Déployer le cluster d'équilibrage de charge VPN ASA

Dans cet article, je voudrais donner des instructions étape par étape sur la façon de déployer rapidement le schéma d' accès VPN d' accès à distance le plus évolutif basé sur AnyConnect et Cisco ASA - Cluster d'équilibrage de charge VPN .

Introduction: De nombreuses entreprises à travers le monde, compte tenu de l'environnement actuel avec COVID-19, s'efforcent de transférer leurs employés en mode distant. En raison de la transition massive vers le travail à distance, la charge sur les passerelles VPN existantes des entreprises augmente de manière critique et une capacité très rapide de les faire évoluer est requise. D'un autre côté, de nombreuses entreprises sont obligées de se précipiter pour apprendre à partir de rien, comme le travail à distance.

Afin d'aider les entreprises à mettre en œuvre un accès VPN pratique, sécurisé et évolutif pour les employés le plus rapidement possible, Cisco fournit des licences pour le client VPN SSL multifonction AnyConnect pour une durée pouvant aller jusqu'à 13 semaines. Vous pouvez également prendre ASAv pour un test (Virtual ASA pour VMWare / Hyper-V / KVM hyperviseurs et plates-formes cloud AWS / Azure) auprès de partenaires autorisés ou contactez votre représentant Cisco .

La procédure d'émission de licence AnyConnect COVID-19 est décrite ici .

J'ai préparé des instructions étape par étape pour une option VPN simple pour déployer un cluster d'équilibrage de charge en tant que technologie VPN la plus évolutive.

, ( ) .

: VPN Load Balancing Cluster failover , ASA ( ) Remote-Access VPN . C , VPN VPN . VPN .

( ) , , Primary . Load-Balancing , , , . .

VPN Load-Balancing .

VPN Load-Balancing ASA 5512-X .

ASA VPN Load-Balancing , .



  1. ASAv (ASAv5/10/30/50).

  2. INSIDE/OUTSIDE VLAN (Outside VLAN, INSIDE , . ), L2 .

  3. :

    • ASAv 100/.
    • Smart-Account: https://software.cisco.com/ -> Smart Software Licensing
    • New Token
    • , Allow export-controlled functionality… VPN. , - .
    • Create Token, , ASAv, :
    • C,D,E ASAv.
    • , telnet. ASA ( ASA-1). telnet outside , , security-level 100 outside, .
      ciscoasa# conf t
      ciscoasa(config)# int gi0/0
      ciscoasa(config)# nameif outside
      ciscoasa(config)# ip address
      ciscoasa(config)# no shut
      ciscoasa(config)# int gi0/1
      ciscoasa(config)# nameif inside
      ciscoasa(config)# ip address
      ciscoasa(config)# no shut
      ciscoasa(config)# telnet 0 0 inside
      ciscoasa(config)# username admin password cisco priv 15
      ciscoasa(config)# ena password cisco
      ciscoasa(config)# aaa authentication telnet console LOCAL
      ciscoasa(config)# route outside 0 0
      ciscoasa(config)# wr
    • Smart-Account ASA, .
      , ASA :
      • HTTPS ;
      • ( NTP);
      • DNS ;
    • telnet ASA Smart-Account.

    ciscoasa# conf t
    ciscoasa(config)# clock set 19:21:00 Mar 18 2020
    ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone MSK 3
    ciscoasa(config)# ntp server
    ciscoasa(config)# dns domain-lookup outside
    ciscoasa(config)# DNS server-group DefaultDNS
    ciscoasa(config-dns-server-group)# name-server 
    !   DNS:
    ciscoasa(config-dns-server-group)# ping ya.ru
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    !   NTP:
    ciscoasa(config)# show ntp associations 
      address         ref clock     st  when  poll reach  delay  offset    disp
    *~       3    63    64    1    36.7    1.85    17.5
    * master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured
    !    ASAv  Smart-Licensing (    ,    100  )
    ciscoasa(config)# license smart
    ciscoasa(config-smart-lic)# feature tier standard
    ciscoasa(config-smart-lic)# throughput level 100M
    !              :
    !  http-proxy ip_address port port
    !       Smart-Account  (<token>)   
    ciscoasa(config)# end
    ciscoasa# license smart register idtoken <token>

