JUG Ru Group # 4 Online Stream Week

We continue to prepare for conferences and talk about everything: from DevOps to C ++ in the format of talk shows and meetings. Recordings of the broadcasts of the events of the past week are already available, and this week we wake up in the morning in the usual show format and open the .NET bar in quarantine.

Schedule for this week:


Hydra Heads / Sergey Kuksenko
Start: June 1 at 21:00 (Moscow time)
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June 1 at 21:00 watch the new release of the show with the program committee of the Hydra conference "Hydra Heads". Leading Alexei Fedorov and Vitaly Aksenov will talk with Sergey Kuksenko. Sergey is a Java Performance Engineer that has been working with Java since version 1.0. During this time, he managed to participate in the development of mobile, client and server applications, as well as virtual machines. He has been performing Java performance since 2005, and is currently working at Oracle on OracleJDK / OpenJDK performance.

The presenters will discuss multithreading in the JVM and program performance with Sergey.

The previous issue of Hydra Heads is already online. His guest was Roman Elizarov, a team leader at JetBrains who works on coroutines and libraries at Kotlin.

Tuesday: JS-morning and DevOps-evening

Hard morning with HolyJS / Ilya Klimov
Start: June 2 at 11:00 (Moscow time)
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June 2 at 11:00 you will find a new release of "Hard morning with HolyJS." The guest of the show is Ilya Klimov, who is involved in the frontend at GitLab. Ilya is a candidate of technical sciences. For more than six years, he has been professionally teaching people in two universities and in his own courses. It has been programming on JS for 15 years in all its manifestations: from microcontrollers to cloud-based video rendering.

The presenters - members of the HolyJS program committee Yevgeny Kot (Wrike) and Alexander Kalinin (Nix) - will discuss with Ilya tools, tasks, technologies and near-local topics.

If you have not watched the previous issueshow with developer and IT consultant Margarita Roy, he is already online. On air, Margarita debunked the most common myths associated with IT consultants.

Report by Anton Weiss / “Know yourself and your enemy: CI / CD in the Kingdom of Cloud Native”
Start: June 2 at 18:00 (Moscow time)
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On June 2 at 18:00, IT futurist, technical education expert, Speaker of DevOops 2020 Moscow, Anton Weiss, will give a 30-minute online report on CI / CD. In it, he will answer complex questions about continuous delivery, especially for complex cloud native-systems with many users and environments:

  • Do I check all branches?
  • Use cloud services or host?
  • Which is more important - simplicity or flexibility?
  • Is vendor lock-in a real threat?
  • Is GitOps Massively Enough Now? What measures of information security are really needed?

After the talk, Anton will talk with the lead Mikhail Druzhinin, technical manager at Amazon and trainer in architecture and Java development. Michael will ask Anton the most interesting questions from the telegram chat of the DevOops conference.

Register here .

Environment: Java and Testing

Hard morning with Heisenbug / Alexander Svatikov
Start: June 3 at 11:00 (Moscow time)
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June 3 at 11:00 will release a new edition of "Hard morning with Heisenbug." The guest of the broadcast will be Alexander Svatikova, an information security expert at Odnoklassniki, who has been involved in the security of mobile and web applications for the past eight years.

Alexandra will discuss with leading members of the Heisenbug program committee Vsevolod Brekelov and Ivan Trečekas, security news in IT, automation of this industry, ethical hackers, fake websites and, of course, the upcoming Heisenbug conference.

Past issueThe Heisenbug morning show is already available online. His guest was a developer at the Estonian company Codeborne, author of the Selenide framework Andrei Solntsev.

The first cup of coffee with JPoint / Tagir Valeev
Start: June 3 at 12:00 (Moscow time)
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June 3 at 12:00 will be a new issue of the morning show "The first cup of coffee with JPoint." His guest islany, a developer at JetBrains who is engaged in IntelliJ IDEA static code analyzer, inspections and quick fixes.

The presenters of the broadcast are Vladimir Sitnikov (Netcracker) and Dmitry Alexandrov (T-Systems). They will discuss with Tagir his report “A Few Small Optimizations” , which he will make at the JPoint 2020 online conference. They will also talk about killer features in IntelliJ IDEA, about new features in new versions of Java and how to smuggle in Java .

If you missed the last episode of The First Cup, watch it on YouTube. The guest was Margarita Nedzelskaya - a developer at Wix and the organizer of the Kotlin community in Kiev, one of the organizers of the Rockstar Night dev club.

Thursday: DevOps, Mobile and .NET

"Hello world!" with Mobius / Aydar Mukhametzyanov
Start: June 4 at 11:00 (Moscow time)
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June 4 at 11:00 will be a new release of "Hello, World!" with Mobius. The guest of the new issue is Aidar Mukhametzyanov, who now works at JetBrains in the AppCode team, but still remembers how it feels to be a mobile developer. Aydar has been developing iOS apps since iOS 5 in a mobile agency, in a small startup, in a large and warm 2GIS, and in Munich Freeletics. Writes code in Kotlin / Java, so that people are comfortable writing in Swift / Objective-C.

