Julia y la computación cuántica

Presentamos Yao ( artículo ), un paquete de código abierto de Julia para resolver problemas prácticos en la investigación de computación cuántica. El nombre Yao proviene del primer carácter chino que significa unitaridad (幺 正).

Yao? , , , Julia. , :

Julia ( Zygote), , , . , , .. , !

(AD) : - . AD , – , .

Yao - (AD), . . AD

n, d = 16, 100
circuit = dispatch!(variational_circuit(n, d),:random);
h = heisenberg(n)

@time for i in 1:100
     _, grad = expect'(h, zero_state(n) => circuit)
     dispatch!(-, circuit, 1e-1 * grad)
     println("Step $i, energy = $(real.(expect(h, zero_state(n)=>circuit)))")

100- (4816 ), 16- . AD , Zygote, (). , . .

. . , , .

-, - ( , QBIR) . Yao , , . , , , CUDA CuYao , Julia CUDAnative. Yao SymEngine, .

-, Julia, Yao . Yao ( CUDA- CuYao) — -, . .

, , . , , .

, , Yao .



, .
(, OpenQASM), (YaoIR), , ( ) !

- , , . , , !



] dev https://github.com/QuantumBFS/QuAlgorithmZoo.jl.git

using Pkg
pkgs = ["Plots", "Flux", "Yao", "YaoExtensions", "StatsBase", "BitBasis", "FFTW", "SymEngine"]

for p in pkgs

using Yao, YaoExtensions, Plots, StatsBase


GHZ — , ( ). , :

  • : 2 — ( )
  • — , , Q#


  • — . - , , , , . : , , — , .
  • . , . — . , , , , . , , , , , , - .
  • . . . — ( ).
  • Quirk

: , , . , IBM , , , .

, , , ! , - :



circuit = chain(
    repeat(H, 2:4),
    control(2, 1=>X),
    control(4, 3=>X),
    control(3, 1=>X),
    control(4, 3=>X),
    repeat(H, 1:4),

nqubits: 4
├─ put on (1)
│  └─ X gate
├─ repeat on (2, 3, 4)
│  └─ H gate
├─ control(2)
│  └─ (1,) X gate
├─ control(4)
│  └─ (3,) X gate
├─ control(3)
│  └─ (1,) X gate
├─ control(4)
│  └─ (3,) X gate
└─ repeat on (1, 2, 3, 4)
   └─ H gate

, : X, not-gate ( ), , cnot-.
(, )

results = ArrayReg(bit"0101") |> circuit |> r->measure(r, nshots=1000)

hist = fit(Histogram, Int.(results), 0:16)
bar(hist.edges[1] .- 0.5, hist.weights, legend=:none)

, - 01001011.

— :



, .

(QFT) , :

B (A ):

A(i, j) = control(i, j=>shift(2π/(1<<(i-j+1))))
R4 = A(4, 1)

# (n -> control(n, 4, 1 => shift(0.39269908169872414)))

, , mat. A R4:


#nqubits: 5
#└─ (1,) shift(0.39269908169872414)


32×32 LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{Complex{Float64},Array{Complex{Float64},1}}:
 1.0+0.0im      ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …      ⋅              ⋅         1.0+0.0im      ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅      1.0+0.0im      ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      1.0+0.0im         ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …      ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …      ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
    ⋮                                        ⋱     ⋮                         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …      ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …      ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅              ⋅         
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅      …  1.0+0.0im
     ⋅          ⋅          ⋅          ⋅             ⋅      0.92388+0.382683im

i- , i- B. , n, k- .

, B

B(n, k) = chain(n, j==k ? put(k=>H) : A(j, k) for j in k:n)

qft(n) = chain(B(n, k) for k in 1:n)

nqubits: 4
├─ chain
│  ├─ put on (1)
│  │  └─ H
│  ├─ control(2)
│  │  └─ (1,) shift(1.5707963267948966)
│  ├─ control(3)
│  │  └─ (1,) shift(0.7853981633974483)
│  └─ control(4)
│     └─ (1,) shift(0.39269908169872414)
├─ chain
│  ├─ put on (2)
│  │  └─ H
│  ├─ control(3)
│  │  └─ (2,) shift(1.5707963267948966)
│  └─ control(4)
│     └─ (2,) shift(0.7853981633974483)
├─ chain
│  ├─ put on (3)
│  │  └─ H
│  └─ control(4)
│     └─ (3,) shift(1.5707963267948966)
└─ chain
   └─ put on (4)
      └─ H

, A B , , , , .

