People do not want to know English

I came across an interesting article with a paradoxical thesis that, suddenly, people DO NOT WANT to earn more.

Thanks to her, she managed to formulate something that had long loomed somewhere in the preconscious: see the headline.

A friend once told me that he has been attending an English school for 2 years. He helped me in some ways, and I paid him a place in my school for an English course. From the very first lessons it turned out that he absolutely did not understand anything about English at the most basic level, and they VERY clearly demonstrated this to him - complete absolute nullists gave more correct answers than he already literally in the 3rd lesson. As a result, he did not finish the course, because he did not do the dz, was inattentive in the classroom and ceased to understand anything by the middle of the stream.

After he told me that RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL, which gave him nothing in 2 (!) Years, I was shocked for a couple of days. And then I realized that he did not need English - he needed to live in a comfort zone with the feeling that he was moving somewhere. He remembers some expressions, there is a sense of progress.

If we discard the numerous language schools that parasitize on this human trait, we can distinguish two approaches, two philosophies of responsible teaching:

1. I work with those who work, I give those who take, I do not force anyone.

2. Army: do not care about your individual characteristics, do not care how you got here - we will knock out the necessary minimum from you, whether you want it or not, it’s interesting or not. Otherwise, you simply will not survive.

The thesis stated in the title indirectly confirms that our quite loyal graduates, who have left good reviews, as a rule, do not read my articles posted on this blog, despite the urgent recommendations. It would seem that a simple logical chain: they gave you an excellent result. Maybe you should listen to the one who gave it?

I, too, am not without sin. I’ve been playing a six-string guitar all my life. Friends say that I play well. I really play well, I don’t pull on a professional. How so? people in 5-7 years go to the professional level! the explanation is, and very simple. Those who become professionals in a few years are working on it. Slowly, accurately for hours playing scales, exercises. And I, instead of working, played for fun. I like to play blues solos. They are quite simple, I play them often to relax, or when I think about something, for example. And even progress in technology is: every year I play better. But the progress that I make in a year can be done in 2-4 weeks, if you methodically play dreary exercises every day. Here is the result: more than 20 years of experience, but did not become a professional guitarist.

Further text for our graduates, the rest is not very relevant.

A critical mass of claims has accumulated over the rigidity of conducting group exercises (especially mine), it is time to answer.

Most students do not understand the scale of what is happening in the basic course.

For 2 months and 3 weeks, we give a person with a level of ability BELOW AVERAGE sophisticated material, to the realization of which I personally went 10 years. Now stop and think about it. I, with a level of ability to languages ​​above average. It was walking. To the realization of all these things. Ten (10) years.

None of the courses (only extremely rare private teachers) are able to give a result in group work, even closer to the one that we give on the basic course in such a small number of hours: there are no longer units of information - a completely conceptual level is reached at the output (interpretation in first articles of this blog). There are no failures - only if the student grossly violates simple directives, which are very clearly formulated in the first classes.

The version that it gives me pleasure to put pressure on people falls apart in 5 seconds: after the basic, as you know, there is the same three-month additional course. Many of those who passed it noted that they replaced Leonid on it: we sit down in a row, speak with our fingers, practically no pressure on students is a solid positive.

On the basic situation is fundamentally different. We are always very tightly limited in time (the course cannot be interrupted) by student schedules. For example, the autumn stream begins in September, it needs to be released before December 20, otherwise CATASTROPHE: then everyone is busy with the session and New Year's chores. The winter stream starts, as soon as students come from vacation in February, we cannot start earlier in principle. It needs to be released before the beginning of May. Otherwise, then they will leave, no matter how shouting that the last classes are the most important on the course.

And in this interval, you need to accommodate all of the English language - this is an extremely complex combat task on the verge of capabilities of both students and teachers. People, of course, are at first distracted - they don’t hear a question, think about something of their own. THE WHOLE GROUP is slowed down due to someone's personal irresponsibility and nonsense. But I quickly set the rules of the game, and this mess is sharply reduced.

During hostilities, the commander has the authority to shoot a subordinate on the spot, deliberately endangering the entire unit. The same thing is happening here, only a different scale of danger and, accordingly, less harsh actions on the part of the commander.

Just do not tell me that I inadequately assess the capabilities of students and demand too much - many years of experience behind me. The system was developed for, and was run in on middle children 10-11 years old. Questions that are asked on the course do not exceed the level of intellectual competence of an average person 10-11 years old - verified, working:

I do not expect from people who have come to the course, either knowledge of English words, or the ability to process information even at the level of 11 years - we begin with the basics. I presume that in front of me are 9-10-year-old children. There is only one requirement - to monitor the progress of the lesson and not turn off the brain. Some do not even give me this. There is no time to ceremony, we turn on emergency mechanisms for monitoring the situation.

If a person is not ready to tolerate the conditions of the barracks for 3 months in order to get what I gnawed with my teeth for 10 years, he does not need English, he obviously needs something else. So he made a mistake at school.

Some comrades perceive our educational process based on stereotypes about how courses should work. We do not fit into these stereotypes, we will not lick anyone. CT-School is a laboratory for the development of teaching technologies that work with everyone, regardless of their desire.

And there are different opinions: someone himself admits that it worked only due to pressure. And in reviews, they are often surprised at my stress tolerance and patience: “I would kill” (from private conversations with students).

Well and hard I do not always and not all treat: for example, about some girls it’s immediately clear that it’s impossible to harshly with them - they fall into a stupor and begin to think worse.

PS Conditionally people can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Those who are busy with business and really moving something somewhere. Such people do not have time to think about how their random move will respond in the public field.
  2. The functionaries who organize countless and meaningless "events" - contests, open days, meetings. They constantly look back: how will this be perceived? Ah, not to step on someone's leg.

One of the tragedies of society is that the former are spread rot, while the latter become famous and influential.


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