Mi intento número 5

Y parcheé, parcheé a SJ
Otra vez, otra vez, otra vez ...
Oh, cómo me cansé de ti.
Mi intento es el número cinco.

Girando en mi cabeza

eso pequeñaUna gran historia sobre tratar de llevar líneas comprimidas StringJoiner, así como las dificultades que se interpusieron en mi camino. Advertencia: dentro de la disección y los intestinos, retire a los niños y personas impresionables de los monitores.

Formulación del problema

Si usted es un desarrollador de Java, probablemente conozca las líneas comprimidas ( JEP 254 ) que aparecieron en Java 9. Es extremadamente simplificado que esta mejora se describa de la siguiente manera: en versiones anteriores (hasta 8 inclusive) dentro de los java.lang.Stringcontenidos de la línea se presentaron como char[], después de - como byte[], que permite reducir el consumo de memoria por cadenas, cuyos caracteres pertenecen a ASCII (es decir, 1 byte es suficiente para representarlos). Más detalles y en una forma accesible se exponen aquí . También sufrieron cambios java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder, cuyos herederos son java.lang.StringBuildery java.lang.StringBuffer.

Pero con java.util.StringJoiner-th, todo es diferente. Comenzando con Java 9, hay una serie de cadenas dentro que se concatenan a través de un separador en un método toString():

String delimiter = this.delimiter;
char[] chars = new char[this.len + addLen];  // !!!
int k = getChars(this.prefix, chars, 0);
if (size > 0) {
  k += getChars(elts[0], chars, k);        //  byte[] -> char[]

  for(int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
    k += getChars(delimiter, chars, k);
    k += getChars(elts[i], chars, k);

k += getChars(this.suffix, chars, k);
return new String(chars);                    //  char[] -> byte[]

, ASCII ( 2 ), . ? : byte[] char[] ( 0), : . . .

, StringJoiner (JDK 14, ):

public final class StringJoiner {
  private final String prefix;
  private final String delimiter;
  private final String suffix;

  /** Contains all the string components added so far. */
  private String[] elts;

  /** The number of string components added so far. */
  private int size;

  /** Total length in chars so far, excluding prefix and suffix. */
  private int len;

  // ...
  public StringJoiner(CharSequence delimiter,
                        CharSequence prefix,
                        CharSequence suffix) {
    // ...
    this.prefix = prefix.toString();
    this.delimiter = delimiter.toString();
    this.suffix = suffix.toString();

  // ...
  public StringJoiner add(CharSequence newElement) {
    final String elt = String.valueOf(newElement);
    if (elts == null) {
      elts = new String[8];
    } else {
      if (size == elts.length)
        elts = Arrays.copyOf(elts, 2 * size);
      len += delimiter.length();
    len += elt.length();
    elts[size++] = elt;
    return this;
  // ...

: , len, — size. toString() . - , . 2 : ( char[]) "" ( byte[]) : allLatin1 :

public final class StringJoiner {
  private boolean allLatin1;

  public StringJoiner(CharSequence delimiter,
                      CharSequence prefix,
                      CharSequence suffix) {
    // ...
    this.allLatin1 = this.prefix.isLatin1() && this.delimiter.isLatin1() && this.suffix.isLatin1();

  public StringJoiner add(CharSequence newElement) {
    final String elt = String.valueOf(newElement);
    this.allLatin1 &= elt.isLatin1();
    return this;

, :). toString():

public String toString() {
  final String[] elts = this.elts;
  if (elts == null && emptyValue != null) {
    return emptyValue;
  final int size = this.size;
  final int addLen = prefix.length() + suffix.length();
  if (addLen == 0) {
    return size == 0 ? "" : elts[0];
  if (allLatin1) {
    return bytesToString(elts, size, addLen);
  return charsToString(elts, size, addLen);

charsToString(), - bytesToString(), byte[]:

private String bytesToString(String[] elts, int size, int addLen) {
  final byte[] bytes = new byte[len + addLen];
  int k = getBytes(prefix, bytes, 0);
  if (size > 0) {
    final String delimiter = this.delimiter;
    k += getBytes(elts[0], bytes, k);
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
      k += getBytes(delimiter, bytes, k);
      k += getBytes(elts[i], bytes, k);
  getBytes(suffix, bytes, k);
  return new String(bytes);

private static int getBytes(String s, byte[] bytes, int start) {
  int len = s.length();
  s.getBytes(0, len, bytes, start);
  return len;

char[] byte[] . , :

// JDK 14
public final class String {

  boolean isLatin1() {
    return COMPACT_STRINGS && coder == LATIN1;

, StringJoiner java.util, String.isLatin1() java.lang. — :

// JDK 11
public final class String {

  private boolean isLatin1() {                   // private !
    return COMPACT_STRINGS && coder == LATIN1;

, ?

public final class String {

  public boolean isLatin1() {                    //  *?
    return COMPACT_STRINGS && coder == LATIN1;

, , . , core-libs-dev ( ).


