short 'c' <> help "print the byte counts")
  <*> switch (long "chars" <> short 'm' <> help "print the character counts")
  <*> switch (long "lines" <> short 'l' <> help "print the newline counts")
  <*> switch (long "max-line-length" <> short 'L' <> help "print the maximum display width")
  <*> switch (long "words" <> short 'w' <> help "print the word counts")
  <*> some (argument str (metavar "FILES..."))

main, Statistics, , :

main :: IO ()
main = do
  Options { .. } <- execParser $ info (options <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file")
  let selectedStats = map snd $ filter fst [ (countBytes, Bytes), (countChars, Chars)
                                           , (countWords, Words), (countMaxLineLength, MaxLL)
                                           , (countLines, Lines)
  let stats | null selectedStats = [Bytes, Words, Lines]
            | otherwise = selectedStats

, , - .

, . ? , wc. , , . !

, , , , - , โ€” !

, , , .

, , :

data SomeStats where
  MkSomeStats :: Statistic s res st comp => proxy s -> SomeStats

proxy s โ€” Statistic. โ€” .

. ? - :

wc' :: SomeStats -> BS.ByteString -> ?
wc' (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy s)) input = wc @s input

โ€ฆ ?? ? , res Statistic, .

, - ?

data SomeStats where
  MkSomeStats :: Statistic s res st comp => proxy1 s -> proxy2 res -> SomeStats

wc' :: SomeStats -> BS.ByteString -> res
wc' (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy1 s) (_ :: proxy2 res)) input = wc @s input

, : wc' res, SomeStats, .


. wc, ! , . , , , , show, , res Show:

data SomeStats where
  MkSomeStats :: (Statistic s res st comp, Show res) => proxy s -> SomeStats

wc :

wc' :: SomeStats -> BS.ByteString -> String
wc' (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy s)) input = show $ wc @s input


, stats SomeStats? :

promoteStat :: Statistics -> SomeStats
promoteStat Bytes = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'Bytes)
promoteStat Chars = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'Chars)
promoteStat Words = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'Words)
promoteStat MaxLL = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'MaxLL)
promoteStat Lines = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'Lines)

, , Statistics, . - : , Bytes () 'Bytes , , .

, promoteStat :

promoteStats :: [Statistics] -> SomeStats
promoteStats [s] = promoteStat s
promoteStats (s:ss) =
  case (promoteStat s, promoteStats ss) of
       (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy1 st), MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy2 sst))
                                   -> MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy (st '::: sst))

, , promoteStat.

, . : promoteStat, promoteStats. - , . promoteStat promoteStats, st , , sst โ€” , .

, Statistic ( ). Statistic, st ::: sst Statistic - , ! , , rest resst ( , st sst) Show. , rest ::: resst Show, st ::: sst!

, , MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy (st '::: sst)) . , !

, : . , , NonEmpty .

, :

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- obtaining `stats` as before
  forM_ files $ \path -> do
    contents <- unsafeMMapFile path
    putStrLn $ wc' (promoteStats stats) contents

() ?

, 1.05 โ€” , BS.count 10.

, . , , ? , โ€ฆ 14 .

, 14 .

, , :

  74,873,139,008 bytes allocated in the heap

, . , O(1)โ€” GC (60,512 bytes maximum residency).

. , , ? 27 , 120 .

, ? ?

ยซ42 ยป, : 41 194 . , RTS 60 .


, :

wc' (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy s)) input = show $ wc @s input

, computation s โ€” -, , . , Statistic .


wc' computation, SomeStats wc, . , , , . , 1.8 โ€” !

promoteStats. ?

, stats ,

promoteStats [s] = promoteStat s

s , , Words, promoteStat

promoteStat Words = MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy 'Words)

promoteStats SomeStats , Statistic Words.

. , ?

promoteStats (s:ss) =
  case (promoteStat s, promoteStats ss) of
         (MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy1 st), MkSomeStats (_ :: proxy2 sst)) -> MkSomeStats (Proxy :: Proxy (st '::: sst))

computation : case , promoteStat promoteStats, , , computation Statistic ยซยป sa ::: sb, , , .

