Something that integrates chicken leg and iPhone 11

In each post of our block on Habré, we insert a subtle promo code - with it, any reader can purchase hosting at a discount of 15%. But after 1000 posts , as an exception, we decided to dare and write a small separate post of an advertising nature, in which we offer something even more profitable and a draw. If you are already a user of our service - go under the cut, try your luck.

We will be extremely frank - we decided to expand a little , but for this alone desire is not enough. Therefore, we are launching a small promotional campaign among those who are already our client (or are familiar with the service), managed to make sure of the quality and are not afraid to extend the services for a long time.

Therefore, we offer a 30% discount to everyone who extends the rental of servers immediately for a year - the benefits can be easily calculated based on current costs. The offer is valid until June 30 - there is still time (including “trying”), but we all know how quietly it flies.

But any company can make a discount when renewing, but to play cool and unusual prizes among those who took part in the action is not only everything. Therefore, among those who in the same period will replenish the balance of more than 10,000 rubles (inpersonal account ), we conduct a draw.

As practice shows, there are not very many participants, and the prizes are quite good for themselves.

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The main prize is the iPhone 11, we will play it on July 1 in our VKontakte group .

And before that, every week (on Fridays) we will play prizes easier, but also cool:

1. Apple AirPods Pro - hardly need to be introduced, although here is a post-review from the chief editor of Habr.

2. Desktop refrigerator - cools a can / bottle in 10 minutes. Suitable for both beer and beer, maybe also for cola. An indispensable thing in the hot summer, especially for system administrators.

3. Pillow for sleeping in the office (on self-isolation, in the car, at the school meeting - yes, anywhere).

4-7. Stuffed Toys. “Pfff” you will think, but just look at this gastronomic miracle: a giant chicken leg, a huge sausage, a truly king prawn and a steak from the mother’s friend’s son (so he jumped!).

This is the leg of the one who needs the leg!

You can use it as a headrest in car / air travel.

Separately, you would hardly have bought it once, but agree that in your thoughts, meeting friends has played with new colors and jokes? :)

* * *

Well, we continue with renewed vigor to recruit the second thousand blog posts.
Thanks for reading us!

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