(, ), latin = true ( latin1, ):

                       count length         Original  Patched          Units
sj                         1      1     26.7 ±   1.3     38.2 ±   1.1  ns/op !
sj                         1      5     27.4 ±   0.0     40.5 ±   2.2  ns/op !
sj                         1     10     29.6 ±   1.9     38.4 ±   1.9  ns/op !
sj                         1    100     61.1 ±   6.9     47.6 ±   0.6  ns/op
sj                         5      1     91.1 ±   6.7     83.6 ±   2.0  ns/op
sj                         5      5     96.1 ±  10.7     85.6 ±   1.1  ns/op
sj                         5     10    105.5 ±  14.3     84.7 ±   1.1  ns/op
sj                         5    100    266.6 ±  30.1    139.6 ±  14.0  ns/op
sj                        10      1    190.7 ±  23.0    162.0 ±   2.9  ns/op
sj                        10      5    200.0 ±  16.9    167.5 ±  11.0  ns/op
sj                        10     10    216.4 ±  12.4    164.8 ±   1.7  ns/op
sj                        10    100    545.3 ±  49.7    282.2 ±  12.0  ns/op
sj                       100      1   1467.0 ±  90.3   1302.0 ±  18.5  ns/op
sj                       100      5   1491.8 ± 166.2   1493.0 ± 135.4  ns/op
sj                       100     10   1768.8 ± 160.6   1760.8 ± 111.4  ns/op
sj                       100    100   3654.3 ± 113.1   3120.9 ± 175.9  ns/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     1      1    120.0 ±   0.0    120.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     1      5    128.0 ±   0.0    120.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     1     10    144.0 ±   0.0    136.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     1    100    416.0 ±   0.0    312.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     5      1    144.0 ±   0.0    136.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     5      5    200.0 ±   0.0    168.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     5     10    272.0 ±   0.0    216.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     5    100   1632.0 ±   0.0   1128.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    10      1    256.0 ±   0.0    232.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    10      5    376.0 ±   0.0    312.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    10     10    520.0 ±   0.0    408.0 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    10    100   3224.1 ±   0.0   2216.1 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   100      1   1760.2 ±  14.9   1544.2 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   100      5   2960.3 ±  14.9   2344.2 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   100     10   4440.4 ±   0.0   3336.3 ±   0.0   B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   100    100  31449.3 ±  12.2  21346.7 ±  14.7   B/op

, 1 , : , . "" ( , ).

, , . : String.isLatin1() , - :

package java.lang;

public class StringHelper {
  public static boolean isLatin1(String str) {
    return str.isLatin1();


You can not change the implementation anymore, by example if instead of having a split between latin1 and non latin1, we decide in the future to split between utf8 and non utf8.

If you want to optimize StringJoiner, the best way to do it is to use the shared secret mechanism so a java.util class can see implementation details of a java.lang class without exposing those details publicly. As an example, take a look to EnumSet and its implementations.

: , , . latin1 / latin1, (, UTF-8 / UTF-8). — SharedSecrets.

! !

jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets ( jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets). :

/** A repository of "shared secrets", which are a mechanism for
    calling implementation-private methods in another package without
    using reflection. A package-private class implements a public
    interface and provides the ability to call package-private methods
    within that package; the object implementing that interface is
    provided through a third package to which access is restricted.
    This framework avoids the primary disadvantage of using reflection
    for this purpose, namely the loss of compile-time checking. */

, , , "" , , :

crossing package boundary in a non public way is not free, but given that StringJoiner is used quite often (directly or indirectly using Collectors.joining()), it may worth the cost.