-, PrimitiveBlock, QFT. , CompositeBlock.

struct QFT{N} <: PrimitiveBlock{N} end
QFT(n::Int) = QFT{n}()
circuit2(::QFT{N}) where N = qft(N)
YaoBlocks.mat(::Type{T}, x::QFT) where T = mat(T, circuit2(x))
YaoBlocks.print_block(io::IO, x::QFT{N}) where N = print(io, "QFT($N)")

using FFTW, LinearAlgebra

function YaoBlocks.apply!(r::ArrayReg, x::QFT)
    α = sqrt(length(statevec(r)))
    lmul!(α, ifft!(statevec(r)))
    return r

print_block , QFT . , ,

r = rand_state(5)
r1 = r |> copy |> QFT(5)
r2 = r |> copy |> circuit2(QFT(5))
r1 ≈ r2

# true

, , .

. , , ( ). L . , ver Val(:quantum) Val(:classical), .

using Yao, BitBasis
using YaoExtensions: KMod, QFTCircuit
using QuAlgorithmZoo: NumberTheory

function shor(L::Int, ver=Val(:quantum); maxtry=100)
    L%2 == 0 && return 2

    # find short cut solutions like `a^b`
    res = NumberTheory.factor_a_power_b(L)
    res !== nothing && return res[1]

    for i in 1:maxtry
        # step 1
        x = NumberTheory.rand_primeto(L)

        # step 2
        r = get_order(ver, x, L; )
        if r%2 == 0 && powermod(x, r÷2, L) != L-1
            # step 3
            f1, f2 = gcd(powermod(x, r÷2, L)-1, L), gcd(powermod(x, r÷2, L)+1, L)
            if f1!=1
                return f1
            elseif f2!=1
                return f2
                error("Algorithm Fail!")

, :

  1. , L, . . gcd(x, L) == 1. .

  2. x, . . r, mod(x^r, L) == 1. r , x^(r÷2) , , . , L-1 (mod L).

  3. 5.2 ,
    - gcd(x^(r÷2)-1, L) gcd (x^(r÷2)+1, L) (!=1) L. , powermod(x, r÷2, L) -1, 1, r/2 .

— . NumberTheory, .

  1. ,
  2. s / r. , , .

- nshot, nbit ( ) ncbit ( ). nbit , ncbit

"""    ."""
estimate_ncbit(nbit::Int, ϵ::Real) = 2*nbit + 1 + ceil(Int,log2(2+1/2ϵ))

get_order(::Val{:classical}, x::Int, L::Int; kwargs...) = NumberTheory.find_order(x, L)
function get_order(::Val{:quantum}, x::Int, L::Int; nshots::Int=10,
            nbit::Int=bit_length(L-1), ncbit::Int=estimate_ncbit(nbit, 0.25))
    c = order_finding_circuit(x, L; nbit=nbit, ncbit=ncbit)
    reg = join(product_state(nbit, 1), zero_state(ncbit))

    res = measure(copy(reg) |> c; nshots=nshots)
    for r in res
        # split bit string b into lower bits `k` and higher bits `r`.
        mask = bmask(1:ncbit)
        k,i = r&mask, r>>ncbit
        # get s/r
        ϕ = bfloat(k)  #
        ϕ == 0 && continue

        # order_from_float: given a floating point number,
        # return the closest rational number with bounded number of continued fraction steps.
        order = NumberTheory.order_from_float(ϕ, x, L)
        if order === nothing
            return order
    return nothing

order_finding_circuit(x::Int, L::Int; nbit::Int=bit_length(L-1), ncbit::Int=estimate_ncbit(nbit, 0.25)) -> AbstractBlock

x L,
|1>⊗|0> "" .

function order_finding_circuit(x::Int, L::Int; nbit::Int, ncbit::Int)
    N = nbit+ncbit
    chain(N, repeat(N, H, 1:ncbit), KMod{N, ncbit}(x, L),
        subroutine(N, qft_circuit(ncbit)', 1:ncbit))

  1. KMod mod(a^k*x, L).
    k — , k ( ncbit) , N-K a. , , , Yao. , , .
  2. .

, - - :

@time shor(35, Val(:quantum))

# 2.287219 seconds (14.37 k allocations: 113.341 MiB, 1.38% gc time)
# 5

@time shor(35, Val(:classical))
# 0.000208 seconds (6 allocations: 224 bytes)
# 5

, . : , , .. , , .

, , .

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