    • :

  4. SSL-VPN

    • SSH ASDM:

      ciscoasa# conf t
      ciscoasa(config)# ssh ver 2
      ciscoasa(config)# aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
      ciscoasa(config)# aaa authentication http console LOCAL
      ciscoasa(config)# hostname vpn-demo-1
      vpn-demo-1(config)# domain-name ashes.cc
      vpn-demo-1(config)# cry key gen rsa general-keys modulus 4096 
      vpn-demo-1(config)# ssh 0 0 inside  
      vpn-demo-1(config)# http 0 0 inside
      !   HTTPS  ASDM   445     SSL-VPN 
      vpn-demo-1(config)# http server enable 445 

    • ASDM cisco.com, :

    • AnyConnect ASA ( Linux/Windows/MAC) Headend Deployment Package :

    • , , FTP ASA:

    • ASDM VPN- SSL-VPN ( ). FQDN (vpn-demo.ashes.cc), FQDN DNS IP OUTSIDE ( mapped , udp/443 (DTLS) tcp/443(TLS)). Certificate Verification .

      • Self-Signed ( )
        vpn-demo-1(config)# asdm image flash:/asdm-7131.bin
        vpn-demo-1(config)# crypto ca trustpoint SELF
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)# enrollment self
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)# fqdn vpn-demo.ashes.cc
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)# subject-name cn=*.ashes.cc, ou=ashes-lab, o=ashes, c=ru
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)# serial-number             
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)# crl configure
        vpn-demo-1(config-ca-crl)# cry ca enroll SELF
        % The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be: vpn-demo.ashes.cc
        Generate Self-Signed Certificate? [yes/no]: yes
        vpn-demo-1(config)# ssl trust-point SELF
        vpn-demo-1(config)# sh cry ca certificates 
        Status: Available
        Certificate Serial Number: 4d43725e
        Certificate Usage: General Purpose
        Public Key Type: RSA (4096 bits)
        Signature Algorithm: SHA256 with RSA Encryption
        Issuer Name: 
        Subject Name:
        Validity Date: 
        start date: 00:16:17 MSK Mar 19 2020
        end   date: 00:16:17 MSK Mar 17 2030
        Storage: config
        Associated Trustpoints: SELF 
        CA Certificate
        Status: Available
        Certificate Serial Number: 0509
        Certificate Usage: General Purpose
        Public Key Type: RSA (4096 bits)
        Signature Algorithm: SHA1 with RSA Encryption
        Issuer Name: 
        cn=QuoVadis Root CA 2
        o=QuoVadis Limited
        Subject Name: 
        cn=QuoVadis Root CA 2
        o=QuoVadis Limited
        Validity Date: 
        start date: 21:27:00 MSK Nov 24 2006
        end   date: 21:23:33 MSK Nov 24 2031
        Storage: config
        Associated Trustpoints: _SmartCallHome_ServerCA               
      • , CA:
        • TrustPoint:
          vpn-demo-1(config)# asdm image flash:/asdm-7131.bin
          vpn-demo-1# conf t
          vpn-demo-1(config)# crypto ca trustpoint ashes-ca
          vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)#  enrollment terminal
          vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)#  fqdn vpn-demo.ashes.cc
          vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)#  subject-name cn=*.ashes.cc, ou=ashes-lab, o$
          vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)#  serial-number
          vpn-demo-1(config-ca-trustpoint)#  crl configure
        • Trustpoint, ROOT CA:

        • ASA :
        • CSR VPN-:
        • CA CSR:
        • , :
        • ASA:
        • root-ca:
        • SSL TrustPoint:
          vpn-demo-1(config)# ssl trust-point ashes-ca

    • ASDM , :

    • :