. , "" :

package jdk.internal.access;

public interface JavaLangStringAccess {
  boolean isLatin1(String str);

( ):

class StringAccess implements jdk.internal.access.JavaLangStringAccess {
  static {
    SharedSecrets.setJavaLangStringAccess(new StringAccess());

  private final Method isLatin1;

  StringAccess() {
    this.isLatin1 = initIsLatin1Method();

  public boolean isLatin1(String str) {
    try {
      return (boolean) isLatin1.invoke(str);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  private static Method initIsLatin1Method() {
    try {
      Method isLatin1 = String.class.getDeclaredMethod("isLatin1");
      return isLatin1;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      throw new Error(e);

SharedSecrets ( StringAccess):

public class SharedSecrets {
  private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();

  private static JavaLangStringAccess javaLangStringAccess;

  // ...

  public static JavaLangStringAccess getJavaLangStringAccess() {
    if (javaLangStringAccess == null) {
    return javaLangStringAccess;

  public static void setJavaLangStringAccess(JavaLangStringAccess stringAccess) {
    javaLangStringAccess = stringAccess;

, StringJoiner.add() , JavaLangStringAccess.isLatin1():

public final class StringJoiner {
  private boolean allLatin1;

  public StringJoiner add(CharSequence newElement) {
    final String elt = String.valueOf(newElement);
    this.allLatin1 &= isLatin1(elt);
    return this;

  private static boolean isLatin1(String str) {
    return SharedSecrets.getJavaLangStringAccess().isLatin1(str);

, , — . , , . . "". , :

public final class StringJoiner {
  private boolean allLatin1;

  public StringJoiner(CharSequence delimiter,
                      CharSequence prefix,
                      CharSequence suffix) {
    // ...
    this.allLatin1 = isLatin1(this.prefix) && isLatin1(this.delimiter) && isLatin1(this.suffix);

  public StringJoiner add(CharSequence newElement) {
    final String elt = String.valueOf(newElement);
    this.allLatin1 &= isLatin1(elt);
    return this;

, 10 . allLatin1 false, , . char[].

, : allLatin1 toString(). false, :

private static boolean allLatin1(String[] strings, int size) {
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    String str = strings[i];
    if (!SharedSecrets.getJavaLangStringAccess().isLatin1(str)) {
      return false;
  return true;

private boolean psdLatin1() {
  return SharedSecrets.getJavaLangStringAccess().isLatin1(delimiter)
      && SharedSecrets.getJavaLangStringAccess().isLatin1(prefix)
      && SharedSecrets.getJavaLangStringAccess().isLatin1(suffix)


public String toString() {
  final String[] elts = this.elts;
  if (elts == null && emptyValue != null) {
    return emptyValue;
  final int size = this.size;
  final int addLen = prefix.length() + suffix.length();
  if (addLen == 0) {
    return size == 0 ? "" : elts[0];
  if (psdLatin1() && allLatin1(elts, size)) {
    return bytesToString(elts, size, addLen);
  return charsToString(elts, size, addLen);

, :

- , ...
Benchmark      count    latin  len        Original          Patched
sj                 1     true    1    26.9 ±   0.7     48.8 ±   2.2 ns/op !
sj                 1     true    5    30.5 ±   1.0     46.1 ±   2.1 ns/op !
sj                 1     true   10    31.2 ±   0.6     47.3 ±   1.3 ns/op !
sj                 1     true  100    62.5 ±   3.3     79.9 ±   4.8 ns/op !
sj                 5     true    1    78.2 ±   1.6    110.3 ±   2.9 ns/op !
sj                 5     true    5    94.2 ±   8.7    116.6 ±   0.7 ns/op !
sj                 5     true   10    95.3 ±   6.9    100.1 ±   0.4 ns/op
sj                 5     true  100   188.0 ±  10.2    136.0 ±   0.4 ns/op
sj                10     true    1   160.3 ±   4.5    172.9 ±   0.8 ns/op
sj                10     true    5   169.0 ±   4.7    180.2 ±   9.1 ns/op
sj                10     true   10   205.7 ±  16.4    182.7 ±   1.1 ns/op
sj                10     true  100   366.5 ±  17.0    284.5 ±   3.1 ns/op
sj               100     true    1  1117.6 ±  11.1   2123.7 ±  11.1 ns/op !
sj               100     true    5  1270.7 ±  40.2   2163.6 ±  12.4 ns/op !
sj               100     true   10  1364.4 ±  14.0   2283.8 ±  16.1 ns/op !
sj               100     true  100  3592.9 ± 164.8   3535.2 ±  29.9 ns/op

