À propos de la traduction de "théorie" / "théoriquement" sans théorie / théorique

La théorie (+ ses dérivées) est un autre mot sur lequel je m'implique dans une impasse créative: rien que théorie / théorique / théoriquement se glisse dans ma tête . Par conséquent, mes collègues et moi avons également décidé de le tourner de cette façon et de cette façon - pour voir comment les transporteurs ont battu ce concept.
Parmi les exemples, vous verrez certainement mon préféré - ne traduisez pas du tout (section "Transformations. Lacunes") .
À la fin, il y aura une section «Bonus» - l'utilisation de la théorie dans des contextes inhabituels.


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This book discusses both the principles and practice of computer networking.

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This book is a journey through both the principles and the practicalities of data systems…


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However, while urgent data is potentially useful, it found no compelling application early on and fell into disuse.

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One potential problem with the signature protocol … is Trudy replaying either message.


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These ideas all sounded interesting on paper, but it was unclear whether any of them would work in a game.

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That was all on paper, though. In real life the math was never that clean.


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A bit like the Soviet elite in the 1980s, liberals don’t understand how history deviated from its preordained course, and they lack an alternative prism to interpret reality.

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People who excel at book learning tend to call up from memory what they have learned in order to follow stored instructions.

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Technically, there are times you might consider the space itself an object, but usually the space of your game is different enough from other objects that it stands apart.

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The impact of unmeasured code tuning on performance is speculative at best, whereas the impact on readability is as certain as it is detrimental.

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A related idea proposes to widen the range of human activities that are considered to be ‘jobs’.

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Nevertheless, though liberalism is wrong to think that our feelings reflect a free will, up until today relying on feelings still made good practical sense.

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According to this thesis, humankind has always been divided into diverse civilisations whose members view the world in irreconcilable ways.

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Today, learned people throughout the world believe exactly the same things about matter, energy, time and space.

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The more solutions you can generate, simply by the law of probabilities, the more likely it is that you will generate the correct solution, which will lead to the breakthrough that you desire.

In this course on writing documentation for REST APIs, instead of just talking about abstract concepts, I contextualize REST APIs with a direct, hands-on approach.

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I am here to help you solidify your understanding of computer science fundamentals and then learn how to apply those fundamentals to crack the coding interview.

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Some great thinkers in business and marketing are directly quoted, or they directly influenced the thoughts here.

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As a result, players did not really have the “complete freedom” that text adventure interfaces pretended to give them.


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We could reduce this startup time by starting with a larger initial window, say of 50 packets.

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This method, known as the one-time pad, is immune to all present and future attacks, no matter how much computational power the intruder has.

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… have to cut out a few features. Sorry, sorry. I know—they were awesome. But it’s not like your plumber really needs to transform into a raccoon. You can save that for the sequel.

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The idea is that rather than learning about these concepts independent of any context, you learn them by immersing yourself in a real scenario while using an API. Immersion in real scenarios makes these tools and technologies more meaningful.


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Some anthropologists have theorized that …

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A chemist who tries an experiment to test a pet theory—is she playing?

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Many pseudoscientists over the years have come up with crackpot theories based mainly on introspection.

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One theory is that if you strive to write the fastest and smallest possible code as you write each routine, your program will be fast and small.

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The theoretical best maximum length is often described as one screen or one or two pages of program listing, approximately 50 to 150 lines.

This is a good example of theory not holding up very well to practice.

Toynbee proposed the idea of the “challenge and response theory of history.”

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“There was a bunch of what I call ‘theorycraft,’” Straley said. “There’s a bunch of ideas that work on paper or when you’re talking over lunch, ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ moments, but when you try to test them in the game, they fall apart quickly.”

J'espère que ce sera utile non seulement en théorie ;-).


  1. Jess Shell - Art de la conception de jeux
  2. Yuval Noah Harari - 21 leçons pour le 21 siècle;
  3. Brian Tracey - Gestion du temps;
  4. Steve McConnell - Code terminé;
  5. Andrew Tanenbaum - Réseaux informatiques;
  6. Ray Dalio - Principes;
  7. Jason Schreier - Sang, sueur et pixels;
  8. Philip Kotler - Marketing Insights de A à Z;
  9. Martin Kleppmann - Conception d'applications à forte intensité de données;
  10. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
  11. Tom Johnson - Documenter les API: un guide pour les rédacteurs techniques et les ingénieurs

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