Acerca de traducir una "esfera" sin esfera

Sobre la "esfera"

No sé sobre ti, pero me enoja cuando "in thephere" se traduce al inglés en la esfera . En este artículo, solo hablaré sobre todas estas esferas e inmediatamente daré un spoiler: las palabras esfera que no verá en ningún lugar de los ejemplos. En aproximadamente la mitad de los casos, esta frase no se traduce en absoluto. ¿Cómo se traduce entonces? Véalo usted mismo (ejemplos tomados de libros en inglés y sus traducciones rusas publicadas) .

Saltar (transformar)

… : , , – Endless.

… while shifting his efforts to reconceive what computing can be in the emerging world, which he is executing through his company Endless.

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High-tech firms send their new products to well-respected experts and opinion leaders praying for strong editorial endorsements.

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… whether the thing you are trying to do is consistent with your nature (i.e., your natural abilities).

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But today B2B companies also are driven to …

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There is no such things as service industries. There are only industries whose service components are greater or less than those of other industries. Everybody is in service.

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Purchasing people are experts at what makes good salesmanship.


Any slips in these relationships will hurt the company’s performance.

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PR, on the other hand, is something you pray for rather than pay for.

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… computers have made spectacular progress in a short time.

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… there is must be a gap in functionality between the protocols.

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Interestingly, this book is oriented for the video professional learning about networking, rather than the other way around.


If you have worked in software engineering in recent years, …

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In the last decade we have seen many interesting developments in databases …

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“Graphically, it wasn’t fully featured,” Darrah said. “It was getting long in the tooth from that perspective.”

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… it is an old idea in computing to construct a more reliable system from a less reliable underlying base …

Halo Wars : , , .

McAnlis was responsible for some of the most complicated engineering work on Halo Wars: art tools, light shaders, multicore threading processes.

[ RFID ]… , .

… new [RFID] uses, such as in drivers licenses, are now growing.

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Power laws are evident in many human phenomena, such as the distribution of city populations and of wealth.


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… the other areas of Bridgewater are much more dependent on the quality of the people and their decision making.

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Over time, as we gained experience in trying to help in a number of areas, I learned …

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… not to review unsolicited requests … to sort through the areas we want to be focused on.

Diablo III …

The designers of Diablo III had been willing to make big innovations in some areas…


Another difference is in the area of connectionless versus connection-oriented communication.

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Many of the technologies described in this book fall within the realm of the Big Data buzzword.

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… a wide range of different data models are used in the realm of transaction processing, depending on the needs of the application.

, , , DSL, WAN .

While it has not taken over the world, it remains widely used in niches including broadband access lines such as DSL, and WAN links inside telephone networks.

, , . ( Ethernet)

Then they had no advantages left and quietly died off or fell into specialized roles.

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The success of this approach taught me a principle that I apply to all parts of my life…

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… and the same principles apply in other aspects of life.

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Everyone knew their stuff really well, and were basically all-stars…

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In the field of distributed systems, although there are many good algorithms, it is much less clear how we should be packaging them into abstractions …

, , , UDP …

UDP multicast is widely used in the financial industry for streams such as stock market feeds, where low latency is important …


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  1. Andrew Tanenbaum, David Wetherall — Computer Networks
  2. Martin Kleppmann — Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  3. Jason Schreier — Blood, Sweat, and Pixels
  4. Ray Dalio — Principles
  5. Philip Kotler — Marketing Insights from A to Z

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