sj                 1    false    1    35.6 ±   1.2     59.1 ±   3.0 ns/op !
sj                 1    false    5    39.3 ±   1.2     52.6 ±   2.5 ns/op !
sj                 1    false   10    42.2 ±   1.6     53.6 ±   0.3 ns/op !
sj                 1    false  100    70.5 ±   1.8     86.4 ±   0.4 ns/op !
sj                 5    false    1    89.0 ±   3.5    102.2 ±   1.0 ns/op !
sj                 5    false    5    87.6 ±   0.7    106.5 ±   1.2 ns/op !
sj                 5    false   10   109.0 ±   5.6    116.5 ±   1.2 ns/op !
sj                 5    false  100   324.0 ±  16.5    221.9 ±   0.5 ns/op
sj                10    false    1   183.9 ±   5.9    204.7 ±   5.5 ns/op !
sj                10    false    5   198.7 ±   9.7    202.4 ±   1.5 ns/op !
sj                10    false   10   196.7 ±   6.9    226.7 ±   6.4 ns/op !
sj                10    false  100   535.8 ±   2.3    553.0 ±   5.6 ns/op !
sj               100    false    1  1674.6 ± 122.1   1940.8 ±  16.2 ns/op !
sj               100    false    5  1791.9 ±  58.1   2158.1 ±  12.0 ns/op !
sj               100    false   10  2124.1 ± 193.3   2364.0 ±  25.2 ns/op !
sj               100    false  100  4323.4 ±  29.2   4675.5 ±  11.8 ns/op !

sj:·gc.a.r.n       1     true    1   120.0 ±   0.0    120.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1     true    5   128.0 ±   0.0    120.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1     true   10   144.0 ±   0.0    136.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1     true  100   416.0 ±   0.0    312.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5     true    1   144.0 ±   0.0    136.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5     true    5   200.0 ±   0.0    168.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5     true   10   272.0 ±   0.0    216.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5     true  100  1632.0 ±   0.0   1128.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10     true    1   256.0 ±   0.0    232.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10     true    5   376.0 ±   0.0    316.8 ±   4.9  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10     true   10   520.0 ±   0.0    408.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10     true  100  3224.1 ±   0.0   2236.9 ±  21.2  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100     true    1  1748.1 ±   4.0   1592.2 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100     true    5  2948.2 ±   4.0   2392.3 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100     true   10  4444.3 ±   4.0   3384.3 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100     true  100  1441.4 ±   0.0  21385.4 ±   0.0  B/op

sj:·gc.a.r.n       1    false    1   144.0 ±   0.0    144.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1    false    5   160.0 ±   0.0    160.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1    false   10   184.0 ±   0.0    184.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       1    false  100   640.0 ±   0.0    640.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5    false    1   184.0 ±   0.0    184.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5    false    5   280.0 ±   0.0    280.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5    false   10   400.0 ±   0.0    400.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n       5    false  100  2664.1 ±   0.0   2664.1 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10    false    1   320.0 ±   0.0    334.4 ±   7.4  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10    false    5   520.0 ±   0.0    520.0 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10    false   10   760.0 ±   0.0    769.6 ±   6.5  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n      10    false  100  5264.2 ±   0.0   5273.8 ±   6.5  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100    false    1  2204.2 ±   4.0   2216.3 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100    false    5  4196.3 ±   6.2   4216.4 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100    false   10  6696.5 ±   5.4   6712.6 ±   0.0  B/op
sj:·gc.a.r.n     100    false  100  1702.0 ±   4.1  51714.4 ±   0.0  B/op

, , . , "" .

- lany . ( ):


In many tests, I see little or no performance improvements. E.g.:
stringJoiner 100 10 1768.8 ±160.6 1760.8 ± 111.4 ns/op

How would you explain that this code change doesn't improve the performance for given count and length?

Also, you are using new String(bytes) assuming that the platform charset is latin1-compatible. This is not always true, so your code would produce incorrect results depending on this setting. In general, decoding via charset is tons of extra work. Instead, I would experiment with pre-sized StringBuilder inside compactElts, instead of char[] array. While it does some extra checks, StringBuilder already can use the compact string representation, so if it's properly pre-sized, no extra memory will be allocated.

