Des microservices efficaces et fiables

200 . JVM- - Cassandra, . , .

- ? , ? ? .

, , , .

c, . , 6 000 , 15 000 , , β€” , .

. , .

, - . , .

( , ).

, . , 95% 5% .

, β€” . 80% 13 . , β€” 13 .

, :

, . web- , .

, :

  • 600
  • 5
  • 100
  • 120
  • 8

, . , . , . , , .

β€” , :

β€” ID , ID ( ), , ( , , ), - , , .


    chatId, msgId

    user, type, text, attachments[], terminal, deletedBy[], replyTo…

    PRIMARY KEY ( chatId, msgId )


  • getMessages(viewer, chat, from, to), . (, ).
  • getLastMessages(viewer, chats) . , .
  • , add(chat, message), search(viewer, text) indexMessages().


( , - ) , -, - .

. , . Cassandra.

DBA, , , :

, . getMessages().


    WHERE chatId = ? AND
    msgId BETWEEN :from AND :to

: . , .

. β€” , , ? . , :

? , , 5% 95% . .

DBA , . , , .

, . getLastMessages() indexMessages() , . , , 95% , - , 5%. - , , , LRU. .

, , , , .

- , , Memcached, Redis Tarantool, . memcache .

, : , :

, .

β€” CPU . β€” , , , . , .

, memcache, . , , , , . , , .


? , .

. Atul Adya, Robert Grandl, Daniel Myers
Google Henry Qin , , , 85%.

27% , , low-latency .

β€” . , memcache, .

13 memcache, , 13, , , , 12 13, .

, 10% , 46% CPU 86% , .

β€” . memcache , -, .

, , .

N , . .

β€” . , .

memcache , : memcache .

memcache 99.99.

Redis Tarantool memcache, , .

NetCache β€” , memcache .

KV-Direct .

, - . , , . .

. , , .


-, , . .

-, /.

-, , , .

, «» . .

DBA . .

, , . , ? , , ?

, .

, , β€” . , . ?

1, 2 ( ) : , , .
3, 4: .
5 . .
6 β€” , . , memcache.
7 , . . - , , retries, - .

, , , . , memcache .

? memcache? , memcache , . ( ).

? , . .
memcache -, , . , .

, «» . , , - .

, , .

, , . , .

, , . , . . K, 1/3 K, .

, , . .

, . , . , . , .

. . , .

, ? ? . memcache , . K.

, p, P :

P(K) = 1 – (1 – p)3

, . , :

P(1/3 K) = 1 – (1 – p)3

K, . :

P(K) = p3

, , .

, p 0.1 ( 10%), , :

P(K) = 1 – (1 – p)3 = 1 – (1 – 0.1)3 = 0.271

P(K) = p3 = 0.13 = 0.001

, .

, . , , memcache . : , , β€” p = 0.01 2 , p = 0.001 , .. , 1/3 K ( p = 0.01), (p = 0.001) .

, .

, !

? :

  • . , - .
  • , . , , , .

, , , , - . «», «» «» , - , .

β€” . . Java, , Java. : β€” , .

: open source, Java, β€” , Cassandra.

. Cassandra, , CassandraDaemon.

, , β€” classpath ( -cp cassandra/lib/*.jar ) - :

System.setProperty( "cassandra.config", "file://whatever/cassandra.yaml" );

, CassandraDaemon (, Cassandra, , cassandra.yaml β€” ). activate(), .

assandra.yaml , ConfigurationLoader, , Cassandra .

β€” β€” . , .

, . , B. - , , . , , :

. .

- β€” , A, B C. , , - : , .

B, . , .

, , . , B. , , .

. , .

. Cassandra . , .

Cassandra , :
Partition Key (chatId) β€” .
Clustering Key (msgId), , , .

    chatId, msgId

    user, type, text, attachments[], terminal, deletedBy[], replyTo…

    PRIMARY KEY ( chatId, msgId )

Partition Key . , Clustering Key, β€” . .

, β€” , Partition Key ID , Clustering Key β€” ID .

Cassandra :

, .

SortedMap<Token, List<InetAddress>> endpointMap = …

AbstractReplicationStrategy replication = …

for (Token token : tokenMetadata.sortedTokens() ) {
    endpointMap.put( token, replication.getNaturalEndpoints( token ) );

endpointMap . endpointMap , . , , , .

, , 30 . , , , . , , . : , push- . , .

, , .


    chatId, msgId

    user, type, text, attachments[], terminal, deletedBy[], replyTo…

    PRIMARY KEY ( chatId, msgId )

, :

    WHERE chatId = ? AND
    msgId BETWEEN :from AND :to

, .

? , .

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.*;

try (CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder().build()) { // (1)
    ResultSet rs = session.execute("select release_version from system.local"); // (2)
    Row row =;
    System.out.println(row.getString("release_version")); // (3)

( , 1-3):

  1. ,
  2. , ResultSet

, - , .

Cassandra QueryProcessor, execute , :

package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class QueryProcessor
    public static UntypedResultSet execute(String query,
        ConsistencyLevel cl, Object… values)
        throws RequestExecutionException

, β€” . ? , . , . , , , .

