4 agreements

Miguel Ruiz, author of the famous book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, invites the reader to conclude 4 agreements. What kind of agreement and why is this all, we will consider in this article.

I really like the idea of ​​mindfulness. This is when you to some extent understand what is happening to you, where you are going and what your landmarks are, and how you, a being of a human appearance, stand out from the billions of other homo sapiens living side by side around you. We are constantly collecting pieces of the puzzle of mindfulness around, maneuvering through life, sometimes grabbing insights of reality on the go.

Once I came across a book that slightly changed my understanding of the world, emphasized important things and provided a fresh sip of that very awareness.

The Four Agreements reminded me of the main thing.

The book consists of a small set of rules that help you look at life in terms of inner strength. If you use it to analyze your behavior and maybe even try to change something to put yourself in order with your inner values, this may well give you a feeling of confidence that what you are doing is right, regardless of the environment and people who influence you every day, no matter how controversial the situation may be. And vice versa, it can give a sign that maybe I'm doing something wrong or turned somewhere else in the wrong place.

If you keep these guidelines in mind, you can build your life in accordance with some high standards of your own, for which you are not ashamed to answer before yourself or some other good people.

A lot of things in our life depend on our own perspective and point of view. The cylinder can be seen in completely different forms, contemplating it from different angles. What the following banal picture reminds us of.


But this very perspective very much affects how we respond to situations in which it is not always very easy to understand.

So, 4 agreements. Agreements with you.

1 - Be Impeccable With Your Word

Words are very important. The way we express our attitude to other people or to what is happening quite often coincides with our inner worldview and understanding of reality. Sometimes it happens that our words begin to diverge from our actions. And then the balance is broken. Instead of presenting a strict architecture to the world, built on the basis of some more or less clear rules, we begin to behave like unpredictable spaghetti code. And nobody around likes this. Some people try to replay this world, intentionally behaving in this way, but as a result they become confused and begin to perceive themselves as they imagine themselves in words. And this is fraught with an increasing number of commits in the swamp of its own brunch, which, like a snowball, is moving away from what is actually happening.Be impeccable with your word, act like what you say to yourself, and say what is natural and impeccable for you.

2 — Don’t Take Anything Personally/

Very often, people greatly exaggerate their importance to others. And as a result, they greatly overestimate the participation of others in their lives. If someone cut us at a traffic light, we perceive it as if this man on a white BMW had been waiting for this moment all his life to spoil my mood, and now, satisfied with the fullness of his mission, joyfully retires. The likelihood of such a scenario is close to 0, as well as similar situations with a manager, colleague or loved ones. Sometimes people simply don’t notice what causes someone inconvenience, without any personal intent. Never take anything personally. If you understand that everyone can have a bunch of their own problems, and you are worried not from harm, but in the vast majority, because of your own misfortune of being,the desire to spoil your mood and get angry at someone will appear less often. Everything is perishable.

3 — Don’t Make Assumptions/

Even the old Google said, “in any incomprehensible situation, see Wikipedia.” And in many ways he is right. This rule has a little something in common with the previous one. Attempts to restore reality using assumptions are far from always successful. We are too focused on ourselves and our own problems to crystal clear evaluate what is happening around. The noise and noise that the environment has endowed with the brain, social norms, emotional state, etc., have a very strong effect on our perception of the world. A person who did not put a variable in place in the class did not necessarily want to ruin the masterpiece of your brain thought. In the end, you can just come up to ask what this person wanted to express with this act of sacrilege. Do not trust assumptions, check all important things. Maybe some kind of rational grain really lies under this variable,about which you do not yet know and this will allow you to expand your own horizons.

4 — Always Do Your Best/ ,

Not always we get the way we want. Bugs crawl out at the most inopportune moment and the manager calls for a product demonstration at this very moment. But if we have an internal attitude, “Regardless of what is happening, I try to do the best that I can,” any situation becomes a little more understandable and it is easier to approach it in order to try to do something. Even if you don’t sit in deep debug, half an hour before the presentation to the client, but wallow with a laptop on the azure seashore, surrounded by naked divas and jacks, try to make the most of your ability to make it noticeable even after years that here worked as a professional. This will give a lot of self-confidence. In that, whatever you do, you are not ashamed to show or explain to anyone,that you tried to achieve the best result in these particular circumstances.

I hope these agreements will help someone to find a guide or understand what is happening around in a strange human world.

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