Finally, if you optimize for the case when X is true you should always benchmark what happens when X is false. It's great that in some cases we see a speedup for latin1 strings. But what if not all of the strings are latin1? Is there any performance degradation? If yes, can we tolerate it?

. , java.lang.String, :

public final class String {
  private final byte coder;

  * @implNote
  * The actual value for this field is injected by JVM. The static       <--- !!!
  * initialization block is used to set the value here to communicate
  * that this static final field is not statically foldable, and to
  * avoid any possible circular dependency during vm initialization.
  static final boolean COMPACT_STRINGS;

  static {

  boolean isLatin1() {
    return COMPACT_STRINGS && coder == LATIN1;

, ? -XX:-CompactStrings String.COMPACT_STRINGS ( true). , — String.COMPACT_STRINGS false. ,

public final class String {

  boolean isLatin1() {
    return COMPACT_STRINGS && coder == LATIN1;

. . isLatin1() true, . : bytesToString(), , , , . :

In general, decoding via charset is tons of extra work. Instead, I would experiment with pre-sized StringBuilder inside compactElts, instead of char[] array. While it does some extra checks, StringBuilder already can use the compact string representation, so if it's properly pre-sized, no extra memory will be allocated.

char[] / byte[], StringBuilder-, java.lang.

, :

public String toString() {
  final String[] elts = this.elts;
  if (elts == null && emptyValue != null) {
    return emptyValue;
  final int size = this.size;
  final int addLen = prefix.length() + suffix.length();
  if (addLen == 0) {
    return size == 0 ? "" : elts[0];
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len + addLen).append(prefix);
  if (size > 0) {
    String delimiter = this.delimiter;
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
  return sb.append(suffix).toString();

, . , :

public AbstractStringBuilder append(String str) {
  if (str == null) {
    return appendNull();
  int len = str.length();
  ensureCapacityInternal(count + len);
  putStringAt(count, str);
  count += len;
  return this;

private final void putStringAt(int index, String str) {
  if (getCoder() != str.coder()) {
  str.getBytes(value, index, coder);

. :

Benchmark     count  latin   len          Original     StringBuilder
sj                1   true     1      26.9 ±   0.7      33.4 ±   0.2  ns/op !
sj                1   true     5      30.5 ±   1.0      33.0 ±   0.1  ns/op !
sj                1   true    10      31.2 ±   0.6      34.3 ±   0.3  ns/op !
sj                1   true   100      62.5 ±   3.3      44.4 ±   0.1  ns/op
sj                5   true     1      78.2 ±   1.6      87.8 ±   0.8  ns/op !
sj                5   true     5      94.2 ±   8.7      88.2 ±   0.9  ns/op
sj                5   true    10      95.3 ±   6.9      91.6 ±   0.6  ns/op
sj                5   true   100     188.0 ±  10.2     126.1 ±   0.7  ns/op
sj               10   true     1     160.3 ±   4.5     177.6 ±   0.8  ns/op !
sj               10   true     5     169.0 ±   4.7     179.4 ±   1.0  ns/op !
sj               10   true    10     205.7 ±  16.4     189.5 ±   1.2  ns/op
sj               10   true   100     366.5 ±  17.0     290.0 ±   0.8  ns/op
sj              100   true     1    1117.6 ±  11.1    1563.8 ±   2.8  ns/op !
sj              100   true     5    1270.7 ±  40.2    1592.4 ±   4.0  ns/op !
sj              100   true    10    1364.4 ±  14.0    1773.7 ±  57.7  ns/op !
sj              100   true   100    3592.9 ± 164.8    2899.2 ±  51.0  ns/op

