Desarrollo de complementos para Zabbix Agent 2

En la última Cumbre Zabbix 2019, junto con el lanzamiento de Zabbix 4.4, se anunció el nuevo Zabbix Agent 2, cuya característica clave es la capacidad de escribir complementos para él en el idioma Go. Y muchos inmediatamente comenzaron a preguntar: pero ¿cómo, de hecho, escriben estos complementos, cómo se organizan? ¿Dónde obtener documentación y ejemplos?

En este artículo quiero dar respuestas a estas y algunas otras preguntas. Todo en orden, pero si eres uno de los que inmediatamente irrumpe en la batalla, puedes saltarte la parte introductoria y practicar introdu ◔⎠.


¿Qué tipo de agente nuevo y por qué apareció?

Si trató de escribir complementos para el primer Zabbix Agent, o al menos tuvo la intención de hacerlo, probablemente notó que sus opciones son muy limitadas.

El complemento para el primer agente podría ejecutarse en varios procesos diferentes, sin darle al creador el control suficiente sobre él para implementarlo, por ejemplo, usando conexiones persistentes, manteniendo el estado entre comprobaciones, recibiendo trampas; era difícil o imposible hacer tales cosas.

. Go ( Zabbix Agent), . Go- — — . , Go- Zabbix Agent , .

, Go-:

  • onfig ;
  • "out-of-the-box";
  • ;
  • Windows ;
  • .
    Zabbix 4.4 , Zabbix 5.0 "production-ready".

, , " ". , Zabbix 4.4. , Go- , , Zabbix 5.0 - .

— ServerConnector, ServerListener Scheduler.

ServerConnector ( / ), items . .

ServerListener Scheduler. , .

Scheduler . Scheduler () , item'.

: ( Bulk Passive, ). , , .

. — PlantUML ¯\(ツ)

: ServerConnector ResultCache, .

Scheduler , ServerConnector' ServerListener item'. , ResultWriter, .

items Zabbix , ServerConnector updateRequest , . , . , , .


  • ;
  • .
    . - , ( ) , .


  1. configuratorTask
  2. starterTask
  3. collectorTask
  4. watcherTask
  5. exporterTask (directExporterTask)
  6. stopperTask
    (taskBase) , , .

ExporterTask ( bulk ). item, . Scheduler Export Exporter ResultWriter.

directExporterTask ExporterTask , , ( ), , 1 . . — directExporterTask .

WatcherTask () . Watch Watcher, .

Scheduler Collect Collector Period() .

Start Runner, .

Stop Runner, .

Configure Configurator, , .

5 : Exporter, Watcher, Collector, Runner Configurator.
Exporter Watcher : Exporter pull , Watcher — push.


type Exporter interface {
    Export(key string, params []string, context ContextProvider) (result interface{}, err error)

Exporter — , , , . , . . , , . , , - .

, . . Go: , , , sync.Map . race-, .

Export() — 100 . , plugin.Base.SetCapacity.

func (b *Base) SetCapacity(capacity int)

, capacity . :


type Watcher interface {
    Watch(requests []*Request, context ContextProvider)

Watcher , . , trapping, . use case — , , , . , , , , .


type Collector interface {
    Collect() error
    Period() int

Collector , . , Exporter’.

use case Collector — , , Zabbix .

Collector’ 2 :

  • Collect ;
  • Period .
    Collector, , .


type Runner interface {

Runner , ( Start), , ( Stop).
, , , - , , ..

() . , (Zabbix Server Proxy), . , , . , . , , , 24 .


type Configurator interface {
    Configure(globalOptions *GlobalOptions, privateOptions interface{})
    Validate(privateOptions interface{}) error

Configurator , .
2 :

  • Configure .
  • Validate config . , , .

, , . .

Go- Zabbix .

. , — , , . internal/agent "plugin_" . , , UserParameters.

, , ( , , , ..) — . . go/plugins, .

Hello, world!

— Go, , . :

package packageName

import ""

type Plugin struct {

var impl Plugin

func (p *Plugin) Export(key string, params []string, ctx plugin.ContextProvider) (res interface{}, err error) {
    // Write your code here

func init() {
    plugin.RegisterMetrics(&impl, "PluginName", "key", "Description.")

, bash python, ? ⎝^ω^⎠ , - .

, , .


$ git clone --depth 1 zabbix-agent2
$ cd zabbix-agent2
#     master ,            
$ git checkout -b feature/myplugin release/4.4

src/go/plugins/weather weather.go , .

