Four seniors per seat, 300,000 in Ufa and one C # developer job in Samara - numbers in IT for the winter 2019-2020

At the end of 2017, we created the Telegram bot Headz analytics . He monitors salaries in the IT industry for the most popular programming languages ​​in the 12 largest cities of Russia. The bot gives information both on the salary fork and the expectations of employers, as well as the salary expectations of applicants from open sources: HeadHunter, My Circle, Telegram, as well as our own database.

For the winter of 2019-2020, we collected data on supply and demand in IT and processed it. What happened: the maximum average salary in IT is not in Moscow, the ratio of resume and vacancy offers sometimes reaches 14 to 1, and in the regions there are specialties for which there is only one offer from the employer for the whole city. The remaining conclusions from the figures are in an article with graphs and charts.

In the sample, we distinguished three categories: juniors, middle and senior from 12 cities. We shared vacancies and resumes by directions: development, databases, DevOps, QA, Big Data, management and UX / UI. They were divided by platform, for example, Android and iOS, and by language. Let's start with the distribution of offers by city.

By city

Most of the vacancies were in Moscow - 7745. This is almost half of all the offers on the market. In some regions, there are fewer orders of magnitude. For example, a minimum of job offers in IT in Ryazan is 171 vacancies. 

The summary is multiple more. In Moscow, the ratio is 3 resumes for 1 vacancy, and in St. Petersburg it is 5 to 1. The minimum proportion in Tomsk is about 2 people per job.

By level

If we compare by level, then most of all requests for seniors in Moscow are 2032, as well as resumes - 8163. It turned out that this is the lowest ratio of candidates and employers. For example, in Ryazan there were only 17 vacancies where a senior was required, and in Ufa there were 33. At the same time, the first city had 279 senior and the second 746. The proportion was from 16 to 22 senior for one job, which is much more in relative terms than in the capital.

For juniors and their resumes, the bias in the ratio of vacancies is greater. For example, in Moscow this ratio is more than 1 to 8, in St. Petersburg - 1 to 14. 

By directions

We consider several areas: development (including on different platforms), databases, QA, Big Data, UX / UI designer, DevOps and management. The ratio of vacancies in the directions.

For example, there are 5,958 vacancies in development, when for ten times less there are 563 for management, and only 87 for UX / UI designers. It seems that the most important are “working” specialties, not managers. This is confirmed by the TOP-5 job offers:  

SQL - 2654.
QA Engineer - 2095.
QA hardware - 1814.
Javascript - 1716.
PHP - 1004.

At the same time, the same TOP-5 on the resume looks different - 2 out of 5 positions are occupied by management.

The system administrator is 15104.
Project manager is 11245. The
architect is 9055. The
QA Engineer is 8262.
CTO - 3058.

The most scarce specialists:

DBA administrator - 8.
QA manual testing - 7.
QA mobile - 2.

And for QA hardware, and specialists associated with PostgreSQL and Oracle PL / SQL, there was no resume at all. 

Value resume by direction.

"Scarce" frames

In analytics, we used more than 16,000 vacancies. The list of 27 specializations, but they are not present in all cities: in some there were no vacancies from juniors to middle ones.

  • In Ryazan there were no offers for service stations, Data analyst, Product manager, Java and iOS developers.
  • In Samara, there were no vacancies for Go-developers, Product manager and Data Science.
  • In Kazan - for Data Science and CTO.
  • In Ufa, nothing was published that would be associated with Big Data, Go and Java.

If we talk about rare vacancies, then there were directions with one proposal for the whole city. For example, Tomsk and Ryazan needed only one (per city) junior Android developer, and Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod - in one senior.

  • In Samara and Voronezh, there was also one vacancy for a C # developer. But in the first city a junior was required, and in the second a senior. The difference in salaries is also significant: 30 and 125 thousand, respectively.
  • In Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh, one CTO was required. The spread of salaries is strange: from 43 to 176 thousand for one level.
  • One Data Science was needed in Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh and Ryazan. In the first three, they wanted to hire joons, which is noticeable in salaries: from 22 to 44 thousand. In the second half - a level higher, with forks from 72 to 132 thousand rubles per month.

Directions are not with zero, but the minimum number of vacancies:

Data analyst - 92.
UX / UI designer - 87.
Product manager - 76.
Architect - 72.
DBA administrator - 68.
QA (manual testing) - 55.
QA (mobile) - 16 .

some of them are not required Junior. For example, young specialists in Moscow and Kazan were not looking for manual testing. At the same time, there are no vacancies in Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Ryazan, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh for both middle and senior QA for manual testing.

Architect, system analyst, DBA administrator, UX / UI designer or Ruby developer are also very rare vacancies in the regions. At the same time, they are present in other cities. Perhaps the experts simply moved to where their skills are in demand?

There are a lot of "empty" vacancies, and you can see the active ones by asking the bot.


How does the fork of the developer’s salaries change from the location? It seems that the biggest salaries in Moscow. This is so, for example, for the senior level CTO (from 6 years of work) in Moscow they offer 335 thousand. But the regions are pulling up: in Ufa, the senior C # developers are offered 307 thousand compensation, and in Novosibirsk - 300 thousand for the senior Data Science.

In terms of average salaries, Moscow is no longer in the first position.

Fork offers seniors. The maximum variation between the minimum and maximum rates at Data Science. It is noteworthy that for this work they also offer a maximum average salary of 300 thousand.

A plug of offers for middle persons.

Minimum salaries, of course, among juniors. For example, in Samara they offer 17 thousand rubles for work on Oracle PL / SQL. But not everyone has it: in Ryazan, 90 thousand are offered to a junior Android developer, which is even higher than 77 thousand in Moscow or some middle salaries.

Junior income plug. For comparison, the maximum limit is the average salary of Data Science at 300 thousand rubles. 

Note. Some vacancies did not have junior positions, for example, CTO, Product manager or Project manager. Therefore, they did not fall into the sample with juniors.

If you’re interested in learning which forks employers offer and how much they fit your level, use Headz analyticsa bot. It will help to find out not only your market salary depending on experience and place of residence, but also get advice on evaluating a resume.

What do you think about statistics? How accurate is the hit in your specialty? Are salaries too high or too low? What I would like to add, and what is superfluous? We are waiting for your opinion in the comments.

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