sj                1  false     1      35.6 ±   1.2      52.7 ±   1.2  ns/op !
sj                1  false     5      39.3 ±   1.2      54.4 ±   1.6  ns/op !
sj                1  false    10      42.2 ±   1.6      52.2 ±   1.0  ns/op !
sj                1  false   100      70.5 ±   1.8      78.6 ±   1.2  ns/op !
sj                5  false     1      89.0 ±   3.5     116.3 ±   3.8  ns/op !
sj                5  false     5      87.6 ±   0.7     115.2 ±   2.9  ns/op !
sj                5  false    10     109.0 ±   5.6     126.5 ±   0.5  ns/op !
sj                5  false   100     324.0 ±  16.5     288.9 ±   0.5  ns/op 
sj               10  false     1     183.9 ±   5.9     261.2 ±   7.7  ns/op !
sj               10  false     5     198.7 ±   9.7     253.3 ±   6.7  ns/op !
sj               10  false    10     196.7 ±   6.9     274.3 ±   7.0  ns/op !
sj               10  false   100     535.8 ±   2.3     677.3 ±   6.4  ns/op !
sj              100  false     1    1674.6 ± 122.1    2212.5 ±  32.2  ns/op !
sj              100  false     5    1791.9 ±  58.1    2492.8 ±  30.9  ns/op !
sj              100  false    10    2124.1 ± 193.3    2611.7 ±  17.5  ns/op !
sj              100  false   100    4323.4 ±  29.2    5501.3 ±  21.1  ns/op !

sj:·gc.a.r.n      1   true     1     120.0 ±   0.0     144.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1   true     5     128.0 ±   0.0     144.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1   true    10     144.0 ±   0.0     160.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1   true   100     416.0 ±   0.0     336.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5   true     1     144.0 ±   0.0     160.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5   true     5     200.0 ±   0.0     192.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5   true    10     272.0 ±   0.0     240.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5   true   100    1632.0 ±   0.0    1152.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10   true     1     256.0 ±   0.0     256.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10   true     5     376.0 ±   0.0     336.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10   true    10     520.0 ±   0.0     432.0 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10   true   100    3224.1 ±   0.0    2240.1 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100   true     1    1748.1 ±   4.0    1568.2 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100   true     5    2948.2 ±   4.0    2368.2 ±   0.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100   true    10    4444.3 ±   4.0    3364.3 ±   4.0   B/op 
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100   true   100   31441.4 ±   0.0   21365.1 ±   4.1   B/op 

sj:·gc.a.r.n      1  false     1     144.0 ±   0.0     192.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1  false     5     160.0 ±   0.0     208.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1  false    10     184.0 ±   0.0     240.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      1  false   100     640.0 ±   0.0     784.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5  false     1     184.0 ±   0.0     240.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5  false     5     280.0 ±   0.0     349.6 ±   2.4   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5  false    10     400.0 ±   0.0     496.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n      5  false   100    2664.1 ±   0.0    3216.1 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10  false     1     320.0 ±   0.0     384.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10  false     5     520.0 ±   0.0     624.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10  false    10     760.0 ±   0.0     912.0 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n     10  false   100    5264.2 ±   0.0    6320.3 ±   0.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100  false     1    2204.2 ±   4.0    2436.3 ±   6.8   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100  false     5    4196.3 ±   6.2    4832.4 ±   6.6   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100  false    10    6696.5 ±   5.4    7844.7 ±   4.0   B/op !
sj:·gc.a.r.n    100  false   100   51702.0 ±   4.1   61838.6 ±   6.2   B/op !

, . ( ), .

, . String.isLatin1() , — , StringBuilder- , . ? , .

— JEP 254:

As a point of interest, some investigation of updating StringJoiner for CompactStrings was done a while back.

See https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148937

2016 :

This is seems to be a performance optimization, but it clashes with Compact Strings which now have to re-compress the resulting char[] array into byte[]. We may want to extend this mechanism by figuring out the coders for arguments, and creating byte[] with appropriate coder, then using a private String constructor that does not re-compress.

. :
1) StringJoiner- SharedSecrets ( 89 "")
2) . char[] , / .
3) JavaLangAccess

, , . . SharedSecrets -> JavaLangAccess -> java.lang.System , String.isLatin1() System!

, , , :

public interface JavaLangAccess {
  boolean isLatin1(String str);

public final class System {
  public boolean isLatin1(String str) {
    return str.isLatin1();

. . :

In general, decoding via charset is tons of extra work.