, getMessages() :

UntypedResultSet rs = QueryProcessor.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM Messages "
        + "WHERE chatId = ? AND msgId < ? AND msgId > ?"
        ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, chatId, from, to );

rs.forEach ( row -> {} );

add() :

QueryProcessor.execute( "INSERT INTO Messages VALUES (?,?,?,...)", cl, values );

. QueryProcessor, . , , .

, . , . , :

  • 600
  • 100
  • 5
  • 5%
  • 13

, , :

  • 3+
  • 250
  • 500

. replication factor.

, , - (getMessages(), getLastMessages(), add(), search(), indexMessages()). , , .

getMessages() :

  • . , - getMessages().
  • , .
  • , , QueryProcessor, .
  • .
  • , .



, , , :

, , add(). , :

, - :

, , getMessages(), . , . , :

, - , .

: , , . , - added():

, . ?

, , , , :

, , . , ? ? , - ?

, add() . , , . .

, Cassandra. INSERT , , () .

β€” , .

Cassandra .

, . Hint.

, - - .

Read Repair β€” . .

, , Streaming Repair β€” - .

, , . Streaming.

, . .

, , . , , (Hint, Read Repair Streaming Repair) , , .

listener' Cassandra :

interface ApplyMutationListener
    void onApply(ByteBuffer key,
        DeletionTime deletion,
        Iterator<Unfiltered> atoms);

, , Cassandra . , .

, , , .

package org.apache.cassandra.db

public class Keyspace
    public void apply( Mutation mutation,
        boolean writeCommitLog,
        boolean updateIndexes.
        boolean isDroppable )

// ...

Mutation . , listener.

Streaming, , (- Repair, - ), OnCompletionRunnable:

package org.apache.cassandra.streaming

public class StreamReceiveTask extends StreamTask
    // holds references to SSTables received
    protected Collection<SSTableReader> sstables;

    private static class OnCompletionRunnable implements Runnable {

    // ...

, ApplyMutationListener.

: , , , - , , .

, . Hints , :

getMessages() . , , .

, . , , WAL. , WAL. Cassandra , , , . keyspace, LocalStrategy:

    'class': 'LocalStrategy'

LocalStrategy , keyspace , .

keyspace :

CREATE TABLE Caches.MessagesSnapshot (
    rowkey blob,
    value blob,
    PRIMARY KEY ( rowkey )

put , , eviction β€” :

, , , :

SELECT * FROM MessagesSnapshot

, β€” , , .

β€” β€” .

β€” , (, - ). .

, . β€” mapped byte buffer : /dev/shm/msgs-cache.mem.

, , one-nio, GitHub. SharedMemoryMap , , SharedMemory.

, /dev/shm tmpfs, . hugetlbfs, , , , TLB misses .

, , SharedMemoryMap , .

, : , , . … .

? by design. Cassandra , .

15 , , .

: , , , . , .

, , β€” . , .

, : , , « ». , «». .

: , , , , .


, .

getLastMessages(chats[]) β€” .

, . , , .

, , . , , .

, , , . , , Cassandra: hints, read repair, streaming repair.

, . , - , .

? , memcaches , , :

, . β€” , .

«» ( ), , ID .

β€” ( ), , , .

, , .

. - , , . , , , :

, , , . , :

API Cassandra . - Cassandra JVM, API.

- :

public Message getLastMessage(Long chatId) {

    Prepared prepared = QueryProcessor.prepareInternal( "SELECT … WHERE chatId=?" );
    SelectStatement select = (SelectStatement) prepared.statement;

    QueryOptions opt = QueryProcessor.makeInternalOptions( prepared, chatId );

    ReadQuery query = select.getQuery( opt, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds() );

    UnfilteredPartitionIterator partitions = query.executeLocally( query.executionController() );

    UnfilteredRowIterator partition =;
    partition.forEachRemaining( atom -> { /* unmarshalling code */ } );

- , : statement, , executeLocally(). , , , .

: . - .

, β€” . (, , - ).

, , , Apache Lucene.

. , ( ). β€” .

( ) , .

, . -. add(), , , -, IndexWriter.addDocument(), IndexWriter.commit():

: , .

, . , , . .

. . IndexWriter.addDocument(), IndexWriter.commit() . ? , , . , .

? , , - , . , , , .

Cassandra , . Compaction. , Cassandra .

Clustering Key, , , , .

Cassandra :

package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction;

public class CompactionManager implements CompactionManagerMBean {
// …

, , , .

, , Compaction, , β€” . .

, .

, β€” .

- , . ?

  • , . write-ahead .
  • , β€” Caches.MessagesSnapshot. β€” , . CPU.
  • , , , .
  • .


, .

: , , - . -, .

: .

: , , -.

DBA : .

DBA , . ?

, , . β€” , . , , , -.

β€” .

, , JVM. - , , , . , , , .

? , , : - , .

, β€” -, . , - .

β€” - , , .

, β€” .

API, . DBA: API, ! ?

, . Cassandra, API, , , . , β€” .

, Cassandra, rolling upgrades. , . . c , , -, , , , - .

β€” , - .

  • , .
  • ́ . , , . .
  • , Cassandra one-nio.
  • . , , , : , , , , .

, , :

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