Duty boarding house. How NSPK saved its duty room from a coronavirus

As you already know from our last article “How the NSPK prepared the infrastructure for the transition to udalenka” , in mid-March we transferred almost all of our employees to udalenka. But in the second month of quarantine, we realized that we need to take the next step: to secure our duty services (DS), which are responsible for the uninterrupted processing of all operations. These are more than 50 people who continued to keep shift shifts in an office in the center of Moscow.

By early April, the situation in the city was becoming more and more alarming ,
quarantine restrictions only increased, and the measures we took (moving to work on a corporate taxi, breeding the end time and start of shifts, regular temperature checks at duty and disinfection of workplaces during the day, masks and other necessary protection) could not fundamentally solve the protection problem human health - our most valuable and irreplaceable resource.


It is necessary to ensure the safety of the duty service of the NSPK, not only during the period of stay in the office, but also, which is much more difficult, during the period of rest at home after shifts.

And you need to do this for a month or more.

We examined several options for solving this problem:

1. Send home-to-house remote:

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2. :

  • together with a big plus in terms of organizing the work process (everything is already there for work), at the same time we get a big minus on everyday issues: ensuring a minimum comfortable resettlement in the office;
  • since you need to minimize contacts, it means that you need complete isolation without the ability to go outside - an office in the city center, and it does not have its own closed territory.

It’s probably possible to live a week or two like that, but if we talk about a month or more, it’s unrealistic.

3. Settle all those on duty in an isolated safe place,
from where they can be centrally taken to work

Immediately on the global pluses:

  • jobs and the entire IT infrastructure remain the same and familiar. No additional investments, alterations and reconfigurations are required;
  • the ability to minimize contacts with potential carriers of the virus during the entire required period without “locking in four walls” (placement in a large enclosed area);
  • ready-made infrastructure for a long stay of employees;
  • acceptable time to travel to and from the office.

As you may have guessed, option number 3 became the main one.

It remains only to find such a place, and we found it!

The Ginger boarding house was chosen as the place of residence of the "all-seeing eye" of the company (the name, as you understood, was changed to fictitious).

"Ginger" possessed everything necessary:

  • far from the work office, but can be comfortably reached by bus;
  • a large isolated area with a room stock of more than 50 rooms;
  • comfortable accommodation for 1-2 people in the room;
  • centralized provision of three meals a day (incoming products undergo preliminary heat treatment);
  • personnel serving the “clean zone” reside in the territory of the sanatorium;
  • “Incoming” personnel serves only external systems of the boarding house and does not have access to the isolation zone;
  • lack of guests and visitors from outside.

Timeline of the operation “Pension”

As soon as we decided on the option, we had to act further and act quickly:

  • April 13 - a decision was made in the company - “exported”;
  • April 14 - we left for the place, to see live what and how;
  • April 15 - we formulated the conditions on which we will translate
employees: one and a half months in complete isolation, without relatives, providing free meals for the entire stay and work, etc.

An important point is voluntary participation. We immediately admitted that some employees may refuse.

  • April 15 (on the same day) - the Director General holds a video conference with employees of the emergency services and their leaders. Tells about the situation, about the decision of the Company to organize a new operating mode of the DS and about the main conditions. The children were given time to think until 12:00 the next day;
  • April 16 - the general composition of the team was formed for departure to a boarding house, including, in addition to those on duty, also AXO employees - those who provide a comfortable stay in the "clean zone" of the office.

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On April 21 at 10:00 the first group of employees took up duty, who was supposed to leave for the boarding house the next morning, and on April 25 at 10-00 the last group had already left.

So, in four days the evacuation was completed , and we began to disinfect the "clean zone" in the office. In those few hours that were required for this process, we were insured by the persons on duty who are in the reserve office. When the disinfection was completed, the first shift of attendants, who arrived from the boarding house, was launched into the cleaned “clean zone”. A completely new story has begun of the life and work of our DS, which we, perhaps, will tell you about in the future.


After already 6 weeks of life in a new way, we can state that the experiment met our expectations.We have protected the health of our DS without losing its effectiveness. Well, from the point of view of the team - there are sports, entertainment, fishing, walks in the fresh air (luxury in modern times) in the life of the DS, and the May holidays were held with traditional barbecue. And what a team building it turned out! Such an association with the team as it is now, it would be difficult to achieve with ordinary events.

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