      • , ( , . , split-tunnel-policy tunnelall . Split-Tunnel VPN )
      • ( 10 30 ( #1)). VPN .
      • ASA ( , ), LDAP/RADIUS, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Cisco DUO.
        vpn-demo-1(config)# http redirect outside 80
        vpn-demo-1(config)# ip local pool vpn-pool mask
        vpn-demo-1(config)# access-list split-tunnel standard permit
        vpn-demo-1(config)# group-policy SSL-VPN-GROUP-POLICY internal
        vpn-demo-1(config)# group-policy SSL-VPN-GROUP-POLICY attributes
        vpn-demo-1(config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client 
        vpn-demo-1(config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
        vpn-demo-1(config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-network-list value split-tunnel
        vpn-demo-1(config-group-policy)# dns-server value
        vpn-demo-1(config-group-policy)# default-domain value ashes.cc
        vpn-demo-1(config)# tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup general-attributes
        vpn-demo-1(config-tunnel-general)#  default-group-policy SSL-VPN-GROUP-POLICY
        vpn-demo-1(config-tunnel-general)#  address-pool vpn-pool
        vpn-demo-1(config)# username dkazakov password cisco
        vpn-demo-1(config)# username dkazakov attributes
        vpn-demo-1(config-username)# service-type remote-access
        vpn-demo-1(config)# webvpn
        vpn-demo-1(config-webvpn)#  enable outside
        vpn-demo-1(config-webvpn)#  anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-4.8.03036-webdeploy-k9.pkg
        vpn-demo-1(config-webvpn)#  anyconnect enable

    • (): , , . , RADIUS , Cisco Identity Services Engine:

      vpn-demo-1(config)# aaa-server RADIUS protocol radius
      vpn-demo-1(config-aaa-server-group)# dynamic-authorization
      vpn-demo-1(config-aaa-server-group)# interim-accounting-update
      vpn-demo-1(config-aaa-server-group)# aaa-server RADIUS (outside) host
      vpn-demo-1(config-aaa-server-host)# key cisco
      vpn-demo-1(config-aaa-server-host)# exit
      vpn-demo-1(config)# tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup general-attributes
      vpn-demo-1(config-tunnel-general)# authentication-server-group  RADIUS 

      AD, AD, .

    • Transparent NAT :

      vpn-demo-1(config)# object network vpn-users
      vpn-demo-1(config-network-object)#  subnet
      vpn-demo-1(config)# nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static vpn-users vpn-users no-proxy-arp

    • (): ASA ( tunnelall ) PAT, OUTSIDE,

      vpn-demo-1(config-network-object)# nat (outside,outside) source dynamic vpn-users interface
      vpn-demo-1(config)# nat (inside,outside) source dynamic any interface
      vpn-demo-1(config)# same-security-traffic permit intra-interface 

    • ASA , /32 , .
      , VPN , FQDN IP.


      VPN , , OSPF:

      vpn-demo-1(config)# access-list VPN-REDISTRIBUTE standard permit 
      vpn-demo-1(config)# route-map RMAP-VPN-REDISTRIBUTE permit 1
      vpn-demo-1(config-route-map)#  match ip address VPN-REDISTRIBUTE
      vpn-demo-1(config)# router ospf 1
      vpn-demo-1(config-router)#  network area 0
      vpn-demo-1(config-router)#  log-adj-changes
      vpn-demo-1(config-router)#  redistribute static metric 5000 subnets route-map RMAP-VPN-REDISTRIBUTE

      ASA-2 , VPN , , , VPN :

  5. Load-Balancing . Virtual IP ( VIP — VPN ), Master REDIRECT . DNS /FQDN , VIP.

    vpn-demo-1(config)# crypto ikev1 enable inside
    vpn-demo-1(config)# vpn load-balancing
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# interface lbpublic outside
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# interface lbprivate inside
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# priority 10
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# cluster ip address
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# redirect-fqdn enable
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# cluster key cisco
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# cluster encryption
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# cluster port 9023
    vpn-demo-1(config-load-balancing)# participate

    • :
    • AnyConnect ASDM.


      AnyConnect , :

      , ASDM ASA, ASA .

: , VPN . , ASAv ASA. AnyConnect Posture ( ), Identity Services Engine.

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