, new String(byte[]):

private String bytesToString(String[] elts, int size, int addLen) {
  final byte[] bytes = new byte[len + addLen];
  int k = getBytes(prefix, bytes, 0);
  if (size > 0) {
    final String delimiter = this.delimiter;
    k += getBytes(elts[0], bytes, k);
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
      k += getBytes(delimiter, bytes, k);
      k += getBytes(elts[i], bytes, k);
  getBytes(suffix, bytes, k);
  return new String(bytes);

- … :

public String(byte[] bytes) {
  this(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

public String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length) {
  checkBoundsOffCount(offset, length, bytes.length);
  StringCoding.Result ret = StringCoding.decode(bytes, offset, length); // 
  this.value = ret.value;
  this.coder = ret.coder;

new String(byte[]) . , , StringBuilder:

public String toString() {
  // Create a copy, don't share the array
  return isLatin1() 
       ? StringLatin1.newString(value, 0, count)   // <---
       :  StringUTF16.newString(value, 0, count);

final class StringLatin1 {
  public static String newString(byte[] val, int index, int len) {
    return new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(val, index, index + len), LATIN1);

, , . . StringBuilder.toString() . , StringBuilder . StringJoiner.toString() , . StringLatin1.newString(byte[]):

final class StringLatin1 {
  public static String newString(byte[] val, int index, int len) {
    byte[] copy = Arrays.copyOfRange(val, index, index + len);
    return newString(copy);

  public static String newString(byte[] val) {
    return new String(val, LATIN1);

, ( ). , !

: . JDK 14, .

        latin cnt  len        Original            Mine             ASh

sj       true   1    1     27.7 ±  1.2     22.1 ±  0.2     19.7 ±  0.2  ns/op
sj       true   1    5     27.7 ±  0.1     22.3 ±  0.0     19.8 ±  0.0  ns/op
sj       true   1   10     29.0 ±  0.6     23.2 ±  0.0     20.1 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj       true   1  100     51.4 ±  0.1     31.4 ±  0.1     32.9 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj       true   5    1     71.1 ±  0.4     64.9 ±  0.3     53.8 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj       true   5    5     79.5 ±  0.3     65.5 ±  0.3     54.8 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj       true   5   10     81.2 ±  0.3     67.7 ±  0.2     56.1 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj       true   5  100    150.0 ±  0.4     86.5 ±  0.5     78.5 ±  0.3  ns/op
sj       true  10    1    145.5 ±  0.7    142.5 ±  0.4    127.1 ±  0.5  ns/op
sj       true  10    5    160.0 ±  0.8    145.6 ±  0.2    130.8 ±  0.3  ns/op
sj       true  10   10    165.6 ±  0.4    150.8 ±  0.3    138.9 ±  0.4  ns/op
sj       true  10  100    340.2 ±  1.2    189.3 ±  0.4    175.2 ±  0.7  ns/op
sj       true 100    1   1114.3 ± 15.9   1372.7 ± 53.0   1197.4 ± 34.0  ns/op !
sj       true 100    5   1184.2 ± 18.5   1385.9 ± 56.0   1159.0 ± 32.3  ns/op
sj       true 100   10   1345.8 ± 13.9   1369.0 ±  2.7   1233.5 ± 32.9  ns/op
sj       true 100  100   3156.1 ± 19.1   1844.1 ±  4.1   1727.9 ± 37.6  ns/op

sj      false   1    1     33.5 ±  0.4     34.9 ±  0.1     19.6 ±  0.0  ns/op
sj      false   1    5     33.3 ±  0.3     35.9 ±  0.1     20.1 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj      false   1   10     33.8 ±  0.1     35.9 ±  0.1     20.6 ±  0.0  ns/op
sj      false   1  100     57.5 ±  0.2     58.3 ±  0.1     39.6 ±  0.1  ns/op
sj      false   5    1     82.9 ±  0.5     82.0 ±  0.8     64.2 ±  1.3  ns/op
sj      false   5    5     86.0 ±  0.5     84.8 ±  0.9     66.6 ±  0.8  ns/op
sj      false   5   10     96.9 ±  0.5     92.5 ±  0.6     76.9 ±  0.7  ns/op
sj      false   5  100    224.2 ±  0.6    226.7 ±  0.7    125.1 ±  0.6  ns/op
sj      false  10    1    165.7 ±  0.9    167.6 ±  3.2    152.1 ±  1.0  ns/op
sj      false  10    5    178.4 ±  0.7    179.6 ±  2.1    163.7 ±  0.9  ns/op
sj      false  10   10    191.7 ±  0.9    195.9 ±  2.2    172.5 ±  0.8  ns/op
sj      false  10  100    534.4 ±  1.4    534.5 ±  1.3    305.2 ±  1.1  ns/op
sj      false 100    1   1435.9 ±  9.5   1428.2 ±  3.2   1333.0 ±  4.7  ns/op
sj      false 100    5   1618.5 ± 14.3   1595.2 ±  3.7   1379.7 ± 10.4  ns/op
sj      false 100   10   1898.1 ±  9.4   1860.8 ±  4.7   1531.5 ± 13.7  ns/op
sj      false 100  100   4247.4 ± 60.7   4150.1 ±  9.1   2423.8 ± 11.9  ns/op