, "".

package weather
import  ""

, Base plugin. .

type Plugin struct {
var impl Plugin

. , , :

  1. GET API (,
  2. .


func (p *Plugin) Export(key string, params []string, ctx plugin.ContextProvider) (result interface{}, err error) {
    if len(params) != 1 {
        return nil, errors.New("Wrong parameters.")

    res, err := p.httpClient.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", params[0]))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    temp, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    _ = res.Body.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return string(temp)[0 : len(temp)-4], nil

— , .


// impl —    
// name —  
// params —       (key1, descr1, key2, descr2, keyN, descrN...)
func RegisterMetrics(impl Accessor, name string, params ...string)

init ( ).

func init() {
  plugin.RegisterMetrics(&impl, "Weather", "weather.temp", "Returns Celsius temperature.")

, .

package plugins 
import (
  _ ""
  _ ""
// ...
  _ ""

, 3 : linux, darwin windows. , , , .

: , src/go/plugins/plugins_<platform>.go.

Go, .

Go 1.13.

, --enable-agent2 make.

$ cd <zabbix-source>
$ ./; ./configure --enable-agent2 --enable-static; make

, . “moscow” .

$ <zabbix-source>/src/go/bin/zabbix_agent2 -t weather.temp[moscow]

. , go run, .

$ go run <zabbix-source>/src/go/cmd/zabbix_agent2/zabbix_agent2.go

, Tracef, Debugf, Warningf, Infof, Errf, Critf. Plugin, log. , [<PluginName>] .

Go- . Plugins. , -, , , . : Plugins.<PluginName>.<Parameter>=<Value>. :

  1. , ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ;
  5. .

, Configurator. Timeout, HTTP .

, , Timeout 1 30 , ( ) .

, .

type PluginOptions struct {
    // Timeout is the maximum time for waiting when a request has to be done. Default value equals the global timeout.
    Timeout int `conf:"optional,range=1:30"`

, conf. .

: [name=<name>,][optional,][range=<range>,][default=<default value>], :

  • <name> — ( );
  • optional — , ;
  • <range> — <min>:<max>, <min> <max> ;
  • <default value> — . .

Plugin , — http.Client, .

type Plugin struct {
    options PluginOptions
    httpClient http.Client

Configurator. , 2 : Configure Validate.

func (p *Plugin) Configure(global *plugin.GlobalOptions, privateOptions interface{}) {
    if err := conf.Unmarshal(privateOptions, &p.options); err != nil {
        p.Errf("cannot unmarshal configuration options: %s", err)

    // Set default value
    if p.options.Timeout == 0 {
        p.options.Timeout = global.Timeout

    p.httpClient = http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(p.options.Timeout) * time.Second}

func (p *Plugin) Validate(privateOptions interface{}) error {
    // Nothing to validate
    return nil

conf.Unmarshal .
http.Get p.httpClient.Get.

res, err := p.httpClient.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", params[0]))
if err != nil {
    if err.(*url.Error).Timeout() {
        return nil, errors.New("Request timeout.")
    return nil, err

, :

, .

, - ? — . Timeout default, .. .

( , Validate Configure).

, . , , , , . Validate. , .

func (p *Plugin) Validate(privateOptions interface{}) error {
    var opts PluginOptions
    return conf.Unmarshal(privateOptions, &opts)

, , : "cannot create scheduling manager: invalid plugin Weather configuration: Cannot assign configuration: invalid parameter Plugins.Weather.Timeout at line 411: value out of range".

" ". runtime Validate Configure, . , - Configure — , . , Start Stop ( Runner).


Exporter . . , Collector Runner.

! - . , HTTP .

. "net/http/httptrace" ( Go 1.7).

type timeSample struct {
    DnsLookup         float64 `json:"dnsLookup"`
    Connect           float64 `json:"connect"`
    TlsHandshake      float64 `json:"tlsHandshake"`
    FirstResponseByte float64 `json:"firstResponseByte"`
    Rtt               float64 `json:"rtt"`

func (p *Plugin) measureTime(url string) (timeSample, error) {
    var (
        sample                            timeSample
        start, connect, dns, tlsHandshake time.Time

    req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)

    trace := &httptrace.ClientTrace{
        DNSStart: func(_ httptrace.DNSStartInfo) {
            dns = time.Now()
        DNSDone: func(_ httptrace.DNSDoneInfo) {
            sample.DnsLookup = float64(time.Since(dns) / time.Millisecond)

        ConnectStart: func(_, _ string) {
            connect = time.Now()
        ConnectDone: func(net, addr string, err error) {
            if err != nil {
                p.Errf("unable to connect to host %s: %s", addr, err.Error())
            sample.Connect = float64(time.Since(connect) / time.Millisecond)

        GotFirstResponseByte: func() {
            sample.FirstResponseByte = float64(time.Since(start) / time.Millisecond)