, 13-14 , 28 โ€” . , 65-70 .

, ( ) .

, . 13 (14 1 -) 1.8 โ€” , 7 . .

: , () wc . -

main = do
  -- ..
  case stats of
       [Words] -> print $ wc @'Words contents
       [Bytes] -> print $ wc @'Bytes contents
       [Lines] -> print $ wc @'Lines contents
       [Words, Bytes] -> print $ wc @('Words '::: 'Bytes) contents
       [Lines, Bytes] -> print $ wc @('Lines '::: 'Bytes) contents
       -- ...

. , , 25โˆ’1=31case. , โ€” .

, Template Haskell. (-) dispatch, :

  contents <- unsafeMMapFile path
  putStrLn $ $(dispatch 'wc 'contents) stats

$(dispatch 'wc 'contents) , case- stats , .

dispatch โ€” Template Haskell, , :

dispatch :: Name -> Name -> Q Exp
dispatch fun bs = reify ''Statistics >>= \case
  TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ cons _) -> do
    let consNames = [ name | NormalC name _ <- cons ]
    let powerset = filterM (const [True, False]) consNames
    let matches = buildMatch fun bs <$> filter (not . null) powerset
    fallbackMatch <- (\body -> Match WildP (NormalB body) []) <$> [e| error "Unexpected input" |]
    pure $ LamCaseE $ matches <> [fallbackMatch]
  _ -> fail "unsupported type"

buildMatch :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Match
buildMatch fun bs consNames = Match (ListP $ (`ConP` []) <$> consNames) (NormalB $ VarE 'show `AppE` (wcCall `AppE` VarE bs)) []
    wcCall = VarE fun `AppTypeE` foldr1 f (PromotedT <$> consNames)
    f accTy promotedTy = PromotedT '(:::) `AppT` accTy `AppT` promotedTy

, Statistics (, , ), ( , powerset) case- buildMatch. -case ( {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}).

, , , , .

, (, TH) โ€” , stats . . ,

  let selectedStats = map snd $ filter fst [ (countBytes, Bytes), (countChars, Chars)
                                           , (countWords, Words), (countMaxLineLength, MaxLL)
                                           , (countLines, Lines)

, Ord. , stats. , , - stats, , .


main :: IO ()
main = do
  Options { .. } <- execParser $ info (options <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file")
  let selectedStats = map snd $ filter fst [ (countBytes, Bytes), (countChars, Chars)
                                           , (countWords, Words), (countMaxLineLength, MaxLL)
                                           , (countLines, Lines)
  let stats | null selectedStats = [Bytes, Words, Lines]
            | otherwise = selectedStats
  forM_ files $ \path -> do
    contents <- unsafeMMapFile path
    putStrLn $ $(dispatch 'wc 'contents) stats

? (31 โ€” ), - . , wc GNU Coreutils , -. , : 5 1.8 , . wc Coreutils LC_ALL=C LANG=C, .


Haskell wc,Coreutils wc,
โœ“0.00 ยน0.00 ยน
โœ“1.06 / 0.24 ยฒ0.26
โœ“1.428.45 ยณ


  • , , .
  • , C (, , ) , . .
  • ยน , time 0.00user .
  • ยฒ (1.06 ) โ€” bytestring. โ€” bytestring, (count) SIMD-. count C, , , , ( , SIMD), .
  • ยณ wc UTF-8-, , , , UTF-8-.

, .

, , wc, . ?

: forM_ forConcurrently_ async:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  Options { .. } <- execParser $ info (options <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file")
  let selectedStats = map snd $ filter fst [ (countBytes, Bytes), (countChars, Chars)
                                           , (countWords, Words), (countMaxLineLength, MaxLL)
                                           , (countLines, Lines)
  let stats | null selectedStats = [Bytes, Words, Lines]
            | otherwise = selectedStats
  forConcurrently_ files $ \path -> do
    contents <- unsafeMMapFile path
    putStrLn $ $(dispatch 'wc 'contents) stats

, (, RTS, ). , -j, .


