The most effective online lesson services for students and teachers: the top five

Distance learning is now becoming increasingly popular for all of us understandable reasons. And if many readers of Habr know about various kinds of courses in digital specialties - software development, design, product management, etc., then the situation with the lessons for the younger generation is slightly different. There are many services for online lessons, but what to choose?

In February, I evaluated different platforms, and now I decided to talk about those of them that I (and not only me, but also the children) liked most. There are five services in the selection, if you have something to add, then tell us about them in the comments and study them.

What can. This platform allows children to independently study in an interactive form such subjects as mathematics, Russian and English, biology, natural history, geography. There is, by the way, programming - my child tried this section and he really liked it.

If the student makes a mistake, the system corrects him gently, offers clarifying questions. The platform is personalized, it adapts to the students, so if someone needs more time to study some topic, and someone less, all this will be taken into account.

There is a personalized assistant - an interactive dragon. Largely thanks to him, the child does not regard the platform as a ā€œlesson serviceā€.

What do you need to get started?Only PC, laptop, tablet and internet. A smartphone is also suitable, but, in my opinion, it is not suitable for certain types of activities.

The platform is suitable for both individual lessons and online learning at school - many teachers use assignments.

Merits. It makes it possible to master the material in a game form, including programming. Even complex topics are interestingly explained. Assignments are well structured and distributed by age / grade. There is personalization.

Disadvantages. Almost not. I met opinions that the disadvantage is the paid service (there is also a free version, but it is very truncated, it is more likely just an opportunity to test the platform). But this is clearly not a flaw - it is customary to pay for good products in the world of victorious capitalism, right?

How much is. Payment for different courses and classes is different. For example, I will take English training with a teacher. 8 lessons, each for half an hour, will cost the family 8560 rubles. The more classes, the less the cost of one lesson. So, if you take the training immediately for six months, then one lesson costs 720 rubles, if you take 8 lessons, then the price of one is 1070.


What can. This is a free online school launched by Yandex together with the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the Moscow Department of Education and Science. Training is conducted from 9 to 14 hours, as in a regular school. The platform offers video lessons in more than 15 subjects of the school curriculum, including physics and the MKH. There are additional classes to prepare for the exam and exam.

For teachers there is a special platform for online translation of lessons and the ability to set a homework for elementary grades, moreover, with an automatic verification function.

Yandex.School also conducts intensives in various subjects, popular science lectures and much more - all this is broadcast online. My childā€™s popular science lectures went very well, there are times when you just canā€™t tear it off.

What you need to get started. The Internet, the device connected to it and the Yandex account. If you just watch the broadcast of lessons, it seems that it is not needed.

Merits. Good selection of materials. So, teachers and parents have access to several thousand ready-made assignments in three subjects - the Russian language, mathematics, the world around, and some other topics. The undoubted advantage for parents is the free platform.

Disadvantages. Coverage is not yet the largest, but it is gradually replenished. In principle, the resource is free, so you should not demand universality from it - what it is is done very well.

How much is. Free of charge.

Gooogle Learn from Home

What can. A joint project between Google and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education is a platform for conducting online lessons. As I understand it, there are no pre-prepared topics here, the platform is designed specifically for conducting lessons online.

Using the platform, teachers can create sites for their class in the necessary subjects, upload various teaching materials and online courses there. The lesson can be viewed online in real time or in the recording.

Teachers can conduct individual consultations with students online, working with a virtual whiteboard - you can write the necessary graphs and formulas on it. And teachers can drink virtual coffee with each other.

The service is integrated with other Google services, including Docs, G Suite, Hangouts Meet and others.

What do you need to get started? Google account and, as in previous cases, the Internet and a device for viewing online video.

Merits. Firstly, the tool is free. It was developed for the work of teachers during the coronavirus period. Secondly, this is a really great platform for conducting online lessons.

Disadvantages. They are also not very many. The platform copes with the task for which it was created. Yes, there are no pre-prepared topics, but they were not promised.

How much is. Is free.


What can. The platform is slightly different from those described above. The service is positioned as an opportunity to improve grades and prepare for the exam, the exam and the olympiads. The course programs are divided into several levels, including basic, examination, advanced and olympiad. Each consists of approximately 30 lessons, they take place once a week for 2-3 academic hours.

There are courses on large topics, tutors, collections of topics, tests and olympiad classes in physics, Russian and English, biology, chemistry, computer science, social studies and history are available. There is a textbook on which you can prepare yourself. The service can be judged by the most popular items. At the time of writing, these were superintensive exams in mathematics, physics, the Russian language and social studies.

Individual lessons are held on Skype, group - in the form of online broadcasts. You can chat with the teacher via chat.

What do you need to get started? I'm afraid to repeat myself, but I need the Internet, a gadget and an account of the service.

Merits. The materials are well prepared, teachers here teach the best universities in the country, including MIPT, HSE, MSU. The teacher can choose the student himself. According to the statistics of the platform itself, the results of final courses students are 30 points higher than the national average.

Disadvantages. Almost none, as in all previous cases. Yes, there are some minor flaws, but I have not identified any global flaws.

How much is? The pricing system is quite complex, so the platform offers a personal discussion of prices with managers.

Tutor. Class

What can. The service is different from those described above. This is, first of all, a tool for teachers, which teachers, university lecturers, tutors, coaches, etc. can use. An example is a tutor who is just about to start work. To start, he develops a program, registers with the service and recruits students.

The service offers participants a regular school room, only virtual and with a number of digital tools. This is a board, formula editor, geometric shapes editor. There is an online test that allows teachers to test students' knowledge without additionally connecting ā€œGoogle formsā€ or other similar tools.

The teacher can during the lesson directly in the system include a video from YouTube or start a presentation. At any time, you can stop the image and highlight the necessary details on it, as in the usual online whiteboard mode.

A chat has been developed for communication, and besides text communication, as in many of the services mentioned above, there is the possibility of ā€œraising your handā€, ā€œspeaking louderā€, etc. And developers have added the ability to conduct video conferences. Everything, as in a regular class. Questions for the convenience of the teacher are referred to a separate section. A code editor is also provided for those teachers who teach programming.

If desired, the teacher can record the lesson and post it on the platform or in another place. The opportunity to conduct lessons with offline and online schools deserves special mention.

What do you need to get started? You already know that - the Internet, the gadget and the browser.

Merits. For students, plus - a virtual office, which has everything you need for classes. For teachers, this is an opportunity to get the same teaching room, plus a student selection service, plus a fixed fee. Almost all services of online lessons take a percentage commission from teachers - i.e. 20% or even 50% of the amount received from the student. Tutor.Class has four types of tariffs - 399, 560, 830 and 1200 rubles per month. The greater the capacity of an online room is needed, the higher the price tag.

Disadvantages. They are not particularly here. Critical problems have not been noticed, and there are not very many minor ones. Sometimes it crashes due to the heavy load on the servers, but itā€™s everywhere now.

How much is? As mentioned above, for teachers this is 399, 560, 830 and 1200 rubles per month, depending on the load.

So what to choose?

I tried to include different services with different ā€œspecializationā€ in the selection, focusing on different tasks. For young children I highly recommend For those older - Foxford. Well, for teachers - "Tutor. Class."

Of course, the choice is somewhat subjective, so write in the comments what you use and discuss.

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