Ventana de escaneo para matrices NumPy

Bloc de notas CoLab con ejemplos.

Es posible hacer una ventana móvil ( ventana móvil, ventana deslizante , ventana móvil) sobre matrices NumPy en el lenguaje de programación Python sin bucles explícitos . Este artículo aborda la creación de ventanas deslizantes de una, dos, tres y N dimensiones sobre matrices NumPy. Como resultado, los datos de velocidad de procesamiento aumenta en varios miles de veces y es comparable en velocidad con el C lenguaje de programación .

Se utiliza una ventana deslizante en: procesamiento de imágenes, redes neuronales artificiales, protocolo de Internet TCP, procesamiento de datos genómicos, predicción de series temporales, etc.

Descargo de responsabilidad : ¡ Puede haber errores en el código fuente! Si ve un error, escríbame.


Este artículo es una continuación de mi respuesta en el sitio web StackOverflow. Mis primeros experimentos con una ventana deslizante aquí y aquí .

La implementación práctica de una ventana bidimensional deslizante en una matriz de imágenes bidimensionales está en función del rollarchivo del logic_tools.pyproyecto: marcado manual de imágenes utilizando polígonos .

Los algoritmos para una ventana deslizante unidimensional ya están implementados aquí , aquí y aquí .

, , (strides, ).

- Pandas, Pandas, , . , . , Cython, - , NumPy.

1. 1D ND Numpy

Ventana deslizante 1D para matriz ND en Numpy


# Rolling 1D window for ND array
def roll(a,      # ND array
         b,      # rolling 1D window array
         dx=1):  # step size (horizontal)
    shape = a.shape[:-1] + (int((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) / dx) + 1,) + b.shape
    strides = a.strides[:-1] + (a.strides[-1] * dx,) + a.strides[-1:]
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)

numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided (view) (shape) (strides).

(shape) , , . (strides) .

(shape) :

  • a.shape[:-1] — ND-, N > 1. N == 1, t == (), N == 1.
  • (int((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) / dx) + 1,)[-1] . dx : 1, 2, 3 ..
  • b.shape — .

(strides) :

  • a.strides[:-1] — ND-, N > 1. N == 1, t == (), N == 1.
  • (a.strides[-1] * dx,) — . , int 4 , dx == 2 4 * 2 = 8 .
  • a.strides[-1:] — . , int 4 , (4,).

2. 2D ND Numpy

Ventana 2D rodante para la matriz ND en Numpy

2D 2D :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ( , , ..).

, 2D - . , , , , .. , , .

# Rolling 2D window for ND array
def roll(a,      # ND array
         b,      # rolling 2D window array
         dx=1,   # horizontal step, abscissa, number of columns
         dy=1):  # vertical step, ordinate, number of rows
    shape = a.shape[:-2] + \
            ((a.shape[-2] - b.shape[-2]) // dy + 1,) + \
            ((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) // dx + 1,) + \
            b.shape  # sausage-like shape with 2D cross-section
    strides = a.strides[:-2] + \
              (a.strides[-2] * dy,) + \
              (a.strides[-1] * dx,) + \
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)

: , , — ((a.shape[-2] - b.shape[-2]) // dy + 1,). :

    (int((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) / dx) + 1,)

    ((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) // dx + 1,)


() , (a.strides[-2] * dy,) 2D .

counts, coords :

def show_results(a, b, dx=1, dy=1):
    n = a.ndim  # number of dimensions
    # np.all over 2 dimensions of the rolling 2D window for 4D array
    bool_array = np.all(roll(a, b, dx, dy) == b, axis=(n, n+1))
    counts = np.count_nonzero(bool_array)
    coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(bool_array)) * [dy, dx]
    print("Found {counts} elements with coordinates:\n{coords}".format(
        counts=counts, coords=coords))

np.all 2D 4D . coords [dy, dx] .

3. 3D ND Numpy

Ventana 3D rodante para la matriz ND en Numpy

() - . , 3D ND- .

3D 3D — ( ) . CoLab 3D - , (, , ..).

# Rolling 3D window for ND array
def roll(a,      # ND array
         b,      # rolling 2D window array
         dx=1,   # horizontal step, abscissa, number of columns
         dy=1,   # vertical step, ordinate, number of rows
         dz=1):  # transverse step, applicate, number of layers
    shape = a.shape[:-3] + \
            ((a.shape[-3] - b.shape[-3]) // dz + 1,) + \
            ((a.shape[-2] - b.shape[-2]) // dy + 1,) + \
            ((a.shape[-1] - b.shape[-1]) // dx + 1,) + \
            b.shape  # multidimensional "sausage" with 3D cross-section
    strides = a.strides[:-3] + \
              (a.strides[-3] * dz,) + \
              (a.strides[-2] * dy,) + \
              (a.strides[-1] * dx,) + \
    #print('shape =', shape, " strides =", strides)  # for debugging
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)

counts coords :

def show_results(a, b, dx=1, dy=1, dz=1):
    n = a.ndim  # number of dimensions == 3
    # np.all over 3 dimensions of the rolling 3D window for 6D array
    bool_array = np.all(roll(a, b, dx, dy, dz) == b, axis=(n, n+1, n+2))
    counts = np.count_nonzero(bool_array)
    coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(bool_array)) * [dz, dy, dx]
    print("Found {counts} elements with coordinates:\n{coords}".format(
        counts=counts, coords=coords))

4. MD ND , M ≤ N

Ventana MD deslizante para la matriz ND en Numpy

roll show_results MD ND , M N : M ≤ N.

