How to write and send a resume. Instructions for beginners

What is a resume for? Show yourself? Sell ​​yourself? Understand how cool you are? This is all good. But the main task that the resume solves is to go through the initial selection of a recruiter .

One way or another, I have to participate in recruiting processes. Therefore, acquaintances and friends are often asked to see a resume and say whether it is good or not. And I have to explain for a long time that a resume in itself cannot be good or bad, a resume is suitable or not suitable for a vacancy. Therefore, friends, this article is for you :).

To better understand whether a resume is suitable, let's look at the process of finding a candidate for a job.

In general, the hiring process consists of several stages. Suppose a job has been posted and you have submitted a resume. 

Stage One. The resume goes to the recruiter. This is a specialist who initially decides whether the resume is suitable in principle. A few seconds are enough for a recruiter, but only a few seconds to understand whether the resume of the vacancy to which you sent it is relevant. In this case, his work is similar to the work of the search engine Google or Yandex. He, or she, searches for keywords in the resume and checks whether they are consistent with what is indicated in the title and description of the vacancy. 

If the resume for most of the items fits, then the recruiter puts it in a pile to those who need to be contacted in the first place. If the resume is as if suitable, then it goes to the stack to those who will be contacted, if nothing burns out with the first stack.

Accordingly, in the third pile, and most often in the basket all the others go.

One of the recent headlines for the resume that I commented on is “HTML layout / C # developer”. It is clear that a person is applying for one of the vacancies. But the recruiter will most likely not go into the details and put the resume aside in the third pile.

Stage Two. Most often, a recruiter and a person who decides whether to take you or not to take are different people. At this stage, it is important to fall into the expectations of the person who makes the decision. Let me give you an analogy with gears - his expectations and your knowledge and experience should correspond.

Therefore, before sending a resume, it should be optimized for a specific vacancy. We look at the name of the vacancy, for the listing of duties and requirements. Then we adapt the resume, select keywords, synonyms, indicate the relevant experience. Here you need to be careful, do not completely copy the job description, it immediately catches the eye.

You can be a cool specialist and just a good person, but if, purely technically, the resume does not correspond to what is written in the vacancy, then it goes to the third pile.

The rule at the stage of preparing a resume is “one vacancy” = “one resume”.

How to send a resume

When the resume is ready, you can send. But just sending a letter or applying for a job is not enough. Need to write a cover letter. In four to five sentences indicate why you are suitable and how you will be useful.

I will give examples that worked:
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, Microsoft Custom based .

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QA Lead.

4 . . , . web mobile . web-, .

QA\QC . :

1) Selenium ;
2) , , OpenShift.

If you have a willingness to write that you really like working with Western customers, or with government agencies - open the company's website and see who they work with.

If these are foreign banks, then write that "The purpose of my resume is to find a job as a manager in a large project for foreign banks." Another example is the company introducing document management for the state. enterprises, write - “The purpose of my resume is to find a manager’s job in a large project with a state customer. I want to be involved in something large-scale, I want my country to use what I have done. ” This approach will show the recruiter that you are really interested in the job.

What you do not need to write in the resume

If you send a resume to the position of leader, do not indicate that you are a fan of motorbikes, parachuting, downhill skiing and other extreme things. The company is unlikely to hire a man who has a significantly increased risk of breaking his arm, leg, back in six months or a year. Cynically? Yes.

If a vacancy involves frequent business trips, then you should definitely not write that you are not ready for them.

Look at the vacancy and determine that what is on your resume may contradict the vacancy, or it will prevent the recruiter from identifying you as a potential candidate and remove it.

As a result

Nobody canceled the etiquette, so if you know who you are writing to, start with the person’s name. If you don’t know, just say hello. Indicate briefly what exactly you are doing now and how it relates to the vacancy you are responding to. Write how you can be useful. Recheck. Send.

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