        TLSHandshakeStart: func() {
            tlsHandshake = time.Now()
        TLSHandshakeDone: func(_ tls.ConnectionState, _ error) {
            sample.TlsHandshake = float64(time.Since(tlsHandshake) / time.Millisecond)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(req.Context(), time.Duration(p.options.Timeout)*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    req = req.WithContext(httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, trace))

    start = time.Now()
    if _, err := http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(req); err != nil {
        return timeSample{}, err
    sample.Rtt = float64(time.Since(start) / time.Millisecond)

    return sample, nil

- . (Ring Buffer). , — , . Open Source Go — .

type Plugin struct {
    urls map[string]*urlUnit
    options Options

type urlUnit struct {
    url      string
    history  *gcircularqueue.CircularQueue
    accessed time.Time // last access time
    modified time.Time // data collect time

Start Stop Runner.

func (p *Plugin) Start() {
    p.urls = make(map[string]*urlUnit)

func (p *Plugin) Stop() {
    p.urls = nil


func (p *Plugin) Collect() (err error) {
    now := time.Now()
    for key, url := range p.urls {
        if now.Sub(url.accessed) > maxInactivityPeriod {
            p.Debugf("removed expired url %s", url.url)
            delete(p.urls, key)
        res, err := p.measureTime(url.url)
        if err != nil {
        if url.history.IsFull() {
            _ = url.history.Shift()
        url.modified = now


func (p *Plugin) Period() int {
    return p.options.Interval

URL ( ), p.measureTime(url.url) . , url.modified.

URL , .

, Collector . Exporter.

func (p *Plugin) Export(key string, params []string, ctx plugin.ContextProvider) (result interface{}, err error) {
    if len(params) != 1 {
        return nil, errors.New("Wrong parameters.")

    url, err := parseURL(params[0])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    switch key {
    case keyHttpTraceStats:
        if _, ok := p.urls[url]; !ok {
            p.urls[url] = &urlUnit{
                url:     url,
                history: gcircularqueue.NewCircularQueue(maxHistory),
        defer p.Unlock()
        p.urls[url].accessed = time.Now()
        if p.urls[url].history.Len() < minStatRange {
            // no data gathered yet

        data := prepareData(p.urls[url].history.Elements())

        jsonRes, err := json.Marshal(stat{
            // Median: timeSample{...},
            // P75:    timeSample{...},
            // P95:    timeSample{...},
            P99: timeSample{
                DnsLookup:         percentile(data[metricDnsLookup], p99),
                Connect:           percentile(data[metricConnect], p99),
                TlsHandshake:      percentile(data[metricTlsHandshake], p99),
                FirstResponseByte: percentile(data[metricFirstResponseByte], p99),
                Rtt:               percentile(data[metricRtt], p99),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.New("Cannot marshal JSON.")

        value := string(jsonRes)
        return plugin.Result{
            Value: &value,
            Ts:    p.urls[url].modified,
        }, nil

        return nil, plugin.UnsupportedMetricError

, Collect Export, .. .
( ):

$ zabbix_get -s zabbix.local -k "httptrace.stats[]"
    "median": {
        "dnsLookup": 13,
        "connect": 28,
        "tlsHandshake": 56,
        "firstResponseByte": 126.5,
        "rtt": 126.5
    "p75": {
        "dnsLookup": 20,
        "connect": 31,
        "tlsHandshake": 60,
        "firstResponseByte": 138.5,
        "rtt": 138.5
    "p95": {
        "dnsLookup": 22.5,
        "connect": 35,
        "tlsHandshake": 78.5,
        "firstResponseByte": 159.5,
        "rtt": 159.5
    "p99": {
        "dnsLookup": 50,
        "connect": 51.5,
        "tlsHandshake": 125.5,
        "firstResponseByte": 266.5,
        "rtt": 266.5


runtime metrics, . .

$ zabbix_agent2 -R metrics
active: true
capacity: 0/100
tasks: 0
weather.temp: Returns Celsius temperature.

— HTTP. StatusPort=, http://<ZabbixAgentHost>:<Port>/status.


. , :

  • ( ).
  • , .. .
  • Zabbix. , Docker’ Mysql.


, , :
Templates guidelines — .
An official guide to making and managing great templates — Zabbix Summit .
Magic of the new zabbix agent — Zabbix Agent 2.
Zabbix Agent 2.
Zabbix Agent 2 ( : , .
Writing watcher Zabbix Agent2 MQTT plugin in Go — Watcher .
Go, " Go" , , A Tour of Go ʕ☉Ѡ☉ʔ

Zabbix Agent 2 — Zabbix . Go, , , C Loadable modules.

Stay tuned!

P.S. .

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