g.a.r.n  true   1    1    124.0 ±  4.0     96.0 ±  0.0     96.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   1    5    128.0 ±  0.0     96.0 ±  0.0     96.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   1   10    144.0 ±  0.0    104.0 ±  0.0    104.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   1  100    416.0 ±  0.0    192.0 ±  0.0    192.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   5    1    144.0 ±  0.0    104.0 ±  0.0     96.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   5    5    200.0 ±  0.0    120.0 ±  0.0    120.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   5   10    272.0 ±  0.0    144.0 ±  0.0    144.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true   5  100   1632.0 ±  0.0    600.0 ±  0.0    592.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true  10    1    256.0 ±  0.0    192.0 ±  0.0    184.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true  10    5    376.0 ±  0.0    232.0 ±  0.0    224.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true  10   10    520.0 ±  0.0    280.0 ±  0.0    272.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true  10  100   3224.1 ±  0.0   1184.0 ±  0.0   1168.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n  true 100    1   1752.1 ±  5.4   1328.2 ±  5.4   1244.1 ±  9.5   B/op
g.a.r.n  true 100    5   2952.2 ±  5.4   1728.2 ±  5.4   1627.3 ±  7.6   B/op
g.a.r.n  true 100   10   4444.4 ±  4.0   2216.2 ±  0.0   2140.2 ±  9.5   B/op
g.a.r.n  true 100  100  31445.6 ±  4.0  11216.7 ±  0.0  11135.0 ±  9.3   B/op

g.a.r.n false   1    1    144.0 ±  0.0    144.0 ±  0.0     96.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   1    5    160.0 ±  0.0    160.0 ±  0.0    104.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   1   10    184.0 ±  0.0    184.0 ±  0.0    112.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   1  100    640.0 ±  0.0    640.0 ±  0.0    288.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   5    1    184.0 ±  0.0    184.0 ±  0.0    104.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   5    5    280.0 ±  0.0    280.0 ±  0.0    144.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   5   10    400.0 ±  0.0    400.0 ±  0.0    192.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false   5  100   2664.1 ±  0.0   2664.1 ±  0.0   1088.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false  10    1    320.0 ±  0.0    320.0 ±  0.0    192.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false  10    5    520.0 ±  0.0    520.0 ±  0.0    272.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false  10   10    760.0 ±  0.0    760.0 ±  0.0    368.0 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false  10  100   5264.2 ±  0.0   5264.2 ±  0.0   2168.1 ±  0.0   B/op
g.a.r.n false 100    1   2208.2 ±  0.0   2168.2 ±  0.0   1317.7 ±  5.7   B/op
g.a.r.n false 100    5   4196.3 ±  6.2   4168.3 ±  0.0   2123.4 ±  7.6   B/op
g.a.r.n false 100   10   6704.6 ±  0.0   6664.5 ±  0.0   3123.4 ±  7.6   B/op
g.a.r.n false 100  100  51698.1 ±  5.4  51666.3 ±  0.0  21124.3 ±  7.6   B/op

, , ! JDK-8148937 , ( ) JDK-8149758. . , JDK-8148937. , 1,5-2 - .

  • — . , ( ) . — . , , ,
  • cuando intentas llenar algo en el JDK, la revisión será despiadada. Nuestras propuestas nos parecen las más ciertas, pero a menudo esto es una ilusión. No tome en serio las críticas, ni siquiera las devastadoras.
  • Incluso las mejores ganancias no prometen la atención de los desarrolladores. En uno de los artículos anteriores, describí cambios útiles y al mismo tiempo pequeños y 100% confiables, que también se eliminan por el momento simplemente por baja importancia o una priorización diferente

En lugar de un epílogo

En una semana, la primavera comenzará con un poco, quiero sentir una oleada de fuerza con el primer calor y asumir con audacia tareas complejas, ser capaz de reconocer sus errores sin dolor y aprender, estudiar y estudiar de nuevo :)

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