The presenters of the broadcast are Peter Tretyakov (Redmadrobot) and Anton Davydov (EPAM), members of the Mobius Program Committee. They will discuss with Aidar what it was like to move to Munich and adapt to life in Germany, and ask him about the local IT party. They will also talk about Swift and about where the Apple ecosystem is moving. Aidar will touch on his report on Mobius 2020 Piter, dedicated to AppCode under the hood.

If you have not seen "Hello, World!" with the developers of the Jetpack Compose library on Google , he's already online. In it, Andrei Kulikov and Anastasia Soboleva talked about how to invent the most anticipated library for Android.

DevOops at work afternoon snack / Leonid Igolnik
Start: June 4 at 18:00 (Moscow time)
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June 4 at 18:00 will release a new release of "DevOops at work afternoon snack." His guest is Leonid Igolnik, Executive Vice President of Engineering at SignalFx. Throughout his career, he has been engaged in online applications, starting his career at one of Israel's first Internet providers. Leonid got his first experience working with large-scale Java applications in 2002, when he worked in the second largest domain registrar at that time.

The presenters of the issue are Baruch Sadogursky and Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, members of the DevOops program committee. Baruch is Head of DevOps Advocacy and Developer Advocate at JFrog, the company that developed Artifactory, a universal repository manager, and co-author of Liquid Software. Vyacheslav - SRE Teamlead on Booking, co-host of Hangops_ru community meetings, which is dedicated to the spread of DevOps practices and the exchange of experience. They will talk with Leonid about DevOps and discuss them with Baruch a joint report at DevOops 2020 Moscow - "We arrange DevOps without authority: even a" DevOps engineer "can help."

In the meantime, we are preparing a new issue, you can watch the last broadcast"DevOops at Work Snack." His guest was Matvey Kukuy, who told how his DevOps tool turned from an idea into Amixr Inc. in a year and a half. with an office in San Francisco, a dozen employees, investment, product and sales.

Bar counter / Andrey Akinshin
Beginning: June 4 at 19:30 (Moscow time)

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On June 4 at 19:30, the DotNext conference launches its new talk show, The Bar. This is our own online bar with some talk and cool guests, where program committee members will meet with conference speakers.

The first to sit at the bar is Andrei Akinshin, one of the most beloved DotNext speakers. Andrew is a co-author and maintainer of the BenchmarkDotNet library, author of Pro .NET Benchmarking. He currently works at JetBrains on the Rider IDE. Andrei's favorite topics are performance and microoptimization.

The hosts of the show are Mikhail Shcherbakov and Maxim Arshinov, participants of the DotNext program committee. Michael is a doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a member of the Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs, co-organizer of the DotNet.ru community. Maxim is a co-founder of the Kazan outsourcing company HiTech Group, who also teaches at the Higher School of Information Technologies and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University and maintains a blog on Habré.

The presenters will talk with Andrey about IT news, technology and, of course, about life. Join the broadcast and go to our bar this Thursday.

Friday: C ++ and testing

Morning with C ++ Russia / Alexey Veselovsky
Start: June 5 at 13:00 (Moscow time)
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On June 5, at 13:00 a new release of the show “Morning with C ++ Russia” will be aired . His guest is Alexei Veselovsky, a senior C ++ developer at Align Technology. Alexey is engaged in the development of common system components and the framework of a specialized 3D CAD system. Previously, he developed a real-time monitoring system for patients, as well as a data collection and processing system for unmanned vehicles. Participated in the Squid-proxy project.

The presenters are Sergey Platonov (organizer of C ++ Siberia) and Pavel Filonov (software developer in the field of information security). They will discuss news from the C ++ world with Alexei, as well as antediluvian debuggers, the introduction of code analyzers in the project, sanitizers, C ++ Russia and much more.

While we are preparing a new issue, you can look at the past “Morning with C ++ Russia”. His guest was C ++ developer from Solarwinds Alexander Zaitsev.

Survivor Error # 6
Start: June 5 at 18:00 (Moscow time)
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June 5 at 18:00 you will find a new release of the show "Error survivor." Test automation expert, author of Allure / Allure 2, Artem Eroshenko and program committee member of the Heisenbug conference, experienced QA and developer, host of the Podcast “Bit Helmet” Vsevolod Brekelov will meet in the studio to discuss what happened in the world of testing for the week and make out useful tools.

The previous issue of the show is already available on record. In it, Artem and Seva discussed the news of the week, including the Tricentis open source test document and the new Google CrUx dashboard, and also tested the Allure demo.

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