1.22 โ€” , .

, ( ), 1.47 , . , .


Tagged 123 ::: (Tagged 456 ::: Tagged 789)

, ! Statistic:

class Statistic s res st comp | res -> s, st -> s
                              , s -> res, s -> st, s -> comp where
  -- ...
  prettyPrint :: res -> String

, :

instance Statistic 'Bytes (Tagged 'Bytes) (Tagged 'Bytes) 'Chunked where
  -- ...
  prettyPrint (Tagged n) = show n <> " bytes"

, :

  prettyPrint (a ::: b) = prettyPrint a <> "\n" <> prettyPrint b

buildMatch, prettyPrint show:

buildMatch fun bs consNames = Match (ListP $ (`ConP` []) <$> consNames) (NormalB $ VarE 'prettyPrint `AppE` (wcCall `AppE` VarE bs)) []


, mmap. , : , hwc <(cat foo | grep bar).

, , โ€” - mmap . mmap . ByteString, . ByteString โ€” , :

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

wcLazy :: forall s res st comp. Statistic s res st comp => BSL.ByteString -> res
wcLazy s = extractState $! runCompute computation
    runCompute :: StatComputation st comp -> st
    runCompute (ByteOnlyComputation step) = BSL.foldl' step initState s
    runCompute (ChunkedComputation _ chunker) = BSL.foldlChunks chunker initState s


  forConcurrently_ files $ \path -> do
    stat <- getFileStatus path
    if isRegularFile stat || isSymbolicLink stat
      then countStrict stats $ unsafeMMapFile path
      else countLazy stats $ BSL.readFile path


    countStrict stats act = do
      contents <- act
      putStrLn $ $(dispatch 'wc 'contents) stats
    countLazy stats act = do
      contents <- act
      putStrLn $ $(dispatch 'wcLazy 'contents) stats


, wcLazy , , , .


, Coreutils wc, โ€” stdin. , main:

main = do
  -- ... as before ...

  when (null files) $ countLazy stats BSL.getContents


cat testfile.txt | /usr/bin/time hwc-exe -cw

? , , 1.40 โ€” , 1.22 .

, - : ? , , !

ยซ ยป ( - ), stack build 7.9 , 2.24 ( strip).

Template Haskell : 23 . , ( 31 ): 2.34 , โ€” 4.3%.

โ€ฆ stack build ( ). stack build --fast .

ยซ ยป 5.6 --fast, TH โ€ฆ 7.8 . . .

, , C. , : wc GNU Coreutils 0.06 , โ€” 21 . wc 24 . 100 , !

, , .

? , wc , Unix-, -wc , GNU Coreutils wc. โ€” ( !), , , , . , - ยซ , ยป, C C++, C.

, :

  1. wc , , , ;
  2. ;
  3. , , ;
  4. , , , , , ;
  5. Template Haskell;
  6. , , ;
  7. , .


, :

  1. . , , , 16-32 ( L1). , 7 , 1.8 0.4 , 0.04%. Template Haskell!
  2. Implementasi kami masih belum sepenuhnya setara wc, ia melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda. Misalnya, statistik jumlah karakter tidak mendukung penyandian selain UTF-8 atau ASCII, sementara itu wcberfungsi dengan lokal sewenang-wenang, mendelegasikan semua pekerjaan pemrosesan karakter glibc. Tetapi karena implementasi kami membuatnya sangat mudah untuk menambahkan statistik baru, cukup sederhana untuk menambahkan dukungan untuk sesuatu seperti itu, dan yang paling penting, itu tidak akan mempengaruhi, katakanlah, jumlah jumlah baris atau kata. Tetapi tentang "tidak membayar untuk apa yang tidak Anda gunakan," saya sudah menulis sedikit lebih tinggi.

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