# Rolling MD window for ND array
def roll(a,        # ND array
         b,        # rolling MD window array
         d=None):  # steps array

    # Make several verifications
    n = a.ndim  # array dimensions
    m = b.ndim  # rolling window dimensions
    if m > n:  # check if M ≤ N
        print("Error: rolling window dimensions is larger than the array dims")
        return None
    if d is None:  # steps are equal to 1 by default
        d = np.ones(m, dtype=np.uint32)
    elif d.ndim != 1 and d.size != m:
        print("Error: steps number must be equal to rolling window dimensions")
        return None
    elif not np.issubdtype(d.dtype, np.integer) or \
         not (d > 0).all():
        print("Error: steps must be integer and > 0")
        return None

    s = np.flip(d)  # flip the 1D array of step sizes
    sub = np.subtract(a.shape[-m:], b.shape[-m:])
    steps = tuple(np.divide(sub, s).astype(np.uint32) + 1)
    shape = a.shape[:-m] + steps + b.shape

    section = tuple(np.multiply(a.strides[-m:], s))
    strides = a.strides[:-m] + section + a.strides[-m:]

    #print('shape =', shape, " strides =", strides)  # for debugging
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)

roll . :

  • steps = tuple(np.divide(sub, s).astype(np.uint32) + 1) — .
  • section = tuple(np.multiply(a.strides[-m:], s)) — () « ».
  • « » section ND-: strides = a.strides[:-m] + section + a.strides[-m:].

counts coords :

def show_results(a, b, d=None):
    n = a.ndim  # array number of dimensions == N
    m = b.ndim  # rolling window dimensions == M
    if d is None:  # step sizes are equal to 1 by default
        d = np.ones(m, dtype=np.uint32)
    bool_array = roll(a, b, d) == b
    # np.all over M dimensions of the rolling MD window for (N+M)D array
    bool_array = np.all(bool_array, axis=tuple(range(n, n + m)))
    counts = np.count_nonzero(bool_array)
    # flip 1D array of step sizes and concatenate it with remaining dimensions
    s = np.concatenate((np.ones(n-m, dtype=int), np.flip(d)))
    coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(bool_array)) * s
    print("Found {counts} elements with coordinates:\n{coords}".format(
        counts=counts, coords=coords))

show_results :

  • () bool_array . numpy.all m , True. , bool_array — (N+M)D , np.all m MD :

    bool_array = roll(a, b, d) == b  # get (N+M)D boolean array
    # np.all over M dimensions of the rolling MD window for (N+M)D array
    bool_array = np.all(bool_array, axis=tuple(range(n, n + m)))

  • M < N. M < N 1D , N-M ( 1). M == N, , :
    # flip 1D array of step sizes and concatenate it with remaining dimensions
    s = np.concatenate((np.ones(n-m, dtype=int), np.flip(d)))

5. MD ND M N

Ventana MD rodante para matriz ND extendida

MD ND , M > N? , ! ND , MD M > N.

MD ND . MD ND M N. roll show_results.

def get_results(a, b, d=None):  # the same as `show_results` function
    n = a.ndim  # array number of dimensions == N
    m = b.ndim  # rolling window dimensions == M
    if d is None:  # step sizes are equal to 1 by default
        d = np.ones(m, dtype=np.uint32)
    bool_array = roll(a, b, d) == b  # get (N+M)D boolean array
    # np.all over M dimensions of the rolling MD window for (N+M)D array
    bool_array = np.all(bool_array, axis=tuple(range(n, n + m)))
    counts = np.count_nonzero(bool_array)
    # flip 1D array of step sizes and concatenate it with remaining dimensions
    s = np.concatenate((np.ones(n-m, dtype=int), np.flip(d)))
    coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(bool_array)) * s
    return (counts, coords)

def show_intersections(a, b, d=None):
    d_tmp = d
    n = a.ndim  # array number of dimensions == N
    m = b.ndim  # rolling window dimensions == M
    if d_tmp is None:  # step sizes are equal to 1 by default
        d_tmp = np.ones(m, dtype=np.uint32)
    elif m > n and d_tmp.size == n:  # for m > n case
        # Concatenate d_tmp with remaining dimensions
        d_tmp = np.concatenate((np.ones(m-n, dtype=int), d_tmp))
    counts = 0
    coords = None
    if m <= n:
        results = get_results(a, b, d_tmp)  # return previous example
        counts = results[0]
        coords = results[1]
    else:  # if m > n
        t = m - n  # excessive dimensions
        layers =[:t])  # find number of layers
        # Reshape MD array into (N+1)D array.
        temp = b.reshape((layers,) + b.shape[t:])
        # Get results for every layer in the intersection
        for i in range(layers):
            results = get_results(a, temp[i], d_tmp[t:])
            counts += results[0]
            if coords is None:
                coords = results[1]
                coords = np.concatenate((coords, results[1]))
    print("Found {counts} elements with coordinates:\n{coords}".format(
        counts=counts, coords=coords))

get_results , show_results .

show_intersections . M <= N, show_intersections get_results, . M > N, b a.

t = m - n MD b ND a. b a: layers =[:t]). ( , reshape) b MD (N+1)D :

    # Reshape MD array into (N+1)D array.
    temp = b.reshape((layers,) + b.shape[t:])

: (N+1)D ND, (N+1) layers:

    # Get results for every layer in the intersection
    for i in range(layers):
        results = get_results(a, temp[i], d_tmp[t:])

Combine el número de coincidencias countsy las coordenadas encontradas de estas coincidencias coordspara cada capa:

    # Get results for every layer in the intersection
    for i in range(layers):
        results = get_results(a, temp[i], d_tmp[t:])
        counts += results[0]
        if coords is None:
            coords = results[1]
            coords = np.concatenate((coords, results[1]))

Todos los ejemplos están en el bloc de notas CoLab .

¡Gracias por la atención!

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